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    90 research outputs found

    Analisis Penggunaan Energi Listrik Untuk Peluang Hemat Energi Di Tiara Residence

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    An energy audit needs to be carried out to calculate energy consumption in buildings. This activity is a form of energy management which aims to meet national energy needs in accordance with long-term energy management policies, including Law no. 30 of 2007, concerning energy. This research uses data on the use of electrical energy at the Tiara Residence boarding house. The results of the energy audit serve as a reference for increasing profits from the boarding house business by saving on monthly electricity usage costs based on the amount of electricity consumption paid. This research was carried out by calculating the energy consumption intensity (IKE) value with influencing variables including energy consumption (kWh) per square meter (m2) per month. Based on the results obtained, the monthly power consumption is 1049 kWh-1231 kWh at a cost of Rp. 1,576,836-Rp. 1,852,473, then the IKE value is calculated and it is known that the efficiency level of energy use is in the efficient category in February, March, July, August, September and October, while in January, April, May, June it is categorized as very efficient. Apart from that, there are opportunities to save from installed electrical equipment by applying special behavior to the equipment

    Perencanaan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya Off-Grid Pada Gedung Serbaguna Pondok Pesantren Sejahtera

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    Energy plays an important role in everyday life, for example solar energy which is one of the renewable energies which is an alternative energy for producing electricity. The electrical energy produced comes from solar radiation through the conversion of photovoltaic cells. The higher the solar radiation that hits the photovoltaic cells, the higher the electrical power produced. The Sejahtera Islamic Boarding School Multipurpose Building is a building that is used as a place for various activities, both Koran recitation activities for students, character building seminars for students or creative activities that can develop students' individual skills. With so many activities, the use of electrical energy is large every day. Therefore, in this research, an Off-Grid Solar Power Plant Plan will be made at the Sejahtera Islamic Boarding School Multipurpose Building to meet the electrical energy needs of the Multipurpose Building. Planning for the Solar Power Plant at the Sejahtera Islamic Boarding School uses an Off-Grid PLTS system with 30 solar panels with a capacity of 500 Wp, LiFePO4 type batteries with specifications of 12V 200Ah, 1 inverter with a power of 12,000 W and an SCC with a capacity of 500 A. In the planning of the PLTS generating power of 10,550 Wp per day

    Penerapan K-Optimal Pada Algoritma KNN Untuk Prediksi Kelulusan Tepat Waktu Mahasiswa Program Studi Teknik Informatika

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    Decision Making Systems (DSS) are the single most widely used computerized method today. Student satisfaction is determined by the quality that students want, so every university must ensure that this quality is available. The STIMIKOM Stella Maris Sumba Informatics Engineering Program can provide new information that was not previously known using data mining techniques that can be used to predict students' timely graduation. The research uses the k-Nearest Nieghbor method, which is a method for classifying objects based on training data that is closest to the object. Choosing the k value in the kNN algorithm is important because it will affect the performance of the kNN algorithm, therefore it is necessary to know what the k value is and the level of accuracy. The k-Fold Cross Validation method and Accuracy Test are used to determine the k-Optimal value. The result obtained is the value k=5 with an accuracy level of 80.00% which is designated as k-Optimal. The value k=5 is applied to the kNN algorithm to predict students' on-time graduation based on GPA up to semester 4

    Penerapan Fuzzy Inference Model Takasi-Sugeno-Kang Pada Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Penyakit Usus Manusia

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    The digital era, it is possible for everyone to do anything, including documenting or getting solutions related to a disease, such as in this research which was carried out to diagnose intestinal disease. As a lay person, of course you will be confused by the symptoms or problems that arise when you encounter an illness. This is the background for designing and creating the application of the Takasi-Sugeno-Kang Fuzzy Inference System in an Expert System for Diagnosing Colon Diseases in Humans, with various methods to produce applications that will be created starting from interviews with expert technicians to determine the various parameters that will be used to selecting the Certainty Factor probability as a calculation algorithm for system design and implementation. The results of the application of the Takasi-Sugeno-Kang Fuzzy Inference System in the Expert System for Diagnosing Intestinal Diseases in Humans can diagnose damage or disease in tobacco plants along with what type of disease occurs and alternative solutions. After making this application it can help doctors in preventing intestinal diseases

    Sistem Monitoring Daya dan Arus Listrik Pada Pembakit Listrik Tenaga Bayu Berbasis Thingspeak

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    PLTB is a renewable energy solution that can reduce dependence on fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. To ensure operational efficiency and reliability, a monitoring system is needed. The monitoring system used in this paper consists of sensors integrated with Arduino to collect real-time data on wind speed, output voltage, current and operational conditions of Tingspeak-based turbines. The data collected by the sensors is sent to the Arduino Uno, which then processes the data for further analysis. Implementation of this Arduino Uno-based monitoring system also allows early detection of potential problems, so that preventive action can be taken to increase efficiency. The results of this research show that the factors that influence the performance of wind turbines are the voltage and current. So for this reason, a tool was created that can monitor and display the amount of voltage and current produced by the Wind Turbine. This tool uses the PZEM-004T sensor to measure current and voltage. The sensor measurement results are processed by the Arduino Nano R3 and then displayed on the LCD and ESP-01 chip to WiFi, then the data will be sent to the Thingspeack cloud server to display the current and voltag

    Perancangan Model Inovasi Pembelajaran Menggunakan Metode Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) Berbantu Teknologi Platform Lumi

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    This research was carried out with the aim of designing interactive multimedia introductory media using digital-based App applications. The method used in this research is the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) method. MDLC consists of 6 stages, namely concept, design, material collection, assembly (manufacture), testing (testing) and distribution. After the design process is complete, the next step is validation testing of the media and materials to determine the suitability of the designed media. These results show the results of the design made, in this application the output is HTML, which can be opened on all devices without installing other applications and only requires a Chrome browser or other browser. Then later on in the final result there will be a determination of the score from the correct and incorrect results. Conclusion: The introduction of the learning innovation model implemented in Natural Sciences lessons has taken nine development steps from Borg and Gall, namely: (a) research and data collection, (b) planning, (c) initial product development, (d) field trials initial, (e) revising the product, (f) field trials


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    Weaving is one of Indonesia's traditional fabric arts and culture which is produced in various regions throughout the archipelago (NTT, Kalimantan, Bali, Sulawesi, Lombok, Sumbawa, and others). Sumba woven fabric is a collection of activities that can define the work carried out by a system and change input into output that has added value for the user. Currently sales are only around Sumba Island. Meanwhile, the sales process is carried out by buyers coming directly to the shop, apart from that, woven fabrics are also sold in local markets and at cultural exhibitions. Therefore, an a priori algorithm approach was taken in association analysis to find candidate frequency itemsets to increase sales. Based on the sales results of woven fabric products in the kalaki kambe weaving group, the ones that sell the most can be found using an a priori algorithm, namely by looking at products that meet a minimum support of 2.4% and a minimum confidence of 50%. The most sold products are sarongs, wewewa woven fabric and loura woven fabric with the results obtained that sarongs, wewewa woven fabric and loura woven fabric with a support value of 0.300 or 30% and a trust value of 0.750 or 75%


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    Tebara Village is one of 13 villages located in the administrative area of Waikabubak city sub-district, West Sumba Regency. Tebara Village is the only village in East Nusa Tenggara that is included in the 75 best tourist villages in the 2023 ADWI (Indonesian Tourism Village Award). This website was built using the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method with the waterfall model, PHP programming language, Laravel framework, and MySQL database as well as program testing using black-box testing. The results of this research succeeded in designing a village website as an information system through the product design design stage which included identifying functional and non-functional needs, model design, input and output design, and database design. The construction of the Village website as an information system for the Tebara Village Office can help facilitate and expand the dissemination of information carried out by the village government. This also allows access to this information by the public, especially the people of Tebara village. The existence of the Tebara Village website can make it easier for the public to access information related to the village. Users only need to see the information on the website without needing to come directly to the Tebara village office

    Design of Prototype Hybrid Solar and Wind Power Electric Boat

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    Design of hybrid Solar and Wind Power Electric Boat powered by a 12V DC motor prototype. In the initial stage of the project, technical drawings of the Electric boat were drawn using Sketch Up software. In the technical drawings, the positions of all important components such as solar panels, wind turbines, and batteries on the boat are shown. In the next stage, the design of a battery charging system will follow. ATMega 8535 microcontroller is used as a โ€˜brainโ€™ to select the higher DC input voltage from either solar or wind energy. After the design of the battery charging system has been completed, the hardware will be installed on a small-scale Electric Boat similarly as in the technical drawing, with previously calculated specifications 1 5Watt 12V photovoltaic and 12V 1.2aH battery. In the final stage, the prototype will be tested to assess the efficiency of the battery charging system using ATMega 8535 microcontroller, with delay reads 1 second and an accuracy of 98% reading. Condition of the battery is also stable enough to provide a load on the motor with an average of 9.8 V. The boat can also move steadily even though the movement Slow speed

    Fuzzy Logic Mamdani-Based Simulation of Solanum Lycopersicum Fruit Sorter to Produce High-Quality Fruit Products

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    This research presents a novel approach utilizing Fuzzy Logic Mamdani-based simulation implemented through MATLAB and SolidWorks for sorting Solanum Lycopersicum fruits to achieve premium fruit quality. By integrating advanced computational tools, the simulation emulates intricate sorting processes, enabling precise decision-making akin to human judgment. This innovative methodology offers a promising avenue for improving fruit sorting efficiency and product quality in agricultural industries. This simulation system uses loadcell sensors, color sensors and PIR sensors as input. These inputs are used to control three servos and one DC motor. The fuzification process is carried out on both the input and output sides. Based on the results of the fuzification process, eighty-one rules were obtained and a fuzzy inference process was carried out using the intersection method. After carrying out the fuzzy inference process, it is continued with the defuzzification process. The result of the defuzzification value on the quality output is 7324.99 in the high set and the result of the simulation of the quality output value is 7250 in the high set. Thus, the accuracy level of the simulation's results is 98.98%. The simulation results show that the system is able to sort low, medium and high quality Solanum lycopersicum fruit


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