5 research outputs found

    Abstinence-only-until-marriage : An Updated review of U.S. policies and programs and their impact

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    Adolescence is marked by the emergence of human sexuality, sexual identity and the initiation of intimate relations; within this context, abstinence from sexual intercourse can be a healthy choice. However, programs that promote abstinence-only-until-marriage (AOUM) or sexual risk avoidance (SRA), are scientifically and ethically problematic and—as such—have been widely rejected by medical and public health professionals. Although abstinence is theoretically effective, in actual practice, intentions to abstain from sexual activity often fail. Given a rising age at first marriage around the world, a rapidly declining percentage of young people remain abstinent until marriage. Promotion of AOUM policies by the United States (U.S.) government has undermined sexuality education in the U.S. and in U.S. foreign aid programs; funding for AOUM continues in the U.S. The weight of scientific evidence finds that AOUM programs are not effective in delaying initiation of sexual intercourse or changing other sexual risk behaviors. AOUM programs, as defined by U.S. federal funding requirements, inherently withhold information about human sexuality and may provide medically inaccurate and stigmatizing information. Thus, AOUM programs threaten fundamental human rights to health, information, and life. Young people need access to accurate and comprehensive sexual health information to protect their health and lives

    Improved 223Ra Therapy with Combination Epithelial Sodium Channel Blockade

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    [223Ra]RaCl2 is the first approved a-particle-emitting therapy and is indicated for treatment of bonemetastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer. Approximately half the dose is absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract within minutes of administration, limiting disease-site uptake and contributing to toxicity. Here,we investigated the role of enteric ion channels and their modulation for improved therapeutic efficacy and reduced side effects. Methods: Using primary human duodenal organoids (enteroids) asin vitromodelsof the functionalgastrointestinal epithelium, we found that amiloride (epithelial sodium ion channel blocker) and NS-1619 (K+ channel activator) presented significant effects in 223Ramembranal transport.Radioactivedrugdistributionwas evaluated for lead combinations in vivo and in osteosarcoma and prostate cancermodels.Results:Amiloride shifted 223Ra uptake in vivo fromthe gut and nearly doubled the uptake at sites of bone remodeling. Bone tumor growth inhibition with the combination as measured by bioluminescent imaging and radiographywas significantly greater than that with single agents alone, and the combination resulted in noweight loss.Conclusion: This combination of approved agentsmay readily be implemented as a clinical approach to improve the outcomes of bonemetastatic cancer patients with the benefit of ameliorated tolerability. COPYRIGH

    Evaluation of Candidate Theranostics for<sup>227</sup>Th/<sup>89</sup>Zr Paired Radioimmunotherapy of Lymphoma

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    International audienceTh is a promising radioisotope for targeted a-particle therapy. It produces 5 a-particles through its decay, with the clinically approved 223 Ra as its first daughter. There is an ample supply of 227 Th, allowing for clinical use; however, the chemical challenges of chelating this large tetravalent f-block cation are considerable. Using the CD20-targeting antibody ofatumumab, we evaluated chelation of 227 Th 41 for a-particle-emitting and radiotheranostic applications. Methods: We compared 4 bifunctional chelators for thorium radiopharmaceutical preparation: S-2-(4-Isothiocyanatobenzyl)-1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane tetraacetic acid (p-SCN-Bn-DOTA), 2-(4-isothicyanatobenzyl)-1,2,7,10,13-hexaazacyclooctadecane-1,4,7,10,13,16-hexaacetic acid (p-SCN-Bn-HEHA), p-isothiacyanatophenyl-1-hydroxy-2-oxopiperidine-desferrioxamine (DFOcyclo*-p-Phe-NCS), and macrocyclic 1,2-HOPO N-hydroxysuccinimide (L804-NHS). Immunoconstructs were evaluated for yield, purity, and stability in vitro and in vivo. Tumor targeting of the lead 227 Thlabeled compound in vivo was performed in CD20-expressing models and compared with a companion 89 Zr-labeled PET agent. Results: 227 Th-labeled ofatumumab-chelator constructs were synthesized to a radiochemical purity of more than 95%, excepting HEHA. 227 Th-HEHAofatumumab showed moderate in vitro stability. 227 Th-DFOcyclo*-ofatumumab presented excellent 227 Th labeling efficiency; however, high liver and spleen uptake was revealed in vivo, indicative of aggregation. 227 Th-DOTA-ofatumumab labeled poorly, yielding no more than 5%, with low specific activity (0.08 GBq/g) and modest long-term in vitro stability (,80%). 227 Th-L804-ofatumumab coordinated 227 Th rapidly and efficiently at high yields, purity, and specific activity (8 GBq/g) and demonstrated extended stability. In vivo tumor targeting confirmed the utility of this chelator, and the diagnostic analog, 89 Zr-L804-ofatumumab, showed organ distribution matching that of 227 Th to delineate SU-DHL-6 tumors. Conclusion: Commercially available and novel chelators for 227 Th showed a range of performances. The L804 chelator can be used with potent radiotheranostic capabilities for 89 Zr/ 227 Th quantitative imaging and a-particle therapy