297 research outputs found

    Obiteljska pismenost i obrazovanje roditelja u odnosu na različite mjere jezičnih sposobnosti djeteta

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    The family literacy environment is reported to be an important predictor of a child’s language and early literacy development. This study examined the relations between various aspects of family literacy environment and different measures of children’s language, assessed in three different settings, namely in a structured test situation, at home and in preschool. The sample included 80 preschool children, randomly selected from 13 preschools, aged approximately 4 years. The quality of family literacy environment was estimated by mothers, using the Home literacy environment questionnaire. Children’s language development and storytelling ability was assessed by a testator, while their spontaneous language was assessed by their mothers and preschool teachers. Family literacy environment was found to be an important factor of the child’s storytelling ability and the complexity of his spontaneous language, used at home and in preschool. Maternal education proved to be associated with the quality of the family literacy environment and also related to all measures of the child’s language except for maternal assessment. The findings have implications for understanding the role of family environment in the development of different aspects of a child’s language and the importance of assessing the child’s language in various settings thus obtaining a complete estimation of his language ability.Obiteljska pismenost važan je pokazatelj djetetova jezičnog razvoja i razvoja pismenosti. Ovo je istraživanje proučavalo odnose između različitih aspekata obiteljske pismenosti i različitih mjera dječjeg jezika, procijenjenih u tri okruženja, tj. u strukturiranoj testovnoj situaciji, kod kuće i u vrtiću. Uzorak je uključivao 80 predškolske djece, odabranih slučajnim odabirom u 13 vrtića, u dobi od 4 godine. Kvaliteta okruženja obiteljske pismenosti procijenjena je od strane majki pomoću Upitnika o okruženju obiteljske pismenosti. Ispitivač je procijenio jezični razvoj i sposobnost prepričavanja priča, dok su majke i predškolske odgajateljice procijenile spontani jezik. Okruženje obiteljske pismenosti važan je faktor u razvoju djetetove sposobnosti prepričavanja priča i složenosti spontanog jezika koji se koristi u dobu i u vrtiću. Obrazovanje majke povezano je s kvalitetom okruženja obiteljske pismenosti i s mjerama dječjeg jezika, osim s procjenama majke. Rezultati su korisni za razumijevanje uloge obiteljskog okruženja u razvoju različitih aspekata dječjeg jezika i važnosti procjene dječjeg jezika u raznim okruženjima, na taj način pružajući kompletnu procjenu njegovih jezičnih sposobnosti

    A study of cosmetic products containing whey and whey protein

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    Ljudje postajamo vedno bolj ozaveščeni glede izvora sestavin, ki jih nanašamo na kožo. Sirotka je tekoči odpadek, ki nastane pri izdelavi sira. Pridobivamo jo iz različnih virov mleka. Z določenimi metodami jo lahko uprašimo ali pridobimo koncentrate sirotkinih proteinov. Proteini, predvsem živalskega izvora, se že dolgo uporabljajo v kozmetične namene. Pred leti so potencial sirotke in sirotkinih proteinov prepoznali tudi proizvajalci kozmetike in jih začeli vgrajevati v kozmetične izdelke, saj so dokazali, da sirotkini proteini negujejo kožo in lase. V diplomski nalogi smo proučevali kozmetične izdelke, ki vsebujejo sirotko ali sirotkine proteine. Naš nabor je zajemal 43 izdelkov. Izdelke smo opredelili in proučili glede na tehnološko obliko, vrsto in namen uporabe. Podrobneje smo pogledali katere kozmetično aktivne sestavine in kateri konzervansi so pogosti v kozmetičnih izdelkih s sirotko in sirotkinimi proteini. Pri nakupu izdelka so velikokrat odločilni dejavniki ovojnina izdelka, ki kupca pritegne ali odvrne, cena in oglaševanje, zato so nas zanimali tudi ti podatki. V naboru izdelkov s sirotko in sirotkinimi proteini se pojavijo različne tehnološke oblike izdelkov, ki se uporabljajo za različne namene, največ za negovanje kože obraza in oči ter za negovanje las. Najpogostejša kozmetično aktivna sestavina je natrijev hialuronat, ki skupaj s sirotko izkazuje podporno delovanje. Sledijo mu kofein, izvlečki alg, mlečna kislina, tokoferilacetat, sojini in pšenični proteini ter vitamini A, C, E in niacinamid. Med dovoljenimi konzervansi iz priloge V Uredbe o kozmetičnih izdelkih se v izbranih izdelkih najpogosteje pojavlja fenoksietanol. 5 proučevanih izdelkov pa konzervansov iz priloge V ne vsebuje. Na osnovi pregledane ovojnine izbranih kozmetičnih izdelkov s sirotko in sirotkinimi proteini smo ugotovili, da se najpogosteje uporabljajo plastični vsebniki z ozkim vratom in stekleni vsebniki s širokim vratom. Osredotočili smo se tudi na cenovni razred izdelkov in oglaševanje sirotke v le-teh. Več kot polovica KI spada v višji cenovni razred. Sirotka in sirotkini proteini so vedno bolj pogosta sestavina KI in imajo veliko potenciala za nadaljnjo raziskovanje.People are becoming more and more aware of where do cosmetic ingredients, which we apply to the skin, come from. Whey is a liquid residue in the making of cheese. It can be obtained from various milk sources. Certain methods can be used to manage concentrated whey proteins. Proteins, especially from animal sources, have been used in cosmetics industry for a long time. Years ago, potential in whey and whey proteins was also recognized by cosmetics manufacturers and began to be incorporated into cosmetic products, because it was discovered that whey protein condition skin and hair. In the diploma thesis we studied cosmetic products that contain whey or whey proteins. Our range included 43 products. We have defined products based on their purpose of use, technological form and type. We researched cosmetically active ingredients and preservatives that are common in cosmetic products containing whey protein and whey proteins. When buying a product, a vast majority of factors that encourage us to buy it are packaging, the price and advertising, thus, we also researched this. Analyzed products with whey and whey protein appear in a lot of different technological forms with a large variety of usage. Most products can be used for facial skin care and hair care. The most common cosmetically active ingredient is sodium hyaluronate, which showed supporting action in combination with whey. This was followed by caffeine, algae extracts, lactic acid, tocopherylacetate, soybean and wheat proteins, vitamin A, C, E and niacinamide. Among the allowed preservatives listed in Annex V of the Cosmetics Regulation, phenoxyethanol was the most common preservative in selected products. However, the 5 examined products did not contain any preservatives listed in Annex V. Based on the packaging of the cosmetic products containing whey and whey protein, we discovered that the most common form of packaging is a narrow-necked plastic container and wide-necked glass container. We also focused on the price range of cosmetic products and we looked up if whey is advertised. More than a half of all the products belong to a higher price range. Whey and whey protein are getting widely used in cosmetic products and have a lot of potential for a lot of researching in the future

    Overview of the different approaches for evaluating measurement uncertainty

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    Usporedno s napretkom industrije i tehnologije dolazi do potrebe za povećanjem točnosti iskazivanja karakteristika proizvoda kojima se bavi strojarska industrija, odnosno dolazi do potrebe za iznošenjem što preciznijeg opisivanja karakteristika tih predmeta, pa time i samih izmjera. Mjerenja se u industriji provode svaki dan, a njihova točnost se određuje s obzirom na propisane zahtjeve. U nekim slučajevima traži se niska točnost, dok neki iziskuju veoma visoku točnost izmjerenih podataka. Međutim, bez obzira na zahtjeve, nemoguće je dati potpuno točnu vrijednost mjerenja. Iz tog razloga se svaki rezultat mjerenja iskazuje uz određenu mjernu nesigurnost, koja se može procijeniti različitim metodama. Cilj ovog rada je dati teorijski pregled normativnih dokumenata za različite postupke procjene mjerne nesigurnosti rezultata mjerenja koji se najčešće koriste u strojarskoj industriji. Također se obrađuju i primjeri procjena mjerne nesigurnosti za sve četiri različite metode obrađene u ovom radu. Kroz teorijski dio obrađeni su i objašnjeni postupci procjene nesigurnosti, dok je kroz praktične primjere konkretno prikazana primjena normi koja daje na uvid opsežnost, potrebno vrijeme i predznanje, te donosi zaključak o pravilnoj primjeni pojedine metode ovisno o zadanom problemu procjene mjerne nesigurnosti zadanog mjerenja.With the progress of the industry, the need to increase accuracy of product characteristics also increased. In other words, the need to increase precision of product descriptive characteristics, which include product measurements appeared. Measurements in industry are carried out every day, and their precision is determined according to specified requirements. In some cases, a low accuracy satisfies the needs, but in other a higher accuracy has to be provided. However, every conducted measurement process has its own uncertainty, which is of great importance. That is the reason why measuring uncertainty is provided with every measured result. The mentioned measurement uncertainty is evaluated using different methods. This study gives theoretical overview of normative documents for different types of measuring uncertainty evaluation which are most commonly used in mechanical industry. It also gives examples of evaluation for every one of the four mentioned methods. Theoretical part examines and explaines procedures of measuring uncertainty, while a practical part gives insight in application of the procedures while presenting extent, necessary time and foreknowledge, and it also gives conclusion about a correct use of specific method depending on given problem of evaluation measuring uncertainty

    Pregled različitih pristupa za procjenu mjerne nesigurnosti

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    Usporedno s napretkom industrije i tehnologije dolazi do potrebe za povećanjem točnosti iskazivanja karakteristika proizvoda kojima se bavi strojarska industrija, odnosno dolazi do potrebe za iznošenjem što preciznijeg opisivanja karakteristika tih predmeta, pa time i samih izmjera. Mjerenja se u industriji provode svaki dan, a njihova točnost se određuje s obzirom na propisane zahtjeve. U nekim slučajevima traži se niska točnost, dok neki iziskuju veoma visoku točnost izmjerenih podataka. Međutim, bez obzira na zahtjeve, nemoguće je dati potpuno točnu vrijednost mjerenja. Iz tog razloga se svaki rezultat mjerenja iskazuje uz određenu mjernu nesigurnost, koja se može procijeniti različitim metodama. Cilj ovog rada je dati teorijski pregled normativnih dokumenata za različite postupke procjene mjerne nesigurnosti rezultata mjerenja koji se najčešće koriste u strojarskoj industriji. Također se obrađuju i primjeri procjena mjerne nesigurnosti za sve četiri različite metode obrađene u ovom radu. Kroz teorijski dio obrađeni su i objašnjeni postupci procjene nesigurnosti, dok je kroz praktične primjere konkretno prikazana primjena normi koja daje na uvid opsežnost, potrebno vrijeme i predznanje, te donosi zaključak o pravilnoj primjeni pojedine metode ovisno o zadanom problemu procjene mjerne nesigurnosti zadanog mjerenja

    Nonconformity management

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    Usporedno s napretkom industrije i tehnologije dolazi do potrebe za detaljnijim praćenjem i analizom grešaka i njihovih uzroka, te analizom nesukladnosti u proizvodnji. U radu su analizirane nesukladnosti iz proizvodnje poduzeća MIDI d.o.o. iz Ivanovca kraj Čakovca. Poduzeće se bavi izradom i montažom čeličnih konstrukcija, metalne opreme, strojeva te dijelova strojeva i industrijskih postrojenja. Sukladno međunarodnoj normi ISO 9000:2015 koju spomenuto poduzeće provodi, kvaliteta se definira se kao stupanj do kojeg skup svojstvenih karakteristika ispunjava zahtjeve, a nesukladnosti kao svako neispunjavanje zahtjeva. Kako bi se zadovoljila tražena razina upravljanja nesukladnostima, potrebno je identificirati, analizirati i procijeniti nesukladnosti iz dostupnih podataka, koji podrazumijevaju izvješća o nesukladnostima iz 2018. godine. Cilj ovog rada je dati pregled literature vezane uz postupke analize i upravljanja nesukladnostima, provesti detaljnu analizu podataka o nesukladnostima spomenutog poduzeća, te primijeniti suvremene metode i alate kontrole i osiguravanja kvalitete kako bi se poboljšalo postojeće stanje procesa upravljanja nesukladnostima. Kroz teorijske dijelove obrađeni su i pojašnjeni postupci analize nesigurnosti, dok su kroz konkretne primjere prikazani načini izračuna i analize utjecaja nesukladnosti na kvalitetu procesa proizvodnje koji se promatra. Nakon provedbe svakog dijela analize, dani su komentari za dobivene rezultate i prijedlozi aktivnosti usmjerenih povećanju razine kvalitete. Na kraju rada dan je zaključak koji opisuje preporučene aktivnosti koje bi nakon provedbe trebale rezultirati povećanjem kvalitete provođenja procesa i smanjenjem troškova.With the progress of the industry and technology, there is a need to raise the level of detection and analysing production errors, their causes, and nonconformity analysis. This study deals with analysis of nonconformities based on data from MIDI d.o.o., company from Ivanovec near Čakovec. This company makes and assembles steel constructions, metal equipment, machines, machine parts and parts of industrial plants. According to international norm ISO 9000:2015 which is conducted in mentioned company, quality is defined as the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs, while nonconformity is defined as non-fulfillment of a requirement. In order to satisfy a required level of nonconformity management, it is necessary to identify, analyse and evaluate nonconformities from available nonconformity reports from the year 2018. This study gives theoretical overview of methods for analysing and managing of nonconformities. In order to improve the existing state of nonconformity management, a detailed nonconformities data analysis from the mentioned company is carried out using modern methods of quality control and assurance tools. Theoretical parts of the study examine and explain methods of analysis, while practical parts deal with calculations and analysis of the nonconformities effect on the quality of the process. Comments are given after conducting every part of analysis, and they explain activities needed to increase the level of quality. Conclusion describes recommended activities that need to be carried out and should result in increased quality of the production process and decreased costs

    The effect of CSF drain on the optic nerve in idiopathic intracranial hypertension

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    Background: Elevation of intracranial pressure in idiopathic intracranial hypertension induces an edema of the prelaminar section of the optic nerve (papilledema). Beside the commonly observed optic nerve sheath distention, information on a potential pathology of the retrolaminar section of the optic nerve and the short-term effect of normalization of intracranial pressure on these abnormalities remains scarce. Methods: In this exploratory study 8 patients diagnosed with idiopathic intracranial hypertension underwent a MRI scan (T2 mapping) as well as a diffusion tensor imaging analysis (fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity). In addition, the clinical presentation of headache and its accompanying symptoms were assessed. Intracranial pressure was then normalized by lumbar puncture and the initial parameters (MRI and clinical features) were re-assessed within 26 h. Results: After normalization of CSF pressure, the morphometric MRI scans of the optic nerve and optic nerve sheath remained unchanged. In the diffusion tensor imaging, the fractional anisotropy value was reduced suggesting a tissue decompression of the optic nerve after lumbar puncture. In line with these finding, headache and most of the accompanying symptoms also improved or remitted within that short time frame. Conclusion: The findings support the hypothesis that the elevation of intracranial pressure induces a microstructural compression of the optic nerve impairing axoplasmic flow and thereby causing the prelaminar papilledema. The microstructural compression of the optic nerve as well as the clinical symptoms improve within hours of normalization of intracranial pressure

    Improvement of methods for enrichment and analysis of N-glycosylation of membrane proteins

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    Analiza glikanskog dijela membranskih glikoproteina postala je važan analitički izazov zbog njihove izuzetne važnosti u međustaničnom prepoznavanju te interakcijama pojedinih molekula s receptorima na staničnoj površini. Brojni pokušaji izolacije membranskih glikoproteina naišli su na niz prepreka s obzirom na nedovoljnu ponovljivost metoda ili pak onečišćenje citosolnim glikoproteinima. Stoga je cilj ovog rada bio potvrditi učinkovitost i ponovljivost metode izolacije membranskih proteina s Triton X-114 i pročišćavanja organskim otapalima u svrhu analize njihove N-glikozilacije. Sama analiza N-glikana provedena je HILIC-UPLC kromatografijom. Korištene su stanice iz THP stanične linije, ali je ponovljivost potvrđena i na stanicama ljudskog mozga, leukocitima i lizosomima. U metodama za pročišćavanje izoliranih membranskih proteina korištena su različita organska otapala pomoću kojih je dobiven precipitat proteina. Organska otapala koja su upotrijebljena bila su aceton, kombinacija aceton/metanol i kloroform/metanol, gdje se posljednja kombinacija pokazala najučinkovitijom, iako sve tri metode daju kromatograme jednakog glikanskog profila. Također je pokazano da početna količina stanica utječe na intenzitet kromatografskih vršaka. Radi potvrde prisutnosti glikanskih struktura u dobivenim uzorcima, sakupljeni su pojedini kromatografski vršci koji su sekvencirani razgradnjom kombinacijom egzoglikozidaza koje otkidaju pojedine monosaharide s nereduktivnih krajeva glikana, a pokazuju određeni stupanj specifičnosti prema kidanju pojedinih veza. Na taj način uspješno su dokazane i identificirane pojedine glikanske strukture. Važnost ove studije je u napretku izolacije membranskih proteina čime je omogućen bolji uvid u njihovu N-glikozilaciju koja je, osim u dijagnostici i prognostici bolesti, danas važna i biofarmaceutskoj industriji zbog toga što glikozilacija ima učinak na fizikalno-kemijska svojstva proteina što se odražava na njihovu učinkovitost i sigurnost.Analysis of glycan part of membrane glycoproteins has become an important analytical challenge because of its high importance in intercellular recognition and interactions of molecules with receptors on the cell surface. Numerous attempts to isolate membrane glycoproteins have encountered a number of obstacles due to the lack of reproducibility of the method or pollution with cytosolic glycoprotein. Therefore, the aim of this study was to confirm the efficacy and reproducibility of the method of isolation of membrane proteins with Triton X-114 and its purification with organic solvents for the purpose of analyzing the N-glycosylation. The analysis of N-glycans was performed with HILIC-UPLC chromatography. Used cells were from THP cell lines, but the repeatability was confirmed with human brain cells, white blood cells and lysosomes. In the method for purifying the isolated membrane proteins are used various organic solvents with which we got a protein precipitate. Organic solvents which have been used are acetone, combinations of acetone/methanol and chloroform/methanol, where the last combination came as most effective, although all three methods gave chromatograms with the same glycan profile. It was also found that the initial amount of cells affects the intensity of the chromatographic peak. To confirm the presence of glycan structure in the obtained samples, individual chromatographic peaks were collected and sequenced with combination of exoglycosidases that are tearing certain non-reducing ends of the monosaccharides from glycans. Thus were successfully proven and identified some glycan structures. The importance of this study is progress in isolation of membrane proteins thus providing a better insight into their N-glycosylation that is, except for the diagnosis and prognosis of disease, today very important in biopharmaceutical industry because glycosylation has an effect on the physical and chemical properties of the protein which is reflected in their effectiveness and safety

    Dodatki in izbris vrst s seznama muh trepetavk (Diptera: Syrphidae) Slovenije

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    The changes in the checklist of hoverflies of Slovenia are presented. Fifteen species are recorded as new for the fauna of Slovenia: Brachyopa panzeri, Brachypalpus laphriformis, Callicera aenea, Chamaesyrphus scaevoides, Chalcosyrphus valgus, Melangyna lasiophthalma, Meligramma guttata, Merodon aberrans, Parhelophilus frutetorum, Orthonevra intermedia, Platycheirus occultus, Rhingia borealis, Spazigaster ambulans, Sphaerophoria chongjini and Sphaerophoria fatarum. From the species complex of Merodon aeneus, both M. aeneus species A/B and M. aeneus C were recorded. One species, Xylota caeruliventris, was omitted from the checklist because of misidentification. Information on habitat characteristics, range and conservation status is givenfor every new species.Predstavljene so spremembe v seznamu muh trepetavk Slovenije. Petnajst vrst jeprvič zabeleženih v slovenski favni: Brachyopa panzeri, Brachypalpus laphriformis, Callicera aenea, Chamaesyrphus scaevoides, Chalcosyrphus valgus,Melangyna lasiophthalma, Meligramma guttata, Merodon aberrans, Parhelophilus frutetorum, Orthonevra intermedia, Platycheirus occultus, Rhingia borealis, Spazigaster ambulans, Sphaerophoria chongjini in Sphaerophoria fatarum. Iz kompleksa vrst Merodon aeneus sta bili najdeni tako M. aeneus vrsta A/B kot tudi M. aeneus C. Ena vrsta, Xylota caeruliventris, jeumaknjena s seznama zaradi napačne določitve. Podani so podatki o značilnostih habitata, razširjenosti in varovalnem statusu vseh novih vrst

    Construction of digital elevation model for Šaleška dolina with the program Manifold System

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    This graduation thesis shows the making process of digital elevation model (DEM) of Šaleška valley in Geographical Information System (GIS). In the first part of the theme there is a short description of the Komunalno podjetje Velenje (Public utility service), which has a department that introductions of GIS technology outgrown the extend of classical cadastre and it is today a service, which conducts geographical information system for enterprise as a business system. In continuation of the theme the theory about Geographical Information System and digital terrain model (DTM) is described. In the final part of the theme I am trying to represent the Manifold System program which has very attractive and reasonable price and which has practically helped me to elaborate digital elevation model (DEM) for Šaleška vally region