12 research outputs found


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    Cryptocurrency is a virtual payment instrument currently popular as an investment alternative. One type of cryptocurrency widely used as an investment is Bitcoin due to its high-profit potential and risk due to unstable exchange rate fluctuations. This high exchange rate fluctuation makes trading transactions in the crypto market speculative and highly volatile. To overcome this volatility factor, this research used the Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity forecasting method to describe the heteroscedasticity factor, as well as a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) with long-short-term memory that has feedback in modeling sequential data for time series analysis. The two methods are combined to overcome the dependency of time series data in the long term and the heteroscedastic effect of the volatility of price changes. The results of the GARCH-LSTM hybrid model in this study show a Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) value of 15.69%. The accuracy value is obtained from the division of training data by 80% and testing data by 20%, with the number of neurons as many as three and epochs of 100 using the Adam optimizer. The MAPE accuracy results show a good prediction in predicting the value

    Pengaruh Penambahan Sari Jeruk Nipis (Citrus aurantifolia) sebagai Bahan Penggumpal Alami terhadap Karakteristik Fisik dan Kimia Tahu Kacang Hijau (Vigna radiata)

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    Tofu is a product made by beans protein coagulation. The food is relatively cheap, much preferred by all levels of society and highly nutritious. The main nutrient of tofu is protein. This study aims to determine the characteristics of green beans tofu added by lime juice as a completing material and further more, this study also the optimal time aimed to determine presipitate for coagulating green bean protein. The research was conducted in Food Engineering Laboratory and Laboratory of Food and Nutrition Chemistry Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture Sciences Diponegoro University from March 2017 - May 2017. The experimental design used in this study using Randomized Complete Design (RCD) with 3 treatments and 7 repetitions By treatment of concentration of addition of lemon juice there were 5% for T1, 10% for T2, and 15% for T3. The total water content, total protein content, and texture test results would  tested with Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with a significance level of 5%. If there is any effect of treatment, it would be continued with Duncan Double Area Test. The results showed that the increasing concentration of lime juice would result in a total water content of 85 %  - 72 %, total protein content of 11.98 % to 8.74 % , textures from 129.61 N - 194.00 N, and the total yield content of 15.20 % - 39.73%


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    As the cities become more attractive to people, it is predicted that in 2020 there will be around 75% of population live in the cities. The direct effects include the increase of city burden due to the poor, the jobless, and the lack access to food. The answer of the problems above could come from urban farming. A number of studies have cited that urban farming are not only solving the problem of access and food availability but also creating new job opportunities and reduce the poverty. The best practices of urban farming have developed in some countries. The case study in Africa shows that urban farming can supply 15-20% of household needs and increase the income up to 27%. Similar results are also found in Asia, America, and Europe, even though each region faces different challenges and barriers. The success of urban farming reaffirm the important roles of agriculture in improving human’s quality. Urban agriculture in Indonesia have started to develop after economic crisis at 1997 and growing rapidly since 2011 with the emergence of communities gardening in the 33 cities and 9 university. But, the development of urban agriculture in Indonesia have barriers include low levels of community participation, extensive land holdings were small, and the lack of government support.Keywords : best practice, role,urban agriculture, urgenc

    Suplementasi Menir Kedelai Terproteksi dan Minyak Ikan Lemuru untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Domba Ekor Tipis.

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    Kebutuhan daging sebagai komoditas pangan menjadi perhatian serius seiring dengan pertambahan jumlah penduduk. Pemenuhan daging selayaknya tidak hanya terfokus pada sapi dan kerbau, namun juga dapat dipenuhi dengan daging ruminan kecil seperti domba. Domba merupakan komoditas ternak yang banyak dipelihara oleh masyarakat pedesaan. Domba beranak lebih dari satu dan mampu beradaptasi dengan baik pada lingkungan kritis dengan memanfaatkan pakan kualitas rendah seperti limbah pertanian menjadi pakan utamanya. Pertambahan bobot badan pada domba dapat ditingkatkan dengan penambahan pakan konsentrat yang lebih mudah dicerna dibandingkan dengan pakan hijauan. Salah satu pakan yang dapat dijadikan sumber protein untuk meningkatkan pertambahan bobot badan adalah menir kedelai. Sedangkan untuk meningkatkan asupan energi dapat menggunakan minyak ikan lemuru yang memiliki kandungan lemak tak jenuh dan asam lemak Ω-3 tinggi dan tersedia cukup melimpah sebagai limbah pengolahan ikan pada industri pengalengan ikan. Pemberian menir kedelai dan minyak ikan lemuru sebagai bahan pakan lemak tak jenuh akan menghasilkan daging domba dengan kolesterol rendah. Namun, pemberian pakan dengan protein dan asam lemak tak jenuh hanya akan menimbulkan masalah pada proses pencernaan domba. Teknologi proteksi pakan bertujuan agar protein dan asam lemak tak jenuh tidak dirombak di dalam rumen tetapi protein pakan baru akan didegradasi dan asam aminonya akan diserap dalam usus halus. Hal ini penting untuk dilakukan agar produktivitas ternak dan efisiensi pakan dapat meningkat. Salah satu proteksi yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan menggunakan tanin. Tanin adalah senyawa yang yang terdapat pada tanaman legumonisa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen dengan cara memberikan perlakuan pada pakan domba dengan cara memberikan proteksi tanin pada pakan yang berupa menir kedelai dan minyak ikan lemuru. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kandang Percobaan Jurusan Peternakan Fakultas Pertanian UNS di desa Jatikuwung, Gondangrejo, Karanganyar selama 4 bulan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh proteksi pakan dengan menggunakan tanin terhadap efis iensi pakan dan produktivitas ternak. Hasil penelitian yang diharapkan dapat 1) memberikan informasi tentang proteksi tanin terhadap pakan dengan protein berkualitas tinggi. 2) mengoptimalkan penggunaan protein dalam meningkatkan produktivitas ternak domba. Luaran yang dihaapkan adalah akan dihasilkan produk pakan suplemen berbahan baku limbah pertanian dan limbah pengalengan ikan yang kaya Ω-3 dan Ω-6 yang akan menghasilkan daging kolesterol rendah. Luaran lain yang diharapkan dari adanya penelitian ini adalah publikasi karya ilmiah yang dilakukan oleh peneliti. Kata Kunci : Domba Ekor Tipis, Proteksi Tanin, Menir Kedelai, Minyak Ikan Lemuru


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    Communication is a stimulating process in the form of a symbol and a verbal and non-verbal language, to influence the behavior of others. Health communication is a part of human communication with the main focus on how individuals deal with health issues and how they attempt to maintain their health. Health communication utilizes communication services to positively influence the health behavior of individuals, families and communities. Health communication includes information on disease prevention, health promotion, and health care policy and to increase individual awareness about health issues, health problems, health risks and health solutions. Media advocacy, media, entertainment and internet media are various forms of health communication with the aim to improve and maintain health

    PROSES KOMUNIKASI INSTRUKSIONAL DALAM PENCEGAHAN BENCANA ALAM (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif pada Taruna Siaga Bencana Kabupaten Bantul)

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    Communication is one of the basic needs for everyone in interacting with others. Like teachers to students, superiors to subordinates, even within the organization are needed. Communication is also very important in disaster management. When a disaster occurs, good communication is needed to provide follow-up actions for rescue teams or those requiring valid data. Likewise, when anticipating disasters, in this case prevention is carried out by the Bantul Disaster Preparedness Cadets. Instructional communication by the Bantul Disaster Preparedness Cadets can be one of the solutions in preventing natural disasters through existing programs in the Bantul Disaster Preparedness Cadets. This study discusses the process of instructional communication of the Bantul Disaster Preparedness Cadets in preventing natural disasters. This study uses the theory according to Hurt, Scott, and McCroskey, namely the instructional communication process is divided into five, namely content specification and instructional objectives, interpretation of initial behavior, determination of instructional strategies, organization of instructional units and feedback. This research uses descriptive communicative method. Data obtained through interviews, observation and documentation. The validity of the data used by researchers was source triangulation. The results of this study indicate that the instructional communication process is one of the methods used by the Bantul Disaster Preparedness Cadets in preventing natural disasters. Instructional communication is applied by several processes through the specification of instructional content and objectives, application of initial behavior, establishment of instructional strategies, organization of units and feedback

    Maxillofacial trauma severity effects in patients with head injury in a tertiary care center in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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    Background: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the leading causes of death and disability worldwide. In various combinations, a high frequency of facial bone fractures has been reported. However, the results are still conflicting. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed medical records of patients with maxillofacial trauma who were admitted to Dr. Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, between January 2016 and December 2017. Results: A total of 70 patients with maxillofacial trauma were involved (57 males and 13 females, 18–65 years). Moreover, most of them were 18–25-year-old males (34.3). The average patient age was 35.5 ± 14 years. No significant association was found between the sex and age group of the patient (p = 0.774). Motorcycle accident was the most frequent cause of maxillofacial fractures (84) with midfacial and multiple maxillofacial fractures being the most frequent types found in patients (40 and 40, respectively). The most common facial fracture was in the zygomatic bone (28) and most cases showed mild facial injury (81). A significant association was found between the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) and types of traumatic brain injury (TBI) (p = 0.031). However, when GCS was compared with facial injury, no statistically significant level was reached and its correlation was low (p = 0.267, r = 0.134). Conclusions: There was a significant association between types of traumatic brain injury with head injury severity. However, we found no correlation between head injury severity and facial injury severity. To explain and validate our results, further multicenter studies with a larger sample size are required. Level of evidence: Level IV, Risk/Prognostic. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature

    Measurement of Social Strain in People with Dementia: A Preliminary Study of the Reliability and Validity of the Negative Relationship Quality Questionnaire in Indonesia

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    People with dementia (PWD) may exhibit symptoms that negatively affect their relationships with their families or friends which could cause social strain. The Negative Relationship Quality (NRQ) questionnaire can be used to measure social strain in PWD. There has never been an Indonesian adaptation of the NRQ. This preliminary study aimed to measure the validity and reliability of the NRQ among PWD in Indonesia (NRQ-INA). This study used a cross-sectional design. Forward–backward translation methods were conducted first. Pearson’s correlation and factor analysis were employed for the validity test. Cronbach’s alpha and test–retest were used to determine reliability. The NRQ-INA has four parallel items related to social strain that are divided into three subscales and asked to spouse/partner, family members, and friends, leading to a total of 12 questions. The results of validity testing from 60 respondents showed that all items in the NRQ-INA were strongly valid with correlation coefficients (r) of >0.8 (p 0.7 (p < 0.01), demonstrating a reliable NRQ-INA measurement. In conclusion, NRQ-INA had a good validity and reliability to measure social strain in PWD. Further study of the concurrent validity among PWD is still needed


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    Stunting merupakan gangguan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang dialami oleh anak-anak. Kondisi ini dapat dilihat dari ciri fisik anak, seperti tinggi badan yang jauh di bawah rata-rata anak seusianya. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini untuk menmplementasikan Kebijakan dan melakukan pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam upaya penanganan stunting di desa Tieng  Kabupaten Wonosobo,  Metode kegiatan yang digunakan oleh penulis yaitu metode pengumpulan data melalui wawancara secara langsung dengan narasumber terkait dan melakukan monitoring serta mengevaluasi kultur kondisi yang ada di desa Tieng. Metode observasi dan pengumpulan data adalah melalui metode dokumentasi yaitu melakukan wawancara langsung dengan kader PKK, bidan desa, beberapa warga yang memiliki balita dan melakukan monitoring serta evaluasi kultur desa untuk mengetahui permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh warga desa Tieng. Masalah yang dihadapi oleh warga Tieng adalah tingginya angka penderita stunting yaitu sebanyak 30% balita dari total anak-anak yang terdata di desa Tieng, kasus-kasus stunting tersebut disebabkan oleh beberapa hal seperti KTD (kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan), tidak rutinnya melakukan pemeriksaan kehamilan, kelahiran premature, dan lain-lain. Pelaku kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat di desa Tieng ini adalah mahasiswa Universitas Sains Al-Qur’an yang melakukan kegiatan Kuliah Pengabdian Masyarakat (KPM) berjumlah delapan orang dengan didampingi satu dosen pembimbing lapangan. Penulis melakukan intervensi permasalahan dengan terjun langsung mendampingi kegiatan imunisasi posyandu balita, pembagian makanan tambahan balita, dan kelas stunting di desa Tieng, serta memberikan intervensi tambahan berupa sosialisasi kepada masyarakat yaitu pemasangan banner pemahaman dan pencegahan stunting. Kesimpulan stunting pada balita dapat dicegah melalui implementasi kebijakan pencegahan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat.Kata Kunci: Stunting; Imunisasi; Posyandu; PKKAbstractStunting is a growth and development disorder experienced by children. This condition can be seen from the child's physical characteristics, such as a height that is far below the average child of his age. The research method used by the author is the method of collecting data through direct interviews with relevant informants and monitoring and evaluating the cultural conditions that exist in Tieng village. The method of observation and data collection is through the documentation method, namely conducting direct interviews with PKK cadres, village midwives, several residents who have toddlers and monitoring and evaluating village culture to find out the problems faced by Tieng villagers. The problem faced by Tieng residents is the high number of stunting sufferers, namely 30% of children under five from the total children recorded in Tieng village, stunting cases are caused by several things such as KTD (unwanted pregnancy), not routinely carrying out pregnancy checks, premature birth, and others. The perpetrators of community service activities in Tieng village are students of the Al-Qur'an Science University who carry out Community Service Lectures (KPM) totaling eight people accompanied by one field supervisor. The author intervened the problem by directly accompanying the immunization activities of the Posyandu for toddlers, distributing additional food for toddlers, and stunting classes in Tieng village, as well as providing additional interventions in the form of outreach to the community, namely the installation of banners for understanding and preventing stunting. Conclusion stunting in children under five can be prevented through the implementation of prevention policies and community empowerment.Kata Kunci: Stunting; Imunization; Posyandu; PK