35 research outputs found

    Macroscopic characteristics facilitate identification of common Antarctic glass sponges (Porifera, Hexactinellida, Rossellidae)

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    Glass sponges (Porifera, Hexactinellida) are conspicuous habitat-forming members of many Antarctic shelf communities. Despite their ecological importance, in-situ species identification remains problematic as it is traditionally based on micro- scopic analysis of spicules. External morphological features, in contrast, have largely been disregarded, so that different species have been mislabeled or lumped together when their identification was based on image material. In this paper, we provide a straight-forward guideline for in-situ identification of the most common rossellid sponges of the Antarctic shelf based on macroscopic characteristics. To determine diagnostic macroscopic characteristics of Anoxycalyx (Scolymastra) joubini and eight Rossella species, we combined examination of trawl-collected specimens, previous species descriptions and in-situ image material from the eastern Weddell Sea. Our study revealed that the smooth-walled species A. joubini, R. nuda and R. vanhoeffeni, previously often mixed up, can be distinguished by the form of their basal spicule tuft, their surface structure and their overall body form. The previously synonymized species R. racovitzae and R. podagrosa can be distinguished by their markedly different habitus. Based on our results, the so-called ‘R. racovitzae budding type’ in fact refers to R. podagrosa which occurs regularly in the eastern Weddell Sea. The species R. villosa, R. levis, R. fibulata and R. antarctica can be distinguished by the appearance of their conules, protruding spicules and overall body form. We conclude that macroscopic characteristics are helpful means for identification of Antarctic rossellid sponge species. This approach enables species-specific quantitative studies of Antarctic glass sponge grounds based on increasingly used non-invasive imaging technology

    Pristine populations of habitat-forming gorgonian species on the Antarctic continental shelf

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    Declines in the abundance of long-lived and habitat-forming species on continental shelves have attracted particular attention given their importance to ecosystem structure and function of marine habitats. The study of undisturbed habitats defined as “pristine areas” is essential in creating a frame of reference for natural habitats free of human interference. Gorgonian species are one of the key structure-forming taxa in benthic communities on the Antarctic continental shelf. Current knowledge of the diversity, distribution and demography of this group is relatively limited in Antarctica. To overcome this lack of information we present original data on pristine and remote populations of gorgonians from the Weddell Sea, some of which display the largest colony sizes ever recorded in Antarctica. We assessed the distribution patterns of seven gorgonian species, a morphogroup and a family in front of the Filchner Ronne Ice Shelf (Weddell Sea) by means of quantitative analysis of video transects. Analysis of these videos showed a total of 3140 colonies of gorgonians with the highest abundance in the southern section and a significantly clumped distribution. This study contributes to the general knowledge of pristine areas of the continental shelf and identifies the eastern Weddell Sea as a hotspot for habitat-forming species

    First observations of Weddell seals foraging in sponges in Erebus Bay, Antarctica

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    Attaching cameras to marine mammals allows for first-hand observation of underwater behaviours that may otherwise go unseen. While studying the foraging behaviour of 26 lactating Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) in Erebus Bay during the austral spring of 2018 and 2019, we witnessed three adults and one pup investigating the cavities of Rossellidae glass sponges, with one seal visibly chewing when she removed her head from the sponge. To our knowledge, this is the first report of such behaviour. While the prey item was not identifiable, some Trematomus fish (a known Weddell seal prey) use glass sponges for shelter and in which to lay their eggs. Three of the four sponge foraging observations occurred around 13:00 (NZDT). Two of the three sponge foraging adults had higher-than-average reproductive rates, and the greatest number of previous pups of any seal in our study population, each having ten pups in 12 years. This is far higher than the study population average of three previous pups (± 2.6 SD). This novel foraging strategy may have evolved in response to changes in prey availability, and could offer an evolutionary advantage to some individuals that exploit prey resources that others may not. Our observations offer new insight into the foraging behaviours of one of the world’s most studied marine mammals. Further research on the social aspects of Weddell seal behaviour may increase our understanding of the extent and mechanisms of behavioural transfer between conspecifics. Research into the specific foraging behaviour of especially successful or experienced breeders is also warranted

    Publisher Correction: Biodiversity, environmental drivers, and sustainability of the global deep-sea sponge microbiome

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    The original version of the Description of Additional Supplementary Files associated with this Article contained errors in the legends of Supplementary Data 5–8 and omitted legends for the Source Data. The HTML has been updated to include a corrected version of the Description of Additional Supplementary Files; the original incorrect version of this file can be found as Supplementary Information associated with this Correction

    Biodiversity, environmental drivers, and sustainability of the global deep-sea sponge microbiome

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    In the deep ocean symbioses between microbes and invertebrates are emerging as key drivers of ecosystem health and services. We present a large-scale analysis of microbial diversity in deep-sea sponges (Porifera) from scales of sponge individuals to ocean basins, covering 52 locations, 1077 host individuals translating into 169 sponge species (including understudied glass sponges), and 469 reference samples, collected anew during 21 ship-based expeditions. We demonstrate the impacts of the sponge microbial abundance status, geographic distance, sponge phylogeny, and the physical-biogeochemical environment as drivers of microbiome composition, in descending order of relevance. Our study further discloses that fundamental concepts of sponge microbiology apply robustly to sponges from the deep-sea across distances of >10,000 km. Deep-sea sponge microbiomes are less complex, yet more heterogeneous, than their shallow-water counterparts. Our analysis underscores the uniqueness of each deep-sea sponge ground based on which we provide critical knowledge for conservation of these vulnerable ecosystems

    Glass sponge environments in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica

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    Glass sponges (Porifera, Hexactinellida) are one of the oldest existing animal groups. These marine sessile filter feeders were highly abundant throughout the ocean in the Jurassic period, when they formed vast reefs. Today, however, they mainly inhabit the deep sea, the Antarctic shelves and the shallow fjords along the coast of British Columbia, Canada. In the Antarctic, glass sponges are of particular ecological relevance, as they dominate the benthic biomass in many areas. The richly structured sponge beds harbor a diverse associated fauna and play a significant role in silicon cycling and bentho-pelagic coupling. Unfortunately, it is still unknown which factors determine glass sponge distribution and, therefore, how environmental changes might affect these important Antarctic communities. The aim of our study was to characterize environments with and without glass sponges to identify the determining parameters. We conducted video transects with a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) and measured various environmental parameters at corresponding stations in the Weddell Sea during expedition PS82 with RV Polarstern in January/February 2014. Our poster shows some preliminary results on glass sponge abundance and community composition, as well as profiles of environmental parameters at different stations. Glass sponge environments seem to differ from areas devoid of sponges for example in bottom water temperatures and dissolved silicate concentrations. Both parameters were found to be lower at ROV stations with glass sponges compared to those without. While the distribution of sponges might be affected by temperature and dissolved silicate, the animals might, on the other hand, reduce silicate concentrations themselves. However, it is not yet clear whether the observed differences are really related to the presence or absence of glass sponges. These first results provide ample opportunity for discussion of the relationships between glass sponge communities and their environment in the eastern Weddell Sea