5,520 research outputs found

    The invisible poor door: Claudia Derbez Fernández

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    As a foreign student, I have learned that British society is a classist society. I didn’t perceived it like that before, but from my interest in social classes, I began investigating academic theories of class stratification, which has me now studying the MSc in Inequalities and Social Sciences here at LSE. As a Mexican, I have always noticed that our classist society foments inequalities, and I wanted to “get to know the causes of things” in order to change it. I now have more knowledge on theories of discrimination, social stratification, and classes, and the way British academia is finding answer to the “social class in the 21st century”. And with five months living in London, I understand now more the how British society is a very classist one

    Programas preventivos basados en fluoruros en preescolares de riesgo social con altos índices de caries

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    En Mendoza se realizó un estudio clínico de intervención, prospectivo de dos años, dirigido a preescolares en riesgo social con alto índice de caries con el objetivo de evaluar la eficacia y efectividad de un programa preventivo basado en fluoruros. El programa preventivo se basó en acciones de educación para la salud, enseñanza de técnicas de higiene bucal y aplicación tópica de flúor fosfato acidulado realizadas dos veces durante el ciclo escolar. La muestra intencionada sumó 96 niños de sala de 4 años (2009) que fueron evaluados en su cursado posterior en sala de 5 años (2010) y en 1er año de EGB durante 2011. Niños asistentes a sala de 5 años y primer año EGB al momento del examen basal (2009) conformaron el grupo control. Se les aplicó el mismo programa por razones éticas. A 12 y 24 meses de aplicado el programa se evaluó: porcentaje de libres de caries, ceod+CPOD, cpos+CPOS y sus valores discriminados, medias de categorías ICDAS II, índice de Placa Bacteriana de Löe y Silness e índice de necesidad de tratamiento de caries de Bordoni. Se determinó la distribución de frecuencias e intervalos de confianza para cada variable; medidas de tendencia central y dispersión y se realizaron comparaciones entre grupos mediante la prueba T de Student y chi cuadrado con un nivel de p=0.05. Resultados: Comparando sala 5 años 2010 / sala de 5 años 2009: disminuyeron significativamente las medias de ceod +CPOD, ICDAS 6, Índice Placa Löe e índice de necesidad de tratamiento. Comparando 1er año 2011 / 1er año 2009: disminuyeron significativamente las medias de cs+CS, ceos+CPOS e ICDAS 4. El resto de los valores no mostró diferencias significativas. Conclusión: Un programa preventivo basado en fluoruros es efectivo y tiene efectos positivos sobre la prevalencia de caries en preescolares de Mendoza.A 2-year prospective clinical study was conducted in Mendoza City in order to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of a prevention program based on fluoride. This study was aimed at schoolchildren with social risks and high levels of caries. The preventive program was based on health care education, oral hygiene techniques and the external application of acescent phosphate fluoride, performed twice during the school year. The sample was conducted on 96 children – study group- attending room of 4 years old (2009). Subsequently, they were evaluated at the room of 5 years old (2010) and at 1rst grade of EGB during 2011.The control group was formed by children attending room of 5 years old and 1st grade of EGB at the basal test in 2009. The same program was applied to them also for ethical reasons. After the program was applied from 12 to 24 months, the following aspects were evaluated: Percentage of cariesfree, ceod+CPOD, cpos+CPOS and its discriminated values, ICDAS II categories means, Löe and Silness plaque index, Bordoni need for caries treatment (CNTI). The frequency distribution and confidence intervals for each variable were determined; central tendency measures and dispersion. In addition, comparisons between groups by means of Students t test and chi square with p=0.05 level were made. Results: Comparing 5 years old group 2010/ 5 years old group 2009, the mean of dmft +DMFT, ICDAS 6 decreased significantly, Löe plaque and CNTI indexes. Comparing 1st year 2011 / 1st year 2009: the means of cs + CS, dmfs+DMFS and ICDAS 4 decreased significantly. The rest of the values did not show significant differences. Conclusion: From one to two years after the implementation of the program, although there is a tendency towards increasing the illness situation, that increase tends to be lower than in the control groups.Fil: Fernández, Claudia Nélida. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Odontologí

    Borges, traductor imposible de Dante

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    La Comedia de Dante es una referencia intertextual que atraviesa toda la obra de madurez de Borges, que la considera el ápice de todas las literaturas, el clásico por antonomasia, un texto en el que cada palabra está justificada. En 1952, la Universidad de Puerto Rico le encomendó la traducción del texto dantesco, que Borges nunca realizó. El propósito de este trabajo es rastrear en la obra de Borges señales de las causas literarias de esta decisión. Para ello, a partir de sus ricas y a menudo contradictoras posiciones acerca de la traducción, y de las características de su labor traductiva, se estudian las distintas estrategias (de traducción literal, paráfrasis, resumen o cita textual en italiano) a las que Borges recurre en las ocasiones en que debe referir palabras de Dante en conferencias, ensayos, poemas y cuentos. Se cotejan, por último, estas estrategias con las que Borges despliega en sus traducciones, con el fin de establecer la especificidad de su vínculo con Dante en el marco de su poética.Borges, impossible translator of Dante Dante's Comedy is an intertextual reference that runs throughout the mature work of Borges, who considers it the pinnacle of all literature, a classic par excellence and a text in which every word is justified. In 1952, the University of Puerto Rico commissioned Borges to translate the poem, but he never carried out the task. The purpose of this article is to search for the literary reasons for this decision in Borges' work. To that end, on the basis of his rich and often contradictory stances on translation, as well as the characteristics of his work as a translator, we study the different strategies (literal translation, paraphrase, summary and quoting in the original language) Borges uses when referring to Dante's words in lectures, essays, poems and short stories. Finally, we compare these strategies with those used in his translations, in order to establish the specificity of his bond with Dante in the framework of his poetics

    Detección de ritmo cardiaco mediante análisis de secuencias de video en modalidad sin color

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fin de grado consiste en mejorar un algoritmo que permite detectar el ritmo cardiaco a partir de análisis de secuencias de vídeo basadas en cambios movimiento. Este algoritmo ha sido adaptado también para poder aplicarse en secuencias de profunidad. Se ha decidido utilizar el algoritmo en este tipo de secuencias porque no se ven influenciadas por las condiciones de iluminación y además garantizan la privacidad del individuo. Se ha desarrollado por lo tanto un algoritmo en el que se obtiene el pulso de forma manual. Una vez que se ha validado el algoritmo de forma manual en secuencias de profundidad obteniéndose unos resultados bastante precisos, se ha procedido a añadir nuevas implementaciones para realizar el algoritmo de forma automática. Estas implementaciones se han realizado en la primera etapa del algoritmo: la detección de la región de interés. En este tipo de método se ha considerado también la distancia a la que se encuentra el individuo de la cámara. Finalmente, se ha realizado una comparativa entre las dos técnicas desarrolladas concluyéndose que aunque se obtienen resultados más exactos con la forma manual, resulta mejor utilizar el algoritmo automático ya que no requiere de la interacción del usuario para reconocer la región de interés

    On the origin, development and sociolinguistic status of Scots

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    Traballo Fin de Grao en Lingua e Literatura Inglesas. Curso 2021-2022Scots is a Germanic language whose origin is to be found in the variety of Old English spoken by the Angles in the Lowlands of Scotland about 1400 years ago. For a long time, Scots has been the subject of a great controversy among linguists. Many scholars have tried to provide an answer for a key question, whether the Scots is an independent language or a variety of English. The existence of a dialect continuum between broad Scots and Scottish Standard English (Maguire 2012: 53), which makes many Scots and English dialects mutually intelligible, is one of the main reasons why this issue is so difficult to solve. The study of Scots is very rewarding, due to this complex origin, its high degree of linguistic variation, the changes in prestige it has undergone over time (Millar 2016:49, 59) and its long history of contact with other languages. The aim of this dissertation is to offer an account of the history and evolution of Scots across centuries, as well as its most relevant linguistics features. The dissertation is divided into two parts. In the theoretical part, I will carry out a study of Scots, focusing on those aspects of the external history of Scotland which play an important role in its evolution and sociolinguistic status [among others, Union of the Crowns in 1603 and the vernacular revival of the 18th century]. Other important issues such as absence of standardization and predominance of oral transmission will also be addressed. Moreover, this part will include a description of the variety, paying attention to its main phonological, grammatical and lexical features, comparing them with English. The empirical part of the dissertation will be devoted to the analysis of a selection of texts belonging to different periods of Scots; early Scots (1350-1450), Middle Scots (1450-1700) and Modern Scots (1700-present day), where the relevant linguistic features will be identifie

    Is it possible to quantify the functions of the dress? A Question for Functional Analysis Methods in Design

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    When we face the study of dress from its artifactual identity, we observe that its so-called functional dimension cannot be understood in the same terms proposed by the ergonomics of the product, that is, from the ergonomic concepts of usability, efficiency, effectiveness and psychological comfort in relation to a specific activity or work.This article, presents the results of a review of the functional analysis methods commonly used by design for the study of clothing, and explains why they are insufficient or limited to address the multiple functions of this particular artifact. At the same time, it proposes some considerations for its functional analysis that contribute in a decisive way to the design process of the clothing design.


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    En esta antología, editada por J. Grondin, se recoge una serie de textos de H.G. Gadamer, padre de la hermenéutic

    La cuestión de los animales : teoría de la moral aplicada

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    Reflexión ética sobre los derechos de los animale