20 research outputs found

    Building habit strength: A pilot intervention designed to improve food-safety behavior

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    The purpose of this study was to firstly design an intervention to decrease cross-contamination in the home by the development of the habitual behavior of microwaving the dishcloth/sponge and secondly to determine if this behavior could be maintained over time. Participants were randomly assigned to either a high-frequency or low-frequency reminder habit building condition or a control condition. Results indicated that for both habit building conditions, food-safety behavior significantly increased compared to the control group and these changes were maintained at follow-up. Additionally, improvement in behavior was mediated by anincrease in habit strength. The major conclusion of this study is that providing a cue to action and reminders builds food-safety habits that result in changes in food-safety behaviors. This has major implications for other food-safety interventions

    PAIRSE: A Privacy-Preserving Service-Oriented Data Integration System

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    International audiencePrivacy is among the key challenges to data integration in many sectors, including healthcare, e-government, etc. The PAIRSE project aims at providing a flexible, looselycoupled and privacy-preserving data integration system in P2P environments. The project exploits recent Web standards and technologies such as Web services and ontologies to export data from autonomous data providers as reusable services, and proposes the use of service composition as a viable solution to answer data integration needs on the fly. The project proposed new composition algorithms and service/composition execution models that preserve privacy of data manipulated by services and compositions. The proposed integration system was demonstrated at EDBT 2013 and VLDB 2011

    Сохранение опороспособности стопы при посттравматических дефектах методами микрохирургической аутотрансплантации тканей

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    Background. Severe open injuries of the lower extremities in most cases are the result of high-energy trauma, because the foot and ankle are damaged as a result of automobile accidents almost in every fourth victim. According to the literature, the percentage of infectious complications after surgical debridement of open injuries of the foot is 43–67.9% and shows no tendency to decrease.Material and methods. We performed 32 operations with the use of free revascularized grafts in patients aged from 16 to 70 years with extensive posttraumatic defects of the foot between 2010 and 2018.Results. As a result, 30 (93.7%) out of 32 grafts provided foot support ability provided during the post-operative period. When replacing large defects (more than 80 cm2) of soft tissues supporting surface of the foot we used free musculocutaneous flap of the latissimus dorsi, fasciocutaneous flaps were used for defects of the dorsum of the foot (less than 80 cm2). Long-term results were assessed using the Foot and ankle ability Measure (FAAM) questionnaire.Conclusion. Primary early replacement of tissue defects on the foot with free revascularized autografts is the method of choice for solving this problem, as it allows you to maintain the supporting function of the foot and is often alternative method to amputation.Актуальность. Тяжелые открытые повреждения нижних конечностей в большинстве случаев являются следствием высокоэнергетической травмы; так, стопа и голеностопный сустав повреждаются в результате автомобильных аварий почти у каждого четвертого пострадавшего. По данным литературы, доля инфекционных осложнений после хирургической обработки открытых повреждений стопы составляет 43–67,9% и не проявляет тенденции к снижению.Материал и методы. В отделении неотложной пластической и реконструктивной хирургии НИИ СП им. Н.В. Склифосовского за период с 2010 по 2018 год было выполнено 32 операции с применением свободных реваскуляризированных лоскутов у пациентов в возрасте от 16 до 70 лет с обширными посттравматическими дефектами стопы.Результаты. В результате проведенных операций 30 из 32 пересаженных лоскутов (93,7%) обеспечили опороспособность стопы в послеоперационном периоде. При замещении обширных дефектов мягких тканей опорной поверхности стопы (более 80 см2) использовали свободный кожно-мышечный лоскут широчайшей мышцы спины, при дефектах на тыльной поверхности стопы (менее 80 см2) применяли кожно-фасциальные лоскуты. Отдаленные результаты оценивали по опроснику функциональных возможностей стопы и голеностопного сустава Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM).Заключение. Первичное раннее замещение дефектов тканей на стопе свободными реваскуляризированными аутотрансплантатами является методом выбора для решения проблемы подобных травм, так как позволяет сохранить опорную функцию стопы и часто является альтернативой ампутации

    Polaritonic molecular clock for all-optical ultrafast imaging of wavepacket dynamics without probe pulses

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    Conventional approaches to probing ultrafast molecular dynamics rely on the use of synchronized laser pulses with a well-defined time delay. Typically, a pump pulse excites a molecular wavepacket. A subsequent probe pulse can then dissociate or ionize the molecule, and measurement of the molecular fragments provides information about where the wavepacket was for each time delay. Here, we propose to exploit the ultrafast nuclear-position-dependent emission obtained due to large light–matter coupling in plasmonic nanocavities to image wavepacket dynamics using only a single pump pulse. We show that the time-resolved emission from the cavity provides information about when the wavepacket passes a given region in nuclear configuration space. This approach can image both cavity-modified dynamics on polaritonic (hybrid light–matter) potentials in the strong light–matter coupling regime and bare-molecule dynamics in the intermediate coupling regime of large Purcell enhancements, and provides a route towards ultrafast molecular spectroscopy with plasmonic nanocavitiesThis work has been funded by the European Research Council grant ERC-2016-STG-714870 and the Spanish Ministry for Science, Innovation, and Universities—AEI grants RTI2018-099737-B-I00, PCI2018-093145 (through the QuantERA program of the European Commission), and CEX2018-000805-M (through the María de Maeztu program for Units of Excellence in R&D

    Accuracy of advanced versus strictly conventional 12-lead ECG for detection and screening of coronary artery disease, left ventricular hypertrophy and left ventricular systolic dysfunction

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Resting conventional 12-lead ECG has low sensitivity for detection of coronary artery disease (CAD) and left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and low positive predictive value (PPV) for prediction of left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVSD). We hypothesized that a ~5-min resting 12-lead <it>advanced </it>ECG test ("A-ECG") that combined results from both the advanced and conventional ECG could more accurately screen for these conditions than strictly conventional ECG.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Results from nearly every conventional and advanced resting ECG parameter known from the literature to have diagnostic or predictive value were first retrospectively evaluated in 418 healthy controls and 290 patients with imaging-proven CAD, LVH and/or LVSD. Each ECG parameter was examined for potential inclusion within multi-parameter A-ECG scores derived from multivariate regression models that were designed to optimally screen for disease in general or LVSD in particular. The performance of the best retrospectively-validated A-ECG scores was then compared against that of optimized pooled criteria from the strictly conventional ECG in a test set of 315 additional individuals.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Compared to optimized pooled criteria from the strictly conventional ECG, a 7-parameter A-ECG score validated in the training set increased the sensitivity of resting ECG for identifying disease in the test set from 78% (72-84%) to 92% (88-96%) (P < 0.0001) while also increasing specificity from 85% (77-91%) to 94% (88-98%) (P < 0.05). In diseased patients, another 5-parameter A-ECG score increased the PPV of ECG for LVSD from 53% (41-65%) to 92% (78-98%) (P < 0.0001) without compromising related negative predictive value.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Resting 12-lead A-ECG scoring is more accurate than strictly conventional ECG in screening for CAD, LVH and LVSD.</p

    Confused or curious? Openness/intellect predicts more positive interest-confusion relations.

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    Open people show greater interest in situations that are complex, novel, and difficult to understand—situations that may also be experienced as confusing. Here we investigate the possibility that openness/intellect is centrally characterized by more positive relations between interest and confusion. Interest and confusion are key states experienced during engagement with information and learning. However, little is known about the within-person relation between them, let alone individual differences in this relation. We tested our hypotheses by making use of different paradigms, stimuli, and participants. Across five studies (N = 640) we tested the relation between openness/intellect and within-person interest-confusion relations in response to art (Study 1); science, philosophy, and art (Study 2); psychology lectures (Study 3); a poem (Study 4); and a complex problem solving task (Study 5). Average interest-confusion relations varied between different studies, but for all studies the distributions of the relations went from highly negative to highly positive—individual differences in direction rather than just degree. In all but 1 study we found consistent support for our hypotheses—openness/intellect is associated with more positive relations between interest and confusion. No other personality domain or intelligence was consistently related to interest-confusion relations. Together, these findings suggest a new phenomenological aspect of being open—curiosity toward confusing situations. Our findings support the link between openness/intellect and sensitivity to the value of complex information, and are discussed with regards to their relevance for engagement with information and learning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2019 APA, all rights reserved