22 research outputs found

    Proof-by-Instance for Embedded Network Design: From Prototype to Tool Roadmap

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    International audienceProof-by-instance is a technique that ensures the correctness of the results of a computation rather than proving correct the tool carrying out the computation. We report here on the application of this idea to check the computations relevant for analyzing time bounds for AFDX networks. We have demonstrated the feasibility of the approach by applying a proof-of-concept implementation to an AFDX network of realistic size, and we outline the roadmap towards a mature industrial toolset. This approach should lead to a reduction of the time and cost of developing analysis tools used in the design of embedded networks where certification is mandatory

    Dérivation d'algorithmes sans verrou à partir d'une spécification atomique

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    ISBN : 978-2-87037- 559 - 4National audiencePour gérer les accès de plusieurs processus à des données partagées, on utilise souvent un verrou global. Ici nous nous intéressons aux algorithmes sans verrou qui permettent un accès simultané en lecture et écriture. Malgré une littérature récente abondante, il y a peu de preuves de ces algorithmes. Nous proposons une méthode modulaire qui permettra de dériver des algorithmes sans verrou à partir d'une spécification atomique qui décrit la fonctionnalité des opérations élémentaires sur une structure de données. Cette méthode peut être utilisée dans un style "~à la B~" (approche top-down), mais elle permet aussi d'ajouter des points de linéarisation aux algorithmes, en adaptant le style de la méthode "~assume-guarantee~". Dans le présent article, on donne une formalisation de la méthode, et on explique son utilisation sur des exemples simplifiés. Nous comparons cette méthode à des méthodes plus classiques telles que B et TLA+

    Using CPAL to model and validate the timing behaviour of embedded systems

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    This work presents a solution to the Formal Methods for Timing Verification (FMTV) Challenge 2015 using CPAL. CPAL stands for the Cyber-Physical Action Language and is a novel language to model, simulate and verify cyber-physical systems as those described in the challenge. We believe that the complexity of the challenge mainly stems from the complex interactions of the tasks and processes composing the aerial video tracking system of the challenge. Using CPAL we have derived a complete and unambiguous description of the system that supports timing verification. The different sub-challenges were solved by timing-accurate simulation and/or schedulability analysis. Even though simulation does not provide firm guarantees on the worst-case behaviour, it helps the system designer solve scheduling problems and validate the solutions, where verification tools can not be applied directly due to the complexity of the model as in the 2015 FMTV challenge

    DIXIT: a Graphical Toolkit for Predicate Abstractions

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    We describe a toolkit to support the use of predicate diagrams, a representation of predicate abstractions that includes annotations for proving liveness properties. Centered around a graphical editor for drawing predicate diagrams, proof obligations for proving correctness of the abstraction w.r.t. TLA+ system specifications can be generated, correctness properties expressed in temporal logic can be verified by model checking, and counterexamples can be visualized. The toolkit also supports stepwise development of systems, based on a notion of refinement of predicate diagrams

    Simulation-Based Fault Injection as a Verification Oracle for the Engineering of Time-Triggered Ethernet networks

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    TTEthernet (TTE) is considered for use as high-speed backbone in the avionics of next-generation orbital space launchers. Given the key role of communication in launchers, the OEM must acquire a precise understanding of TTE’s functioning and its performances in nominal and error conditions. This holds especially true for the clock synchronization algorithm, the cornerstone of time-triggered communication in TTE, which involves complex distributed algorithms. In this study, we use both an experimental platform and fault-injection on a simulation model to gain quantified insights in these questions. We first describe a fine-grained simulation model of TTE model and discuss how it has been validated against communication traces recorded on the TTE platform. We then present experiments that evaluate the accuracy of the clock synchronization in TTE in the fault-free case as well as considering permanent link failure and transient transmission errors. Finally, we discuss what we have learned during the project in terms of development process and programming language support for complex simulation models used in the design of critical systems

    Bringing flexibility to integrated continuous biomanufacturing

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    From FMTV to WATERS: Lessons Learned from the First Verification Challenge at ECRTS

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    We present here the main features and lessons learned from the first edition of what has now become the ECRTS industrial challenge, together with the final description of the challenge and a comparative overview of the proposed solutions. This verification challenge, proposed by Thales, was first discussed in 2014 as part of a dedicated workshop (FMTV, a satellite event of the FM 2014 conference), and solutions were discussed for the first time at the WATERS 2015 workshop. The use case for the verification challenge is an aerial video tracking system. A specificity of this system lies in the fact that periods are constant but known with a limited precision only. The first part of the challenge focuses on the video frame processing system. It consists in computing maximum values of the end-to-end latency of the frames sent by the camera to the display, for two different buffer sizes, and then the minimum duration between two consecutive frame losses. The second challenge is about computing end-to-end latencies on the tracking and camera control for two different values of jitter. Solutions based on five different tools - Fiacre/Tina, CPAL (simulation and analysis), IMITATOR, UPPAAL and MAST - were submitted for discussion at WATERS 2015. While none of these solutions provided a full answer to the challenge, a combination of several of them did allow to draw some conclusions

    From FMTV to WATERS: Lessons Learned from the First Verification Challenge at ECRTS

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    We present here the main features and lessons learned from the first edition of what has now become the ECRTS industrial challenge, together with the final description of the challenge and a comparative overview of the proposed solutions. This verification challenge, proposed by Thales, was first discussed in 2014 as part of a dedicated workshop (FMTV, a satellite event of the FM 2014 conference), and solutions were discussed for the first time at the WATERS 2015 workshop. The use case for the verification challenge is an aerial video tracking system. A specificity of this system lies in the fact that periods are constant but known with a limited precision only. The first part of the challenge focuses on the video frame processing system. It consists in computing maximum values of the end-to-end latency of the frames sent by the camera to the display, for two different buffer sizes, and then the minimum duration between two consecutive frame losses. The second challenge is about computing end-to-end latencies on the tracking and camera control for two different values of jitter. Solutions based on five different tools - Fiacre/Tina, CPAL (simulation and analysis), IMITATOR, UPPAAL and MAST - were submitted for discussion at WATERS 2015. While none of these solutions provided a full answer to the challenge, a combination of several of them did allow to draw some conclusions

    Provably correct lock­free data structure

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    Le sujet central de cette thèse est le développement d'une méthode dédiée à la preuve de structures de données sans verrou. La motivation première vient du constat que les programmes concurrents sont devenu monnaie courante. Ceci a été possible par l'apparition de nouvelles primitives de synchronisation dans les nouvelles architectures matérielles. La seconde motivation est la quête de logiciel prouvé et donc correct. La sûreté des logiciels est en effet devenue primordiale de par la diffusion des systèmes embarqués et enfouis. La méthode proposée est basée sur le raffinement et dédiée à la conception et la vérification d'algorithme non-bloquant, en particulier ceux sans verrou. La méthode a été formalisée et sa correction prouvée en Isabelle/HOL. Un outil a par ailleurs été développé afin de générer des obligations de preuves à destination des solveurs SMT et des prouveurs de théorèmes du premier ordre. Nous l'avons utilisé afin de vérifier certains de ces algorithmes.The central topic of this thesis is the proof-based development of lock-free data-structure algorithms. First motivation comes from new computer architectures that come with new synchronisation features. Those features enable concurrent algorithms that do not use locks and are thus more efficient. The second motivation is the search for proved correct program. Nowadays embedded software are used everywhere included in systems where safety is central. We propose a refinement-based method for designing and verifying non-blocking, and in particular lock-free, implementations of data structures. The entire method has been formalised in Isabelle/HOL. An associated prototype tool generates verification conditions that can be solved by SMT solvers or automatic theorem provers for first-order logic, and we have used this approach to verify a number of such algorithms

    Développement prouvé de structures de données sans verrou

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    http://www.theses.fr/2009NAN10022The central topic of this thesis is the proof-based development of lock-free data-structure algorithms. First motivation comes from new computer architectures that come with new synchronisation features. Those features enable concurrent algorithms that do not use locks and are thus more efficient. The second motivation is the search for proved correct program. Nowadays embedded software are used everywhere included in systems where safety is central. We propose a refinement-based method for designing and verifying non-blocking, and in particular lock-free, implementations of data structures. The entire method has been formalised in Isabelle/HOL. An associated prototype tool generates verification conditions that can be solved by SMT solvers or automatic theorem provers for first-order logic, and we have used this approach to verify a number of such algorithms.Le sujet central de cette thèse est le développement d'une méthode dédiée à la preuve de structures de données sans verrou. La motivation première vient du constat que les programmes concurrents sont devenu monnaie courante. Ceci a été possible par l'apparition de nouvelles primitives de synchronisation dans les nouvelles architectures matérielles. La seconde motivation est la quête de logiciel prouvé et donc correct. La sûreté des logiciels est en effet devenue primordiale de par la diffusion des systèmes embarqués et enfouis. La méthode proposée est basée sur le raffinement et dédiée à la conception et la vérification d'algorithme non-bloquant, en particulier ceux sans verrou. La méthode a été formalisée et sa correction prouvée en Isabelle/HOL. Un outil a par ailleurs été développé afin de générer des obligations de preuves à destination des solveurs SMT et des prouveurs de théorèmes du premier ordre. Nous l'avons utilisé afin de vérifier certains de ces algorithmes