11 research outputs found

    Avaliação clínica e metabólica de potros nascidos de éguas com placentite

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    Biochemistry, hematologic and clinic evaluation of foals newborn to mares with placentitis assist in identification high risk animals. The first study aimed to evaluate neonatal maturity foals newborn of mares with placentitis. Were evaluated six foals, dividing according to degree of viability and survival were evaluated up to 60 hours: No survivors group (NSG, n=2), Debilitated group (DG, n=2), and Healthy group (HG, n=2). The HG showed longer gestation length (320±2 days) and longer inoculationdelivery interval (20,5±2,5 days). NSG and DG showed delay to sternal recumbency and sucking reflex. The NSG had bradycardia and hypothermia to48 hours of life.. It is concluded that the longer maintenance of gestation after placental injury, better is the fetal maturation, which reflect in better viability and ability to neonatal response. The second study aimed to describe hematologic and biochemistry response of foals newborn of mares with placentitis. Was evaluated 58 neonatal foals, which was divided in Control group (CG, n=22) and Placentitis group (PG, n=36). The placentitis group was subdivided into 3 groups: healthy group (HG, n=12), higher blood concentration of plasmatic lactate group (HLG, n=14), and dysmmature group (DG, n=10). Plasma fibrinogen and creatinine on birth was higher (p<0.05) in DG. In HLG and DG presented elevation (p=0.01) in birth concentration lactate with no reduce in 24hs. It is concluded neonatal foals from gestation with placentitis present several clinic conditions, with different adaptation and neonatal response requiring neonatal evaluation and monitoring to order find metabolic changes immediately and delayed metabolic changes.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPESA avaliação clinica, hematológica e bioquimica de potros nascidos de eguas com placentite auxilia na identificação dos animais de maior risco. O primeiro estudo teve objetivo avaliar a maturidade neonatal de potros nascidos de éguas com placentite. Foram avaliados seis potros, divididos de acordo com o grau de viabilidade e sobrevivência até 60 horas: grupo não sobreviventes (GNS, n=2); grupo debilitados (GD, n=2); grupo saudáveis (GS, n=2). O GS apresentou maior tempo de gestação (320±2 dias) e maior intervalo inoculação-parto (20,5±2,5 dias). Os potros do GNS e GD apresentaram atraso para decúbito esternal e reflexo de sucção. O GNS apresentou bradicardia e hipotermia com 48hs de vida. Conclui-se que a manutenção da gestação após a injúria placentária, influencia na maturação fetal e na capacidade de resposta neonatal. O segundo estudo teve objetivo descrever a resposta hematológica e bioquímica de potros nascidos de éguas com placentite. Foram avaliados 58 potros, divididos em grupo controle (GC, n=22) e grupo placentite (GP, n=36). O GP foi subdividido em três grupos, de acordo com o diagnostico de placentite: grupo saudáveis (GS, n=12), hiperlactatemia (GH, n=14) e Dismaturos (GD, n=10). Fibrinogênio plasmático e creatinina ao nascimento foi maior (p<0,05) no GD. Os potros do GH e GD apresentaram elevação (p=0,01) nas concentrações de lactato ao nascimento, sem redução em 24 horas. Conclui-se que potros neonatos provenientes de gestações com placentite apresentam condições clínicas variadas e grau de resposta neonatal distintos, necessitando avaliação e acompanhamento neonatal na busca de possíveis alterações metabólicas imediatas e tardia

    Mieloencefalite protozoária equina nas regiões da Campanha e do sul do Rio Grande do Sul no período de 1998-2006

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    This study evaluates the occurrence of Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (EPM) in the Southern regions of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil. Sixty-one horses presenting nervous symptomatology were assisted at the Veterinary Clinical Hospital of UFPel. They were subjected to general and specific clinical evaluation and Westernblot analysis in order to identify the presence of Sarcocystis neurona antibodies in the cerebrospinal fluid. Among them, 23 (37.7 %) animals were clinically diagnosed with EPM, 18 (29.5%) of which were positive for Westernblot. The majority of cases occurred in female Thoroughbreds horses with 10 or more years old. The clinical evolution varied, and 61% of the animals responded positively to the therapy.Este estudo visa avaliar a ocorrência de Mieloencefalite Protozoária Equina (MEP) nas regiões da Campanha e do sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram atendidos no Hospital de Clínicas Veterinárias da UFPel no período de 1998-2006, 61 cavalos demonstrando sintomatologia nervosa, que foram submetidos à avaliação clínica geral e específica e à análise do líquido cefalorraquidiano por Westernblot para a presença de anticorpos contra S. neurona. Destes, 23 (37,7%) tiveram diagnóstico clínico de MPE, dos quais 18 (29,5%) foram positivos no Westernblot. A maior parte dos casos ocorreu em fêmeas, da raça PSI, com idade superior a 10 anos. A evolução clínica foi variável, com 61% dos animais apresentando resposta positiva ao tratamento

    Occurrence of Gasterophilus spp. in Weanling Foals in Southern Brazil

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    Background: The occurrence of gastrointestinal myiasis caused by Gasterophilus spp. larvae (Diptera: Oestridae) in adult horses has been widely characterized, however data on natural infestation in young foals have been lacking. This observation may be related to the absence of conclusive diagnosis in these individuals, most likely due to logistical or financial constraints. Gastric ulceration is a problem and a significant cause of morbidity in foals, particularly during the weaning stage; therefore, gasterophilosis should be included in the differential diagnosis. The primary purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of gasterophilosis in 4- to 6-month-old weanling foals.Material, Methods &amp; Results: Seventy-one healthy weanling foals were enrolled in the study. Physical assessment blood sampling and was completed in all foals before the commencement of the experiment. Gastroscopy examinations were performed under sedation (Detomidine 0.01 - 0.02 mg/kg) with a flexible endoscope inserted through nasogastric via. The lumen of the stomach was examined in order to search for botflies’ larvae. Following gastroscopy, foals were classified into 2 groups based on the presence of Gasterophilus spp. larvae in their stomachs: 1) Infected and 2) Not Infected. Infected foals received a single dose of commercial trichlorfon and albendazole equine oral gel and were stalled for 24 h. The passed feces were thoroughly examined, searching for elimination of larvae. A Total of 64% of the foals (n=45/71) harbored Gasterophilus spp. larvae in the stomach. Mild hyperemia in the gastric mucosa was observed in the attachment sites of the parasites. Physical assessment and hematological parameters’ data were analyzed with Shapiro-Wilk normality test. Comparison between groups for clinical signs, hematological parameters and Gasterophilus spp. infection rates were evaluated using the Kruskal-Wallis test or Student's t-test. Statistical significance was set at P &lt; 0.05. There were no statistically significant variations in physical and hematological parameters between foals that were affected and those that were not infected. The larvae found in the feces were subjected to morphological examination, which confirmed the diagnosis of Gasterophilus intestinalis.Discussion: No systemic clinical indications compatible with Gasterophilus infestation were seen, as described in previous studies of horses infected with the parasite. No botfly eggs were observed in the hair of evaluated foals. During gastroscopy, mild hyperemic lesions in the gastric mucosa were observed in the larvae fixation sites. Although no changes in clinical or hematological parameters were noted, the confirmation of parasite presence is a cause for concern due to horses' tolerance for low infestation levels and poor diagnosis. Additionally, the presence of this myiasis in foals may be a significant stressor during the weaning period and should be included in the differential diagnosis of recurring abdominal pain. Furthermore, infected foals might be a reservoir for the parasite and, contribute to the elimination and spread of the larvae in the environment. Thus, inclusion of young horses in deworming protocols targeted to botfly larvae is needed. This is the first report of Gasterophilus intestinalis myiasis in foals in Brazil. Further research is necessary to fully understand the epidemiology and prevalence of this condition in young horses in Brazil, based on the findings of this study. Keywords: Gasterophilus intestinalis, cavity myiasis, gastroscopy, Oestridae


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    Many families use wagon pulled by traction horses as their means of work or supplemental income. In Pelotas, there has been a Veterinary Clinic since 2006, which provides free weekly clinical care to these horses, due to concern about their health. The objectives of this study were to evaluate and record the biometric patterns of traction horses in Pelotas. We evaluated 219 horses, 129 females and 90 males. We measured chest width (ChW), leg perimeter (LP), thoracic perimeter (TP), croup width (CrW), height (H) and weight (W) of the animal. Through these values, we calculated the compactness index 1 (CCI1=(W/WH)/100), compactness index 2 (CCI2 = (W/[WH-1]/100) and conformation index (CFI=TP2/WH). The animals of both sexes showed the following averages: H - 1.38 ± 0.07 m; LP - 0.19 ± 0.02 cm; TP - 1.56 ± 0.10 m; ChW - 0.26 ± 0.05 cm; CrW - 0.22 ± 0.05 cm; weight - 308 ± 60 kg. Regarding the ICC1, ICC2 and ICF indices, the averages for both sexes were, respectively: 2.30; 8.39; 1.82. Accordingly, the indices obtained showed that most of the evaluated horses were inadequate to pull heavy loads and had greater ability to pull light loads or to be used as riding horses

    Educomunicação, Transformação Social e Desenvolvimento Sustentável

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    Esta publicação apresenta os principais trabalhos dos GTs do II Congresso Internacional de Comunicação e Educação nos temas&nbsp;Transformação social, com os artigos que abordam principalmente Educomunicação e/ou Mídia-Educação, no contexto de políticas de diversidade, inclusão e equidade; e, em Desenvolvimento Sustentável&nbsp;os artigos que abordam os avanços da relação comunicação/educação no contexto da educação ambiental e desenvolvimento sustentável

    Atenção integral a carroceiros e catadores de lixo de Pelotas, RS

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    Este relatório pretende apresentar parte do programa de extensão: “Ação de atenção a carroceiros e catadores de lixo de Pelotas, RS”, que tem como objetivo principal proporcionar maior conscientização da população de carroceiros e catado res de lixo sobre cuidados de manejo, alimentação e das principais doenças que acometem os equinos, na busca de melhor qualidade de vida e saúde do animal, além de levar atendimento médico veterinário aos animais de companhia e utiliza dos na tração de carroças. Para as famílias de baixa renda, o cavalo é o meio de transporte e carga para o desenvolvimento de seu sustento rentável. Desta forma, a sanidade animal torna-se um fator importante para a execução da atividade, refletindo em melhora do trabalho de tração, além de qualidade de vida e bem estar animal. O programa foi implantado em 2006 e atende atualmente aproximada mente 700 famílias carentes do município de Pelotas, RS. É realizado junto à comunidade assistência social com ações de integração e palestras educativas. As atividades de extensão estão associadas ao ensino e a pesquisa, oportunizando aos alunos de medicina veterinária aprendizagem prática através do auxílio no atendimento médico veterinário dos animais, assim como permite a elaboração de projetos de pesquisa, com colheita de material e levantamento de dados

    Occurrence of Gasterophilus spp. in Weanling Foals in Southern Brazil

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    Background: The occurrence of gastrointestinal myiasis caused by Gasterophilus spp. larvae (Diptera: Oestridae) in adult horses has been widely characterized, however data on natural infestation in young foals have been lacking. This observation may be related to the absence of conclusive diagnosis in these individuals, most likely due to logistical or financial constraints. Gastric ulceration is a problem and a significant cause of morbidity in foals, particularly during the weaning stage; therefore, gasterophilosis should be included in the differential diagnosis. The primary purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of gasterophilosis in 4- to 6-month-old weanling foals.Material, Methods &amp; Results: Seventy-one healthy weanling foals were enrolled in the study. Physical assessment blood sampling and was completed in all foals before the commencement of the experiment. Gastroscopy examinations were performed under sedation (Detomidine 0.01 - 0.02 mg/kg) with a flexible endoscope inserted through nasogastric via. The lumen of the stomach was examined in order to search for botflies’ larvae. Following gastroscopy, foals were classified into 2 groups based on the presence of Gasterophilus spp. larvae in their stomachs: 1) Infected and 2) Not Infected. Infected foals received a single dose of commercial trichlorfon and albendazole equine oral gel and were stalled for 24 h. The passed feces were thoroughly examined, searching for elimination of larvae. A Total of 64% of the foals (n=45/71) harbored Gasterophilus spp. larvae in the stomach. Mild hyperemia in the gastric mucosa was observed in the attachment sites of the parasites. Physical assessment and hematological parameters’ data were analyzed with Shapiro-Wilk normality test. Comparison between groups for clinical signs, hematological parameters and Gasterophilus spp. infection rates were evaluated using the Kruskal-Wallis test or Student's t-test. Statistical significance was set at P &lt; 0.05. There were no statistically significant variations in physical and hematological parameters between foals that were affected and those that were not infected. The larvae found in the feces were subjected to morphological examination, which confirmed the diagnosis of Gasterophilus intestinalis.Discussion: No systemic clinical indications compatible with Gasterophilus infestation were seen, as described in previous studies of horses infected with the parasite. No botfly eggs were observed in the hair of evaluated foals. During gastroscopy, mild hyperemic lesions in the gastric mucosa were observed in the larvae fixation sites. Although no changes in clinical or hematological parameters were noted, the confirmation of parasite presence is a cause for concern due to horses' tolerance for low infestation levels and poor diagnosis. Additionally, the presence of this myiasis in foals may be a significant stressor during the weaning period and should be included in the differential diagnosis of recurring abdominal pain. Furthermore, infected foals might be a reservoir for the parasite and, contribute to the elimination and spread of the larvae in the environment. Thus, inclusion of young horses in deworming protocols targeted to botfly larvae is needed. This is the first report of Gasterophilus intestinalis myiasis in foals in Brazil. Further research is necessary to fully understand the epidemiology and prevalence of this condition in young horses in Brazil, based on the findings of this study. Keywords: Gasterophilus intestinalis, cavity myiasis, gastroscopy, Oestridae


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    The common domestic equine species present various hematological differences within reference values as a result of age, breed, sex, physical activity, among others. Therefore, it is important that reference intervals should be established for these particularities. This work aimed to evaluate sequential changes in hematological parameters of healthy Thoroughbred foals from birth to six months of life. Blood samples were collected immediately after birth (before the intake of colostrum), at 24 h, 7 days, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 months of age in order to measure packed cell volume (PCV), total plasma protein (TPP), fibrinogen and white blood cells (WBC). Descriptive statistics, analysis of one-way AOV and comparison between means by LSD test were accomplished. Hematological values were assessed in 1426 samples. The curve variations in PCV, total plasma protein, fibrinogen and WBC values observed in healthy Thoroughbred foals from birth to 6 months were similar to those described for other breeds. However, we verified higher TPP values than mean reference values at all ages. The ranges of fibrinogen and WBC showed small intervals and maximum values below the hematologic reference values for all ages. These changes in hematologic values provide useful information for clinical evaluation of Thoroughbred foals

    Da ética ambiental à bioética ambiental: antecedentes, trajetórias e perspectivas

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