4 research outputs found

    Producción de hidrógeno en el hidrotratamiento de etanol utilizando γ-Fe₂O₃ como catalizador: influencia de la temperatura

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    El previsible agotamiento de los combustibles actualmente empleados y las graves cuestiones de la contaminación atmosférica, obligan a plantear de nuevo cómo obtener la energía necesaria sin emitir compuestos capaces de perturbar la atmósfera que respiramos, y a partir de fuentes renovables. Puesto que puede obtenerse de una diversa gama de fuentes, tales como agua, biomasa, etc, el hidrógeno ofrece, a futuro, un enorme potencial energético. La industria biotecnológica permite obtener etanol a partir de una fuente renovable. La utilización de éste como punto de partida para la obtención de otros productos, tales como hidrógeno, presenta un nuevo desafío para la tecnología química. Dentro de esta línea, el hidrotratamiento de etanol utilizando diversos óxidos de hierro como catalizadores ha recibido especial atención, debido a la elevada actividad de alguno de ellos hacia la producción de hidrógeno como producto principal de reacción. El objetivo del presente trabajo consiste en evaluar la estabilidad de la fase γ del óxido férrico en la reacción mencionada a medida que se incrementa la temperatura, observando la influencia de la misma en la conversión y en la selectividad hacia hidrógeno.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Creative destruction in science

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    Drawing on the concept of a gale of creative destruction in a capitalistic economy, we argue that initiatives to assess the robustness of findings in the organizational literature should aim to simultaneously test competing ideas operating in the same theoretical space. In other words, replication efforts should seek not just to support or question the original findings, but also to replace them with revised, stronger theories with greater explanatory power. Achieving this will typically require adding new measures, conditions, and subject populations to research designs, in order to carry out conceptual tests of multiple theories in addition to directly replicating the original findings. To illustrate the value of the creative destruction approach for theory pruning in organizational scholarship, we describe recent replication initiatives re-examining culture and work morality, working parents\u2019 reasoning about day care options, and gender discrimination in hiring decisions. Significance statement It is becoming increasingly clear that many, if not most, published research findings across scientific fields are not readily replicable when the same method is repeated. Although extremely valuable, failed replications risk leaving a theoretical void\u2014 reducing confidence the original theoretical prediction is true, but not replacing it with positive evidence in favor of an alternative theory. We introduce the creative destruction approach to replication, which combines theory pruning methods from the field of management with emerging best practices from the open science movement, with the aim of making replications as generative as possible. In effect, we advocate for a Replication 2.0 movement in which the goal shifts from checking on the reliability of past findings to actively engaging in competitive theory testing and theory building. Scientific transparency statement The materials, code, and data for this article are posted publicly on the Open Science Framework, with links provided in the article

    Looking at Asia Poster Exhibition Design Introduction : From Curation to Development

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    Color poster with text, images,and photographs.The purpose of this project was to curate and design promotional material in collaboration with the Department of Art and Design, Foster Gallery, and KECD (Korea Ensemble of Contemporary Design) for Looking at ASIA through 150 Designers, UWEC Invited Poster Exhibition. This project explored the research process necessary to develop various design materials that promoted the exhibit in the spirit of connecting the viewing audience to the 150 poster designers, all of whom come from Asian countries. Additionally, we were able to build collaboration skills through teamwork and gain knowledge and experience in exhibition design and event identity design. Through the immense study of the posters displayed in the show, we were able to design materials that reflected the essence of Asia to provide an authentic scholarly and field experience. After several different approaches, this study and design work resulted in a logo, poster, postcard, signage system, digital ads, and give-away buttons.University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire Office of Research and Sponsored Program

    Perceptions and Realities of Study Abroad at UWEC : Understanding and Improving Participation in Study Abroad Programs

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    Color poster with text, images, graphs, and charts.UW-Eau Claire would like to ensure that learning abroad programs are accessible to all students. Decreases in student participation over the years may be a question of affordability, integration with students' disciplinary interests, student perception of obstacles (cost, time, etc.), incomplete information, or an issue of preparation and planning. To better understand learning abroad participation, our research group evaluated five years of participation data in UWEC's formal study abroad programs and in UWEC's more recently developed international faculty-led programs.University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire Office of Research and Sponsored Programs