162 research outputs found

    Magnetohydrodynamic code for gravitationally-stratified media

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    Aims. We describe a newly-developed magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) code with the capacity to simulate the interaction of any arbitrary perturbation (i.e., not necessarily limited to the linearised limit) with a magnetohydrostatic equilibrium background. Methods. By rearranging the terms in the system of MHD equations and explicitly taking into account the magnetohydrostatic equilibrium condition, we define the equations governing the perturbations that describe the deviations from the background state of plasma for the density, internal energy and magnetic field. We found it was advantageous to use this modified form of the MHD equations for numerical simulations of physical processes taking place in a stable gravitationally-stratified plasma. The governing equations are implemented in a novel way in the code. Sub-grid diffusion and resistivity are applied to ensure numerical stability of the computed solution of the MHD equations. We apply a fourth-order central difference scheme to calculate the spatial derivatives, and implement an arbitrary Runge-Kutta scheme to advance the solution in time. Results. We have built the proposed method, suitable for strongly-stratified magnetised plasma, on the base of the well-documented Versatile Advection Code (VAC) and performed a number of one- and multi-dimensional hydrodynamic and MHD tests to demonstrate the feasibility and robustness of the code for applications to astrophysical plasmas

    Generation of Magnetohydrodynamic Waves in Low Solar Atmospheric Flux Tubes by Photospheric Motions

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    Recent ground- and space-based observations reveal the presence of small-scale motions between convection cells in the solar photosphere. In these regions, small-scale magnetic flux tubes are generated via the interaction of granulation motion and the background magnetic field. This paper studies the effects of these motions on magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) wave excitation from broadband photospheric drivers. Numerical experiments of linear MHD wave propagation in a magnetic flux tube embedded in a realistic gravitationally stratified solar atmosphere between the photosphere and the low choromosphere (above β = 1) are performed. Horizontal and vertical velocity field drivers mimic granular buffeting and solar global oscillations. A uniform torsional driver as well as Archimedean and logarithmic spiral drivers mimic observed torsional motions in the solar photosphere. The results are analyzed using a novel method for extracting the parallel, perpendicular, and azimuthal components of the perturbations, which caters to both the linear and non-linear cases. Employing this method yields the identification of the wave modes excited in the numerical simulations and enables a comparison of excited modes via velocity perturbations and wave energy flux. The wave energy flux distribution is calculated to enable the quantification of the relative strengths of excited modes. The torsional drivers primarily excite Alfvén modes (≈60% of the total flux) with small contributions from the slow kink mode, and, for the logarithmic spiral driver, small amounts of slow sausage mode. The horizontal and vertical drivers primarily excite slow kink or fast sausage modes, respectively, with small variations dependent upon flux surface radius

    Photospheric high-frequency acoustic power excess in sunspot umbra: signature of magneto-acoustic modes

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    We present observational evidence for the presence of MHD waves in the solar photosphere deduced from SOHO/MDI Dopplergram velocity observations. The magneto-acoustic perturbations are observed as acoustic power enhancement in the sunspot umbra at high-frequency bands in the velocity component perpendicular to the magnetic field. We use numerical modelling of wave propagation through localised non-uniform magnetic field concentration along with the same filtering procedure as applied to the observations to identify the observed waves. Guided by the results of the numerical simulations we classify the observed oscillations as magneto-acoustic waves excited by the trapped sub-photospheric acoustic waves. We consider the potential application of the presented method as a diagnostic tool for magnetohelioseismology.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Annales Geophysica

    "Explosively growing" vortices of unstably stratified atmosphere

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    ©2016. American Geophysical Union.A new type of "explosively growing" vortex structure is investigated theoretically in the framework of ideal fluid hydrodynamics. It is shown that vortex structures may arise in convectively unstable atmospheric layers containing background vorticity. From an exact analytical vortex solution the vertical vorticity structure and toroidal speed are derived and analyzed. The assumption that vorticity is constant with height leads to a solution that grows explosively when the flow is inviscid. The results shown are in agreement with observations and laboratory experiment

    Observational Evidence of Sausage-Pinch Instability in Solar Corona by SDO/AIA

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    We present the first observational evidence of the evolution of sausage-pinch instability in Active Region 11295 during a prominence eruption using data recorded on 12 September 2011 by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). We have identified a magnetic flux tube visible in AIA 304 \AA\ that shows curvatures on its surface with variable cross-sections as well as enhanced brightness. These curvatures evolved and thereafter smoothed out within a time-scale of a minute. The curved locations on the flux tube exhibit a radial outward enhancement of the surface of about 1-2 Mm (factor of 2 larger than the original thickness of the flux tube) from the equilibrium position. AIA 193 \AA\ snapshots also show the formation of bright knots and narrow regions inbetween at the four locations as that of 304 \AA\ along the flux tube where plasma emission is larger compared to the background. The formation of bright knots over an entire flux tube as well as the narrow regions in < 60 s may be the morphological signature of the sausage instability. We also find the flows of the confined plasma in these bright knots along the field lines, which indicates the dynamicity of the flux tube that probably causes the dominance of the longitudinal field component over short temporal scales. The observed longitudinal motion of the plasma frozen in the magnetic field lines further vanishes the formed curvatures and plasma confinements as well as growth of instability to stablize the flux tube.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    JET Formation in Solar Atmosphere Due to Magnetic Reconnection

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    Using numerical simulations, we show that jets with features of type II spicules and cool coronal jets corresponding to temperatures of 104 K can be formed as a result of magnetic reconnection in a scenario with magnetic resistivity. For this, we model the low chromosphere–corona region using the C7 equilibrium solar atmosphere model, assuming that resistive MHD rules the dynamics of the plasma. The magnetic field configurations we analyze correspond to two neighboring loops with opposite polarity. The formation of a highspeed and sharp structure depends on the separation of the loops’ feet. We analyze the cases where the magnetic field strength of the two loops is equal and different. In the first case, with a symmetric configuration the jets rise vertically, whereas in an asymmetric configuration the structure shows an inclination. With a number of simulations carried out under a 2.5D approach, we explore various properties of the excited jets, namely, inclination, lifetime, and velocity. The parameter space involves a magnetic field strength between 20 and 40 G, and the resistivity is assumed to be uniform with a constant value of the order 10-2W · m

    Effect of the total solar eclipse of March 20, 2015, on VLF/LF propagation

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    The analyzed amplitude and phase variations in electromagnetic VLF and LF signals at 20–45 kHz, received in Moscow, Graz (Austria), and Sheffield (UK) during the total solar eclipse of March 20, 2015, are considered. The 22 analyzed paths have lengths of 200—6100 km, are differently oriented, and cross 40–100% occultation regions. Fifteen paths crossed the region where the occultation varied from 40 to 90%. Solar eclipse effects were found only on one of these paths in the signal phase (–50°). Four long paths crossed the 90–100% occultation region, and signal amplitude and phase anomalies were detected for all four paths. Negative phase anomalies varied from–75° to–90°, and the amplitude anomalies were both positive and negative and were not larger than 5 dB. It was shown that the effective height of the ionosphere varied from 6.5 to 11 km during the eclipse

    Modelling 3D magnetic networks in a realistic solar atmosphere

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    This is the final version. Available from OUP via the DOI in this recordThe magnetic network extending from the photosphere (solar radius ≃ R☉ ) to lower corona (R☉ + 10Mm) plays an important role in the heating mechanisms of the solar atmosphere. Here we further develop the models with realistic open magnetic flux tubes of the authors in order to model more complicated configurations. Closed magnetic loops, and combinations of closed and open magnetic flux tubes are modelled. These are embedded within a stratified atmosphere, derived from observationally motivated semi-empirical and data-driven models subject to solar gravity and capable of spanning from the photosphere up into the chromosphere and lower corona. Constructing a magnetic field comprising self-similar magnetic flux tubes, an analytic solution for the kinetic pressure and plasma density is derived. Combining flux tubes of opposite polarity it is possible to create a steady background magnetic field configuration modelling a solar atmosphere exhibiting realistic stratification. The result can be applied to SOHO/MDI and SDO/HMI and other magnetograms from the solar surface, upon which photospheric motions can be simulated to explore the mechanism of energy transport. We demonstrate this powerful and versatile method with an application to Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager data.Academy of FinlandScience and Technology Facilities Council (STFC

    Spicule jets in the solar atmosphere modeled with resistive MHD and thermal conduction

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    Using numerical simulations, we study the effects of magnetic resistivity and thermal conductivity in the dynamics and properties of solar jets with characteristics of Type II spicules and cool coronal jets. The dynamic evolution of the jets is governed by the resistive MHD equations with thermal conduction along the magnetic field lines on a 2.5D slice. The magnetic field configuration consists of two symmetric neighboring loops with opposite polarity, used to support reconnection and followed by the plasma jet formation. In total, 10 simulations were carried out with different values of resistivity and thermal conductivity that produce jets with different morphological and thermal properties we quantify. We find that an increase in magnetic resistivity does not produce significant effects on the morphology, velocity, and temperature of the jets. However, thermal conductivity affects both temperature and morphology of the jets. In particular, thermal conductivity causes jets to reach greater heights and increases the temperature of the jet-apex. Also, heat flux maps indicate the jet-apex and corona interchange energy more efficiently than the body of the jet. These results could potentially open a new avenue for plasma diagnostics in the Sun's atmosphere
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