2,131 research outputs found

    Observational Bounds on Modified Gravity Models

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    Modified gravity provides a possible explanation for the currently observed cosmic accelaration. In this paper, we study general classes of modified gravity models. The Einstein-Hilbert action is modified by using general functions of the Ricci and the Gauss-Bonnet scalars, both in the metric and in the Palatini formalisms. We do not use an explicit form for the functions, but a general form with a valid Taylor expansion up to second order about redshift zero in the Riemann-scalars. The coefficients of this expansion are then reconstructed via the cosmic expansion history measured using current cosmological observations. These are the quantities of interest for theoretical considerations relating to ghosts and instabilities. We find that current data provide interesting constraints on the coefficients. The next-generation dark energy surveys should shrink the allowed parameter space for modifed gravity models quite dramatically.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, uses RevTe

    Concentration profiles for fine and coarse sediments suspended by waves over ripples: An analytical study with the 1-DV gradient diffusion model

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    Field and laboratory measurements of suspended sediments over wave ripples show, for time-averaged concentration profiles in semi-log plots, a contrast between upward convex profiles for fine sand and upward concave profiles for coarse sand. Careful examination of experimental data for coarse sand shows a near-bed upward convex profile beneath the main upward concave profile. Available models fail to predict these two profiles for coarse sediments. The 1-DV gradient diffusion model predicts the main upward concave profile for coarse sediments thanks to a suitable β\beta(y)-function (where β\beta is the inverse of the turbulent Schmidt number and y is the distance from the bed). In order to predict the near-bed upward convex profile, an additional parameter {\alpha} is needed. This parameter could be related to settling velocity (α\alpha equal to inverse of dimensionless settling velocity) or to convective sediment entrainment process. The profiles are interpreted by a relation between second derivative of the logarithm of concentration and derivative of the product between sediment diffusivity and α\alpha

    Standard Model Extension with Gravity and Gravitational Baryogenesis

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    The Standard Model Extension with the inclusion of gravity is studied in the framework of the gravitational baryogenesis, a mechanism to generate the baryon asymmetry based on the coupling between the Ricci scalar curvature and the baryon current (\partial_\mu R)J^\mu. We show that, during the radiation era of the expanding Universe, a non vanishing time derivative of the Ricci curvature arises as a consequence of the coupling between the coefficients for the Lorentz and CPT violation and Ricci's tensor. The order of magnitude for these coefficients are derived from current bounds on baryon asymmetry.Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    fault gouge graphitization as evidence of past seismic slip

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    One moderate- to large-magnitude earthquake (M > 6) nucleates in Earth's crust every three days n average, but the geological record of ancient fault slip at meters-per-second seismic velocities (as opposed to subseismic slow-slip creep) remains debated because of the lack of established fault-zone evidence of seismic slip. Here we show that the irreversible temperature-dependent transformation of carbonaceous material (CM, a constituent of many fault gouges) into graphite is a reliable tracer of seismic fault slip. We sheared CM-bearing fault rocks in the laboratory at just above subseismic and at seismic velocities under both water-rich and water-deficient conditions and modeled the temperature evolution with slip. By means of micro-Raman spectroscopy and focused-ion beam transmission electron microscopy, we detected graphite grains similar to those found in the principal slip zone of the A.D. 2008 Wenchuan (Mw 7.9) earthquake (southeast Tibet) only in experiments conducted at seismic velocities. The experimental evidence presented here suggests that high-temperature pulses associated with seismic slip induce graphitization of CM. Importantly, the occurrence of graphitized fault-zone CM may allow us to ascertain the seismogenic potential of faults in areas worldwide with incomplete historical earthquake catalogues

    Canted-cosine-theta magnet (CCT)-A concept for high field accelerator magnets

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    Canted-Cosine-Theta (CCT) magnet is an accelerator magnet that superposes fields of nested and tilted solenoids that are oppositely canted. The current distribution of any canted layer generates a pure harmonic field as well as a solenoid field that can be cancelled with a similar but oppositely canted layer. The concept places windings within mandrel's ribs and spars that simultaneously intercept and guide Lorentz forces of each turn to prevent stress accumulation. With respect to other designs, the need for pre-stress in this concept is reduced by an order of magnitude making it highly compatible with the use of strain sensitive superconductors such as Nb3Sn or HTS. Intercepting large Lorentz forces is of particular interest in magnets with large bores and high field accelerator magnets like the one foreseen in the future high energy upgrade of the LHC. This paper describes the CCT concept and reports on the construction of CCT1 a "proof of principle" dipole

    Accelerating Universe and Cosmological Perturbation in the Ghost Condensate

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    In the simplest Higgs phase of gravity called ghost condensation, an accelerating universe with a phantom era (w<-1) can be realized without ghost or any other instabilities. In this paper we show how to reconstruct the potential in the Higgs sector Lagrangian from a given cosmological history (H(t), \rho(t)). This in principle allows us to constrain the potential by geometrical information of the universe such as supernova distance-redshift relation. We also derive the evolution equation for cosmological perturbations in the Higgs phase of gravity by employing a systematic low energy expansion. This formalism is expected to be useful to test the theory by dynamical information of large scale structure in the universe such as cosmic microwave background anisotropy, weak gravitational lensing and galaxy clustering.Comment: 30 pages; typos corrected; version accepted for publication in JCA

    Insertion Magnets

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    Chapter 3 in High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) : Preliminary Design Report. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is one of the largest scientific instruments ever built. Since opening up a new energy frontier for exploration in 2010, it has gathered a global user community of about 7,000 scientists working in fundamental particle physics and the physics of hadronic matter at extreme temperature and density. To sustain and extend its discovery potential, the LHC will need a major upgrade in the 2020s. This will increase its luminosity (rate of collisions) by a factor of five beyond the original design value and the integrated luminosity (total collisions created) by a factor ten. The LHC is already a highly complex and exquisitely optimised machine so this upgrade must be carefully conceived and will require about ten years to implement. The new configuration, known as High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), will rely on a number of key innovations that push accelerator technology beyond its present limits. Among these are cutting-edge 11-12 tesla superconducting magnets, compact superconducting cavities for beam rotation with ultra-precise phase control, new technology and physical processes for beam collimation and 300 metre-long high-power superconducting links with negligible energy dissipation. The present document describes the technologies and components that will be used to realise the project and is intended to serve as the basis for the detailed engineering design of HL-LHC.Comment: 19 pages, Chapter 3 in High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) : Preliminary Design Repor

    Optimizing the use of pressurized bladders for the assembly of HL-LHC MQXFB magnets

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    The use of pressurized bladders for stress control of superconducting magnets was firstly proposed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) in the early 2000s. Since then, the so-called bladders and keys procedure has become one of the reference techniques for the assembly of high-field accelerator magnets and demonstrators. Exploiting the advantages of this method is today of critical importance for Nb3Sn-based accelerator magnets, whose production requires the preservation of tight stress targets in the superconducting coils to limit the effects of the strain sensitivity and brittleness of the conductor. The present manuscript reports on the results of an experimental campaign focused on the optimization of the bladders and keys assembly process in the MQXFB quadrupoles. These 7.2 m long magnets shall be among the first Nb3Sn cryomagnets to be installed in a particle accelerator as a part of the High Luminosity upgrade of the LHC. One of the main practical implications of the bladders technique, especially important when applied to long magnets like MQXFB, is that to insert the loading keys, the opening of a certain clearance in the support structure is required. The procedure used so far for MQXF magnets involved an overstress in the coils during bladder inflation. The work presented here shows that such an overshoot can be eliminated thanks to additional bladders properly positioned in the structure. This optimized method was validated in a short model magnet and in a full-length mechanical model, becoming the new baseline for the series production at CERN. Furthermore, the results are supported by numerical predictions using Finite Element models
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