28 research outputs found

    Investigation of the effects of learning and performance goal orientation on team creative efficacy and new service development performance within the organization

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    El prop贸sito de este estudio era analizar las relaciones entre las variables de orientaci贸n alos objetivos de aprendizaje, orientaci贸n a los objetivos de rendimiento, apoyo ejecutivo,eficacia creativa del equipo y rendimiento del desarrollo de nuevos servicios. En el marcodel prop贸sito de la investigaci贸n, se realiz贸 un estudio con 592 empleados que trabajabanen organizaciones que operaban en el sector de la producci贸n. Se utilizaron los programas IBM SPSS 25 e IBM SPSS AMOS de forma incremental, y se evaluaron y analizaron losdatos adquiridos. Como resultado del an谩lisis, se destaca que las organizaciones deben darimportancia al aprendizaje y al rendimiento especialmente por sus efectos positivos. Dadoque la investigaci贸n se realiza sobre los empleados del sector de la producci贸n, abarca unsector espec铆fico en un 谩mbito concreto. Los resultados de la investigaci贸n son aplicables alapoyo ejecutivo y al rendimiento de las empresas del sector de la producci贸n para que seanm谩s eficaces. La investigaci贸n es original en cuanto a la evaluaci贸n de la orientaci贸n a losobjetivos de aprendizaje y la orientaci贸n a los objetivos de rendimiento en las empresas delsector de la producci贸n.The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationships between the variables of learning goalorientation, performance goal orientation, executive support, team creative efficacy and newservice development performance. A survey study was conducted with 592 employees workingat organizations that operated in the production sector in the scope of the research purpose. TheIBM SPSS 25 and IBM SPSS AMOS programs were used incrementally, and the acquired datawere evaluated and analyzed. As a result of the analysis, it is emphasized that organizationsshould give importance to learning and performance especially because of their positive effects.Since the research is carried out on the employees in the production sector, it covers a specificsector in a specific field. The results of the research are applicable to the executive support andperformances of the firms in the production sector in order to be more efficient. The researchis original in terms of evaluating learning goal orientation and performance goal orientation infirms in the production sector

    Will Innovation management and re-engineering positively affect sustainability and performance? Research in energy companies

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    Failure in reengineering or innovation management will not only decrease the performance of the organization but also endanger its sustainability. Objective. To carry out a study on energy companies to investigate the importance of the subject. Methodology.The reason energy companies are selected for the research is that innovation and change come to the fore with the need for new energy sources. LISREL, SPSS 25 and SPSS PROCESS V.3 were used in the analyses. Results. As a result of the research, it can be said that innovation management in energy companies has a positive impact on both sustainability and performance. At the same time, both the independent and the mediation variable effect of reengineering is positive. Conclusions. Innovation and change are inevitable and can be explained as a result of research where positive results can be achieved if properly managed.El fracaso en la gesti贸n de la reingenier铆a o de la innovaci贸n no solo disminuye el rendimiento de la organizaci贸n, sino que tambi茅n pone en peligro su sostenibilidad. Objetivo.Realizar una investigaci贸n en empresas energ茅ticas para indagar sobre la importancia de este tema. Metodolog铆a. La raz贸n por la cual se seleccionan las empresas energ茅ticas para investigaci贸n es que la innovaci贸n y el cambio pasan a un primer plano con la necesidad de nuevas fuentes de energ铆a. En los an谩lisis se utilizaron LISREL, SPSS 25 y SPSS PROCESS V.3. Resultados. Como resultado de la investigaci贸n se puede afirmar que la gesti贸n de la innovaci贸n en las empresas energ茅ticas tiene un impacto positivo tanto en la sostenibilidad como en el rendimiento. Al mismo tiempo, tanto el efecto de la variable independiente como el de la mediaci贸n de la reingenier铆a son positivos. Conclusiones. La innovaci贸n y el cambio son inevitables y pueden explicarse como resultado de la investigaci贸n en la que se pueden lograr resultados positivos si se gestionan adecuadamente

    The bank's effect on digital capability and knowledge acquisition within the performance and digital native's perception of mobile marketing

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    El objetivo de este estudio es analizar los efectos de la adquisici贸n de competencias yconocimientos digitales en el rendimiento y las percepciones de los nativos digitales sobre labanca m贸vil como consecuencia del aumento del uso de aplicaciones bancarias m贸viles con ladifusi贸n de Internet. Se realiz贸 una encuesta a 337 t茅cnicos administrativos que act煤an en lasdirecciones generales de los bandos, cuyos datos fueron analizados con el programa SmartPLS3.3.3. Entre los resultados destaca que la capacidad digital y la adquisici贸n de conocimientostienen efectos positivos tanto en los resultados como en las percepciones de los nativosdigitales sobre la banca m贸vil. Las hip贸tesis apoyan que los bancos deben dar importanciaa la digitalizaci贸n y a la informaci贸n. La investigaci贸n abarca un sector espec铆fico dentro de un 谩mbito determinado, ya que los datos se obtuvieron del personal experto que trabaja en lasdirecciones generales de los bancos de Estambul. Los resultados tambi茅n podr铆an aplicarse paraanalizar el rendimiento efectivo de otras empresas que prestan servicios a trav茅s de aplicacionesm贸viles.The aim of this study is to analyze the effects of digital skills and knowledge acquisition onthe performance and digital natives perceptions of mobile banking as a result of the increasein the use of mobile banking applications with the spread of the internet. A survey wasconducted with 337 white-collar specialists working in the general directorates of banks. TheSmartPLS 3.3.3 program was used, and the obtained data were analyzed. Digital capabilityand knowledge acquisition have positive effects on both the performances and digital nativesperceptions of mobile banking. It is supported by hypotheses that banks should give importanceto digitalization and information. The research covers a specific sector within a certain field,since the data were obtained from the expert-level personnel working in the general directoratesof banks in Istanbul. The results could also be applied to analyze the effective performance ofother companies that provide services through mobile applications

    Examination of the Strategic Vision of Banks in Digitalization and the Effects of Innovation on Performance and Artificial Intelligence Perception

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    This study examines the effects of strategic vision and digital innovation on the performance and perceptions of digital natives regarding artificial intelligence (AI) in banks. This is due to the increased use of mobile banking applications with the proliferation of the internet. An online questionnaire was administered to 603 experts working in bank headquarters. The collected data were analyzed using the SmartPLS 3.3.3 software. Banks that adopt digital business strategies can gain a significant competitive advantage. To successfully transform and compete, banks need to address customer demands in the areas of digitalization, innovation, and mobile banking. This research is original in its evaluation of the strategic visions and digital innovations of banks, which play a crucial role in the service sector, with implications for finance, innovation, and mobile applications. The results demonstrate the positive effects of strategic vision and digital innovation on performance and digital natives' perceptions of AI. The hypotheses support the importance of digitalization and innovation for banks

    Role of diversity management and charismatic leadership on innovation and performance in the globalized era

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    Objective of the Study: The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationships between the variables of diversity management, charismatic leadership, innovation speed, innovation performance, and company performance. Methodology/Approach: A survey study was conducted with 427 employees (both technicians and engineers) working at companies that operated in the manufacturing industry in the scope of the research purpose. SPSS 25 and SPSS AMOS programs were used incrementally, and the acquired data were evaluated and analyzed. Originality/Relevance: In this research, white-collar workers constituted our sampling group because they play a key role in product innovation. While gathering the analysis data, the first 500 companies registered in Istanbul Chamber of Industry were determined, and manufacturing companies operating in Istanbul constituted the main part of the study. Main Results: As a result of the analysis, it is understood that diversity management and charismatic leadership have a positive influence on innovation and performance. Theoretical/Methodological Contribution: In terms of innovation and company performance, the study revealed the mediation effect of charismatic leadership linked to diversity management. Social/management contributions: In order for organizations to carry out creative and innovative activities, it is very important to effectively manage different ideas and thoughts within organizations. In fact, charismatic leadership positively affects employees, helping them to perform better. Therefore, employees must be actively involved in order to successfully carry out innovationObjetivo do estudo: O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as rela莽玫es entre as vari谩veis gest茫o da diversidade, lideran莽a carism谩tica, velocidade de inova莽茫o, desempenho inovador e desempenho da empresa. Metodologia/Abordagem: Foi realizado um estudo survey com 427 funcion谩rios (t茅cnicos e engenheiros) que atuam em empresas que atuam na ind煤stria de transforma莽茫o no 芒mbito do objetivo da pesquisa. Os programas SPSS 25 e SPSS AMOS foram usados de forma incremental, e os dados adquiridos foram avaliados e analisados. Originalidade/Relev芒ncia: Nesta pesquisa, os trabalhadores de colarinho branco constitu铆ram nosso grupo de amostragem porque desempenham um papel fundamental na inova莽茫o de produtos. Durante a coleta dos dados de an谩lise, as primeiras 500 empresas registradas na C芒mara da Ind煤stria de Istambul foram determinadas, e as empresas de manufatura que operam em Istambul constitu铆ram a parte principal do estudo. Principais resultados: Como resultado da an谩lise, entende-se que a gest茫o da diversidade e a lideran莽a carism谩tica influenciam positivamente a inova莽茫o e o desempenho. Contribui莽茫o te贸rica/metodol贸gica: Em termos de inova莽茫o e desempenho da empresa, o estudo revelou o efeito mediador da lideran莽a carism谩tica ligada 脿 gest茫o da diversidade. Contribui莽玫es sociais/gerencias: Para que as organiza莽玫es realizem atividades criativas e inovadoras, 茅 muito importante administrar com efic谩cia as diferentes ideias e pensamentos dentro das organiza莽玫es. Na verdade, a lideran莽a carism谩tica afeta positivamente os funcion谩rios, ajudando-os a ter um melhor desempenho. Portanto, os funcion谩rios devem estar ativamente envolvidos para realizar a inova莽茫o com sucessoObjetivo del estudio: El prop贸sito de este estudio fue analizar las relaciones entre las variables de gesti贸n de la diversidad, liderazgo carism谩tico, velocidad de innovaci贸n, desempe帽o en innovaci贸n y desempe帽o de la empresa. Metodolog铆a/enfoque: Se realiz贸 un estudio de encuesta con 427 empleados (tanto t茅cnicos como ingenieros) que trabajan en empresas que operan en la industria manufacturera en el 谩mbito del prop贸sito de la investigaci贸n. Los programas SPSS 25 y SPSS AMOS se utilizaron de forma incremental y los datos adquiridos se evaluaron y analizaron. Originalidad/relevancia: En esta investigaci贸n, los empleados administrativos constituyeron nuestro grupo de muestreo porque juegan un papel clave en la innovaci贸n de productos. Al recopilar los datos del an谩lisis, se determinaron las primeras 500 empresas registradas en la C谩mara de Industria de Estambul, y las empresas de fabricaci贸n que operan en Estambul constituyeron la parte principal del estudio. Principales resultados: Como resultado del an谩lisis, se entiende que la gesti贸n de la diversidad y el liderazgo carism谩tico tienen una influencia positiva en la innovaci贸n y el desempe帽o. Contribuci贸n te贸rica/metodol贸gica: En t茅rminos de innovaci贸n y desempe帽o de la empresa, el estudio revel贸 el efecto mediador del liderazgo carism谩tico vinculado a la gesti贸n de la diversidad. Contribuciones sociales/de gesti贸n: Para que las organizaciones lleven a cabo actividades creativas e innovadoras, es muy importante gestionar eficazmente las diferentes ideas y pensamientos dentro de las organizaciones. De hecho, el liderazgo carism谩tico afecta positivamente a los empleados, ayud谩ndolos a desempe帽arse mejor. Por lo tanto, los empleados deben participar activamente para llevar a cabo con 茅xito la innovaci贸

    Evaluation of open leadership and innovation orientation on employees and culture of the organization

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    In the production sector, where innovation and creativity activities are intensely realized, organizations need not only creativity activities but also process management in a successful organizational culture in order to be successful in the competitive environment in terms of both leadership and innovation activities. In terms of leadership, institutions need to be managed with a correct understanding. The aim of this study is to analyze the relationships between open leadership, innovation orientation, employee creativity, organizational culture and process management variables. In this study, the effects of open leadership role on innovation and employee creativity activities and process management were investigated. At the same time, innovation orientation mediated effect was demonstrated. In the scope of aim of the study, a survey was conducted with 418 engineers working in the production sector. IBM SPSS 25 program, LISREL program and SOBEL calculation tool were used in the analysis. The data obtained were evaluated. Confirmatory and explanatory factor analysis and reliability analysis were performed on questions used Likert scale. In this study, it is concluded that the mediation variable effect of innovation orientation variable is on both organizational culture and creativity and process management