1,068 research outputs found


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    Presentación del volumen «Impacto y transferencia de la formación docente universitaria».Presentació del volum «Impacte i transferència de la formació docent universitària».Presentation of the volume

    La influencia de factores personales, institucionales y contextuales en la trayectoria y el desarrollo docente de los profesores universitarios

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    La trajectòria i el desenvolupament docent del professor universitari estan influïts per la successió de models docents positius i negatius, però també per altres processos significatius de tipus personal (l'experiència docent i professional prèvia, les concepcions sobre docència, les creences, les rutines, el coneixement professional pràctic...), familiar (experiències familiars, una parella docent...), institucional (les polítiques de promoció, selecció, formació i avaluació, recursos...), contextual (perfil dels estudiants, perfil dels estudis...) i social (canvis tecnològics i socials...). Tots intervenen en la seva activitat professional i poden contribuir a millorar o limitar el seu desenvolupament professional en certs moments de la carrera docent. En funció de la naturalesa de la resposta del professor envers el canvi, la intensitat del seu desenvolupament pot variar.University teachers' teaching development is being influenced by series of positive and negative teaching models, as well as by other previous meaningful processes such as personal determining factors (previous teaching and professional experience, conceptions, believes, routines, practical knowledge...), family determining factors (family experiences, teaching partner...), institutional factors (promotion, selection, training and resource allocation policies...), contextual factors (students' profile, career profile, structure and methodology...) and social factors (social and technological changes...). All of them influence the teachers' professional activity and contribute to the enhancement or decrease of their professional development at certain moments of their teaching career. According to the nature of the teacher's response towards change, the intensity of his development can vary.La trayectoria y el desarrollo docente del profesor universitario están influidos por la sucesión de modelos docentes positivos y negativos, pero también por otros procesos significativos de tipo personal (la experiencia docente y profesional previa, las concepciones, las creencias, las rutinas, el conocimiento práctico...), familiar (experiencias familiares, cónyuge docente...), institucional (políticas de promoción, selección, formación y evaluación, recursos...), contextual (perfil de los estudiantes, perfil de los estudios...) y social (cambios tecnológicos y sociales...). Todos intervienen en su actividad profesional y pueden contribuir a mejorar o limitar su desarrollo profesional en ciertos momentos de la carrera docente. En función de la naturaleza de la respuesta del profesor hacia el cambio, la intensidad de su desarrollo puede variar

    La influencia de factores personales, institucionales y contextuales en la trayectoria y el desarrollo docente de los profesores universitarios

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    La trajectòria i el desenvolupament docent del professor universitari estan influïts per la successió de models docents positius i negatius, però també per altres processos significatius de tipus personal (l'experiència docent i professional prèvia, les concepcions sobre docència, les creences, les rutines, el coneixement professional pràctic...), familiar (experiències familiars, una parella docent...), institucional (les polítiques de promoció, selecció, formació i avaluació, recursos...), contextual (perfil dels estudiants, perfil dels estudis...) i social (canvis tecnològics i socials...). Tots intervenen en la seva activitat professional i poden contribuir a millorar o limitar el seu desenvolupament professional en certs moments de la carrera docent. En funció de la naturalesa de la resposta del professor envers el canvi, la intensitat del seu desenvolupament pot variar.University teachers' teaching development is being influenced by series of positive and negative teaching models, as well as by other previous meaningful processes such as personal determining factors (previous teaching and professional experience, conceptions, believes, routines, practical knowledge...), family determining factors (family experiences, teaching partner...), institutional factors (promotion, selection, training and resource allocation policies...), contextual factors (students' profile, career profile, structure and methodology...) and social factors (social and technological changes...). All of them influence the teachers' professional activity and contribute to the enhancement or decrease of their professional development at certain moments of their teaching career. According to the nature of the teacher's response towards change, the intensity of his development can vary.La trayectoria y el desarrollo docente del profesor universitario están influidos por la sucesión de modelos docentes positivos y negativos, pero también por otros procesos significativos de tipo personal (la experiencia docente y profesional previa, las concepciones, las creencias, las rutinas, el conocimiento práctico...), familiar (experiencias familiares, cónyuge docente...), institucional (políticas de promoción, selección, formación y evaluación, recursos...), contextual (perfil de los estudiantes, perfil de los estudios...) y social (cambios tecnológicos y sociales...). Todos intervienen en su actividad profesional y pueden contribuir a mejorar o limitar su desarrollo profesional en ciertos momentos de la carrera docente. En función de la naturaleza de la respuesta del profesor hacia el cambio, la intensidad de su desarrollo puede variar

    L'esdeveniment, la mirada i el teatre de la veritat

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    Analysis of the human sciences discourse according M. Foucault's views on relationships between power, truth and fiction. The emergence of human sciences allowed to reduce human reality to a subject of scientific study. Foucault tried to capture this «event» putting it on stage, showing how, below the placid staging of its games of truth, struggles, violence and battles are hidden. In this sense, Foucault understood philosophical activity as an act of indiscipline, or as an art of reasoned indocility, insofar as thinking turned into experiment would allow us not only to problematize what we are, but it would also provide us with tactical indicators to guide us in the complex theatre of truth and power relationships

    Depression and identity : Are self-constructions negative or conflictual?

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    Negative self-views have proved to be a consistent marker of vulnerability for depression. However, recent research has shown that a particular kind of cognitive conflict, implicative dilemma, is highly prevalent in depression. In this study, the relevance of these conflicts is assessed as compared to the cognitive model of depression of a negative view of the self. In so doing, 161 patients with major depression and 110 controls were assessed to explore negative self-construing (self-ideal discrepancy) and conflicts (implicative dilemmas), as well as severity of symptoms. Results showed specificity for the clinical group indicating a pattern of mixed positive and negative self-descriptions with a high rate of conflict. Regression analysis lent support to the conflict hypothesis in relation to clinically relevant indicators such as symptom severity, global functioning. However, self-ideal discrepancy was a stronger predictor of group membership. The findings showed the relevance of cognitive conflicts to compliment the well-consolidated theory of negative self-views. Clinical implications for designing interventions are discussed.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Una perspectiva constructivista de la cognición: Implicaciones para las terapias cognitivas

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    Desde la epistemología constructivista se considera la cognición como la actividad básica del vivir: interpretar la experiencia, otorgar significado al flujo de los acontecimientos. Por tanto, no se la ve como una actividad intelectual, racional o mental sino holística porque implica al sujeto en su totalidad; aunque se pueda manifestar en forma de pensamientos, emociones, imágenes, etc. Las distintas terapias cognitivas de inspiración constructivista comparten la visión de la persona como un agente que construye de forma proactiva los acontecimientos, incorporando los significados generados en un sistema cuyo núcleo es el sentido de identidad. Los esfuerzos para promover el cambio pueden provocar resistencias a menos que se armonicen con la necesidad esencial de la persona de proteger su sentido de identidad, continuidad y, en consecuencia, su unicidad

    "Toquem ferro: història natural de l'element (Fe)"

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    Incorporation and reception in Early Childhood and Primary Schools in Catalonia: perceptions of teachers, tutors and principals

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    Entering the teaching profession is a process influenced by many factors that have an effect on the way the novice teachers, recently graduated from university, perceive and live the first year of their teaching experience. These factors are related to the context: the sort of reception organized by the school management team and teachers; the peer-support and the professionalmaturity of the teacher.This article presents a research about the first year of teaching experience in Catalan public schools of infantile and primary education. The study has foreseen the accomplishment of study cases in five educational centers. Individual and group interviews have been carried out to beginning teachers, their mentors and the school management board. Focus groups with trainersof beginning teachers taking part of an induction program promoted by the Catalan government, have been also carried out and finally interviews to different services of education (inspectors, psychopedagogs and members of resource centers.The results here presented summarize one part of the research, this is the perceptions of teachers, mentors and management board’s members. They confirm the necessity to offer an induction program for first year teachers based on daily practice reflection as well as to plan the reception of new teachers by means of a contextualized plan including information on the school organization and curriculum as well as support strategies from expert teachers and themanagement board

    Evaluation of the efficacy of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens against Ditylenchus angustus infection in rice

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    Curs 2014-2015The rice stem nematode Ditylenchus angustus causes “Ufra” disease in rice and causes substantial yield losses. Environmental side effects associated with chemical control of this nematode underline the urgent need for alternative environmental-friendly strategies. Antagonistic bacteria have been shown to be promising microorganisms for the biological control of plant-parasitic nematodes. However, there is little information about using bacteria to reduce the D. angustus infection in rice. We isolated and identified some bacterial strain as Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. It has been shown that man strains of plant-associated Bacillus amyloliquefaciens stimulate plant growth and produce secondary metabolites that suppress plant pathogens. The aim of this research is to evaluate the efficacy of our identified B. amyloliquefaciens against D. angustus infection in rice

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