506 research outputs found

    The brattleboro rat displays a natural deficit in social discrimination that is restored by clozapine and a neurotensin analog.

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    Cognitive deficits in schizophrenia are a major source of dysfunction for which more effective treatments are needed. The vasopressin-deficient Brattleboro (BRAT) rat has been shown to have several natural schizophrenia-like deficits, including impairments in prepulse inhibition and memory. We investigated BRAT rats and their parental strain, Long-Evans (LE) rats, in a social discrimination paradigm, which is an ethologically relevant animal test of cognitive deficits of schizophrenia based upon the natural preference of animals to investigate conspecifics. We also investigated the effects of the atypical antipsychotic, clozapine, and the putative antipsychotic, PD149163, a brain-penetrating neurotensin-1 agonist, on social discrimination in these rats. Adult rats were administered saline or one of the three doses of clozapine (0.1, 1.0, or 10 mg/kg) or PD149163 (0.1, 0.3, or 1.0 mg/kg), subcutaneously. Following drug administration, adult rats were exposed to a juvenile rat for a 4-min learning period. Animals were then housed individually for 30 min and then simultaneously exposed to the juvenile presented previously and a new juvenile for 4 min. Saline-treated LE rats, but not BRAT rats, exhibited intact social discrimination as evidenced by greater time spent exploring the new juvenile. The highest dose of clozapine and the two highest doses of PD149163 restored social discrimination in BRAT rats. These results provide further support for the utility of the BRAT rat as a genetic animal model relevant to schizophrenia and drug discovery. The potential of neurotensin agonists as putative treatments for cognitive deficits of schizophrenia was also supported

    Images of psychiatry and psychiatrists.

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    OBJECTIVE: This study surveyed medical teaching faculty to determine their attitudes toward psychiatry and psychiatrists. METHOD: We conducted a multisite survey of a probability sample of 1057 teaching medical faculty members from 15 academic teaching centers in the United Kingdom, Europe, and Asia stratified by early, middle, and late career stage. The average response rate across countries was 65%. RESULTS: The outstanding findings were that 90% of respondents considered that psychiatrists were not good role models for medical students, 84% thought psychiatric patients were unsuitable to be treated outside of specialized facilities, and 73% thought psychiatric patients were emotionally draining. We noted statistically significant differences by country, gender, career stage, and specialty. CONCLUSION: These results highlight why recruitment into psychiatry is problematic in many countries and suggest that greater attention should be given to improving the perception of psychiatrists as good role models and the efficacy of psychiatric treatments

    Promise and Pitfalls of Animal Models of Schizophrenia

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    Animal models are indispensible tools for advancing understanding of the cause of any given disease and developing new treatments. Developing animal models for schizophrenia presents formidable challenges owing to the distinctively human nature of the symptoms that define it and the thus-far-obscured underlying biological mechanisms. Nevertheless, progress has been and continues to be made in this important field of endeavor. This article discusses the challenges facing investigators who seek to develop and use animal models for translational research in schizophrenia and the responses that have emerged to those challenges, as well as the likely pathways that will lead to future progress

    Photoionization in the time and frequency domain

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    Ultrafast processes in matter, such as the electron emission following light absorption, can now be studied using ultrashort light pulses of attosecond duration (10−1810^{-18}s) in the extreme ultraviolet spectral range. The lack of spectral resolution due to the use of short light pulses may raise serious issues in the interpretation of the experimental results and the comparison with detailed theoretical calculations. Here, we determine photoionization time delays in neon atoms over a 40 eV energy range with an interferometric technique combining high temporal and spectral resolution. We spectrally disentangle direct ionization from ionization with shake up, where a second electron is left in an excited state, thus obtaining excellent agreement with theoretical calculations and thereby solving a puzzle raised by seven-year-old measurements. Our experimental approach does not have conceptual limits, allowing us to foresee, with the help of upcoming laser technology, ultra-high resolution time-frequency studies from the visible to the x-ray range.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Complete shutdown of microvascular perfusion upon hepatic cryothermia is critically dependent on local tissue temperature

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    Since microvascular dysfunction with complete circulatory arrest and, thus, prolongation of tissue ischaemia is considered a potential mechanism for cell necrosis following hepatic cryosurgery, we determined the temperature necessary for induction of complete nutritive perfusion failure in cryothermia-treated rat livers. After localization of the cryoprobe with seven thermocouples and application of a single or double freeze–thaw cycle, in vivo fluorescence microscopy of the cryoinjured left lobe was performed over a 2-h period using a computer-controlled stepping motor, which guaranteed analysis of the identical liver tissue segments with exact allocation of the thermocouples and thus determination of tissue temperature. Cryothermia resulted in a central non-perfused part of injury, surrounded by a heterogeneously perfused peripheral zone. The non-perfused area after single and double freezing continuously increased over the first 90-min period due to a successive shutdown of perfusion within the peripheral border zone. Analysis of the thermocouples' temperature at the end of freezing revealed the 0°C-front at 11.7 mm (single freeze–thaw cycle) and 12.1 mm (double freeze–thaw cycle) distant from the centre of the cryoprobe, which exactly corresponds with the initial (30 min) expansion of the area with nutritive perfusion failure. The increased non-perfused tissue area at 2 h conformed a critical border temperature between 8.29 ± 1.63°C and 9.07 ± 0.24°C. From these findings, we conclude that freezing of liver tissue to temperatures of at least < 0°C causes complete/irreversible perfusion failure, which consequently will result in cell death and tissue necrosis, and may thus be supposed as a prerequisite for the safe and successful application of cryosurgery in hepatic tumour ablation. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Cationic double K-hole pre-edge states of CS2 and SF6

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    Recent advances in X-ray instrumentation have made it possible to measure the spectra of an essentially unexplored class of electronic states associated with double inner-shell vacancies. Using the technique of single electron spectroscopy, spectra of states in CS2 and SF6 with a double hole in the K-shell and one electron exited to a normally unoccupied orbital have been obtained. The spectra are interpreted with the aid of a high-level theoretical model giving excellent agreement with the experiment. The results shed new light on the important distinction between direct and conjugate shake-up in a molecular context. In particular, systematic similarities and differences between pre-edge states near single core holes investigated in X-ray absorption spectra and the corresponding states near double core holes studied here are brought out

    Experimental Verification of the Chemical Sensitivity of Two-Site Double Core-Hole States Formed by an X-ray FEL

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    We have performed X-ray two-photon photoelectron spectroscopy (XTPPS) using the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) X-ray free-electron laser (FEL) in order to study double core-hole (DCH) states of CO2, N2O and N2. The experiment verifies the theory behind the chemical sensitivity of two-site (ts) DCH states by comparing a set of small molecules with respect to the energy shift of the tsDCH state and by extracting the relevant parameters from this shift.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    In vitro chemoenzymatic and in vivo biocatalytic syntheses of new beauvericin analogues

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugÀnglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.New beauvericins have been synthesized using the nonribosomal peptide synthetase BbBEAS from the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana. Chemical diversity was generated by in vitro chemoenzymatic and in vivo whole cell biocatalytic syntheses using either a B. bassiana mutant or an E. coli strain expressing the bbBeas gene.DFG, EXC 314, Unifying Concepts in Catalysi
