48 research outputs found

    Você conhece Suzanne Briet?

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    Based on the finding that, despite being ignored by French researchers in Information Science until the 1990s, Suzanne Briet has long enjoyed considerable reputation in the Anglo-Saxon countries, especially in the United States, the article seeks to rescue the Suzanne Briet's story tracing her professional and personal trajectory. To do so, it describes its formation initially in history and English language and soon the option for the libraries, area where she would have innovative action in the National Library of France. It also describes Briet's militancy in favor of Documentation, as well as his participation in international associations of the area. Elements of Briet's biography are also presented, from her family background, religion, marriage, and participation in associations to fight for the recognition of women's right up to retirement, at the age of sixty, when she engages in literary criticism. It analyzes the impact of the document concept in the perspective presented in the book Qu'est-ce la Documentation? It concludes that the work of Suzanne Briet has not yet been fully known and urges researchers to be attentive to the possibilities of new discoveries from their archives found in the city of Briet's ancestors.Con base en la constatación de que a pesar de ignorada por los investigadores franceses del área de Ciencia de la Información hasta los años 1990, Suzanne Briet desde hace mucho tiempo gozaba de una reputación considerable en los países anglosajones, especialmente en Estados Unidos, el artículo busca rescatar historia de Suzanne Briet trazando su trayectoria profesional y personal. Para ello, describe su formación inicialmente en historia y lengua inglesa y luego la opción por las bibliotecas, área donde ella tendría actuación innovadora en la Biblioteca Nacional de Francia. Describe, además, la militancia de Briet en favor de la Documentación, así como su participación en asociaciones internacionales del área. Los elementos de la biografía de Briet también se presentan desde su origen familiar, religión, matrimonio y participación en asociaciones de lucha por el reconocimiento del derecho de las mujeres hasta su jubilación, a los sesenta años, cuando ella se dedica a la crítica literaria. Analiza el impacto del concepto de documento en la perspectiva presentada en el libro Qu'est-ce que la Documentation. Concluye que la obra de Suzanne Briet aún no ha sido enteramente conocida e incita a los investigadores a estar atentos a las posibilidades de nuevos descubrimientos a partir de sus archivos encontrados en la ciudad de los antepasados de Briet.Com base na constatação de que apesar de ignorada pelos pesquisadores franceses da área de Ciência da Informação até os anos 1990, Suzanne Briet já há muito tempo gozava de uma reputação considerável nos países anglo-saxões, especialmente nos Estados Unidos, o artigo busca resgatar a história de Suzanne Briet traçando sua trajetória profissional e pessoal. Para tanto, descreve a sua formação inicialmente em História e língua inglesa e em seguida a opção pelas bibliotecas, área onde ela teria atuação inovadora na Biblioteca Nacional da França. Descreve, ainda, a militância de Briet em favor da Documentação, bem como sua participação em associações internacionais da área. Elementos da biografia de Briet também são apresentados, desde sua origem familiar, religião, casamento e participação em associações de luta pelo reconhecimento do direito das mulheres até sua aposentadoria, aos sessenta anos, quando ela se dedica à crítica literária. Analisa o impacto do conceito de documento na perspectiva apresentada no livro Qu’est-ce que la Documentation? Conclui que a obra de Suzanne Briet ainda não foi inteiramente conhecida e incita os pesquisadores a ficarem atentos às possibilidades de novas descobertas a partir dos seus arquivos encontrados na cidade dos antepassados de Briet

    Les documents scientifiques informels: un patrimoine peu exploré, témoin de la construction des savoirs

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    L'objectif du projet ECRITO était de contribuer à préserver et à valoriser les documents scientifiques produits quotidiennement par les chercheurs de Midi-Pyrénées, en amont des publications formelles : non seulement les articles, communications ou monographies, qui constituent la partie visible de la recherche, mais aussi tous les matériaux et informations accumulés par les chercheurs, et sur la base desquels se construit leur travail. Ces matériaux sont de types très divers : littérature " grise " (rapports, mémoires, documentation techniques...), documents textuels " informels " (carnets, notes, brouillons, correspondances, cahiers de laboratoires), corpus visuels, sonores ou multimédia (campagnes photographiques, campagnes d'enquêtes, enregistrements audio ou vidéo), données électroniques (bases de données, fichiers informatiques), etc. Le projet visait également à prolonger, de manière exploratoire, le questionnement sur le patrimoine scientifique à partir des traces matérielles produites quotidiennement par les chercheurs dans leurs activités de recherche. Ces traces représentent en effet une fenêtre irremplaçable sur la science en train de se construire : elles permettent de rendre visible et compréhensible le processus habituellement dissimulé de production de la science, ce qui constitue un enjeu scientifique et pédagogique fondamental

    Determinants of the access to remote specialised services provided by national sarcoma reference centres

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    BACKGROUND: Spatial inequalities in cancer management have been evidenced by studies reporting lower quality of care or/and lower survival for patients living in remote or socially deprived areas. NETSARC+ is a national reference network implemented to improve the outcome of sarcoma patients in France since 2010, providing remote access to specialized diagnosis and Multidisciplinary Tumour Board (MTB). The IGéAS research program aims to assess the potential of this innovative organization, with remote management of cancers including rare tumours, to go through geographical barriers usually impeding the optimal management of cancer patients. METHODS: Using the nationwide NETSARC+ databases, the individual, clinical and geographical determinants of the access to sarcoma-specialized diagnosis and MTB were analysed. The IGéAS cohort (n = 20,590) includes all patients living in France with first sarcoma diagnosis between 2011 and 2014. Early access was defined as specialised review performed before 30 days of sampling and as first sarcoma MTB discussion performed before the first surgery. RESULTS: Some clinical populations are at highest risk of initial management without access to sarcoma specialized services, such as patients with non-GIST visceral sarcoma for diagnosis [OR 1.96, 95% CI 1.78 to 2.15] and MTB discussion [OR 3.56, 95% CI 3.16 to 4.01]. Social deprivation of the municipality is not associated with early access on NETSARC+ remote services. The quintile of patients furthest away from reference centres have lower chances of early access to specialized diagnosis [OR 1.18, 95% CI 1.06 to 1.31] and MTB discussion [OR 1.24, 95% CI 1.10 to 1.40] but this influence of the distance is slight in comparison with clinical factors and previous studies on the access to cancer-specialized facilities. CONCLUSIONS: In the context of national organization driven by reference network, distance to reference centres slightly alters the early access to sarcoma specialized services and social deprivation has no impact on it. The reference networks' organization, designed to improve the access to specialized services and the quality of cancer management, can be considered as an interesting device to reduce social and spatial inequalities in cancer management. The potential of this organization must be confirmed by further studies, including survival analysis

    Documenter l’absence : les archives d’archéologues

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    Cet article présente quelques éléments tirés d’entretiens avec des archéologues au sujet de leurs archives. À travers des exemples concrets, le topos de la disparition de l’objet d’étude a été mis en avant, cette disparition commandant un régime particulier pour les archives, investies de la mission de suppléer l’absence. Sur la question de la matérialité des archives, les entretiens interrogent la définition des « archives publiques » par rapport à des « archives privées », paradigme qui se révèle inopérant. Et ils interrogent aussi la typologie documentaire dissociant données d’un côté et article de l’autre, à la faveur d’un brouillage des frontières entre archives et publications.This paper deals with some issues of interviews with archaeologists about their records. Some examples highlighted the topos of the extinction of the study object, and this extinction entrusts records with the very task of making up for the lack. As regards archivistic criteria, interviews also focus on “public records” versus “private records” : such a paradigm turns out to be ineffective, as the real distinction is the collective or not, rather than public or not, nature of the documents. Interviews also question the usual boundary between raw data and research papers, for the frontiers separating records and prints are fading.Este artículo presenta fragmentos de entrevistas con arqueólogos acerca de sus archivos. A través de ejemplos concretos, el topos de la desaparición del objeto de estudio fue presentada, esta desaparición ordenando un sistema especial para los archivos, encargado de la misión de complementar la ausencia. Sobre la cuestión de la materialidad de los archivos, las entrevistas cuestionan la definición de “archivos públicos” en oposición con la de “archivos privados”, paradigma que resulta inoperante. También cuestionan la tipología documental y disocian por un lado los datos y por otro el artículo, aprovechando un desdibujamiento de las fronteras entre archivos y publicaciones