19 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Harmonisa Pada Inverter di Pembangkit Tenaga Surya Terhadap Pembebanan

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    This research was conducted to look at the characteristics of current and voltage harmonics in an electric power system loaded with non-linear loads. The inverter is a non-linear load that is widely used in industry, government agencies and households. In theory, the inverter is a non-linear load that can produce harmonics in the electric power system, where the resulting harmonics will flow to the source and to the load. Therefore, this research is to look at the characteristics of harmonics in the power system produced by a three-phase inverter, where this research was carried out in two scenarios. The first scenario is to see current and voltage harmonics under unloaded inverter conditions and the second scenario is to see current and voltage harmonics under loaded inverter conditions. Both of these scenarios are carried out with a varied source voltage. In this study using a passive filter in the form of a single-tuned filter, the simulation results were carried out on conditions before the filter was installed for a THDv value of 38.94% and after the filter was installed it was 27.43%. The difference in value, before installing the filter and after installing the filter is 11.51%. this still exceeds the 1952 IEEE 512 standard, so more than one filter is needed to reduce harmonic

    Tinjauan Yuridis Kewajiban Notaris Menjaga Kerahasiaan Informasi Berkaitan Dengan Akta Dalam Pemberian Saksi Pada Proses Peradilan Pidana

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    Kewajiban notaris menjaga kerahasiaan isi akta dalam proses pemberian kesaksian pada proses peradilan pidana ini sebenarnya telah diatur dalam UUJN tahun 2004 dan 2014 yang menjelaskan tentang kewajiban notaris menggunakan kewajiban ingkar namun pada proses mana notaris bisa menggunakan hak ingkarnya ini yang belum banyak diketahui oleh masyarakat luas, bahkan terkadang notaris itu sendiri tidak mengetahuinya sehingga terkadang notaris kebingungan ketika dipanggil oleh penyidik apalagi setelah keluarnya putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi yang memperbolehkan pihak penyidik memanggil langsung notaris dalam proses penyidikan tanpa melalui MPD membuat notaris harus lebih pintar untuk menjaga kerahasiaan akta yang dibuatnya.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan penelitian perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual. Teknik pengumpulan bahan hukum yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka, dan teknik analisis bahan hukum dengan cara seleksi data dengan sifat preskriptif. Menggunakan metode penelitian tersebut dapat ditemukan hasil bahwa di dalam peraturan perundang-undangan terkait kewajiban notaris menjaga kerahasiaan akta yang dibuatnya dan penggunaan hak ingkar memang sudah diatur dalam pasal 16 ayat (1) huruf (e) UUJN tahun 2004 bahwa notaris wajib merahasiakan segala sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan akta yang dibuatnya kecuali undang-undang menentukan lain, undang-undang menentukan lain di sini berarti hak ingkar notaris bisa gugur jika ada undang-undang yang mewajibkan notaris untuk memberikan segala keterangan tentang akta yang dibuatnya seperti undang-undang tipikor atau jika notaris tersebut terlibat dalam tindak pidana korupsi dan melibatkan akta yang dibuatnya.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa notaris memiliki hak untuk tidak bicara sekalipun di muka pengadilan sepanjang tidak bertentangan dengan undang-undang lain dan dalam proses penyidikan notaris hanya diperbolehkan memberikan fotokopi minuta atau surat-surat yang dilekatkan dalam minuta akta dan akibat hukum bagi seorang notaris dalam menggunakan hak diamnya di depan pengadilan yaitu notaris harus dibebaskan dari kewajiban sebagai saksi atau memberikan kesaksian di muka pengadilan, apabila ia menggunakan hak ingkar. Karena secara hukum, kesaksian yang akan diberikan tersebut menurut pengetahuannya dinilai bertentangan dengan sumpah jabatan atau melanggar rahasia jabatan serta membebaskan notaris dari segala tuntutan hukum dari pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan, apabila hak ingkar tersebut ternyata di tolak oleh hakim/pengadil atau menurut ketentuan hukum ia diwajibkan memberikan kesaksian di muka pengadilan. Kata Kunci : Notaris, Akta Notaris, Peradilan Pidana   Abstract  Juridical Analysis On Notary Obligation To Keep Secret Of Informations Related To A Deed In Giving Testimony In Criminal Justice Process A notary’s obligation to keep certain secret of a legal instrument or deed’s content in a process of giving testimony in a criminal justice process actually has been stipulated in UUJN year 2004 and 2014 which describe about the notary’s obligation to use his or her right of refusal, but on what process a notary public can use his or her right of refusal is what people rarely know about, even the notary himself or herself sometimes doesn’t know about it. Therefore he or she gets confused when called in by the investigating authorities, moreover after Constitutional Court verdict has been issued which allows the investigating authorities summon the notary public directly in the investigating process without going through MPD. This makes the notary public has to be smarter to keep the secret of the legal document or deed he made. This is a research of normative law with legislation research approach and conceptual approach. The legal entities collecting technic has been used here is literature review and the legal entities analysis technic is by selecting the data with natural prescriptive. Using this kind of research method can found a result that in the legislation related to notary keeping secret of the deed obligation and refusal right using have been indeed regulated in article 16 paragraph (1) alphabet (e) UUJN year 2004 which states that a notary must keeping secret of anything related to the deed he or she made except the constitution determine otherwise. The constitution determine otherwise here means that the notary’s refusal right can be canceled if there’s constitution which  obliges the notary to give any information about the deed he or she made, for example corruption laws or if the notary involves in a corruption act and the deed involved in. Based on the research result, can be summarize that a notary has a right to not speak even in the court as long as not be contrary to the others constitution and the notary is only allowed to give a copy of minuta or legal documents attached in the deed’s minuta in the investigating process. Also the law impact for a notary in using his or her refusal right in the court is he or she has to be released from the obligation as witness or giving testimony in the court. Because legally, the testimony he or she would give, according to his or her knowledge, is considered as contrary with the notary oath of office or violate professional secrecy and this frees the notary from any lawsuit from the parties concerned. If his or her refusal right is apparently rejected by the judge or according to legal provision, the notary was obliged for giving testimony in the court. Keywords : Notary, Deed of Notary, Criminal Justice Proces


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    Artikel ini membuktikan skenario film sebagai sebuah karya sastra, dan membahas peran humor tokoh Nagabonar serta lelucon nilai-nilai perjuangan kemerdekaan dalam skenario film Nagabonar Karya Asrul Sani. Metode yang digunakan adalah semiotika Charles Sanders Peirce dan telaah humor dalam perspektif psikologis. Hasil analisis yang didapatkan berdasarkan penelaahan secara strukturĀ  dalam perspektif komunikasi teks, membuktikan bahwa skenario film merupakan sebuah karya tekstual yang dapat dikaji berdasarkan hakikat sebuah karya sastra. Dan analisis mengenai humor tercipta dan berperan sebagai respons atau mekanisme pertahanan diri pada tokoh Nagabonar, serta sebagai penjungkiran terhadap konsep dan logika stereotipe kepahlawanan di Indonesia.Ā This article proves the film scenario as a literary work, and discusses the role of humor in Nagabonar characters and jokes about the values of the struggle for independence in Asrul Sani's Nagabonar film scenario. The method used is Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotics and the study of humor in a psychological perspective. The results of the analysis obtained based on structural analysis in the perspective of text communication prove that a film scenario is a textual work that can be studied based on the nature of a literary work. And an analysis of humor created and acting as a response or self-defense mechanism to the Nagabonar character, as well as a reversal of the concept and logic of stereotypes of heroism in Indonesia.Keywords: Nagabonar, Independence, HumorDOI Artikel: https://doi.org/10.23960/J-Simbol/v10i2.2022.1

    Adaptasi Umat Hindu di Kota Pekanbaru

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    This research was conducted in the Agung Jagatnatha Temple of Pekanbaru. The purpose of this research was to analyze how the presence of Hindu's and lived in Pekanbaru with describe the social practices of the theory of habitus, capital, and arena based on Bourdieu's theory, as well as adaptation to the existence in developing religious social activities to live a life that is lived in urban areas such as in the city of Pekanbaru. The subject in this study consist of seven people. The subject of this research is where Hindu's who actively come and influential religious social activities in following in Agung Jagatnatha Temple with long settled in Pekanbaru. Sampling is done by accidental sampling techniques. Instrument data are observation, interview, and documentation. The author uses descriptive qualitative methods with data analysis refers to the concept of Milles & Huberman consists of data collection, data presentation, reduction of data and withdrawal of the conclusion. The results showed that capital used by Hindu's in Pekanbaru in the presence of social capital in the form of solidarity, confidence, attitude of tolerance, social interaction and network proximity between interesting people, as well as the forms of participation that done Hindu's, while more cultural capital to social religious activities, the implementation of religious ceremonies, the application of capital of culture on children and between Hindu's, as well as the expectations of Hindu's in developing implementation. Capital economics, the Dharma Karya cooperation, Suka Duke gathering, fundraising, as well as more symbolic capital to social roles owned by Hindu's against Temple surroundings. As for the strategy of Hindu's in developing social activities of religious existence in Pekanbaru shows that there is a biological strategy, investment strategy, successive strategy educational and economic strategy. Adaptation of Hindu's society in Pekanbaru was included in the minority with capital obtained comes from the Hindu community of its own, such as the PHDI (Parisadha Hindu Dharma Indonesia) as well as the WHDI (Wanita Hindu Dharma Indonesia) by having a religious ceremony hereditary that should be conserved


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    Dalam penelitian hukum mengenai Tanggung Jawab PT. Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE) Kota Tanjung Balai Terhadap Kerusakan Dalam Pengiriman Barang (Studi Di KantorĀ  PT. Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE). Isi Tanggung Jawab PT. Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE) Kota Tanjung BalaiĀ  Terhadap Kerusakan Dalam Pengiriman Barang (Studi Di KantorĀ  PT. Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE). Pada penelitian hukum ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum empiris dan melakukan studi Ke JNE Kota Tanjungbalai.Pada penelitian hukum ini menggunakan bahan hukum primer, yaitu : Peraturan Perundang-Undangan. Bahan hukum sekunder, yaitu : buku-buku hukum. Bahan hukum tersier, yaitu : buku-buku non hukum. Adapun mengenai tanggungjawab bagi para pelaku usaha atas kerugian konsumen ialah dalam bentuk berupa adanya rasa Tanggung jawab atas ganti kerugian terhadap suatu kerusakan barang, dan tanggung jawab ganti kerugian atas kerugian konsumen. Dengan berdasarkan pada suatu tindakan yang terlambat di dalam pengiriman barang, maka satu-satunya dasar pertanggungjawaban pelaku usaha ialah meliputi segala kerugian yang dialami konsumen.Kata Kunci : Tanggungjawab, Pengiriman Barang, Kerusaka

    A Combination of Hill CIPHER-LSB in RGB Image Encryption

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    The progress of the development of digital technology today, many people communicate by sending and receiving messages. However, along with extensive technological developments, many crimes were committed. In avoiding these crimes, data security needs to be done. Form of data security in the form of cryptography and steganography. One of the cryptographic techniques is the hill cipher algorithm. Hill ciphers include classic cryptographic algorithms that are very difficult to solve. While the most popular steganography technique is Least Significant Bit (LSB). Least Significant Bit (LSB) is a spatial domain steganography technique using substitution methods. This study discusses the merging of message security with hill cipher and LSB. The message used is 24-bit color image for steganography and text with 32, 64 and 128 characters for cryptography. The measuring instruments used in this study are MSE, PSNR, Entropy and travel time (CPU time). Test results prove an increase in security without too damaging the image. This is evidenced by the results of the MSE trial which has a value far below the value 1, the PSNR is> 64 db, the entropy value ranges from 5 to 7 and the results of travel time <1 second


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    This article discusses mixed code in the Sarah Sechan program hosted by Sarah Sechan and Melaney Ricardo as guest stars broadcast on one private station, namely NET TV. Analysis of the data used is descriptive technique. This analysis is focused on the code mix done by Sarah Sechan as the show host and Melaney Ricardo as a guest star on the Sarah Sechan event. The results of the data analysis showed that Sarah Sechan and Melaney Ricardo inserted English in their speeches, the English description in the two speeches caused code mixing. The reason for the code mixing in Sarah Sechan's speech was to build a relaxed and more intimate atmosphere.Artikel ini membahas tentang campur kode dalam acara Sarah Sechan yang dipandu oleh Sarah Sechan dan Melaney Ricardo sebagai bintang tamu yang disiarkan di salah satu stasiun swasta, yaitu NET TV. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik deskriptif. Analisis ini difokuskan pada campur kode yang dilakukan oleh Sarah Sechan sebagai pemandu acara dan Melaney Ricardo sebagai bintang tamu pada acara Sarah Sechan. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa Sarah Sechan dan Melaney Ricardo menyisipkan bahasa inggris dalam tuturannya, penyisispan bahasa inggris dalam tuturan keduanya tersebut menyebabkan terjadinya campur kode. Alasan terjadinya campur kode dalam tuturan acara Sarah Sechan adalah untuk membangun suasana yang santai dan lebih akrab.Keyword: mix code, Sarah Sechan, Melaney Ricardo


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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang analisis karakter tokoh utama kunang-kunang dalam cerpen Requiem Kunang-kunang karya Agus Noor. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskripsi kualitatif. Pelukisan karakter tokoh utama dengan cara analitik dan dramatik. Gambaran umun tokoh kunang-kunang ini merupakan arwah dari orang yang telah dibunah dan arwahnya menjadi kunang-kunang. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai media apresiasi karya pada kalangan mahasiswa, pelajar, dan pembaca pada umumnya.This study discusses the character analysis of the main character of fireflies in the short of Requiem Fireflies by Agus Noor. The method used is a qualitative description method. The portrayal of the main characters in analytical and dramatic ways. The general description of the fireflies figure is the spirit of the person who has been killed and his soul becomes a firefly. The results of this study can be used as a media to appreciate work among students and readers, in general.Keywords: characters, figure, kunang-kunan


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    Perubahan penggunaan lahan merupakan fenomena yang banyak terjadi di berbagai tempat. Salah satu faktor pemicunya adalah adanya kebutuhan lahan. Kecamatan Cibatu merupakan bagian dari Kabupaten Garut dimana diduga terdapat kondisi perubahan penggunaan lahan. Penelitian dilakukan pada BulanĀ  September ā€“ November 2020 yang berlokasi di seluruh area Kecamatan Cibatu. Metode yang digunakan di dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analisis spasial dan metode survey. Metode analisis spasial yang digunakan adalah tumpang susun data spasial, sedangkan metode survey yang digunakan adalah groundcheck. Metode analisis spasial digunakan untuk menyusun unit-unit lahan untuk memudahkan pengambilan sampel. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 21 sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perubahan penggunaan lahan sawah di Kecamatan Cibatu dari sawah menjadi permukiman. Dari 21 sampel lokasi yang disurvey, hanya 1 sampel yang teridentifikasi telah terjadi perubahan penggunaan lahan. Hal ini dapat dikatakan bahwa laju perubahan penggunaan lahan di Kecamatan Cibatu tidak signifikan. Selain itu, metode unit lahan mampu digunakan untuk mempermudah penentuan sampel untuk identifikasi perubahan penggunaan lahan. Kata Kunci : Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan, Survei, Unit Laha

    Recent trends in three-dimensional bioinks based on alginate for biomedical applications

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    Three-dimensional (3D) bioprinting is an appealing and revolutionary manufacturing approach for the accurate placement of biologics, such as living cells and extracellular matrix (ECM) components, in the form of a 3D hierarchical structure to fabricate synthetic multicellular tissues. Many synthetic and natural polymers are applied as cell printing bioinks. One of them, alginate (Alg), is an inexpensive biomaterial that is among the most examined hydrogel materials intended for vascular, cartilage, and bone tissue printing. It has also been studied pertaining to the liver, kidney, and skin, due to its excellent cell response and flexible gelation preparation through divalent ions including calcium. Nevertheless, Alg hydrogels possess certain negative aspects, including weak mechanical characteristics, poor printability, poor structural stability, and poor cell attachment, which may restrict its usage along with the 3D printing approach to prepare artificial tissue. In this review paper, we prepare the accessible materials to be able to encourage and boost new Alg-based bioink formulations with superior characteristics for upcoming purposes in drug delivery systems. Moreover, the major outcomes are discussed, and the outstanding concerns regarding this area and the scope for upcoming examination are outlined