116 research outputs found


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     Decision of the Syar'iyah Kuala Court Judge Number 253 / Pdt.G / 2015 / MS-KSG, which contains the principle of ultra petitum partium, namely the judge grants what is not requested by the plaintiff, if we review the Law Number 253 / Pdt.G / 2015 / MS-KSG this is not permitted by law because if it is done, the judge has passed the authority of ultra vires, and the effect of this decision is declared null and void. When the decision is null and void the impact of the decision is not binding and has not legal consequences and does not have the execution power in it.&nbsp

    Pengendalian Kualitas Part Trim Rear Quarter Right APV Arena dengan Menggunakan Metode Six Sigma di PT. Suzuki Indomobil Motor

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    Quality is an important aspect in enhancing the competitiveness of the product. Quality's role is to give satisfaction to the customer and be able to compete with similar products. During of the production process there is a chance that the products are not produced in established standards. Products that not suitable with the specifications is a defect that would cause harm to the company. Trim Rear Quarter Right is a component of the APV Arena car which is each production of Trim Rear Quarter Right there are at least one or more defective products. This of course would lead to losses for the company. The method used in this case study is the six sigma method because this method has been proven effective. Defect in Trim Rear Quarter Right caused by five factors that is negligence of the operator in set up the machine, the age of the machine , the quality of the materials, the application of the method is not maximized and noisy environments. The set up process of injection molding machine is the most influential in causing the defect product with RPN (Risk Priority Number) value is 256.Keywords: Quality, Six Sigma,Trim Rear Quarter Right AbstrakKualitas merupakan aspek penting dalam meningkatkan daya saing produk. Perannya adalah memberikan kepuasan kepada pelanggan dan mampu bersaing dengan produk sejenis.Trim Rear Quarter Right merupakan komponen dari mobil APV Arena yangsetiap produksi Trim Rear Quarter Right ini setidaknya terdapat satu atau lebih produk cacat. Hal ini tentunya akan menyebabkan kerugian bagi perusahaan. Metode yang digunakan dalam studi kasus ini yaitu metode six sigma karena metode ini sudah terbukti efektif. acat pada produk Trim Rear Quarter Right disebabkan oleh lima faktor yaitu: kelalaian operator dalam set up mesin , umur mesin, kualitas material, penerapan metode yang belum maksimal dan lingkungan yang berisik. Proses set up molding injection machine adalah proses paling berpengaruh dalam menyebabkan defect produk dengan nilai RPN (Risk Priority Number) sebesar 256.Kata kunci: Kualitas,Six Sigma, Trim Rear Quarter Righ


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    Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan  kualitas pembelajaran berbicara dan kualitas hasil keaktifan siswa dalam berbicara di SMK. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang dilakukan siswa di Sekolah menengah kejuruan di medan. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X AKL 2 yang berjumlah 25 orang  dengan rincian  4 laki-laki dan 24 perempuan. Adapun yang menjadi objek penelitian adalah pembelajaran berbicara khususnya berdiskusi. Proses penelitian dilakukan dalam dua siklus yang meliputi  empat kegiatan, yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, serta analisis dan refleksi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan terdapat peningkatan kualitas baik proses maupun hasil berbicara pembelajaran berbicara pada siswa. Peningkatan kualitas proses pembelajaran tersebut ditandai dengan meningkatnya jumlah siswa yang mencapai batas ketuntasan. Langkah-langkah efektif yang dilakukan oleh peneliti untuk mengoptimalkan pembelajaran berbasis masalah ini, antara lain :  (1) guru mengarahkankan siswa untuk menyadari adanya masalah di lingkungan sekitar secara berkelompok, (2) guru meminta siswa untuk mencari data atau informasi (mengorganisir siswa), (3) guru meminta siswa untuk merumuskan hipotesis dari data atau informasi yang telah diperoleh (masalah aktual), (4) guru mengelompokkan siswa didasarkan pada kemampuan berbicara, untuk melakukan diskusi tiap kelompok terdiri dari empat orang, (5) guru meminta siswa untuk mempresentasikan hasil diskusi mereka, dan (6) guru dan siswa menganalisis dan mengevaluasi proses pemecahan.Kata kunci : peningkatan, strategi moddelin the way,                      keterampilan berbicara Abstract. This This research aims to find out 1) the quality of speaking learning process including students’ activiness, bravery, and cooperation; 2) the quality of learning. Achievement including students’ oral proficiency with ordered, good, and correct language thorught the problem based learning in the tenth grade vocational high school. This study belongs to a classroom action research (CAR). The subject of research was the tenth grade vocational high school. The object of research was the speaking learning, particularly discussion belonging to the Indonesian language subject. The research process was done in two cycles involving four activities: planning, acting, observing, as well as analyzing and reflecting. Based on the result of research, it can be concluded that there is an increase in the quality of speaking learning process and result. The increase of learning process quality is characterized by the increased number of students who active, bravely in articulating their argument, and capable of cooperating in their discussion group. The increase of learning result quality is characterized with the increased number of students reaching the graduation limit. The effective measures the writer had taken to optimize the strategy moddelling the way include: 1) teacher leads the students to be aware of the problems in the surrounding environment in group; 2) teacher asks the students to search for data or information (organizes the students); 3) teacher asks the students to formulate the hypothesis from the data or information obtained (actual problem); 4) teacher divides the students into several groups, each of which consists of four students, according to their speaking capability to have a discussion; 5) teacher asks the students to present their result of discussion and 6) teacher and the students analyze and evaluate the problem solving process.Keywords : enhancement, thorugh through strategi                     modelling the way, improved speaking skill


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    ABSTRAKPenyakit ginjal kronik (PGK) merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan olehpenurunan nefron fungsional secara progresif dan ireversibel yang merupakanmasalah kesehatan dunia. Penderita PGK stadium 5 memerlukan terapi penggantiginjal yang tetap berupa dialisis yaitu Hemodialisis (HD) dan ContinousAmbulatory Peritoneal Dialisis (CAPD). Pemilihan terapi yang tepat jugamempengaruhi lama kelangsungan hidup penderitanya. Tujuan penelitian iniadalah mengetahui perbedaan lama kelangsungan hidup antara penderita PGKyang menjalani HD dan CAPD di RSUD dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh.Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitik dengan rancangan yang digunakan adalahcohort retrospektif. Data diambil dengan melihat data registrasi pasien PGKperiode tahun 2007-2013 yang telah meninggal dunia yang berjumlah 38 orang.Hasil uji Mann-Whitney menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan antara lamakelangsungan hidup penderita PGK yang menjalani HD dan CAPD denganp=0,015 (??0,05) dan rata-rata kelangsungan hidup penderita PGK yangmenjalani CAPD lebih tinggi dibandingkan HD. Kesimpulannya terdapatperbedaan lama kelangsungan hidup antara penderita yang menjalani HD danCAPD di RSUD dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh dengan rata-rata lamakelangsungan hidup penderita PGK yang menjalani HD selama 16,70 bulan danCAPD selama 26,36 bulan.Kata kunci : Penyakit Ginjal Kronik (PGK), Hemodialisis (HD), ContinousAmbulatory Peritoneal Ambulatory Dialysis (CAPD), Lama Kelangsungan Hidup.ABSTRACTChronic kidney disease (CKD) is a disease caused by progressive and irreversibledecreasing of functional nephron has been one of global health problems. Patientwith stage 5 CKD or end stage renal disease (ESRD) requires renal replacementtherapy which involved hemodialysis (HD) and continous ambulatory peritonealdialysis (CAPD). The appropriate choice of therapy can influence the survival inthese patients. The aim of this study to determine the differences of survival rateamong patients with long CKD undergoing HD and CAPD in dr. Zainoel AbidinHospital Banda Aceh. This was a descriptive analytic study that used cohortretrospective design. The data was taken from register data of CKD patientsduring period 2007-2013 and 38 patients died was found. The result of Mann-Whitney test indicated that significant difference of survival rate between patientsundergoing HD and CAPD with p value = 0.015 (? ? 0.05) which is CKD patientswho undergoing CAPD higher than HD. It can be concluded that there aresignificantly mean differences of survival rate between patients undergoing HDand CAPD in dr. Zainoel Abidin Hospital Banda Aceh that who undergoing HDhave mean for 16,70 months and CAPD for 26,36 months.Keywords: Chronic kidney disease (CKD), Continous Ambulatory PeritonealAmbulatory dialysis (CAPD), Hemodialysis (HD), Survival Rat

    Hukum Jual Beli Limbah Tambang Emas Perspektif Fatwa DSN MUI No. 110/DSN-MUI/IX/2017 Tentang Jual Beli (Studi Kasus di Desa Hutalombang Lubis Kecamatan Panyabungan Kabupaten Mandailing Natal)

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    The background of this research is that there is a gap in the implementation of the practice of buying and selling gold mining waste in Hutalombang Lubis Village, Panyabungan District, Mandailing Natal Regency. Whereas buying and selling is carried out by selling gold waste (dregs) in sacks which are not necessarily the result that is obtained without knowing the risks involved in the sale and purchase. This is not in accordance with Islamic Shari'at and does not meet the requirements for a sale and purchase object according to the perspective of DSN MUI Fatwa No. 110/DSN-MUI/IX/2017 concerning Sales and Purchase Contracts. If the Buyer gets the remaining Gold from processed Gold then the buyer will get a profit. However, on the other hand, if the buyer does not get the remaining gold from the land used for processing gold, then the buyer will definitely incur a loss. So the object being contracted contains an element of obscurity and is not in accordance with what is received by the buyer which results in a loss to one of the parties. The research method used is empirical juridical method, namely field research, using a qualitative approach and qualitative descriptive data analysis

    The Concept of Justice in the Distribution of Inheritance from the Perspective of Islamic Legal Philosophy

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    This paper aims to explain the concept of justice in inheritance law from an Islamic perspective. The first knowledge that was lost among Muslims was the knowledge of inheritance, as conveyed by the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Not only that, there is an attempt to undermine the order of inheritance law in Islam. In the Quran, it is explained that the distribution of inheritance property has 2 provisions, namely mitslu hadzl al-untsayain (two to one) and furudhul al-muqaddarah with numbers 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/6, 1/8, 2/3, this provision is part of the principle of justice. In Islamic legal philosophy, the concept of justice is formulated in maqashid al-syari'ah formulated by al-Syatibi, that the law based on justice is determined by maslahat which is divided into three, namely dharuriyyat, hajiyyat, and tahsiniyyat. This indicates that Islam is very concerned with the issue of justice. The conception of justice will continue to develop in line with social development.  This type of research is library research, which is a research that focuses on literature by analyzing the content of some literature related to research from both primary and secondary sources. Then analyze how the concept of justice in the distribution of inheritance from the perspective of Islamic legal philosophy. The result of the discussion is that the meaning of justice in Islamic inheritance law must follow the provisions of Allah swt. not equal distribution. Behind the distribution of inheritance in Islam contains justice that is universal in terms of theology, economics, social, and economic


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    Manufacturers of electronic products often provide warranties to customers, subject to certain conditions, because of the inherent risk of future defects or loss in any transaction involving such items. However, there are times when the collateral for installments is damaged or even lost. This research aims to determine the views of the Compilation of Sharia Economic Law regarding the responsibility of business actors for damage to collateralized credit goods. In this research, the method used is empirical juridical. Data collection uses interviews and data analysis techniques using legal content analysis and case studies. The research results show that the Compilation of Sharia Economic Law states that business actors must provide compensation to customers for damaged goods, and the furniture shop's policy in paying to repair or replace damaged goods is in accordance with this obligation, because it is in line with Islamic principles


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    Researchers conducting this research aim to examine and analyze the law of buying and selling land that is carried out on land that has previously been traded by other people, by focusing on the views according to Sheikh Ibnu Hajar Al-Asqalani. This research was conducted using a case study conducted in Sialang Gatap Village, Kualuh Hilir District, Labuhan Batu Utara Regency, as a concrete form of this phenomenon. The method used in this study is through a living case study approach, which is an approach to a problem related to law whose process is ongoing or has not been completed. This study uses data collection techniques using observation, unstructured interviews, and documentatio

    Peranan Mahasiswa dan Alumni dalam Mempertahankan Akreditasi A pada Prodi Hukum Ekonomi Syariah (Muamalah) Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum UINSU Medan

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    This article discusses the role of students and alumni in maintaining accreditation. This study uses a qualitative method with a historical approach. The role of students and alumni is very much needed in advancing and also maintaining the accreditation of the department. One of the forums that need to be fostered and developed its roles and functions and supported by its existence by the universities, especially in each study program, is the existence of associations in the form of alumni associations. Through professional alumni organization, various kinds of opportunities and opportunities will be well communicated


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    Predicting stock prices is contained in the basic approach is fundamental and technical analysis which is needed by entrepreneurs who invest their capital, this analysis is to determine the company's financial performance and must continue to be carried out, to carry out this analysis we use the help of several financial ratios where several types of ratios Return on Assets, Debt to Equity Ratio, Return on Equity, and Book Value per Share are some examples. The authors applied a quantitative descriptive approach to companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the Pulp & Paper sector for this study. According to the Correlation and Regression tables, all of the variables ROA, ROE, DER, and BVS have an effect on stock prices, but the stock session obtained on the variables ROA, ROE, and DER has a very significant effect on stock prices but has no significant effect on stock prices on the BVS variable. So in the long term the company must implement one of two policies, namely low solvency means using less debt than own capital and a low solvency policy will not cause high interest expenses to be borne by the company so that it will affect growth