1,338 research outputs found

    Comparison on experimental and numerical results for helical swimmers inside channels

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    Swimming micro robots are becoming feasible in biomedical applications such as targeted drug delivery, opening clogged arteries and diagnosis owing to recent developments in micro and nano manufacturing technologies. It has been demonstrated at various scales that micro helices with magnetic coating or attached to a magnet can move in fluids with the application of external rotating magnetic fields. The motion of micro swimmers interacting with flow inside channels needs to be well understood especially for medical applications where the motion of micro robots inside arteries and conduits in the body become pertinent. In this work, swimming of helical micro robots with magnetic heads inside tubes is modeled with the resistive force theory (RFT) and validated with experiments conducted in glycerin filled mini glass channels placed in rotational magnetic fields. The time-averaged forward velocities of magnetically driven micro swimmers that are calculated by the RFT model agree very well with experimental results


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    This research explores the use of touchscreen devices with children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) regarding their engagement with schoolwork. The participant children’s attention, interaction and success with tablet computers and traditional materials were evaluated to fulfil the research aims. The study was conducted in a special needs education institution in Turkey. Video recording and observation were used to collect data. Seven students with different special needs participated in this study. Four sessions were held with each child; two sessions were held with traditional materials, and the other two sessions were held with the touchscreen device. Paired Sample T-Test was used to assess children’s attention and interaction time within two different conditions. Wilcoxon Test was used to analyse the success of children. The results show that the participants’ attention time was longer with the touchscreen device. Children’s interaction time and their success with the device were related to the mobile application. Observation data indicated that not all aspects of the applications were suitable for the students, which negatively affected their learning experience. This study concludes that although an increase of interest in introducing a new tool might have a primary role in the participants’ engagement, digital mobile devices could become indispensable for children with SEND. Therefore, more efforts should be canalised into developing mobile software that is carefully tailored for specific disabilities and individual needs. Article visualizations

    The prevalence of root dilacerations in a Turkish population

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of root dilaceration in a Turkish dental patient population with respect to sexes and dental localization in relation between sex and this anomaly. Study Design: A retrospective study was performed using periapical radiography of 2,124 patients ranging in age from 15 to 65. All data (age, sex and systemic disease or syndrome) was obtained from the files. These patients were analyzed for root dilaceration. Descriptive characteristics of sexes, jaws, and dental localization were recorded. The Pearson chi-squared test was used. Results: Of 2,251 patients, 214 (9.5%) had root dilaceration. Root dilacerations were determined in 276 (4.3%) of 6386 teeth belong to 2251 patients. Anomalies were found in 9.8% of males compared with 9.3% of females. However, this difference was not statistically significant (p>0.05). Root dilacerations were similarly distributed between maxilla and mandible. The most frequently root dilacerated teeth were found to be mandibular third molars (12.8%), followed by maxillary third molars (7.4%), maxillary first molars (6.7%). Root dilaceration was not detected in maxillary central incisors, mandibular central incisors and mandibular lateral incisors. Conclusion: According to our results, root dilaceration is an uncommon developmental anomaly which mostly occurs in the posterior teeth that is not also possible to have trauma. The radiographic diagnosis of this anomaly is important before surgery and orthodontics treatment, but firstly endodontic treatment

    Bio-inspired micro robots swimming in channels

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    Swimming micro robots that mimic micro organisms have a huge potential in biomedical applications such as opening clogged hard-to-reach arteries, targeted drug delivery and diagnostic operations. Typically, a micro swimmer that consists of a magnetic bead as its body, which is attached to a rigid helical tail, is actuated by a rotating external magnetic field and moved forward in the direction of the rotation in fluids. Understanding of hydrodynamic effects has utmost importance for modeling and prediction of the trajectory of the robot. In this work, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model is presented for the mm-long swimmer with the helical tail; the swimmer is used in our previous experiments on the effect of the confinement of the robot in a liquid filled channel. Forward velocity, fluid forces and torques on the micro swimmer are studied with respect to robot’s radial position in the channel and the number of waves on the helical tail. Forward velocities from the CFD model for the robots swimming near the wall agree reasonably well with experimental measurements

    Growth and uptake of sodium and potassium in broad bean (Vicia faba L.) under salinity stress

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    Vicia faba L. (broad bean or faba bean), a food crop of worldwide importance, is moderately tolerant of saline conditions, such as are increasingly common in Mediterranean countries and in Turkey. Our objective was to determine the influence of two salinity levels [50 and 100 mM sodium chloride (NaCl)] and two potassium salts, potassium nitrate (KNO3) (N1 and N2) or potassium acetate (CH3COOK) (A1 and A2), on the development of seedlings of two cultivars of broad bean (cvs. Eresen 87 and Filiz 99) grown in pots of perlite under controlled greenhouse conditions. Flame photometer (FP) analysis of tissues from roots, stems, and leaves of 3-month-old seedlings showed significant differences in growth, internodal length, and potassium (K+)/sodium (Na+) ratios. The FP analyses revealed that Na+ was the ion most responsible for inhibition of growth parameters seen in both cultivars and salt treatments. K+ contents were consistently higher in cv. Filiz 99 than in cv. Eresen 87. Possible correlations between these data and the tolerance to salinity of these cultivars are discussed

    Bilateral bifid mandibular canal: a case report

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    The objective of this case report is to help clinicians identify bifid mandibular canals on panoramic radiographs and subsequently use the information in the modification of dental treatment planning. A 45-year old man was referred to the service of Oral Diagnosis and Radiology. Routine panoramic radiography, suggested the presence of bilateral bifid mandibular canals (BMC). Mandibular computed tomography revealed a clear view of bilateral mandibular canals. BMC can be detected on a panoramic radiograph

    Homocysteine May Involve in the Pathogenesis of Behcet's Disease by Inducing Inflammation

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    Objective. Our aim was to evaluate the significance of homocysteine (Hcy) in Behcet's disease (BD) and the association of elevated Hcy levels associated with the indices of inflammation in BD. Methods. Untreated 70 patients with BD and 33 healthy individuals were included into the study. Hcy, tumor necrosis alpha (TNF-α), C-reactive protein (CRP), and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) were evaluated with respect to activity and specific individual clinical manifestations of the disease. Results. Hcy levels were found significantly elevated in active BD when compared to inactive BD and healthy controls. Hcy levels were found to have high correlation with the number of active clinical manifestations increased. A significant positive correlation was found between serum Hcy and TNF-α levels, CRP, and ESR. Hcy was found to be the best predictor of TNF-α among other parameters. Conclusion. Hcy may involve in the pathogenesis of BD by inducing inflammation

    Ege Bölgesinde Salkım Güvesi (Lobesia Botrana Den.-Schiff.) ile Mücadelede Çiftleşmeyi Engelleme Tekniği’nin Yaygınlaştırılması, Geliştirilmesi ve Eğitimi

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    Bu proje ile Ege Bölgesinde Salkım güvesi (L. botrana)’ne karşı Çiftleşmeyi engelleme (ÇE) yöntemini geliştirmek, üretici ve yayımcı teknik elemanlara öğretmek ve kullandırmak amaçlanmıştır. Yöntemin yaygınlaştırılması için 2002 yılında çoğunluğu Rapunzel Organik Tarım Ürünleri Ltd. Şti’ nin anlaşmalı üreticilerine ait 30 ha alanda çalışmalar başlatılmıştır. Manisa-Merkez’de Enstitü tarafından 43 ha alanda sayım ve çalışmalar yürütülmüştür. Salkım Tarım A.Ş.’ nin organik ve Eurep-Gap üreticilerinin katılımıyla toplam uygulama alanı 2004 yılında 123 ha’a, 2005 yılından itibaren 543 ha’ a ulaşarak Manisa’ nın Merkez, Saruhanlı, Turgutlu; Salihli ve Alaşehir ilçelerine de yayılmıştır. Ayrıca 2006 ve 2007 yıllarında Çanakkale-Bozcaada Kaymakamlığı’nın desteğiyle 200 ha’da ÇE tekniği insektisit uygulamasına gerek bırakmamıştır. Doğal dengeyi koruyucu ve çevre dostu bu mücadelenin üstüste aynı alanlarda uygulanması sonucu, başlangıçta Salkım güvesi için 1-4 arasında değişen ilaçlama sayısı, 2005 ve 2006 yıllarında 0’a düşmüştür. Bu projenin amaçları doğrultusunda, her yıl çeşitli toplantı ve kurslarda öğrenci, üretici, teknik eleman ve firma çalışanlarına ÇE yöntemi hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. Proje sonuçlarına göre, üretici koşullarında yapılan taç yönetimi uygulamaları göz önüne alındığında; çiftleşmeyi engelleme tekniği lehine ve Salkım güvesi’nin kritik yumurtlama dönemlerinde abiyotik faktörlere etkisi nedeniyle zararlının aleyhine olan terbiye sistemi Y terbiye sistemidir. T terbiye sistemine sahip bağlarda ise 3. dölün yumurta bırakması öncesi yani temmuz ayının ilk haftasında salkımların bulunduğu “taç ortasından” ışıklanmayı arttıracak şekilde yaprak alınarak zararlının sevmediği yüksek sıcaklık + düşük nem koşulları yaratılmalıdır

    The reflections of the ıdeological violence of the media to terror newsMedyanın ideolojik şiddetinin terör haberlerine yansımaları

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    Today media as a forth power, presents the goings-on which is all over the world, by forming around it’s ideology, to crowed of people consumption. Therefore, media shows the events as it wanted and aims to make them think in the same direction. Otherwise, violence and terror is increasingly going on in the postmodern world. Media transfers this negative way to a number of ideologies. So that the masses exposed to ideological violence of media, take shape according to presented content.Accordingly, the aim of the study is to determine how media has a role in connection with spreading, interaction with one another news, discourse and ideology and the ideologic violence of media over Ankara and Paris terror attack news on Turkish and French press. Critical discourse analysis of van Dijk was implemented as a method. While one of the obtained findings is that Cumhuriyet and Libération news constitute news contents which highlights the opposing ideology way and the other one is that Yeni Akit and Le Figaro news use the news discourses on the main stream. At the end of the study, it was determined that media is not objective, presents the same news with different contents and serves to definite ideologies.Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file. ÖzetMedya bugün tüm dünyada dördüncü güç olarak, olup bitenleri egemen güçlerin ideolojisi etrafında şekillendirerek kitlelerin tüketimine sunmaktadır. Dolayısıyla toplumlara olayları, kendi istediği gibi göstermekte ve onları aynı yönde düşündürmeyi hedeflemektedir. Diğer taraftan, postmodern dünyada şiddet ve terör artarak devam etmektedir. Medya bu olumsuz gidişatı birtakım ideolojilerle aktarmaktadır. Böylece kitleler medyanın ideolojik şiddetine maruz kalmakta, sunulan içeriklere göre şekillenmektedir.Bu doğrultuda çalışmanın amacı; medyanın, ideolojilerin yayılması noktasında nasıl bir role sahip olduğunu, haber, söylem ve ideolojinin birbiriyle etkileşimini ve medyanın ideolojik şiddetini, Türk ve Fransız basınında, Ankara ve Paris terör saldırıları haberleri üzerinden tespit etmektir. Çalışmada yöntem olarak; van Dijk’ın eleştirel söylem analizi uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular; Cumhuriyet ve Libération gazetelerinin muhalif ideolojiyi öne çıkaran yönde haber içerikleri oluştururken, Yeni Akit ve Le Figaro gazetelerinin ise ana akım yönünde haber söylemleri kullandığıdır. Çalışmanın sonucunda; medyanın tarafsız olmadığı, aynı olayı birbirinden çok farklı içeriklerle sunduğu ve belli ideolojilere hizmet ettiği tespit edilmiştir

    An Example of a Transitional Period in Medical Theory: Halid İzzet Bey and his Hıfzu’s-Sıhha

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı 19. yüzyılda Osmanlı Devleti’nde yetişmiş bir askeri doktorun hayatını ortaya çıkarmak, onun sergüzeşti üzerinden bu yüzyıldaki yenilikleri takip etmek ve kaleme aldığı Hıfzıssıhha adlı eserini değerlendirmektir. Halid İzzet Bey (ö.1922) 19. yüzyılda yetişmiş bir Osmanlı askeri doktorudur ve cerrahtır. Bu yüzyıl Osmanlı Devleti’nde hem askeri alanda hem tıp alanında gelişmelerin yaşandığı bir dönemdir. Halid İzzet Bey, Mekteb-i İdadi-i Tıbbiye-i Şahane’de (Tıp Lisesi) okumuş, oradan modern tıp eğitimi verilen Mekteb-i Tıbbiye-i Şahane’de tahsilini tamamlamıştır. Haydarpaşa Askeri Hastanesi’nde, Hamidiye Etfal Hastanesi’nde ve Darülaceze’de görev yapmış, memuriyetinin son yıllarında Makedonya’da İştib Hastanesi’nde çalışmıştır. Tercüme ettiği iki kitaba ek olarak, telif ettiği “Hıfzıssıhha” adlı eseri, onun toplum sağlığı konusunda sorumluluk alan bir hekim olduğunu göstermektedir. Eserini kaleme almasındaki amacı, ders kitabı olarak okutulmasıdır ve hedef kitlesi orta kademedeki öğrencilerdir. Eserde gençlerin hem içinde bulundukları yaşı sağlıklı geçirmeleri için yapmaları gerekenler sıralanmakta, hem de ileriki yaşamlarında evlilik ve ebeveynlik ile ilgili dikkat etmeleri gereken konular anlatılmaktadır. Modern tıp eğitimi almış bir tabibin, eserinin bazı bölümlerinin teorik alt yapısını Hipokrat’tan o güne değin süregelen hümoral patoloji üzerine kurması, çağındaki bakteriyolojik gelişmeleri takip etmekle beraber bu gelişmeleri miyazmacı bir perspektiften yorumlaması eserde dikkat çeken hususlardır. Bu yaklaşım da çağın ruhunu yansıtan güzel bir örnektir.The aim of this study is to reveal the life of a military doctor who grew up in the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century, to follow the innovations in this century through his story and to evaluate his work titled Hıfzıssıhha. Halid İzzet Bey (d.1922) was an Ottoman military doctor and surgeon who grew up in the 19th century. This century was a period of developments in both the military and medical fields in the Ottoman Empire. Halid İzzet Bey studied at Mekteb-i İdadi-i Tıbbiye-i Şahane (Medical High School) and then completed his education at Mekteb-i Tıbbiye-i Şahane, where modern medicine was taught. He worked at Haydarpaşa Military Hospital, Hamidiye Etfal Hospital and Darülaceze, and in the last years of his civil service, he worked at Istib Hospital in Macedonia. In addition to the two books he translated, his work titled “Hıfzıssıhha” (Sanitation) shows that he was a doctor who took responsibility for public health. The aim of his work is to be taught as a textbook and its target audience is middle level students. The work lists the things that young people should do in order to spend their current age in good health, as well as the issues they should pay attention to regarding marriage and parenthood in their later life. It is noteworthy that a physician trained in modern medicine bases some parts of his work on humoral pathology, which has been going on since Hippocrates, and interprets these developments from a miasmatic perspective, while following the bacteriological developments of his time. This approach is a good example reflecting the spirit of the age