429 research outputs found
Business plan for FC Media Experience
Social media marketing has grown in importance year upon year due to the growth of
platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat.As such there‟s been a massive
increase with regards to the number of social media agencies that are opening its doors to
service clients. Teenagers are practically equipped with all the resources they need to
approach businesses that lack a social media presence and offer them their social media
services. However although there may be an influx of social media agencies in the current
age, most of them don‟t know what they‟re really doing. In order to stand out from these
agencies it is of outmost importance that I approach this industry with an appropriate
The purpose of this business plan is to create a social media agency named FC Media
Experience targeting tourist agencies in Namibia wishing to create a profound brand
experience through innovative content creation for their audiences by over providing on value
and thus building themselves for long term sustainability in the market place they are
operating within.
This business plan starts by presenting the literature on specific issues leading to
organisations underperforming. It then presents an environmental and internal analysis with
subsequent strategies my organisation intends to implement in order to achieve a
differentiation strategy within the industry.O marketing nas redes sociais tem crescido em importância ano após ano devido ao
crescimento de plataformas como Facebook, Instagram, Twitter e Snapchat. Como tal houve
um grande aumento em relação ao número de agências pra redes sociais que estão abrindo
suas portas para oferecer os seu serviços a clientes. . Os adolescentes estão praticamente
equipados com todos os recursos de que precisam para abordar empresas que não tênhem
presenças online e oferecer a eles seus serviços nas redes sociais. No entanto, embora possa
haver um influxo de agências de redes sociais na atualidade, a maioria delas não sabem o que
estao realmente fazendo. Para nos destacarmos dessas agências, é de grande importância que
abordarmos essa indústria com uma estratégia apropriada.
O objetivo deste plano de negócios é criar uma agência de marketing nas redes sociais
chamada FC Media Experience para agências de turismo na Namibia que desejam criar uma
profunda experiência de marca através da criação de conteúdo inovador para seus públicos,
fornecendo valor e construindo a sustentabilidade a longo prazo no mercado em que estão
Este plano de negócios começa apresentando a literatura sobre questões específicas que
levam a organizações com um desempenho insatisfatório. Em seguida, apresenta uma análise
ambiental e interna com estratégias subsequentes que a minha organização pretende
implementar para alcançar uma estratégia de diferenciação dentro do setor
Merged reality for everyone
This article addresses some interesting challenges and business opportunities within the promising merged reality ecosystem, which offers the vision of bringing together virtual, augmented and physical realities,
seamlessly. The article also links the current status of this field with exploratory research and development work carried out by Altice Labs.Altice Labsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Can we escape the metaverse?: Should we?
In view of the strong market presence and leverage of major corporations involved in this topic, the most straightforward answer to the questions above is “No”. Nevertheless, multiple perspectives should be considered. Thus, along this article we reflect about the concept of “metaverse”, what parts of it exist today, and what is foreseen that makes this concept a much discussed game changer.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Motion capture: aplicações e-health e wellbeing
Este artigo apresenta resultados de dois projetos enquadrados no Plano de Inovação 2013-2014: Move4Health,
com o Instituto de Telecomunicações e Online-Gym, com o INESC TEC. Ainda que em cenários e abordagens
distintas, ambos exploram o recurso a deteção de movimento (motion capture) em tempo real e sem recurso
a marcadores (realtime markerless mocap), para explorar a oportunidade de introdução de novas aplicações
e serviços de eHealth e well being particularmente vocacionados para o segmento senior e para o envelhecimento
eXtended new reality
This article addresses some aspects of the potential of Extended Reality (XR) technologies in the context of the accelerated ongoing digital transformation, with public awareness and wider acceptance being prompted by current pandemic, due to the widespread adoption of teleworking, distance learning, and virtual conferences.
The state-of-the-art of XR technologies and immersive environments is briefly addressed from the perspective of their sustained adoption in multiple scenarios, including education and training, well-being and active aging, and business.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Simple VR for better living
Physical and cognitive rehabilitation based on natural interaction and VR has been on our horizon for several years, and we have been conducting experimentation towards that goal through several exploratory research initiatives.This article addresses some aspects of the state-of-the-art of VR in healthcare and well-being, with opportunities in the domain of rehabilitation based on natural interaction and VR being analyzed and put in perspective with the SmartAL ecosystem roadmap.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
A importância das funções de gestão na estratégia empresarial (o caso da indústria angolana)
Mestrado em Gestão/M.B.A.Desde os primórdios da civilização que a administração de negócios tem vindo a merecer particular atenção. O aparecimento e desenvolvimento da tecnologia aliados à importância e necessidade em optimizar e racionalizar os factores de produção e outros recursos, cada vez mais escassos, têm fomentado a aplicação de técnicas e o uso de instrumentos de gestão. Por sua vez, sentiu-se a necessidade em tratar claramente e distinguir nas organizações as funções de gestão — planeamento, organização, direcção e controlo.
Assegurar condições para o desenvolvimento empresarial a longo prazo exige orientações ao nível da política empresarial e, sobretudo, o estabelecimento da estratégia empresarial assente na prévia determinação dos objectivos.
Hoje em dia, é fundamental qualquer organização delinear a sua estratégia à qual obedecem as metodologias com mais ou menos variantes que, em qualquer caso, terão de considerar os recursos disponíveis no quadro da análise das forças e fraquezas e as condições do contexto envolvente que se traduz na análise das oportunidades e ameaças onde ocupam particular relevo os clientes ou consumidores, os concorrentes e os fornecedores.
No âmbito dos fundamentos teóricos abordados procurou-se enquadrar o tema e tratar as condições particulares de desenvolvimento da indústria angolana.
A tarefa, levada a cabo através de um estudo empírico levou-nos a comprovar terem as empresas em geral dificuldades de diverso tipo, conforme estudo, do facto da maior parte dos gestores angolanos possuírem um baixo nível de formação não conhecendo, inclusive em muitos casos, a essência das funções de gestão nem os fundamentos mínimos da estratégia empresarial. Para tal, concorrem causas endógenas e exógenas às próprias empresas. A solução desses problemas passa por decisões importantes a serem tomadas pelos responsáveis ao nível das próprias unidades económicas e ao nível do Estado, dado o seu papel estruturante para a transformação da economia empresarial angolana.Since the origins of the civilization, that the management of the business has deserved
particular attention. The technology appearing and development associated to the
importance and to the necessity in development and rationalize the factors of the
production and others resources, more and more scanties, have fomented the aplications
of technics and the use of management Instruments. Consequently, it was felt the
necessity in treat clearly and distinguish in the organizations, the management functions —
planning, organization, direction and control.
Assure conditions to the enterprise development at long date, require orientations at
the enterprise policy level and above all, the establishment of the enterprise strategy
decided in the previous determination of the purposes.
Nowadays is essential for all the organizations draw their own strategy which obey to
the methodologies with more or less variants that in any case will have to take into
consideration the available resources in the analysis chart of the strengths and weaknesses
and conditions of the enveloping context that is translate in the analysis of the
opportunities and threats where have particular relief the clients or consumers the rivals
and the furnishers.
In the ambit of the theoretical foundations broached it was tried to fit in the theme and
it was treat the particular conditions of the angolan industry development.
The process behaved through an empiric study made us confirm that the enterprises have
in general different kind of difficulties, according to the study to the fact of the majority
of the angolan managers have a low level of formation ignorating inclusive in many cases
the essence of the management functions nor even the smellest foundations of the
enterprise strategy. For that apply endogenous and exogenous causes to their own
enterprises. The solution of those problems pass by important decisions taked by the
responsables at the level of the own economic units and at the state level because of their
structural role to the transformation of the angolan enterprising economy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Assessment of the Intraobserver and Interobserver Reliability of a Communicating Vessels Volumeter to Measure Wrist-Hand Volume
Background. Traditional volumetry based on Archimedes' principle is the gold standard for the measurement of limb volume, but the routine use of this technique is discouraged because of several disadvantages.Objective. the purpose of this study was to evaluate intraobserver and interobserver reliability of direct measurements of wrist-hand volume using a new communicating vessels volumeter based on Pascal's law.Design. A reliability study was conducted.Methods. To evaluate the reliability of the communicating vessels volumeter in generating measurements, 30 hands of 15 participants (9 women, 6 men) were measured 3 times each by 3 observers, totaling 270 volumetric results.Results. Measurement time was short ((X) over bar =3 minutes 42 seconds). the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was .9977 for observer 1 and .9976 for observers 2 and 3. the interobserver ICC was .9998. the standard error of measurement was about 3 mL for all observers; the interobserver result was 1 mL. the interrater coefficient of variance (CV) was 1.15% for the series of 9 measurements collected for each segment; the intrarater CV was 1.20%.Limitations. No swollen hands were measured, and measurements were not compared with the gold standard technique. Thus, accuracy of the new volumeter was not determined in this study.Conclusion. A new device has been developed for plethysmography of the extremities, and the results of its use to measure the volume of the wrist-hand segment were reliable in both intraobserver and interobserver analyses.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Nucleo de Pro-tecao Intelectual (NUPI)Paulista School of MedicineFederal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP)Universidade Federal de São Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Vasc Surg, Paulista Sch Med, BR-04011002 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Vasc Surg, Paulista Sch Med, BR-04011002 São Paulo, BrazilFAPESP: 05/55240-0Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP): PI 0502899-0Web of Scienc
Volumeter with communicating chambers: presentation of a prototype with reduced dimensions developed for objective assessment of hand volume
Traditional water displacement volumetry, based on Archimedes' principle of buoyancy, is considered the gold-standard for limb volume measurement. However, the routine use of this technique is associated with a series of disadvantages: the method is cumbersome to the patient, messy and unhygienic, and it takes a great amount of the examiner's time. This article presents the prototype of a new piece of equipment designed according to Pascal's principle of communicating vases for the direct evaluation of hand volume.A volumetria tradicional por deslocamento de água, que utiliza o princípio do transbordamento de Arquimedes, é considerada o padrão-ouro da avaliação do volume de membros, porém tem seu uso rotineiro prescindido por apresentar uma série de desvantagens: o método é embaraçoso ao paciente, pouco prático e desprovido de higiene, além de consumir muito tempo do examinador. Este artigo apresenta o protótipo de um aparelho inédito que utiliza o princípio dos vasos comunicantes de Pascal para a avaliação direta do volume de mão.UNIFESP-EPMUNIFESP, EPMSciEL
A arte civil de Mestre Valentin: um programa de sombra e de água fresca
Relate the Bhazilian artistic process of the colonial period to the practices applied by the absolutist Portuguese se state to enforce its domination on the colonial society's production system. The city of Rio de Janeiro in the XVIII century is emphasized inasmuch as it became the viceroyal Government's site. Within that city it is focused the civil works os Mestre Valentin, the generator of new dimensions in the Brazilian visual arts. The analysis is carried out through critical research of the History of Art, a study open to interdisciplinarity, approximating the concept of production relations of the artistic evente, proposed by Damisch, Duvignaud and Panofsky, within the notion of discontinuous time contained in the thinking of Braudel, Deleuze, Foucault and Nietzsche.Relaciona o processo artístico brasileiro do período colonial às práticas de dominação do Estado Absoluto Português no sistema produtivo daquela sociedade, priorizando a cidade do Rio de Janeiro no século XVIII, tornada sede do governo dos vice-reis e, em particular a obra civil de Mestre Valentim, gerador de novas proposições no campo da visualidade brasileira. A análise é feita através de uma investigação crítica da História da Arte, um estudo aberto à interdisciplinariedade, que aproxima as relações de produção do acontecimento artístico propostos por Damisch, Duvignaud e Panofsky com a noção de tempo descontínuo, contida nas linhas de pensamento de Braudel, Deleuze, Foucault e Nietzsche
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