105 research outputs found
Hilbert series and degrees of regularity of Oil Vinegar and Mixed quadratic systems
In this paper, we analyze the algebraic invariants for two classes of
multivariate quadratic systems: systems made by OV quadratic polynomials and
systems made by both OV polynomials and fully quadratic ones. For such systems,
we explicitly compute the Hilbert series, and we give bounds on the degree of
regularity, solving degree and first fall degree that are useful in
cryptographic applications
Workers’ Aging Management—Human Fatigue at Work: An Experimental Offices Study
The aging issue in the work context is becoming a significant element of the future sustainability of service and industrial companies. It is well known that with increasing worker age the problem of maintaining the performance and the safety level when fatigue increases is a crucial point, and fatigue increases with the age. Due to social and political developments, especially in Western countries, the retirement age is increasing and companies operate with a higher workforce mean age. Therefore, the problem of recognizing and measuring fatigue has become a key aspect in the management of aging. Note that in the scientific engineering field, the problem of fatigue evaluation when a worker is performing his/her work activities is an important issue in the industrial and service world and especially in the context of the researchers that are investigating the human reliability assessment. As it is clear from the literature, the industrial operations management are suffering from some misleading concepts that only the medicine scientific context can clarify. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to define what are the open issues and the misleading concepts present in the classical fatigue evaluation methods, and second to define two experimental curves of fatigue that will help the decision makers to minimize the impact of fatigue on the workers, thus maximizing the sustainability of the working tasks assigned. This aim is achieved by examining the medical literature about the measurement of a particular kind of fatigue related to the circadian cycle, i.e., the cognitive one; after that, a survey about the possible technologies for measurements is performed. On the basis of technology selection, an experiment on real work activities is performed and some remarkable results about the fatigue in the workers observed and the technology use and its limitations are defined
Towards Digital Twin Implementation for Assessing Production Line Performance and Balancing
The optimization of production processes has always been one of the cornerstones for manufacturing companies, aimed to increase their productivity, minimizing the related costs. In the Industry 4.0 era, some innovative technologies, perceived as far away until a few years ago, have become reachable by everyone. The massive introduction of these technologies directly in the factories allows interconnecting the resources (machines and humans) and the entire production chain to be kept under control, thanks to the collection and the analyses of real production data, supporting the decision making process. This article aims to propose a methodological framework that, thanks to the use of Industrial Internet of Things—IoT devices, in particular the wearable sensors, and simulation tools, supports the analyses of production line performance parameters, by considering both experimental and numerical data, allowing a continuous monitoring of the line balancing and performance at varying of the production demand. A case study, regarding a manual task of a real manufacturing production line, is presented to demonstrate the applicability and the effectiveness of the proposed procedure
Spermatogonial kinetics in humans
The human spermatogonial compartment is essential for daily production of millions of sperm. Despite this crucial role, the molecular signature, kinetic behavior and regulation of human spermatogonia are poorly understood. Using human testis biopsies with normal spermatogenesis and by studying marker protein expression, we have identified for the first time different subpopulations of spermatogonia. MAGE-A4marks all spermatogonia, KITmarks all Bspermatogonia and UCLH1 all Apale-dark (Ap-d) spermatogonia. We suggest that at the start of the spermatogenic lineage there are Ap-d spermatogonia that are GFRA1High, likely including the spermatogonial stem cells. Next, UTF1 becomes expressed, cells become quiescent and GFRA1 expression decreases. Finally, GFRA1 expression is lost and subsequently cells differentiate into B spermatogonia, losing UTF1 and acquiring KIT expression. Strikingly, most human Ap-d spermatogonia are out of the cell cycle and even differentiating type B spermatogonial proliferation is restricted. A novel scheme for human spermatogonial development is proposed that will facilitate further research in this field, the understanding of cases of infertility and the development of methods to increase sperm output
Unburnable and Unleakable Carbon in Western Amazon: Using VIIRS Nightfire Data to Map Gas Flaring and Policy Compliance in the Yasun\ued Biosphere Reserve
In the Amazon Rainforest, a unique post-carbon plan to mitigate global warming and to protect the exceptional bio-cultural diversity was experimented in 2007\u20132013 by the Ecuadorian government. To preserve the rainforest ecosystems within the Yasun\ued-ITT oil block, the release of 410 million metric tons of CO2 would have been avoided. The neologism \u201cyasunization\u201d emerged as an Amazonian narrative on \u201cunburnable carbon\u201d to be replicated worldwide. Considering the unburnable carbon, petroleum-associated gas flaring represents the unleakable part. Flaring is an irrational practice that consists of burning waste gases, representing not only a leak of energy but also a pollution source. The general aim of the paper is to monitor gas flaring as a tool, revealing, at the same time, the implementation of environmental technologies in the oil sector and the compliance of sustainable policies in the Amazon region and the Yasun\ued Biosphere Reserve. Specific objectives are: (i) identifying and estimating gas flaring over seven years (2012\u20132018); (ii) mapping new flaring sites; iii) estimating potentially affected areas among ecosystems and local communities. We processed National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Nightfire annual dataset, based on the elaboration of imagery from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) and developed a GIS-based novel simple method to identify new flaring sites from daily detections. We found that 23.5% of gas flaring sites and 18.4% of volumes of all oil industries operating in Ecuador are located within the Yasun\ued Biosphere Reserve (YBR). Moreover, we detected 34 additional flaring sites not included in the NOAA dataset\u201412 in the YBR and one in Tiputini field, a key area for biological and cultural diversity conservation. We also found that at least 10 indigenous communities, 18 populated centers and 10 schools are located in the potentially affected area. Gas flaring can be used as a policy indicator to monitor the implementation of sustainable development practices in complex territories
Rethinking the Urban Green Spaces by the Lens of GIScience: the Experience of the Project Living Urban Parks
In Italy, soil sealing is a major threats in terms of soil degradation and the loss of urban ecosystem services. The increase in new artificial surfaces or settlement areas at the expense of green and rural areas is intensifying the effects of climate change, in particular extreme weather events, such as the increase in intense precipitation and heatwaves. In this context, the Municipality of Padua is a paradigmatic case study. According to the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (2022), almost 50% of the municipal territory is completely sealed, making it the Italian city with the fifth highest values of soil sealing. To contrast the phenomenon, the EU soil strategy for 2030 suggested, among other strategies, the implementation of Nature-Based Solutions, strengthened with the participation and involvement of non-expert actors to be more efficient and effective.
This study was developed within the Living Urban Parks (LUP) project (Key Action 3, Erasmus + Programme EU) during two years of research and participatory activities (2020–2022) within the Municipality of Padua. It aims to involve youths aged 18–30 in a public process to reconceive of the urban green spaces of the city and to develop ideas and proposals for more sustainable urban planning, promoting participatory methodologies by using geographical tools (digital and traditional cartography).
More than 400 participants were directly involved in the project. All the ideas and proposals mapped during the seminars and workshops have been uploaded to the geoplatform Geocitizen. This geotool is usable on smartphones and tablets and, thanks to its interactive features and a geodatabase, allows the collection of georeferenced ideas, good practices and urban issues regarding green areas and parks. By the end of the project, 118 points had been collected on Geocitizen. Beyond the Geocitizen platform, the participants had the opportunity to test other geotools, such as Geopaparazzi and Google Earth Pro. In addition, the participants were able to present their ideas collected on the platform and directly interact with the local decision-makers who were involved to discuss and promote effective and efficient actions for the enhancement of the green areas and urban parks of the city. The use of different geographic technologies combined with participatory mapping approaches allowed an increase in the knowledge of the urban territory by making people more aware of the issue of soil sealing and urban regeneration opportunities. Finally, LUP allowed to reconception and design of green spaces to promote the restoration of degraded and abandoned areas and to propose the implementation of Nature-Based Solutions
Toward the Global Atlas of Unburnable Carbon: cartography and scenario of phasing out from fossil fuels in Nigeria
La Nigeria è uno dei principali paesi esportatori di idrocarburi su scala mondiale, il primo a livello del continente Africano. Lo sviluppo del settore energetico fossile ha permesso negli ultimi vent’anni una forte crescita dei tassi economici e demografici. I benefici economici però sono ripartiti in modo ineguale tra la popolazione. Inoltre, le infrastrutture obsolete e le pratiche d’estrazione adottate hanno causato forti impatti ai danni delle comunità e degli ecosistemi locali, in particolare (ma non solo) nell’area del Delta del fiume Niger. Il presente studio, si inserisce all’interno del progetto di ricerca “L’Atlante Mondiale dell’Unburnable Carbon” e tramite la combinazione di un’analisi multi- criteriale in ambiente GIS, basata sui principi del Trattato di Non Proliferazione dei Combustibili Fossili, traccia possibili scenari futuri di sviluppo sostenibile e di mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici in Nigeria, come alternativa al settore energetico fossile. L’analisi multi-criteriale ha permesso, quindi, di elaborare una valutazione di carattere ambientale, socio-economica e politica dell’attività petrolifera, proponendo possibili aree dove lasciare il petrolio nel sottosuolo in un’ottica di transizione energetica giusta.Nigeria is one of the world's leading hydrocarbon exporting countries, the first on the African continent. The development of the fossil fuels energy sector has allowed for strong growth in economic and demographic rates over the past two decades. However, the economic benefits are unevenly distributed among the population. Furthermore, obsolete infrastructure and adopted extraction practices have caused severe impacts on local communities and ecosystems. particularly (but not only) in the Niger River Delta area. This study is part of the research project "The world Atlas of Unburnable Carbon, and through the combination of a multicriteria analysis in a GIS environment, with the principles of Fossil Fuel Non Proliferation Treaty traces possible future scenarios for sustainable development and climate change mitigation in Nigeria as an alternative to the fossil energy sector. The multi-criteria analysis has, therefore, allowed for the development of an environmental, socio-economic and political assessment of oil activity, proposing possible areas where oil could be kept in the ground with a view to a just energy transition
El reto iniciático del proyecto Alcance de un nivel académico intermedio de proyectos arquitectónicos
Esta publicación es la segunda edición de EL RETO INICIÁTICO DEL PROYECTO que cuenta con la participación de cuatro escuelas de arquitectura europeas: Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna Bologna, Escola de Arquitetura da Universidade do Minho, Guimarães Universidade do Porto y la Universidad de Valladolid.
En un mundo en el que, merced al desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información, según ahora hemos podido virtualizar imprevistamente, como consecuencia de la pandemia del COVIG19, percibimos más que nunca la importancia de reforzar la cohesión del aula física, el Taller participativo donde se conjugan dos procesos: conocer y actuar; y donde la labor individual y la colectiva se dan al tiempo entre el docente y los estudiantes. Es lo que realmente aporta valor al concepto de Universidad, sin que suponga menoscabo alguno la utilización coyuntural de aulas virtuales, donde la tutela del profesor sigue siendo efectiva en tanto que estimula la creatividad de los estudiantes de arquitectura. Aquí de nuevo, recopilamos un número suficiente de ejercicios de proyectos arquitectónicos del nivel intermedio de la carrera, realizados durante el curso 20018-19, que nos permitirá contrastar y comprobar cuáles son las claves en las que se encuentra la formación del arquitecto en Europa
[Eusebio Alonso García - Javier Blanco Martín, coordinadores]Departamento de Teoría de la Arquitectura y Proyectos Arquitectónico
Il volume raccoglie una serie di contributi di vari autori sul tema del progetto urbano a cui è stato chiesto di chiarire il loro rapporto con la forma della città consolidata e il suo portato nella contemporaneità. La città vista non tanto o solo come opera d’arte collettiva, ma in quanto espressione di una volontà di condivisione del vivere in una comunità che in essa si riconosce e si esprime anche attraverso le forme urbane. Se è vero l’assunto che le diverse collettività nei secoli hanno saputo dare vita a forme e precise relazioni gerarchiche tra le parti, che consolidatesi nel tempo hanno fornito risposte convincenti al tema dell’abitare, forse è ancora possibile fare dell’esperienza costruita, materia viva del pensiero d’architettura del nostro tempo. Le nostre città, che dalla metà del Novecento hanno conosciuto grandi cambiamenti, hanno bisogno di essere ripensate, di ripopolarsi di nuove architetture e spazi pubblici carichi di significato e capaci di rispondere alle nuove urgenze imposteci dalla situazione ambientale, sociale ed economica. Il lavoro sulla città consolidata è l’orizzonte in cui l’architettura contemporanea ha cominciato a muoversi ormai da qualche tempo. È quindi questo un campo di ricerca e sperimentazione per nuove strutture della scena urbana. Riqualificare, rigenerare, costruire sul costruito, riciclo urbano, consumo zero, sono tutte formule lessicali che, da punti di vista diversi e con sfumature diverse, indicano la stessa situazione e l’intento di occuparsi di quelle aree che la voracità dei processi di urbanizzazione dell’ultimo mezzo secolo, ha lasciato irrisolto o vago o chiaramente sgradevole. Rimediare a smagliature e disturbi visivi, come incidenti e aporie disseminate dal rapido susseguirsi delle trasformazioni, è uno dei compiti che gli architetti dovranno affrontare nel prossimo futuro, forse il più cospicuo
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