43 research outputs found

    A comparative study about identification of occupational risks by nursing workers of two Basic Health Units of São Paulo

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    Os riscos ocupacionais do trabalho de enfermagem em Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS) não têm sido frequentemente abordados, o que nos estimulou a realizar este estudo com os objetivos de comparar a percepção dos trabalhadores deenfermagem de duas UBS sobre esses riscos e estabelecer um paralelo sobre os problemas de saúde relacionados com a suaexposição. Os dados foram coletados através da entrevista e analisados segundo suas frequências relativa e absoluta ecoeficientes de risco. Os maiores coeficientes de risco estão relacionados a exposição aos riscos biológicos. Conclui-se que os trabalhadores têm dificuldade em apreender a gênese dos riscos ocupacionais.Los riesgos ocupacionales del trabajo de enfermeria en Unidades Básicas de Salud (UBS) no han sido frecuentemente abordados, lo que nos estimuló en realizar este estudio con el objetivo de comparar la percepción de los trabajadores de enfermería de dos UBS sobre estos riesgos y establecer un paralelo sobre los problemas de salud relacionados con suexposición. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de una entrevista y analizados según sus frecuencias relativa, absolutay coeficientes de riesgo. Los mayores coeficientes de riesgo estan relacionados a la exposición de riesgos biológicos. Seconcluye que los trabaj adores tienen dificultades en aprender la génesis de los riesgos ocupacionales.Occupational risks of nursing work in Basic Health Units have not been study frequently, so it stimulate us to develop this paper, whose objective are: to compare the perception of nursing workers of two Basic Health Units about these risks and toestablish a parallel between the health problems with their exposition to occupational risks- Data were collected by aninterview and were analyzed according to their frequencies. Biological risks were observed more frequently. The conclusionsshow that nursing workers have difficult to understand the genesis of occupational risks

    Drivers of international variation in prevalence of disabling low back pain: Findings from the cultural and psychosocial influences on disability study

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    Background: Wide international variation in the prevalence of disabling low back pain (LBP) among working populations is not explained by known risk factors. It would be useful to know whether the drivers of this variation are specific to the spine or factors that predispose to musculoskeletal pain more generally.Methods: Baseline information about musculoskeletal pain and risk factors was elicited from 11 710 participants aged 20-59 years, who were sampled from 45 occupational groups in 18 countries. Wider propensity to pain was characterized by the number of anatomical sites outside the low back that had been painful in the 12 months before baseline (\u27pain propensity index\u27). After a mean interval of 14 months, 9055 participants (77.3%) provided follow-up data on disabling LBP in the past month. Baseline risk factors for disabling LBP at follow-up were assessed by random intercept Poisson regression.Results: After allowance for other known and suspected risk factors, pain propensity showed the strongest association with disabling LBP (prevalence rate ratios up to 2.6, 95% CI: 2.2-3.1; population attributable fraction 39.8%). Across the 45 occupational groups, the prevalence of disabling LBP varied sevenfold (much more than within-country differences between nurses and office workers), and correlated with mean pain propensity index (r = 0.58).Conclusions: Within our study, major international variation in the prevalence of disabling LBP appeared to be driven largely by factors predisposing to musculoskeletal pain at multiple anatomical sites rather than by risk factors specific to the spine.Significance: Our findings indicate that differences in general propensity to musculoskeletal pain are a major driver of large international variation in the prevalence of disabling low back pain among people of working age

    Associations of sickness absence for pain in the low back, neck and shoulders with wider propensity to pain

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    Objectives: To explore the association of sickness absence ascribed to pain at specific anatomical sites with wider propensity to musculoskeletal pain.Methods: As part of the CUPID (Cultural and Psychosocial Influences on Disability) study, potential risk factors for sickness absence from musculoskeletal pain were determined for 11 922 participants from 45 occupational groups in 18 countries. After approximately 14 months, 9119 (78%) provided follow-up information about sickness in the past month because of musculoskeletal pain, including 8610 who were still in the same job. Associations with absence for pain at specific anatomical sites were assessed by logistic regression and summarised by ORs with 95% CIs.Results: 861 participants (10%) reported absence from work because of musculoskeletal pain during the month before follow-up. After allowance for potential confounders, risk of absence ascribed entirely to low back pain (n=235) increased with the number of anatomical sites other than low back that had been reported as painful in the year before baseline (ORs 1.6 to 1.7 for ≥4 vs 0 painful sites). Similarly, associations with wider propensity to pain were observed for absence attributed entirely to pain in the neck (ORs up to 2.0) and shoulders (ORs up to 3.4).Conclusions: Sickness absence for pain at specific anatomical sites is importantly associated with wider propensity to pain, the determinants of which extend beyond established risk factors such as somatising tendency and low mood. Better understanding of why some individuals are generally more prone to musculoskeletal pain might point to useful opportunities for prevention

    Health problems of nursing workers in a public educational institution

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    Objective: To identify the issues occurred with nursing workers through a Health Monitoring System for Nursing Workers (SIMOSTE) and to describe the consequences of those problems. Method: This is a quantitative, exploratory and descriptive study realized in a teaching hospital in the west region of the city of São Paulo. Results: From the SIMOSTE, 1.847 occurrences were registered in a six month period. Within the main occurrences, medical licenses, work related accidents with and without removals; psychiatric consultations and psychotherapy were highlighted. Conclusion: The data points out to the need for the development of new health vigilance actions to notify accidents and illness related to work, besides the prevention of issues

    Descriptive epidemiology of somatising tendency: findings from the CUPID study.

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    Somatising tendency, defined as a predisposition to worry about common somatic symptoms, is importantly associated with various aspects of health and health-related behaviour, including musculoskeletal pain and associated disability. To explore its epidemiological characteristics, and how it can be specified most efficiently, we analysed data from an international longitudinal study. A baseline questionnaire, which included questions from the Brief Symptom Inventory about seven common symptoms, was completed by 12,072 participants aged 20-59 from 46 occupational groups in 18 countries (response rate 70%). The seven symptoms were all mutually associated (odds ratios for pairwise associations 3.4 to 9.3), and each contributed to a measure of somatising tendency that exhibited an exposure-response relationship both with multi-site pain (prevalence rate ratios up to six), and also with sickness absence for non-musculoskeletal reasons. In most participants, the level of somatising tendency was little changed when reassessed after a mean interval of 14 months (75% having a change of 0 or 1 in their symptom count), although the specific symptoms reported at follow-up often differed from those at baseline. Somatising tendency was more common in women than men, especially at older ages, and varied markedly across the 46 occupational groups studied, with higher rates in South and Central America. It was weakly associated with smoking, but not with level of education. Our study supports the use of questions from the Brief Symptom Inventory as a method for measuring somatising tendency, and suggests that in adults of working age, it is a fairly stable trait

    Um estudo comparativo sobre a identificação dos riscos ocupacionais por trabalhadores de enfermagem de duas Unidades Básicas de Saúde do município de São Paulo Un estudio comparativo sobre la identificación de los riesgos ocupacionales por trabajadores de enfermería de duas Unidades Basicas de Salud del municipio de São Paulo A comparative study about identification of occupational risks by nursing workers of two Basic Health Units of São Paulo

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    Os riscos ocupacionais do trabalho de enfermagem em Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS) não têm sido frequentemente abordados, o que nos estimulou a realizar este estudo com os objetivos de comparar a percepção dos trabalhadores deenfermagem de duas UBS sobre esses riscos e estabelecer um paralelo sobre os problemas de saúde relacionados com a suaexposição. Os dados foram coletados através da entrevista e analisados segundo suas frequências relativa e absoluta ecoeficientes de risco. Os maiores coeficientes de risco estão relacionados a exposição aos riscos biológicos. Conclui-se que os trabalhadores têm dificuldade em apreender a gênese dos riscos ocupacionais.<br>Los riesgos ocupacionales del trabajo de enfermeria en Unidades Básicas de Salud (UBS) no han sido frecuentemente abordados, lo que nos estimuló en realizar este estudio con el objetivo de comparar la percepción de los trabajadores de enfermería de dos UBS sobre estos riesgos y establecer un paralelo sobre los problemas de salud relacionados con suexposición. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de una entrevista y analizados según sus frecuencias relativa, absolutay coeficientes de riesgo. Los mayores coeficientes de riesgo estan relacionados a la exposición de riesgos biológicos. Seconcluye que los trabaj adores tienen dificultades en aprender la génesis de los riesgos ocupacionales.<br>Occupational risks of nursing work in Basic Health Units have not been study frequently, so it stimulate us to develop this paper, whose objective are: to compare the perception of nursing workers of two Basic Health Units about these risks and toestablish a parallel between the health problems with their exposition to occupational risks- Data were collected by aninterview and were analyzed according to their frequencies. Biological risks were observed more frequently. The conclusionsshow that nursing workers have difficult to understand the genesis of occupational risks


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    São apresentados relatos de experiências de alunos cursando Enfermagem Pediátrica, nas quais é dado apoio a crianças hospitalizadas que enfrentam situações desagradáveis e difíceis. Neste artigo — primeiro de uma série — são relatadas duas experiências em que as crianças são submetidas à passagem de sonda naso-gástrica.In this article, the first of a series, there were related two experiences of nursing students in pediatrics, helping the hospitalized children to cope with difficult circunstances, as to say, the inserting of a naso-gastric tube

    Translation, adaption and validation of the "cultural and psychosocial influences on disability (CUPID) questionnaire" for use in Brazil

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    The paper describes the adaptation and testing of the Cultural and Psychosocial Influences on Disability Questionnaire for use in Portuguese. The cross-cultural adaptation followed the steps of translation, back-translation, evaluation of the translations by a committee of judges, and then piloting of the pre-final version. This was performed in a sample of 40 nursing staff from the Hospital at the University of São Paulo. Adjustments were made after review of the translations by the committee of judges (CVI ≤ 80%). The pilot study was used to test whether questions could be satisfactorily understood and completed (≥ 85% of subjects). The Brazilian version of the Questionnaire is an adequate instrument for the ascertainment of occupational activities, psychosocial aspects of work, musculoskeletal symptoms and associated disabilities in nursing staff

    A inovação tecnológica como ferramenta para monitoramento da saúde dos trabalhadores de enfermagem

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    O objetivo do estudo é descrever o processo de construção do software Sistema de Monitoramento da Saúde dos Trabalhadores de Enfermagem, uma inovação tecnológica desenvolvida para captar os agravos à saúde dos trabalhadores de enfermagem e os determinantes potenciais de desgaste e/ou fortalecimento, monitorando a saúde por meio de indicadores. O desenvolvimento do software englobou as fases de definição do objetivo, escolha do referencial teórico, estruturação do conteúdo e desenvolvimento da arquitetura do sistema. Considera-se importante a socialização deste processo aos pequisadores, gerentes e trabalhadores interessados na temática, uma vez que o monitoramento da situação de saúde dos trabalhadores de enfermagem é uma ação indispensável para o planejamento de estratégias que possam minimizar a ocorrência dos acidentes e das doenças ocupacionais, promovendo melhoria das condições de trabalho e qualidade de vida