36 research outputs found

    A dominant clonal lineage of Streptococcus uberis in cattle in Germany

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    Bovine mastitis causes enormous economic losses in the dairy industry with Streptococcus uberis as one of the most common bacterial pathogens causing clinical and subclinical variations. In most cases mastitis can be cured by intramammary administration of antimicrobial agents. However, the severity of the clinical manifestations can vary greatly from mild to severe symtoms. In this study, a comparative genomic analysis of 24 S. uberis isolates from three dairy farms in Germany, affected by different courses of infection was conducted. While there were sporadic mild infections in farm A and B, a large number of infections were observed within a very short period of time in farm C. The comparison of virulence genes, antimicrobial resistance genes and prophage regions revealed no features that might be responsible for this severe course. However, almost all isolates from farm C showed the same, novel MLST profile (ST1373), thus a clonal outbreak cannot be excluded, whereby the actual reason for the particular virulence remains unknown. This study demonstrates the importance of extensive metagenomic studies, including the host genomes and the environment, to gain further evidence on the pathogenicity of S. uberis.Peer Reviewe

    Genome-based retrospective analysis of a Providencia stuartii outbreak in Rome, Italy. Broad spectrum IncC plasmids spread the NDM carbapenemase within the hospital

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    Providencia stuartii is a member of the Morganellaceae family, notorious for its intrinsic resistance to several antibiotics, including last-resort drugs such as colistin and tigecycline. Between February and March 2022, a four-patient outbreak sustained by P. stuartii occurred in a hospital in Rome. Phenotypic analyses defined these strains as eXtensively Drug-Resistant (XDR). Wholegenome sequencing was performed on the representative P. stuartii strains and resulted in fully closed genomes and plasmids. The genomes were highly related phylogenetically and encoded various virulence factors, including fimbrial clusters. The XDR phenotype was primarily driven by the presence of the (NDM)-N-bla- 1 metallo- beta-lactamase alongside the rmtC 16S rRNA methyltransferase, conferring resistance to most beta-lactams and every aminoglycoside, respectively. These genes were found on an IncC plasmid that was highly related to an NDM-IncC plasmid retrieved from a ST15 Klebsiella pneumoniae strain circulating in the same hospital two years earlier. Given its ability to acquire resistance plasmids and its intrinsic resistance mechanisms, P. stuartii is a formidable pathogen. The emergence of XDR P. stuartii strains poses a significant public health threat. It is essential to monitor the spread of these strains and develop new strategies for their control and treatment

    Metabolic Profile and Metabolite Analyses in Extreme Weight Responders to Gastric Bypass Surgery

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    Background: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery belongs to the most frequently performed surgical therapeutic strategies against adiposity and its comorbidities. However, outcome is limited in a substantial cohort of patients with inadequate primary weight loss or considerable weight regain. In this study, gut microbiota composition and systemically released metabolites were analyzed in a cohort of extreme weight responders after RYGB. Methods: Patients (n = 23) were categorized based on excess weight loss (EWL) at a minimum of two years after RYGB in a good responder (EWL 93 ± 4.3%) or a bad responder group (EWL 19.5 ± 13.3%) for evaluation of differences in metabolic outcome, eating behavior and gut microbiota taxonomy and metabolic activity. Results: Mean BMI was 47.2 ± 6.4 kg/m2 in the bad vs. 26.6 ± 1.2 kg/m2 in the good responder group (p = 0.0001). We found no difference in hunger and satiety sensation, in fasting or postprandial gut hormone release, or in gut microbiota composition between both groups. Differences in weight loss did not reflect in metabolic outcome after RYGB. While fecal and circulating metabolite analyses showed higher levels of propionate (p = 0.0001) in good and valerate (p = 0.04) in bad responders, respectively, conjugated primary and secondary bile acids were higher in good responders in the fasted (p = 0.03) and postprandial state (GCA, p = 0.02; GCDCA, p = 0.02; TCA, p = 0.01; TCDCA, p = 0.02; GDCA, p = 0.05; GUDCA, p = 0.04; TLCA, p = 0.04). Conclusions: Heterogenous weight loss response to RYGB surgery separates from patients’ metabolic outcome, and is linked to unique serum metabolite signatures post intervention. These findings suggest that the level of adiposity reduction alone is insufficient to assess the metabolic success of RYGB surgery, and that longitudinal metabolite profiling may eventually help us to identify markers that could predict individual adiposity response to surgery and guide patient selection and counseling.Peer reviewe

    Race-specific genotypes of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato are defined by the presence of mobile DNA elements within the genome

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    Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato is the causal agent of bacterial speck of tomato, an important disease that results in severe crop production losses worldwide. Currently, two races within phylogroup 01a (PG01a) are described for this pathogen. Race 0 strains have avirulence genes for the expression of type III system-associated effectors AvrPto1 and AvrPtoB, that are recognized and targeted by the effector-triggered immunity in tomato cultivars having the pto race-specific resistance gene. Race 1 strains instead lack the avrPto1 and avrPtoB genes and are therefore capable to aggressively attack all tomato cultivars. Here, we have performed the complete genome sequencing and the analysis of P. syringae pv. tomato strain DAPP-PG 215, which was described as a race 0 strain in 1996. Our analysis revealed that its genome comprises a 6.2 Mb circular chromosome and two plasmids (107 kb and 81 kb). The results indicate that the strain is phylogenetically closely related to strains Max13, K40, T1 and NYS-T1, all known race 1 strains. The chromosome of DAPP-PG 215 encodes race 1-associated genes like avrA and hopW1 and lacks race 0-associated genes like hopN1, giving it a race 1 genetic background. However, the genome harbors a complete ortholog of avrPto1, which allows the strain to display a race 0 phenotype. Comparative genomics with several PG01a genomes revealed that mobile DNA elements are rather involved in the evolution of the two different races

    Challenges in Using Cultured Primary Rodent Hepatocytes or Cell Lines to Study Hepatic HDL Receptor SR-BI Regulation by Its Cytoplasmic Adaptor PDZK1

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    Background: PDZK1 is a four PDZ-domain containing cytoplasmic protein that binds to a variety of membrane proteins via their C-termini and can influence the abundance, localization and/or function of its target proteins. One of these targets in hepatocytes in vivo is the HDL receptor SR-BI. Normal hepatic expression of SR-BI protein requires PDZK1 - <5% of normal hepatic SR-BI is seen in the livers of PDZK1 knockout mice. Progress has been made in identifying features of PDZK1 required to control hepatic SR-BI in vivo using hepatic expression of wild-type and mutant forms of PDZK1 in wild-type and PDZK1 KO transgenic mice. Such in vivo studies are time consuming and expensive, and cannot readily be used to explore many features of the underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we have explored the potential to use either primary rodent hepatocytes in culture using 2D collagen gels with newly developed optimized conditions or PDZK1/SR-BI co-transfected cultured cell lines (COS, HEK293) for such studies. SR-BI and PDZK1 protein and mRNA expression levels fell rapidly in primary hepatocyte cultures, indicating this system does not adequately mimic hepatocytes in vivo for analysis of the PDZK1 dependence of SR-BI. Although PDZK1 did alter SR-BI protein expression in the cell lines, its influence was independent of SR-BI’s C-terminus, and thus is not likely to occur via the same mechanism as that which occurs in hepatocytes in vivo. Conclusions/Significance: Caution must be exercised in using primary hepatocytes or cultured cell lines when studying the mechanism underlying the regulation of hepatic SR-BI by PDZK1. It may be possible to use SR-BI and PDZK1 expression as sensitive markers for the in vivo-like state of hepatocytes to further improve primary hepatocyte cell culture conditions.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant HL052212)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant HL066105)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant ES015241)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant GM068762

    IARC Monographs: 40 Years of Evaluating Carcinogenic Hazards to Humans

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    Background: Recently, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Programme for the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans has been criticized for several of its evaluations, and also for the approach used to perform these evaluations. Some critics have claimed that failures of IARC Working Groups to recognize study weaknesses and biases of Working Group members have led to inappropriate classification of a number of agents as carcinogenic to humans. Objectives: The authors of this Commentary are scientists from various disciplines relevant to the identification and hazard evaluation of human carcinogens. We examined criticisms of the IARC classification process to determine the validity of these concerns. Here, we present the results of that examination, review the history of IARC evaluations, and describe how the IARC evaluations are performed. Discussion: We concluded that these recent criticisms are unconvincing. The procedures employed by IARC to assemble Working Groups of scientists from the various disciplines and the techniques followed to review the literature and perform hazard assessment of various agents provide a balanced evaluation and an appropriate indication of the weight of the evidence. Some disagreement by individual scientists to some evaluations is not evidence of process failure. The review process has been modified over time and will undoubtedly be altered in the future to improve the process. Any process can in theory be improved, and we would support continued review and improvement of the IARC processes. This does not mean, however, that the current procedures are flawed. Conclusions: The IARC Monographs have made, and continue to make, major contributions to the scientific underpinning for societal actions to improve the public’s health

    IARC Monographs: 40 Years of Evaluating Carcinogenic Hazards to Humans

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    Background: Recently, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Programme for the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans has been criticized for several of its evaluations, and also for the approach used to perform these evaluations. Some critics have claimed that failures of IARC Working Groups to recognize study weaknesses and biases of Working Group members have led to inappropriate classification of a number of agents as carcinogenic to humans