133 research outputs found

    Examination Timetabling Using Harmony Search Algorithm

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    The examination timetabling problem concerns with the process of assigning exam entities to the particular slots and rooms in a timetable. The aim is to fulfil the hard constraints as well as the soft constraints to the highest grade possible in order to construct an optimum timetable. In this project, the Harmony Search Algorithm (HSA) has been applied to develop the examination timetable for Kolej Profesional MARA. The HSA consist of five steps, which are initialize the HSA parameters, initialize the Harmony Memory (HM), improvise new solutions, update the HM and achieve the termination criteria. The results stated in this research has been showed that the proposed examination timetable system capable to construct the timetable in fewer time compare with the current approach

    Konseling Kelompok Teknik Self Management dan Teknik Realita Untuk Mereduksi Gaya Hidup Hedonis

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    Hedonic lifestyle usually occurs in people who live in the city because they are pampered with all the facilities available, such as malls, restaurants, cafes, apartments, hotels and other facilities which are of course not far from home so they are very easy to reach for all groups, especially students SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL. In an effort to reduce hedonic lifestyles in students who pay attention to the context of time and applicability, especially in school settings, the counseling services that will be used are group counseling services, self-management techniques and reality techniques. This research aims to determine group counseling self-management techniques and reality techniques to reduce students' hedonic lifestyles. The type of research used is a quantitative research method, repeated measure experimental design. The reason researchers use this experimental pattern is to see the effects of a treatment on other variables. This research has a pretest and multiple posttest design and uses data analysis methods: descriptive analysis, normality test, sphericity test, and parametric statistics with one-way Anova test

    Family Therapy dalam Gangguan Emosi dan Kenakalan Remaja Pada Anak dari Lingkungan Lahan Rawa

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    This study aims to determine family therapy in emotional disorders and juvenile delinquency. This study covers emotional disorders and juvenile delinquency that occur to students. The results of observations and preliminary studies conducted by researchers at MTsN 1 Banjarmasin juvenile delinquency can arise because there is no acceptance, warmth, protection, uncontrolled anxiety development, depressed mood, and psychological stress. This study uses a quantitative approach with experimental methods. In this study, the experimental design used was "Randomized Pretest-Posttest Comparison Group". The results of the validity test of the Self Reported Delinquency Scale (SRSD) instrument were declared valid on all items with (rxy = 0.510 – 0.860) and an alpha coefficient of 0.751. Meanwhile, the results of the validity test of the Scale for Assessing Emotional Disturbance (SAED) instrument were also declared valid on all items with (rxy = 0.534 – 0.764) and an alpha coefficient of 0.753. The data obtained were then analyzed using the Wilcoxon test, Kruskal Wallis test and gain test. Based on the results of the data analysis above, it can be understood that group counseling services with family therapy are effective in reducing the level of emotional disturbance and juvenile delinquency in MTsN 1 Banjarmasin students. From the results of this study, it is known that family therapy group counseling is proven to be effective in reducing juvenile delinquency and emotional disorders in students of MTsN 1 Banjarmasin. Both experimental groups showed a decreased score after being given treatment, namely family therapy group counseling services


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    Purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which the activity of parents in attempt to provide guidance to help students to learn responsible as a student at the school and to find out about the monitoring / supervision of student learning activities, both at home, at school, and in society.             The study population was all students and student MTs Negeri Banjarmasin Banjarmasin South 1, amounting to 148 people, which consists of 6 classes: VII D, VII E, VIIIA, VIIIB, IXA, IXB.            The efforts of parents in improving student discipline against such regulation is expected to increase discipline in bersosialisasikan children learn and be able to follow the learning process with a sense of security, calm, comfortable, so the learning process and result can run well and smoothly. Keywords: Effort, parents, students Discipline Regulation

    Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dalam Pengembangan Iklim Organisasi dan Kerja Guru

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    The low quality of education is one of the many national issues in education today. This issue is caused by various factors, one of which is a factor of school leadership. The headmaster as one of the human resources have an important role in the school. the effectiveness of decision-making and policy will determine how the behavior of school leadership. Based on the results of data processing and analysis concluded that (1) there is a significant relationship between the behavior of school leadership and job satisfaction; (2) there is a relationship between organizational climate and job satisfaction; (3) together there is a relationship between the behavior of school leadership and organizational climate and job satisfaction. Based on the results of the study, presented suggestions to the principal in order to improve its ability to plan tasks and assign work procedures but it also can establish good relationships, being warm and appreciate and trust of its members. The school principal is also expected to create a school climate that is as good as their communication, planning, work procedures, and achieving good results.Keywords: leadership behavior, organizational climate, job satisfaction, teache


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    Rendahnya mutu pendidikan merupakan satu dari sekian banyak masalah nasional di bidang pen-didikan dewasa ini. Masalah ini disebabkan oleh ber-bagai faktor, salah satunya adalah faktor kepemimpin-an kepala sekolah. Kepala sekolah sebagai salah satu sumber daya manusia mempunyai peran yang penting di sekolah. keefektifan pengambilan keputusan dan kebijakan sangat menentukan bagaimana perilaku kepemimpinan kepala sekolah.Tesis ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan hubungan perilaku kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dan iklim organisasi terhadap kepuasan kerja guru SD Negeri di Kecamatan Belawang Kabupaten Barito Kuala.Menurut Ohio University, perilaku kepe-mimpinan kepala sekolah terdiri dari: inisiasi dan konsiderasi. Kemudian berdasarkan penelitian Hoy dan timnya dari Rutgers University, iklim organisasi terdiri dari beberapa bentuk kontinum, yaitu: open, engaged, disengaged dan closed dengan subvariabel yaitu: supportive, directive, restrictive, collegial, intimate dan disengagement. Sedangkan menurut As’ad faktor-faktor penyebab kepuasan kerja adalah kesesuaian kerja, kesempatan untuk berprestasi, kesempatan untuk maju, pengakuan dan peng-hargaan dan kondisi kerja.Ada tiga hipotesis yang diuji, sebagai berikut: (1) Ada hubungan antara perilaku kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap kepuasan kerja guru. (2) Ada hubungan antara iklim organisasi terhadap kepuasan kerja guru. (3) Ada hubungan antara perilaku ke-pemimpinan kepala sekolah dan iklim organisasi secara bersama-sama terhadap kepuasan kerja guru. Populasinya adalah sekolah-sekolah yang berada di daerah Kecamatan Belawang sebanyak 16 sekolah dan dengan teknik cluster sampling diambil 10 sekolah untuk dijadikan sampel.Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan dan analisis data disimpulkan bahwa (1) tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara perilaku kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dengan kepuasan kerja; (2) tidak ada hubungan antara iklim organisasi dengan kepuasan kerja; (3) secara bersama-sama terdapat hubungan antara perilaku kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dan iklim organisasi dengan kepuasan kerja.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dikemukakan saran-saran kepada kepala sekolah agar dapat meningkatkan kemampuannya dalam menyusun rencana tugas dan menetapkan prosedur kerja selain itu juga dapat menjalin hubungan baik, bersikap hangat dan menghargai maupun menaruh kepercayaan terhadap anggotanya. Kepala sekolah juga diharapkan dapat menciptakan iklim sekolah yang baik seperti adanya komunikasi, perencanaan, prosedur kerja, dan pencapaian hasil yang baik

    Karakteristik Kepemimpinan Rasulullah Dan Kepemimpinan Di Era Modern Dalam Bidang Pendidikan

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    This study aims to determine the analogy of leadership characteristics that have been applied by the Prophet with leadership in the modern era today. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis methods, this type of research uses library research, while the data collection technique used is M3 (recording, analyzing, and critiquing) a finding. The results of this study show that there is an analogy between the leadership characteristics of the Apostles in the past and the leadership in the modern era at this time. First, the exemplary approach at the time of the Apostles with character-based leaders today where every leader must be able to become uswatun hasanah for each of his followers. Second, community-based leaders in the modern era who are able to provide motivation and build communication with an integrity approach at the time of the Prophet. Third, the democratic approach that existed in the leadership of the Prophet was intelligent in controlling emotions and dealing with problems. With this research, it is hoped that it can contribute to the science of education and hope that every leadership in educational institutions always imitates the characteristics possessed by the Prophet Shallallau 'alaihi wasallam


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    Masa remaja adalah periode tertentu yang umumnya dianggap antara usia 10-19 tahun. Remaja mengalami banyak perubahan. Umumnya para remaja menyadari perubahan yang dialami mereka, khususnya perubahan dalam hal penampilan. Remaja memandang tubuhnya sebagai bagian yang terpisah dan setiap bagian berperan dalam kepribadiannya. Selain melakukan penilaian terhadap tubuhnya, remaja tentunya juga melakukan penilaian terhadap keberhargaan dirinya (Self Esteem). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara Body Image dengan Self Esteem pada siswadi SMKN 1 Banjarbaru. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif korelasional. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan sampel random sampling sebanyak 120 responden. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik analisis korelasi spearman rank. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan antara Body Image dengan Self Esteem pada siswa di SMKN 1 Banjarbaru. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa semakin positif Body Image, maka akan semakin tinggi Self Esteem pada siswa. Begitu juga sebaliknya semakin negatif Body Image maka akan semakin rendah Self Esteem siswa


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    But there’s a scripture deduction in Al- Baqarah (184) : Meaning : “And upon those who are able (to fast, but with hardship) a ransom ( as suitable) offeeding a poor person (each day).” This verse explained that Rukhsah was given byAllah for certain person. Study of fasting fidyah according to Imam Syafi”i are: (a)senile person cause Elderly; (b) a prolonged illness that can’t possibly cure, (c).Pregnant and nursing woman who are worried for their children. (d) died person andhave a fasting load that wasn’t on Qada in his lifetime
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