71 research outputs found

    Energy deposition in the ionosphere through a global field line resonance

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    International audienceWe present an interval whereby we can estimate the energy dissipation in the ionosphere through an externally-driven field line resonance. In this paper, we utilise an interval described in general by Rae et al. (2005), where the global magnetospheric cavity was shown to be energised via a high solar wind speed stream. Using the ground-based instrumentation available, we estimate the spatial extent of the generated pulsations to be at least 10° in latitude and 65° in longitude, a sizeable fraction of the dusk-sector ionosphere. Using a fortuitous conjunction with the Polar spacecraft, we compare point measurements of the net downward Poynting vector to the estimated Joule heating rate in the ionosphere, and find that model values of the Pedersen conductance are reasonable. In the interval of interest, we estimate the total dissipation rate during a global field line resonance to be comparable to that reported in substorm studies. Previous studies have estimated the total energy deposition via field line resonance to be up to 4% of that deposited during a small substorm. However, in this paper we find that the total energy deposited via Joule heating may actually be 30% or more of the energy deposited in the ionosphere during a substorm cycle using a conservative estimate of the pulsation duration

    On the estimates of the ring current injection and decay

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    In the context of the space weather predictions, forecasting ring current strength (and of the Dst index) based on the solar wind upstream conditions is of specific interest for predicting the occurrence of geomagnetic storms. In the present paper, we have studied separately its two components: the Dst injection and decay. In particular, we have verified the validity of the Burton's equation for estimating the ring current energy balance using the equatorial electric merging field instead of the original parameter V Bs (V is the solar wind speed and Bs is the southward component of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field, IMF). Then, based on this equation, we have used the phasespace method to determine the best-fit approximations for the ring current injection and decay as functions of the equatorial merging electric field (Em). Results indicate that the interplanetary injection is statistically higher than in previous estimations using V Bs . Specifically, weak but not-null ring current injection can be observed even during northward IMF, when previous studies considered it to be always zero. Moreover, results about the ring current decay indicate that the rate of Dst decay is faster than its predictions derived by using V Bs . In addition, smaller quiet time ring current and solar wind pressure corrections are contributing to Dst estimates obtained by Em instead of V Bs . These effects are compensated, so that the statistical Dst predictions using the equatorial electric merging field or using V Bs are about equivalent

    Aberrant crossed corticospinal facilitation in muscles distant from a spinal cord injury.

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    Crossed facilitatory interactions in the corticospinal pathway are impaired in humans with chronic incomplete spinal cord injury (SCI). The extent to which crossed facilitation is affected in muscles above and below the injury remains unknown. To address this question we tested 51 patients with neurological injuries between C2-T12 and 17 age-matched healthy controls. Using transcranial magnetic stimulation we elicited motor evoked potentials (MEPs) in the resting first dorsal interosseous, biceps brachii, and tibialis anterior muscles when the contralateral side remained at rest or performed 70% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) into index finger abduction, elbow flexion, and ankle dorsiflexion, respectively. By testing MEPs in muscles with motoneurons located at different spinal cord segments we were able to relate the neurological level of injury to be above, at, or below the location of the motoneurons of the muscle tested. We demonstrate that in patients the size of MEPs was increased to a similar extent as in controls in muscles above the injury during 70% of MVC compared to rest. MEPs remained unchanged in muscles at and within 5 segments below the injury during 70% of MVC compared to rest. However, in muscles beyond 5 segments below the injury the size of MEPs increased similar to controls and was aberrantly high, 2-fold above controls, in muscles distant (>15 segments) from the injury. These aberrantly large MEPs were accompanied by larger F-wave amplitudes compared to controls. Thus, our findings support the view that corticospinal degeneration does not spread rostral to the lesion, and highlights the potential of caudal regions distant from an injury to facilitate residual corticospinal output after SCI

    Drug-drug interactions and QT prolongation as a commonly assessed cardiac effect - comprehensive overview of clinical trials

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    Magnetohydrodynamic Oscillations in the Solar Corona and Earth’s Magnetosphere: Towards Consolidated Understanding

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