253 research outputs found

    Boron doses applied to soil during coffee development

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    The range between boron deficiency and toxicity in the coffee crop is narrow and the crop toxicity tolerance depends on the soil type, initial soil content and plant age. The objective of this study was to evaluate different levels of boron in the coffee crop during development and grown in a red clayey Oxisol. Treatments consisted of boron applications (zero; 2.48; 4.96; 9.92; 19.8 and 39.68 kg ha-1) in the boric acid form and applied to soil surface in the area of the tree crown projection. The six treatments were outlined in a randomized block design with four replications and ten plants per plot. The cultivar used was Catuaí IAC 144 with sixteen months old, grown in an Oxisol in Campinas, SP, Brazil. Foliar boron content was analyzed as a function of time by regression analysis. The levels in fruit and yield were analyzed by regression according to boron doses. It can be concluded that higher boron doses in the plant can be observed when fruits are at the first development stage. High doses can reduce yield productivity, being each kilogram of applied boron responsible for a reduction of 0.33 coffee bags. ha-1.The range between boron deficiency and toxicity in the coffee crop is narrow and the crop toxicity tolerance depends on the soil type, initial soil content and plant age. The objective of this study was to evaluate different levels of boron in the coffee crop during development and grown in a red clayey Oxisol. Treatments consisted of boron applications (zero; 2.48; 4.96; 9.92; 19.8 and 39.68 kg ha-1) in the boric acid form and applied to soil surface in the area of the tree crown projection. The six treatments were outlined in a randomized block design with four replications and ten plants per plot. The cultivar used was Catuaí IAC 144 with sixteen months old, grown in an Oxisol in Campinas, SP, Brazil. Foliar boron content was analyzed as a function of time by regression analysis. The levels in fruit and yield were analyzed by regression according to boron doses. It can be concluded that higher boron doses in the plant can be observed when fruits are at the first development stage. High doses can reduce yield productivity, being each kilogram of applied boron responsible for a reduction of 0.33 coffee bags. ha-1

    Um estudo da produção acadêmica nacional sobre gestão do conhecimento através da teoria do conhecimento de Habermas

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    The purpose of this study is to challenge the academic production on Knowledge Management (KM) recently published by the Brazilian academy. A total of 6,096 published articles in the Proceedings of the National Meeting of Postgraduate Management Programs, named ENANPAD, from 1997 to 2007, were compiled. Habermas' knowledge theory has great relevance for the critical debate on the area of knowledge management (KM) in three types of knowledge: technical, practical and emancipatory. Through the documental research it was possible to identify the absolute predominance of the technical interest as a characteristic of the instrumental reason directed to constant prediction and control in the area of KM. Approximately 75% of these empirical studies did not address the question of power relations and knowledge nor did it address human consciousness emancipation towards a critical reflection of oppressive practices or political and ideological social approaches

    Data release 2 of S-PLUS : accurate template-fitting based photometry covering ∼1000 deg2 in 12 optical filters

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    The Southern Photometric Local Universe Survey (S-PLUS) is an ongoing survey of ∼9300 deg2 in the southern sky in a 12-band photometric system. This paper presents the second data release (DR2) of S-PLUS, consisting of 514 tiles covering an area of 950 deg2. The data has been fully calibrated using a new photometric calibration technique suitable for the new generation of wide-field multifilter surveys. This technique consists of a χ2 minimization to fit synthetic stellar templates to already calibrated data from other surveys, eliminating the need for standard stars and reducing the survey duration by ∼15 per cent. We compare the template-predicted and S-PLUS instrumental magnitudesto derive the photometric zero-points(ZPs). We show that these ZPs can be further refined by fitting the stellar templates to the 12 S-PLUS magnitudes, which better constrain the models by adding the narrow-band information. We use the STRIPE82 region to estimate ZP errors, which are 10 mmags for filters J0410, J0430, g,J0515, r,J0660, i,J0861 and z; 15 mmags for filterJ0378; and 25 mmagsfor filters u and J0395. We describe the complete data flow of the S-PLUS/DR2 from observations to the final catalogues and present a brief characterization of the data. We show that, for a minimum signal-to-noise threshold of 5, the photometric depths of the DR2 range from 19.1 to 20.5 mag (measured in Petrosian apertures), depending on the filter. The S-PLUS DR2 can be accessed from the website: https://splus.cloud

    The Trade in Medicinal Animals in Northeastern Brazil

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    Over the centuries, a significant part of the Brazilian fauna is widely sold, more specifically in retail stores or street markets. The objective was to characterize the sale of medicinal animals in five large northeast cities. Information about the sale of zootherapeutic items was obtained in the cities of Aracaju-SE, Fortaleza-CE, Maceio-AL, Recife-PE, and Salvador-BA. A total of 68 animal species were sold for medicinal purposes in the cities studied; these are the first results on the use and sale of zootherapeutics in the markets of Aracaju, Fortaleza, and Salvador and first recorded on the medicinal use of the Achatina fulica, Trachycardium muricatum, Philodryas olfersii, Desmodus rotundus, and Leptodactylus vastus. Knowledge of the fauna utilized popular medicine is indispensable for conservation, demonstrating that research on this subject is necessary to determine appropriate practices for the management of the fauna

    Telejornalismo católico e seus noticiários: o caso do CN Notícias (Canção Nova) e do TJ Aparecida (TV Aparecida) na cobertura de admissibilidade do impeachment (2016)

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    O artigo analisa a pauta da votação da Câmara dos Deputados sobre a admissibilidade do processo de impeachment de Dilma Rousseff nostelejornais: CN Notícias (TV Canção Nova) e TJ Aparecida (TV Aparecida), constituindo um estudo comparativo por meio da análise de conteúdo (BARDIN, 1977), com base nos programas captados no dia 18 de abril de 2016 (segunda), dia após à sessão plenária (domingo), deste evento marcante na política brasileira. O objetivo é checar como cada telejornal de emissoras confessionais trataram o tema a partir dos aspectos técnicos do jornalismo (BARBEIRO; LIMA, 2002) a partir de sua estrutura de cobertura (Newsmaking). Telejornais de emissoras comerciais tradicionais possuem maior aparato e mais recursos do que os telejornais de emissoras confessionais e filantrópicas. É neste sentido que esta pesquisa avalia, de modo inédito, o tratamento desta pauta. O resultado mostra a cobertura feita com ineditismo e alto grau de valor notícia, em detrimento do que se pensava no previamente à investigação que os telejornais de emissoras confessionais fariam mero follow up: ao cozinhar notícias de outras emissoras.El artículo analiza la nota sobre la votación de la Cámara de los Diputados brasileña sobre la admisibilidad del proceso de impeachment de Dilma Rousseff en los noticieros: CN Noticias (TV Canção Nova) y TJ Aparecida (TV Aparecida), constituyendo un estudio comparativo a través del análisis de contenido (BARDIN, 1977), con base en los programas captados el 18 de abril de 2016 (lunes), día después de la sesión plenaria (domingo) de este evento marcante en la política del Brasil. El objetivo es verificar cómo cada noticiero de las emisoras confesionales trató el tema a partir de los aspectos técnicos del periodismo (BARBEIRO, LIMA, 2002), con base en su estructura de cobertura (Newsmaking). Los noticieros de las emisoras comerciales tradicionales cubrieron en vivo, y con todo el equipo de comentaristas posible, con desdoblamiento sobre innumerables programas de los noticieros (en el mismo domingo) y utilizaron en el día posterior (el lunes) diversos tipos de géneros y formatos como follow up. Se sabe que las emisoras confesionales son de porte inferior y tienen un aparato menor para la cobertura. En este sentido, esta investigación evalúa de modo inédito el tratamiento de esta nota.The article analyzes the Lord Chamber impeachment process possibility votation to Dilma Rousseff president. CN News (TV Canção Nova) and TJ Aparecida (TV Aparecida) are confessional news programs and our objetcts in this comparative study by content analysis (BARDIN, 1977). The event is based on April 18, 2016, broadcast (Monday), the day after parliament votation session (Sunday). The aim is to check how each confessional newscast stations dealt theme from their technical journalism skills and Newsmaking structrure (BARBER; LIMA, 2002). Traditional commercial broadcasters newscasts have increased apparatus and more features than the devocional and philanthropic stations and TV News. This research evaluates this agendatreating. The result shows high degree of news values. Devocional newscast programs are not merely follow upbroadcasters. They can be original and relevant players in news stations contexts

    Letramento em saúde e comportamentos de saúde de universitários de origem guineense residentes no Brasil

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    Objetivo: Avaliar o letramento em saúde e os comportamentos de saúde de universitários de origem guineense residentes no Brasil.Método: Estudo transversal, analítico, realizado com 51 universitários guineenses, residentes no Brasil. Aplicou-se questionário de comportamentos de saúde e o Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults - Short version. Calculou-se coeficiente de correlação de Spearman, U de Mann-Whitney e Kruskal-Wallis.Resultados: O letramento em saúde foi adequado (mediana=79; IIQ=24). A compreensão leitora (mediana=70; IIQ=16) das informações em saúde foi melhor do que a numérica (mediana=14; IIQ=14). Melhor desempenho de letramento em saúde foi encontrado naqueles com tempo diário de tela de 3 a 5 horas (p=0,004) e que consumiam carne gordurosa (p=0,002).Conclusão: Adequado letramento em saúde dos universitários guineenses esteve associado a comportamentos, em sua maioria, saudáveis, exceto pelo tempo de tela e consumo de carne gordurosa.Descritores: Letramento em saúde. Saúde do estudante. Emigrantes e imigrantes