27 research outputs found

    Impact of mosquito bites on asexual parasite density and gametocyte prevalence in asymptomatic chronic Plasmodium falciparum infections and correlation with IgE and IgG titers.

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    International audienceAn immunomodulatory role of arthropod saliva has been well documented, but evidence for an effect on Plasmodium sp. infectiousness remains controversial. Mosquito saliva may orient the immune response toward a Th2 profile, thereby priming a Th2 response against subsequent antigens, including Plasmodium. Orientation toward a Th1 versus a Th2 profile promotes IgG and IgE proliferation, respectively, where the former is crucial for the development of an efficient antiparasite immune response. Here we assessed the direct effect of mosquito bites on the density of Plasmodium falciparum asexual parasites and the prevalence of gametocytes in chronic, asymptomatic infections in a longitudinal cohort study of seasonal transmission. We additionally correlated these parasitological measures with IgE and IgG antiparasite and anti-salivary gland extract titers. The mosquito biting density was positively correlated with the asexual parasite density but not asexual parasite prevalence and was negatively correlated with gametocyte prevalence. Individual anti-salivary gland IgE titers were also negatively correlated with gametocyte carriage and were strongly positively correlated with antiparasite IgE titers, consistent with the hypothesis that mosquito bites predispose individuals to develop an IgE antiparasite response. We provide evidence that mosquito bites have an impact on asymptomatic infections and differentially so for the production of asexual and sexual parasites. An increased research focus on the immunological impact of mosquito bites during asymptomatic infections is warranted, to establish whether strategies targeting the immune response to saliva can reduce the duration of infection and the onward transmission of the parasite

    Plasmodium falciparum population structure and genetic diversity of cell traversal protein for ookinetes and sporozoites (CelTOS) during malaria resurgences in Dielmo, Senegal

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    The ability to accurately measure the intensity of malaria transmission in areas with low transmission is extremely important to guide elimination efforts. Plasmodium falciparum Cell-traversal protein for ookinetes and sporozoites (PfCelTOS) is an important conserved sporozoite antigen reported as one of the promising malaria vaccine candidates, and could be used to estimate malaria transmission intensity. This study aimed at determining whether the diversity of PfCelTOS gene reflects the changes in malaria transmission that occurred between 2007 and 2014 in Dielmo, a Senegalese village, before and after the implementation of insecticide treated bed nets (ITNs). Of the 109 samples positive for PfCelTOS PCR, 96 (88%) were successfully sequenced and analysed for polymorphisms and population diversity. The number of segregating sites was higher during the pre-intervention period (13) and the malaria resurgences (11) than during the intervention period (5). Similarly, the number and diversity of haplotypes were higher during the pre-intervention period (16 and 0.914, respectively) and the malaria resurgences (6 and 0.821, respectively) than during the intervention period (4 and 0.758, respectively). Moreover, the average number of nucleotide differences was higher during the pre-intervention (3.792) and during malaria resurgences (3.467) than during the intervention period (2.189). The 3D7 KSSFNEP haplotype was only observed during the intervention period. Only two haplotypes were shared in both the pre-intervention and intervention periods while four haplotypes were shared between the pre-intervention and the malaria resurgences. The Fst values indicate moderate differentiation between pre-intervention and intervention periods (0.17433), and between intervention and malaria resurgences period (0.19198) as well as between pre-intervention and malaria resurgences periods (0.06607). PfCelTOS genetic diversity reflected changes of malaria transmission, with higher polymorphisms recorded before the large-scale implementation of ITNs and during the malaria resurgences. PfCelTOS is also a candidate vaccine; mapping its diversity across multiple endemic environments will facilitate the design and optimisation of a broad and efficacious vaccine

    An Exhaustive, Non-Euclidean, Non-Parametric Data Mining Tool for Unraveling the Complexity of Biological Systems – Novel Insights into Malaria

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    Complex, high-dimensional data sets pose significant analytical challenges in the post-genomic era. Such data sets are not exclusive to genetic analyses and are also pertinent to epidemiology. There has been considerable effort to develop hypothesis-free data mining and machine learning methodologies. However, current methodologies lack exhaustivity and general applicability. Here we use a novel non-parametric, non-euclidean data mining tool, HyperCube®, to explore exhaustively a complex epidemiological malaria data set by searching for over density of events in m-dimensional space. Hotspots of over density correspond to strings of variables, rules, that determine, in this case, the occurrence of Plasmodium falciparum clinical malaria episodes. The data set contained 46,837 outcome events from 1,653 individuals and 34 explanatory variables. The best predictive rule contained 1,689 events from 148 individuals and was defined as: individuals present during 1992–2003, aged 1–5 years old, having hemoglobin AA, and having had previous Plasmodium malariae malaria parasite infection ≤10 times. These individuals had 3.71 times more P. falciparum clinical malaria episodes than the general population. We validated the rule in two different cohorts. We compared and contrasted the HyperCube® rule with the rules using variables identified by both traditional statistical methods and non-parametric regression tree methods. In addition, we tried all possible sub-stratified quantitative variables. No other model with equal or greater representativity gave a higher Relative Risk. Although three of the four variables in the rule were intuitive, the effect of number of P. malariae episodes was not. HyperCube® efficiently sub-stratified quantitative variables to optimize the rule and was able to identify interactions among the variables, tasks not easy to perform using standard data mining methods. Search of local over density in m-dimensional space, explained by easily interpretable rules, is thus seemingly ideal for generating hypotheses for large datasets to unravel the complexity inherent in biological systems

    Hydrogen recycling during RF plasma heating in the U-3M torsatron

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    The hydrogen recycling behavior has been studied during the plasma experiments in torsatron U-3M. For this purpose, the time dependence of the molecular hydrogen pressure in the U-3M torsatron vacuum chamber in the modes of RF wall conditioning and RF plasma heating has been measured. The experimental results show that the hydrogen pumping from the vacuum chamber runs at constant rate during the RF discharge for each mode. After RF power switching-off the inverse desorption of hydrogen, accumulated during the RF discharge in the vacuum chamber walls and helical coil surfaces, is observed. When the antenna anode voltages and the RF pulse duration in both modes are increasing, the character of the time dependences of hydrogen pressure does not change significantly.Изучено поведение рециклинга водорода во время плазменных экспериментов на торсатроне У-3М. Для этой цели было проведено измерение временных зависимостей давления водорода в вакуумной камере торсатрона У-3М в режимах ВЧ-чистки стенок камеры и ВЧ-нагрева плазмы. Экспериментальные результаты показали, что в обоих режимах во время ВЧ-разряда скорость откачки водорода из вакуумной камеры остается постоянной для каждого из режимов. После выключения ВЧ-мощности наблюдается обратная десорбция водорода, накопленного во время ВЧ-разряда в стенках вакуумной камеры и винтовых катушек. Повышение анодных напряжений на ВЧ-антеннах и увеличение длительности ВЧ-импульса существенно не влияют на характер временных зависимостей давления водорода.Вивчено поведінку рециклінгу водню під час плазмових експериментів на торсатроні У-3М. Для цієї мети було проведено вимірювання часових залежностей тиску водню у вакуумній камері торсатрона У-3М в режимах ВЧ-чистки стінок камери і ВЧ-нагріву плазми. Експериментальні результати показали, що в обох режимах під час ВЧ-розряду швидкість відкачування водню з вакуумної камери залишається постійною для кожного з режимів. Після виключення ВЧ-потужності спостерігається зворотна десорбція водню, накопиченого під час ВЧ-розряду в стінках вакуумної камери і гвинтових котушок. Підвищення анодних напруг на ВЧ-антенах і збільшення тривалості ВЧ-імпульсу істотно не впливають на характер тимчасових залежностей тиску водню

    Rebound of multiple infections and prevalence of anti-malarial resistance associated markers following malaria upsurges in Dielmo village, Senegal, West Africa

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    Abstract Background Thanks to the scale up of malaria control interventions, the malaria burden in Senegal has decreased substantially to the point that the National Malaria Control Programme plans to achieve malaria elimination by 2030. To guide such efforts, measuring and monitoring parasite population evolution and anti-malarial drugs resistance is extremely important. Information on the prevalence of parasite mutations related to drug resistance can provide a first signal of emergence, introduction and selection that can help with refining drug interventions. The aim of this study was to analyse the prevalence of anti-malarial drug resistance-associated markers before and after the implementation of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) from 2005 to 2014 in Dielmo, a model site for malaria intervention studies in Senegal. Methods Samples from both malaria patients and Plasmodium falciparum asymptomatic carriers were analysed with high resolution melting (HRM) technique to genotype P. falciparum chloroquine resistance transporter (Pfcrt) gene haplotypes and multidrug-resistant protein 1 (Pfmdr1) gene at codons N86 and Y184. Results Among the 539 samples analysed, 474, 486, and 511 were successfully genotyped for Pfmdr1 N86, Y184, and Pfcrt, respectively. The prevalence of drug resistance markers was high, particularly during the malaria upsurges. Following the scale-up in bed net distribution, only the mutant (86F-like) variant of Pfmdr1 86 was present while during the malaria upsurges the predominance of two types 86Y-86N (43%) and 86F-like (56%) were observed. Most infections (87%) carried the wild type Y-allele at Pfmdr1 184 during the period of nets scale-up while during the malaria upsurges only 16% of infections had wild type and 79% of infections had mixed (mutant/wild) type. The frequency of the mixed genotypes SVMNT-like_CVMNK and SVMNT-like_CVIET within Pfcrt gene was particularly low during bednet scale up. Their frequency increased significantly (P < 0.001) during the malaria upsurges. Conclusion This data demonstrated the effect of multiple interventions on the dynamics of drug resistance-associated mutations in the main malaria parasite P. falciparum in an endemic village in Senegal. Monitoring drug resistance markers should be conducted periodically to detect threats of emergence or resurgence that could compromise the efficacy of anti-malarial drugs

    Immune tolerance to asymptomatic submicroscopic Plasmodium falciparum infections in adults living in malaria endemic areas

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    Abstract Background Combined malaria control interventions have reduced mortality rate, number of clinical cases and parasite prevalence across Africa between 2000 and 2015. As a consequence, Plasmodium infections have become mostly asymptomatic and often sub-microscopic in many endemic areas. The present study aims to evaluate the contribution of asymptomatic sub-microscopic P. falciparum carriage on antibody responses against malaria antigens. Methods A total of 353 samples from a cross-sectional sampling conducted in Ndiop (Senegal) in 2016 were tested by qPCR and microscopy to determine parasite prevalence. Plasmodium falciparum positive samples were genotyped using msp-2 marker. The IgG seroprevalence against crude schizont antigen of a local P. falciparum strain, tested by ELISA, was compared to parasite prevalence. An age-matched, under 10 years, 10-15 and over 15 years cohort of 110 positive and negative qPCR samples were used to determine the impact of sub-microscopic carriage on IgG and IgM antibody responses against schizont extract and MSP3 recombinant antigen. Results The microscopic diagnosis was negative for all thick smears defining a study cohort of submicroscopic asymptomatic individuals with an overall parasite prevalence of 22.37% (79/353) by qPCR. Submicroscopic infections were associated with significant lower IgG responses in qPCR positive samples for individuals over 15 years of age, for both crude schizont (p=0.021) and MSP3 recombinant antigen (p=0.035). IgM responses were significantly higher (p=0.034) in children under 10 years, showing their susceptibility to primary infection. Above 15 years of age, a significant difference was found between parasite prevalence of 9.3% (33/353) and IgG seroprevalence of 23.8% (84/353) (p=0.01). The overall genetic diversity detected is characterized by a complexity of infection (COI) and a number of genotypes of 2.4 and 17, respectively. Conclusion Asymptomatic submicroscopic P. falciparum carriage is prevalent in the study area and is associated with immune tolerance to parasites in adults. The difference between parasite prevalence and IgG seroprevalence results from long-lived IgG in adults point out attention for elders in endemic areas as a stable parasite reservoir. In this context, mass molecular detection followed by treatment could be a valuable method for achieving elimination

    Detecting multi-way epistasis in family-based association studies

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    International audienceThe era of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) has led to the discovery of numerous genetic variants associated with disease. Better understanding of whether these or other variants interact leading to differential risk compared with individual marker effects will increase our understanding of the genetic architecture of disease, which may be investigated using the family-based study design. We present M-TDT (the multi-locus transmission disequilibrium test), a tool for detecting family-based multi-locus multi-allelic effects for qualitative or quantitative traits, extended from the original transmission disequilibrium test (TDT). Tests to handle the comparison between additive and epistatic models, lack of independence between markers and multiple offspring are described. Performance of M-TDT is compared with a multifactor dimensionality reduction (MDR) approach designed for investigating families in the hypothesis-free genome-wide setting (the multifactor dimensionality reduction pedigree disequilibrium test, MDR-PDT). Other methods derived from the TDT or MDR to investigate genetic interaction in the family-based design are also discussed. The case of three independent biallelic loci is illustrated using simulations for one- to three-locus alternative hypotheses. M-TDT identified joint-locus effects and distinguished effectively between additive and epistatic models. We showed a practical example of M-TDT based on three genes already known to be implicated in malaria susceptibility. Our findings demonstrate the value of M-TDT in a hypothesis-driven context to test for multi-way epistasis underlying common disease etiology, whereas MDR-PDT-based methods are more appropriate in a hypothesis-free genome-wide setting