6,819 research outputs found

    The Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences 2015

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    High quality Fe3-deltaO4/InAs hybrid structure for electrical spin injection

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    Single Crystalline Fe3-deltaO4 (0<=delta<=0.33) films have been epitaxially grown on InAs (001) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy using O2 as source of active oxygen. Under optimum growth conditions in-situ real time reflection high-energy electron diffraction patterns along with ex-situ atomic force microscopy indicated the (001) Fe3-deltaO4 to be grown under step-flow-growth mode with a characteristic surface reconstruction. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy demonstrate the possibility to obtain iron oxides with compositions ranging from Fe3O4 to gamma-Fe2O3. Superconducting quantum interference device magnetometer at 300K shows well behaved magnetic properties giving therefore credibility to the promise of iron based oxides for spintronic applications.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures appeared in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology, Vol:15, issue12, March 26, 200

    Phase diagram of the 1/3-filled extended Hubbard model on the Kagome lattice

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    We study the phase diagram of the extended Hubbard model on the kagome lattice at 1/3 filling. By combining a configuration interaction approach to an unrestricted Hartree-Fock, we construct an effective hamiltonian which takes the correlations back on top of the mean-field solution. We obtain a rich phase diagram with, in particular, the presence of two original phases. The first one consists of polarized droplets of metal standing on the hexagons of the lattice, and an enlarged kagome charge order, inversely polarized, on the remaining sites. The second, obeying a local ice-rule type constraint on the triangles of the kagome lattice, is driven by an antiferromagnetically coupling of spins and is constituted of disconnected 6-spin singlet rings. The nature and stability of these phases at large interactions is studied via variational wave functions and perturbation theory.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    A high power handling capability CMOS T/R switch for x-band phased array antenna systems

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    This paper presents a single-pole double-throw (SPDT) transmit/receive (T/R) switch fabricated in 0.25-ÎŒm SiGe BiCMOS process for X-Band (8 – 12 GHz) phased array radar applications. The switch is based on series-shunt topology with combination of techniques to improve insertion loss (IL), isolation and power handling capability (P1dB). These techniques include optimization of transistor widths for lower insertion loss and parallel resonance technique to improve isolation. In addition, DC biasing of input and output ports, on-chip impedance transformation networks (ITN) and resistive body-floating are used to improve P1dB of the switch. All these design techniques resulted in a measured IL of 3.6 dB, isolation of 30.8 dB and P1dB of 28.2 dBm at 10 GHz. The return losses at both input and output ports are better than 16 dB from 8 to 12 GHz. To our knowledge, this work presents the highest P1dB at X-Band compared to other reported single-ended CMOS T/R switches in the literature

    A new resonant circuit for 2.45 GHz LC VCO with linear frequency tuning

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    A new MOS varactor bank is proposed to implement a 2.45 GHz SiGe BiCMOS LC-tank voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) with linear frequency tuning. Compared to a conventional VCO, the proposed technique improves the quality factor of the LC-tank while preserving the linearity of the circuit. Realized in 0.25-ÎŒm SiGe BiCMOS technology, VCO exhibits 35% VCO gain (KVCO) variation from 2.29 to 2.66 GHz with a 16% tuning ratio. The VCO also exhibits a phase noise of -113 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset frequency and consumes 1.7 mA from 1.8 V supply

    Measuring Baseball’s Heartbeat: The Hidden Harms of Wearable Technology to Professional Ballplayers

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    Föreliggande examensarbete undersöker möjligheterna att effektivisera order- och lagerhanteringen av surfplattor hos företaget Företag A. Arbetet Ă€r avgrĂ€nsat till företagets varuhus i Barkarby och till de tvĂ„ största mĂ€rkena pĂ„ marknaden just nu; Apple och Samsung. Detta Ă€r ett Ă€mne som Ă€r relativt nytt eftersom det Ă€r en relativt ny marknad runt hela vĂ€rlden som har exploderat sedan Apples första lansering av surfplattan. Eftersom Företag A sĂ€ljer samtliga mĂ€rkens surfplattor vilka har helt olika efterfrĂ„gan, sĂ„ kan deras order- och lagerhantering bli svĂ„rhanterlig. De uppstĂ€llda frĂ„gestĂ€llningarna som ligger till grund för arbetet Ă€r: Vilken/vilka teoretiska modeller om orderhantering kan bĂ€st tillĂ€mpas pĂ„ fallet Företag A Barkarby? Vilka Ă„tgĂ€rder skulle kunna genomföras för att effektivisera det nuvarande arbetssĂ€ttet? UtifrĂ„n dessa frĂ„gor har en del modeller undersöks huruvida de passar in i bĂ„de teori och praktik pĂ„ Företag As sĂ€tt att hantera de mest sĂ„lda surfplattorna pĂ„ sitt lager. Genom att studera deras arbetssĂ€tt nĂ€r det gĂ€ller ordrar och förvaring pĂ„ lagret kan sedan passande modeller appliceras. Fallstudien har till stor del genomförts genom att utifrĂ„n studielitteratur diskutera Ă€mnet med personal frĂ„n Företag A; bĂ„de frĂ„n huvudkontoret och frĂ„n Barkarbyvaruhuset.Resultatet frĂ„n uppsatsen Ă€r att det inte finns nĂ„gon befintlig modell som passar in till 100% pĂ„ Företag As arbetssĂ€tt, dĂ€remot finns det andra faktorer som kan Ă€ndras pĂ„ för att fĂ„ en mer kontinuerlig och överseende orderhantering. Marknaden för surfplattor Ă€r otroligt oförutsĂ€gbar och fluktuerar ofta utan nĂ„got utstuderat mönster. Det enda som har visat sig vara sĂ€kert Ă€r Ă„tgĂ„ngen av de tvĂ„ mest populĂ€ra mĂ€rkena nĂ€r de slĂ€pper en ny modell.Marknaden för elektronikkedjor Ă€r otroligt konkurrensstyrd, inte bara i Sverige utan i hela Europa, vilket gör det Ă€n viktigare att ha rĂ€tt kvantitet pĂ„ lager. Finns inte det kunderna vill ha sĂ„ gĂ„r de nĂ„gon annanstans, eftersom priserna pĂ„ surfplattor Ă€r densamma överallt.This paper examines the possibilities to make the handling of orders and storage for tablets more efficient for Företag As warehouse in Barkarby. The work is limited to the company’s warehouse in Barkarby and to the two largest manufacturers for tablets; Apple and Samsung. This is a relatively new subject because it is a relatively new market around the world, which has exploded since Apple released their first tablet. Because Företag A sells every manufacturer’s tablet, all with different demands, it makes the organisation of orders and storage quite difficult.The formulated questions which this paper is based on are: Which of the theoretical models about orderhandeling can best be applied on the case of Företag A Barkarby? What measures can be used to make the current way of working more efficient? With these questions as a starting point some models have been studied whether they fit in theory and practice in the way Företag A works when it comes to handling the most sold tablets in their storage. Through studying their way of working suiting models can be applied. The case study has mainly been implemented by after reading student literature discussing the problems with people who works at Företag A; both at the head quarters and in the warehouse in Barkarby.The result from this essay is that there isn’t any model which fits 100 % on Företag A’s way of work, but there are other factors that can be changed to get a more continuous and overseeing order process. The market for tablets is very unpredictable and fluctuates often without a worked out pattern. The only sure thing is the demand with the two most popular manufacturers when they release a new model.The market for electronic chains is extremely competition controlled, not only in Sweden but in all of Europe, which makes it even more important to have the right quantity in storage. If the product that the customers want isn’t available they simply go somewhere else, since the prices are the same everywhere
