271 research outputs found

    Analisa Pengaruh Tingkat Suku Bunga, Inflasi, Kurs, dan Jumlah Uang Beredar terhadap Volume Perdagangan Saham pada Lq-45

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    The capital market is one of investment alternative that able to yield optimal advantage for investor. Each investor is requiring of relevant information with transaction development in stock. This is very important to be made in consideration in compiling strategy and decision making of investment in capital market. The objectives of this research to analyze the influence of interest rate, inflation, exchang rate, and money supply to volume of stock trading on LQ-45 that listed on BEI in 2009-2012 periods.This research using time series data from IDX Statistic ICMD (Indonesian Capital Market Directory) and Indonesian Bank monthly published on BEI in January 2009 until December 2012. Population in this research is all company which included on LQ-45 that is 45 companies and number of samples 16 companies by passing phase purposive sample. Analyze technique to use in this research is multiple linier regression to obtain describe which totally regarding relationship between one variable with other variable. And use aplication Statistical Package For Social Sciences (SPSS) Statistics 21 program. The result of this reseacrh shows that interest rate variable has a negative and not significant to volume of stock trading, while inflation variable has a positive and not significant to volume of stock trading intrading, exchang rate and money supply variable has a negative and significant to volume of stock trading on LQ-45.Result of Adjuts R SquareKeywords : Volume of Stock Trading, Interest Rate, Inflation, Exchange Rates, Broad Mone

    Human-robot interaction for improving fuselage assembly tasks: A case study

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    In current industrial systems, automation is a very important aspect for assessing manufacturing production performance related to working times, accuracy of operations and quality. In particular, the introduction of a robotic system in the working area should guarantee some improvements, such as risks reduction for human operators, better quality results and a speed increase for production processes. In this context, human action remains still necessary to carry out part of the subtasks, as in the case of composites assembly processes. This study aims at presenting a case study regarding the reorganization of the working activity carried out in workstation in which a composite fuselage panel is assembled in order to demonstrate, by means of simulation tool, that some of the advantages previously listed can be achieved also in aerospace industry. In particular, an entire working process for composite fuselage panel assembling will be simulated and analyzed in order to demonstrate and verify the applicability and effectiveness of human-robot interaction (HRI), focusing on working times and ergonomics and respecting the constraints imposed by standards ISO 10218 and ISO TS 15066. Results show the effectiveness of HRI both in terms of assembly performance, by reducing working times and ergonomics-for which the simulation provides a very low risk index

    Karakter Pemimpin Melayu dalam Pemimpin Ungkapan Melayu Karya Tenas Effendy

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    This study discusses the characters in the text Leader Leader Malay Malay phrase Tenas work Effendy. This study used a qualitative approach and descriptive method that aims to describe the characters contained in the text of the Malay phrase Leaders Work Tenas Effendy. In this study the authors used data collection techniques are engineering documentation, then classified based on the character-karakater leader according to Islam formulated into conclusions. The results of the research I have found in this study is the leader according to Islamic code contained in the text leader among Malay expression trustful character, character fathanah, characters and character shidiq sermons

    Experiências de integração na investigação do trabalho doméstico: reconfiguração do habitus científico

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    DINÂMIA'CET, Dezembro de 2009.O objectivo deste texto consiste em compreender os processos sociais de integração na investigação por nós experienciados enquanto Bolseiras de Integração na Investigação (BII), estudantes do primeiro ciclo do ensino superior, especificamente nas áreas da Sociologia e Ciências da Educação. As bolsas em questão foram-nos atribuídas pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) a 2 de Dezembro do ano 2008 e tiveram a duração de 12 meses. O tipo de bolsa que nos foi atribuída, denominada “Bolsa de Integração na Investigação”, destina-se a estudantes do primeiro ciclo inscritos em instituições nacionais do Ensino Superior e tem por objectivo “estimular o início de actividades científicas e o desenvolvimento do sentido crítico, da criatividade e da autonomia dos estudantes através da prática da investigação, da aprendizagem dos seus métodos e da participação na vida de instituições de investigação”2. O projecto de investigação no qual nos integrámos denomina-se “Trabalho Doméstico e Trabalhadores Domésticos: Perspectivas interdisciplinares e comparadas” desenvolvido no DINÂMIA (Centro de Estudos sobre a Mudança Socioeconómica.FC

    Identifikasi Pigmen Karotenoid Pada Bakteri Simbion Rumput Laut Kappahycus Alvarezii

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    Carotenoid is one of the most important pigments that have important roles for human health. Carotenoids are believed to improve the better immune responses, anticancer, antioxidant, provitamin A and are also used in the treatment of disease that are sensitive to light. Carotenoids are yellow pigments, orange to red pigments and usually found in vegetables and fruits, and are also found in animals, humans, fungi and bacteria. The aims of study were to analyze carotenoid pigments from bacterial symbionts from seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii and to identify bacterial symbionts that produce carotenoid pigments. Pigment analysis was performed by a UV-VIS spectrophotometer and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Bacterial identification was performed based on biochemical tests. These results showed that from 12 bacterial symbionts isolated, there were 2 isolates that positively synthesize carotenoids pigments, ECJ K and ECJ OR bacteria. ECJ K bacterium contained of Violaxanthin and α-carotene pigments. While ECJ OR bacterium contained of Diadinoxanthin, Neoxanthin, γ-carotene, β-carotene and α-carotene pigments. Bacterial identification showed that ECJ K bacterium was Brevibacterium maris and ECJ OR bacterium was Micrococcus varians. This result showed that bacterial symbionts of seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii contained various pigments including in carotenoid pigments

    Dati VIIRS-Nightfire per il monitoraggio del gas flaring in Amazzonia: il caso Yasun\ued

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    L\u2019estrazione di combustibili fossili \ue8 un\u2019attivit\ue0 che ha ormai raggiunto aree remote ad alta diversit\ue0 biologica e culturale, tra le quali desta gran preoccupazione l\u2019espansione della frontiera petrolifera in Amazzonia occidentale, specialmente nella Riserva della Biosfera Yasun\uec (YBR), uno dei luoghi pi\uf9 biodiversi del pianeta e casa ancestrale degli indigeni Waorani. In prossimit\ue0 di questa zona, gli impatti socio-ambientali diretti e indiretti delle varie fasi dell\u2019estrazione petrolifera sono ampiamente documentati. Tra queste attivit\ue0, la distribuzione spaziale e gli impatti ambientali del gas flaring non sono stati ancora investigati a fondo, anche a causa della mancanza di un sistema di monitoraggio e documentazione delle posizioni dei flare e dei volumi di gas bruciato. Negli ultimi anni si sta assistendo per\uf2 a un\u2019inversione di tendenza, grazie allo sviluppo di vari metodi di monitoraggio da remoto, attraverso l\u2019analisi multispettrale da satellite. Lo scopo di questo studio \ue8 mappare l\u2019attivit\ue0 di gas flaring nell\u2019area dello YBR, analizzando diacronicamente e valutando gli impatti potenziali sia sulla biodiversit\ue0 che sulle comunit\ue0 locali. I dati giornalieri prodotti dalla NOAA da gennaio 2017 a marzo 2018, basate sull\u2019elaborazione di immagini dal sensore \u201cVisible Infrared Imaging Radiometric Suite\u201d del satellite Suomi-SNPP per il monitoraggio delle attivit\ue0 di gas flaring, sono stati analizzati e geoprocessati con dati sulle aree protette e comunit\ue0 indigene. Per il corretto posizionamento dei flare, quando possibile, \ue8 stato fatto riferimento ai dataset annuali della NOAA, per i nuovi flare \ue8 stato usato il centroide delle rilevazioni. I risultati preliminari mostrano la presenza di un nuovo sito di flare nel campo petrolifero Tiputini vicino all\u2019 \u201cArea Nucleo\u201d della YBR; tre flare sono stati rilevati nella zona buffer e 19 nella zona di transizione della YBR. spaziale ha inoltre identificato 6 comunit\ue0 indigene in un raggio di 6 Km dai flare. Questo studio rivela l\u2019enorme potenziale degli open data come Nightfire della NOAA per il monitoraggio di aree remote ad elevata importanza per la conservazione della biodiversit\ue0 e dei territori indigeni

    Recurrent Endometrial Cancer: Which Is the Best Treatment? Systematic Review of the Literature

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    Background: Endometrial cancer is the most common gynaecological tumour in developed countries. The overall rate of relapse has remained unchanged in recent decades. Recurrences occur in approximately 20% of endometrioid and 50% of non-endometrioid cases. The aim of this systematic review is to compare different therapeutic strategies in the treatment of endometrial cancer recurrence to evaluate their prognostic and curative effects based on site and type of recurrence. Methods: This systematic review of literature was conducted in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines. The study protocol was registered on PROSPERO (CRD42020154042). PubMed, Embase, Chocrane and Cinahl databases were searched from January 1995 to September 2021. Five retrospective studies were selected. Results: A total of 3571 studies were included in the initial search. Applying the screening criteria, 299 articles were considered eligible for full-text reading, of which, after applying the exclusion criteria, 4 studies were selected for the final analysis and included in the systematic review. No studies were included for a quantitative analysis. We divided the results according to the location of the recurrence: locoregional recurrence, abdominal recurrence and extra abdominal recurrence. Conclusion: the treatment of choice should be assessed according to the relapse location and to the presence of single or multiple lesions. A crucial role in the decision-making algorithm is also the type of adjuvant treatment received at the time of the first diagnosis

    Substantial lymph-vascular space invasion (Lvsi) as predictor of distant relapse and poor prognosis in low-risk early-stage endometrial cancer

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    Objective: The aim of this study is to analyze the prognostic role of lymph-vascular space invasion (LVSI), evaluated in a semi-quantitative fashion on prognosis of early stage, low risk endometrial cancer (EC). Methods: We enrolled patients who underwent surgery for endometrial cancer between 2003 and 2018 in two referral cancer center. All patients had endometrioid EC, G1–G2, with myometrial invasion <50%, and no lymph-node involvement. LVSI was analyzed in a semi-quantitative way, according to a 3-tiered scoring system in absent, focal and substantial. Results: Among 524 patients, any positive LVSI was found in 57 patients (10.9%) with focal LVSI (n=35, 6.7%) and substantial LVSI (n=22, 4.2%). Substantial LVSI was associated to higher rate of G2 (p<0.001), myometrial infiltration (p=0.002) and greater tumor dimensions (p=0.014). Patients with substantial LVSI were more likely to receive adjuvant treatment (6.6% vs. 52.6%, p<0.001). The 5-year OS was 99.5% in patients with absent LVSI and 70.6% in those with substantial LVSI (p<0.001). The 5-year disease free survival (DFS) was 93.6% in patients with absent LVSI and 56.5% in those with substantial LVSI (p<0.001). The rate of distant failures increased from 1.8% for absent LVSI to 22.7% for substantial LVSI (p=0.002). In univariate analysis substantial LVSI was the strongest predictor of poor overall survival (hazard ratio [HR]=11.9, p=0.001). Multivariate analysis showed that substantial LVSI was an independent predictive factor of both recurrence (HR=5.88, p=0.001) and distant failure (HR=10.6, p=0.006). Conclusions: Substantial LVSI represents the strongest independent risk factor for decreased survival and distant relapse, indicating a role for potential hematogenous dissemination