302 research outputs found

    Josephson oscillation linewidth of ion-irradiated YBa2_2Cu3_3O7_7 junctions

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    We report on the noise properties of ion-irradiated YBa2_2Cu3_3O7_7 Josephson junctions. This work aims at investigating the linewidth of the Josephson oscillation with a detector response experiment at \simeq132 GHz. Experimental results are compared with a simple analytical model based on the Likharev-Semenov equation and the de Gennes dirty limit approximation. We show that the main source of low-frequency fluctuations in these junctions is the broadband Johnson noise and that the excess (1f\frac{1}{f}) noise contribution does not prevail in the temperature range of interest, as reported in some other types of high-Tc_c superconducting Josephson junctions. Finally, we discuss the interest of ion-irradiated junctions to implement frequency-tunable oscillators consisting of synchronized arrays of Josephson junctions

    A 380 GHz SIS receiver using Nb/AlO(x)/Nb junctions for a radioastronomical balloon-borne experiment: PRONAOS

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    The superheterodyne detection technique used for the spectrometer instrument of the PRONAOS project will provide a very high spectral resolution (delta nu/nu = 10(exp -6)). The most critical components are those located at the front-end of the receiver: their contribution dominates the total noise of the receiver. Therefore, it is important to perform accurate studies for specific components, such as mixers and multipliers working in the submillimeter wave range. Difficulties in generating enough local oscillator (LO) power at high frequencies make SIS mixers very desirable for operation above 300 GHz. The low LO power requirements and the low noise temperature of these mixers are the primary reason for building an SIS receiver. This paper reports the successful fabrication of small (less than or equal to 1 sq micron) Nb/Al-O(x)/Nb junctions and arrays with excellent I-V characteristics and very good reliability, resulting in a low noise receiver performance measured in the 368/380 GHz frequency range

    Le niveau de compréhension de l’anglais des étudiants en médecine peut être amélioré. Résultats d’une stratégie d’évaluation systématique

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    Objectives To describe the level of English of a population of medical students and the improvement after the implementation of systematic assessment that all students achieve a minimal level. Population and methods For the past 5 years, all medical students in our medical school have been taking the Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC). The baseline population (students entering second year in 2004) had no specific obligation. After 2004, a score above 600 was mandatory for graduation. Teaching was oriented towards training for the TOEIC and the number of hours was more important for low-level students. Results The mean score has increased from 618 ± 146 in 2004, to 687 ± 94, 717 ± 97, 733 ± 96 and 731 ± 104 for the next four years. The proportion of students who do not achieve a score of 550 (B1 level of the European framework) has decreased from 30 to 0%. Discussion Improving the level of English of French medical students is possible, if this is made a priority. The objective, as set in engineering studies, that all medical students reach a B2 level would require national guidelines

    Submicron-sized MoRe-doped Si-MoRe Josephson junctions with a low specific capacitance

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    Abstract We start with a short look at the problem of low-capacitance Josephson junctions, its history, and actual state-of-the-art. It is argued that such devices are important for applications requiring nonhysteretic current-voltage characteristics since reduction of capacitance by several times makes it possible to increase the device resistance by the same amount while keeping the McCumber-Stewart damping parameter unaltered. Moreover, at very high frequencies the capacitance in the RCSJ circuit with a parallel connection starts to shunt the superconducting current component due to reduction of the corresponding reactance inversely proportional to C. Hence, to extend the operating frequency range of a Josephson junction its capacitance should be as small as possible. As a solution of a new type of the Josephson device, less resistive and with smaller capacitance, we propose and realize a submicron-sized trilayer with tens nm-thick Si interlayer doped by metallic ultra-small inclusions and superconducting Mo-Re alloy electrodes

    Impact of social ties on self reported health in France: Is everyone affected equally?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Aim</p> <p>To examine the association of social ties and income with self reported health, in order to investigate if social ties have a greater impact on the health of people on low incomes compared to those financially better off.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A nationally representative cross-sectional study of 5205 French adults using data from questionnaires which asked about health, income and relationships with family and friends etc.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Less than good self-rated health (SRH) is twice as frequently reported by people in the lowest income group than those in the highest income group. People with low incomes are also more likely to have felt alone on the previous day, received no phone call during the last week, have no friends, not be a member of a club, and to live alone. Socially isolated people report lower SRH. Likelihood ratio tests for interaction vs. main effect models were statistically significant for 2 of the measures of social ties, borderline for 2 others and non-significant for one. For 4 of the 5 indicators of social ties, larger odd ratios show that social isolation is more strongly associated with less than good SRH among people on low incomes compared to those with a higher income.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Social isolation is associated with 'less than good' self-rated health. This effect appears to be more important for people on a low income.</p

    Memorial acadêmico para Professor Titular

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    Os memoriais têm longa tradição acadêmica no Brasil, constituem-se em documentos que expõem trajetórias de professores universitários para fins de concursos ou de progressões ao longo das suas carreiras. No caso específico das universidades federais e da progressão para a classe de Professor Titular a ampliação do acesso a esse nível da carreira é a resultante de uma greve do movimento docente. Entre as concessões ao Estado e as conquistas da categoria, essa greve garantiu que todos os professores que alcançarem o nível de Professor Associado 4 possam pleitear essa ascensão. Nas regras anteriores de distribuição de vagas para Professor Titular, a possibilidade dessa promoção era muito reduzida, envolvia a perda de direitos trabalhistas, além de produzir uma competição intensa entre pares do mesmo departamento

    No regaço da mãe Faustina: uma ama escrava e a educação da criança pela família no século XIX

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    Resumo O objetivo do artigo é identificar as práticas educativas engendradas pelas amas escravas no interior da família e como elas podem ter se tornado práticas de educação das crianças sob seus cuidados. O estudo recai sobre a cidade de Paranaguá, Província do Paraná, na década de 1870. As fontes documentais são constituídas por relatos escritos por membros da família Correia, que preservou, na memória familiar, evidências da educação dada pela ama Faustina ao pequeno Leocádio Cysneiros Correia, nascido em 1876. Na primeira parte do artigo são interpretados alguns vestígios da trajetória da escrava Faustina no interior da família Correia, enquanto que na segunda parte são analisadas as práticas educativas de que ela e outras amas escravas parecem ter lançado mão na educação da criança, no interior da família, no século XIX