488 research outputs found

    Analisis Aksesibilitas Halte Bagi Penyandang Disabilitas Di Jalan Pandanaran Semarang

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    Aksesibilitas merupakan masalah utama yang dihadapi penyandang disabilitas di ruang publik. Walaupun di Indonesia sudah menerapkan aturan hukum untuk melindungi penyandang disabilitas tetapi belum banyak ruang publik yang menyediakan fasilitas baik fasilitas fisik maupun non fisik yang memudahkan aktivitas penyandang disabilitas. Penelitian  ini akan menganalisis berbagai aspek meliputi kondisi halte di sepanjang Jalan Pandanaran, persyaratan tentang kemudahan mengakses halte untuk penyandang disabilitas dan melakukan perbandingan setiap halte di Jalan Pandanaran Semarang dengan standar aturan hukum. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif kuantitatif melalui pengukuran dan pengamatan visual untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi pada halte. Dari identifikasi dan analisis masing-masing halte, maka selanjutnya dilakukan analisis komparatif. Dari hasil penelitian, semua halte masih memiliki kendala untuk dapat diakses bagi penyandang disabilitas. Permasalahan yang terbesar yaitu kemiringan ram yang terlalu curam, area ruang tunggu pada halte yang terlalu sempit dan ubin jalur pemandu yang kurang dapat dimanfaatkan bagi penyandang disabilitas. Akibat dari kondisi ini penyandang disabilitas masih terkendala dalam memanfaatkan halte dan jalur pedestrian yang berada di Jalan Pandanara

    Human-robot interaction for improving fuselage assembly tasks: A case study

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    In current industrial systems, automation is a very important aspect for assessing manufacturing production performance related to working times, accuracy of operations and quality. In particular, the introduction of a robotic system in the working area should guarantee some improvements, such as risks reduction for human operators, better quality results and a speed increase for production processes. In this context, human action remains still necessary to carry out part of the subtasks, as in the case of composites assembly processes. This study aims at presenting a case study regarding the reorganization of the working activity carried out in workstation in which a composite fuselage panel is assembled in order to demonstrate, by means of simulation tool, that some of the advantages previously listed can be achieved also in aerospace industry. In particular, an entire working process for composite fuselage panel assembling will be simulated and analyzed in order to demonstrate and verify the applicability and effectiveness of human-robot interaction (HRI), focusing on working times and ergonomics and respecting the constraints imposed by standards ISO 10218 and ISO TS 15066. Results show the effectiveness of HRI both in terms of assembly performance, by reducing working times and ergonomics-for which the simulation provides a very low risk index

    Perbedaan Hasil Belajar Ekonomi dengan Menggunakan Metode Peta Konsep dan Metode Ceramah pada Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 16 Padang

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    The aim of research was to know the differentiation of students studying result between the concept map method and the lecturing method to the X grade students of SMA Negeri 16 Padang.The type of this research was an experimental research. The population of the research was all of X grade students in SMA Negeri 16 Padang which was calculated 292 students, the sample of this research was only 73 students which was taken by using analysis technique was the Z test, before the test was given, the test was firstly tested and then the result of the was analyzed by using reability analysis, the level of difficulty and the differentiate capacity of the test. After that, to test the differentiation of students result, the writer used Z test with a = 0,05.The data analysis from the average result of the students posstest in experimental class was 81,28 with the deviation standard of 6,95 while the average posstest result for control class was 76,46 with deviation standard 5,46. from the result of hipothesis test the Z calculated = 3,29 and Z tabel = 1,96 means that Z calculated > Z tabel so that the alternative hypotesis could be accepted. It means that there were significant differentiation between students economic results in both experimental and control class, where the experimental class got a higher result than the control class. In this case, the differentiation was believed as the effect of the action which is given to the experimental class which was the learning process by using concept map method. To increase the students result in studying economics especially for X grade students of SMA Negeri 16 Padang, it is suggested to the economics teachers to consider the use of concept map method beside the lecturing method

    Analisis Curahan Waktu Kerja dan Hubungannya dengan Pendapatan Wanita Pedagang Pengecer Sayuran (Studi Kasus di Kota Bengkulu)

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    The research aim to know analize of working time and related wich the woman\u27s vegetable\u27s retailer income (case in market of Bengkulu city) the research executed on July\u27s 27 – Agus\u27t 27 2005.The objek of this research were to know: 1. The reason why the women work as vegetable\u27s retailer, 2.The factors that related with women\u27s working time, 3. The related between working time witht income of women as vegetable\u27s retailer, 4. Their contribution with household income. The location of this research determined with census method in Pasar Minggu, Pasar Baru Koto I, pasar Panorama, Pasar Pagar Dewa. The responden in this research determined with census method with respondent of 28 persons.The information, that used in this research, based on primary and secondary data. The analysis that used are deskriptive method, income analyze, Rang Spearman Corelation by using two tail of t test whit confidence level of 95% ( = 0.025) and contribution analyze. The result of the research showed that the reason why working as vegetable\u27 retailerbecause economic, social and culture motive. Related to working time the motivation and perception are factor relatec to working time. The result of analyses show that, the average of income was Rp 1.950.937,50 / month and the average of income\u27s contribution was 66,76 %

    Pengembangan Pendekatan Matriks Hubungan untuk Pengukuran Similaritas

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    Perhitungan similaritas adalah fungsi dasar yang digunakan oleh berbagai aplikasi pengolahan informasi seperti mencari clustering dan klasifikasi. Ada berbagai jenis hubungan dapat digunakan untuk memperkuat nilai kesamaan objek data berpasangan dan untuk membantu meningkatkan kualitas perhitungan kesamaan antara objek data. Hal ini membantu untuk melacak bagaimana hubungan antara objek data yang digunakan untuk mengukur kesamaan objek data. Hasil penelitian ini dapat menunjukkan bahwa Unified Relationship Matrix (URM) dapat digunakan untuk menyediakan data objek heterogen dan hubungan antara masing-masing objek data secara terpadu

    From Deposit to Point Cloud – a Study of Low-Cost Computer Vision Approaches for the Straightforward Documentation of Archaeological Excavations

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    Stratigraphic archaeological excavations demand high-resolution documentation techniques for 3D recording. Today, this is typically accomplished using total stations or terrestrial laser scanners. This paper demonstrates the potential of another technique that is low-cost and easy to execute. It takes advantage of software using Structure from Motion (SfM) algorithms, which are known for their ability to reconstruct camera pose and threedimensional scene geometry (rendered as a sparse point cloud) from a series of overlapping photographs captured by a camera moving around the scene. When complemented by stereo matching algorithms, detailed 3D surface models can be built from such relatively oriented photo collections in a fully automated way. The absolute orientation of the model can be derived by the manual measurement of control points. The approach is extremely flexible and appropriate to deal with a wide variety of imagery, because this computer vision approach can also work with imagery resulting from a randomly moving camera (i.e. uncontrolled conditions) and calibrated optics are not a prerequisite. For a few years, these algorithms are embedded in several free and low-cost software packages. This paper will outline how such a program can be applied to map archaeological excavations in a very fast and uncomplicated way, using imagery shot with a standard compact digital camera (even if the ima ges were not taken for this purpose). Archived data from previous excavations of VIAS-University of Vienna has been chosen and the derived digital surface models and orthophotos have been examined for their usefulness for archaeological applications. The a bsolute georeferencing of the resulting surface models was performed with the manual identification of fourteen control points. In order to express the positional accuracy of the generated 3D surface models, the NSSDA guidelines were applied.  Simultaneously acquired terrestrial laser scanning data – which had been processed in our standard workflow – was used to independently check the results. The vertical accuracy of the surface models generated by SfM was found to be within 0.04 m at the 95 % confidence interval, whereas several visual assessments proved a very high horizontal positional accuracy as well

    Influence of Palm Sugar Water in the Native Chicken Performance

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    Palm sugar containing 66,18% sukrose is an additional source of energi quickly available to the chicken. A study to examine the effect of palm sugar in the native chicken performance was held in animal health training center, Cinagara-Bogor lasted from August until November 2012. This present experiment using 1274 native chicken that were kept starting DOC. Palm sugar concentrations given in the drinking water as much as one percent started to be given to the chcken when they were still DOC. After that, the palm sugar water was given continously intermittent interval by administering multivitamin. The control group was not given the palm sugar. Chicken aged 0 to 6 weeks were given palm sugar twice a day. After reaching over 6 weeks old, palm sugar water was only given onece a day. Result obtained showed that the administration of palm sugar water affected the increase in body weight gain, feed consumption and lower mortality as well. The result also showed that the FCR is lower than that of the control group until 6 weeks old