103 research outputs found

    GIS technology as a tools to predict landslide

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    This research had been carried out in Paya Terubung, Penang, Malaysia. The objective of the study is to determine and classify potential area for landslide, produce map for potential area and build a user interface. The research aims to monitor landslide using Geographical Information System (GIS). There are eight factors that contribute to landslide such as rainfall, river flow, soil type, slope, underground water, land use, erosion and mineral. A rating system with marks is given for each factor. The methodology of the study begin from data collection, transferring and processing, developing database, spatial analysis and finally result and discussion. The verification method is performed by a comparison of existing landslide. The validation result shows satisfactory between the susceptibility map and existing landslide location. Landslide Information System has been developing for user to access into the system. The proposed system will improve monitoring process and safety potential areas that involve landslide

    Penerapan Karakter Sikap Toleransi Masyarakat Multikultural di Era Generasi Z di SMA Negeri 1 Model Tanjung Pura

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan karakter sikap toleransi pada masyarakat multikultural di era generasi Z di SMA Negeri 1 Model Tanjung Pura. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode lapangan. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Tahapan pengabdian terdiri dari persiapan, pelaksanaan, analisis data, dan pelaporan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepala sekolah memiliki peran penting dalam memupuk sikap toleransi pada masyarakat multikultural. Dalam aspek kepemimpinan manajerial, kepala sekolah menunjukkan sikap menghormati dan menghargai orang lain tanpa memandang perbedaan. Dalam aspek sosialisme, kepala sekolah aktif menjalin hubungan baik dengan pihak internal dan eksternal sekolah. Selain itu, kepala sekolah juga menunjukkan profesionalisme dalam memimpin sekolah dan memberi contoh bagi guru-guru dalam menyusun RPP. Kepemimpinan kepala sekolah secara efektif telah meningkatkan kompetensi guru dalam menyusun RPP. Meskipun sebagian guru masih hanya memenuhi administrasi tanpa memahami keseluruhan isi RPP, namun sebagian besar guru telah mampu mandiri dalam menyusun RPP. Pendidikan multikultural menjadi penting untuk mengantisipasi munculnya gerakan-gerakan yang dapat menganggu integrasi nasional pada era globalisasi. Generasi milenial memiliki peran penting dalam menjaga dan memperkuat sikap toleransi dalam masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, interaksi yang baik dan intensif antar generasi milenial diharapkan dapat membangun kehidupan yang lebih harmonis dan menjaga kebhinekaan bangsa Indonesia

    Evaluasi Molekuler Dan Lapangan Terhadap Galur-galur Padi Berumur Genjah Dan Produktivitas Tinggi Turunan Ciherang

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    Improving Ciherang rice variety for earliness and higher productivity was obtained using Marker Assisted Backcrossing (MAB). Among 78 lines of BC2F4 generation of Ciherang x Nipponbare were obtained from greenhouse and molekuler analysis selection. Field evaluations were conducted at two locations, namely field station of Sukamandi (Indonesian Center for Rice Research, West Java), and field station of Maros (Indonesian Cereals Research Institute, South Sulawesi). Molecular analysis was performed using markers RM1362 and RM7601 which are flanking markers for the QTL region for Hd2 gene, located on chromosome 7. Flowering time and grain yield were evaluated among BC2 F4 lines. Five lines flowered earlier and yielded higher than Ciherang were selected for background analysis using microsatellites covering the rice chromosomes. The earliest flowering line was BC2F4 CihNip-60 (at 74 days, 4 days earlier than that of Ciherang), and the highest yield (which flowered earlier than Ciherang) was BC2 F4 CihNip-23, namely (2.20 t/ha higher than Ciherang). A total of 74 (95%) BC2 F4 lines showed QTL region of Hd2 gene in homozygous condition. This showed that molecular selection from F1 generation of BC2 F4 was able to identify homozygous gens and almost free of contaminant plant. Genetic backgrounds of the five BC2 F2 selected lines were similar to that of Ciherang. Based on the agronomic and molecular marker, twenty five lines of BC2 F4 flowered earlier than did Ciherang and yielded higher than did Ciherang. These lines should be further evaluated for their stabilit

    Revenge In Oliver Bowden’s Assassin’s Creed: Renaissance Novel (2009): A Psychoanalytic Approach

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    This research is proposed to analyze how the revenge is reflected in Ezio Auditore as the major character in Oliver Bowden’s Assassin’s Creed: Renaissance novel based on the structural element and psychoanalytic approach. The type of this research is qualitative research. This study focuses on the major character of the novel. This study uses two data source, primary and secondary data source. The primary data source is the novel itself and the secondary data source is the information related with the study. The method of collecting data is qualitative method. Based on the analysis, the researcher draws two onclusions: first, based on the structural analysis of the novel, the structural element of the novel is related each other to build a good unity and cannot be separated. Second, based on the psychoanalytic analysis, the research shows that the problem faced by the major character leads him to seek for revenge and look for resolution of his problem

    Peran Kepercayaan Politik Dan Kepuasan Demokrasi Terhadap Partisipasi Politik Mahasiswa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan hubungan kepercayaan politik dan kepuasan demokrasi dengan partisipasi politik mahasiswa. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 307 mahasiswa yang berasal dari Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Universitas Riau dan Universitas Islam Riau. Dalam mengumpulkan data menggunakan metode survey dengan kuesioner tentang kepercayaan politik, kepuasan demokrasi serta partisipasi politik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan yang positif antara kepercayaan politik dan kepuasan demokrasi terhadap tingkat partisipasi politik mahasiswa. Artinya, semakin tinggi kepercayaan politik dan kepuasan demokrasi, maka semakin tinggi tingkat partisipasi politik mahasiswa. Sementara kepuasan demokrasi tidak berhubungan langsung dengan partisipasi politik tetapi melalui kepercayaan politik. Artinya kepercayaan politik menjadi variabel mediator antara kepuasan demokrasi dan partisipasi politik

    The Effects of Stress on Surgeons and Surgical Performance: An Analytical Study

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    This study aimed at exploring the effects of stress on surgeons and surgical performance, as the researchers adopted the methodology of descriptive analytical statistics by conducting a semi structured interviews on fourteen surgeons in Jordan. The aim of this study also was to investigate surgeons’ perceptions of surgical stress, highlight key stressors and their impact on performance, and identify coping strategies. Stress poses a serious risk for training surgeons since their performance and well‐being in reflected in patients' health. This study focuses on measuring the stress on surgeons and at the same time evaluates prospectively the results of practices that uses alternative techniques to combat the effects of stress. The study concluded that these interviews provided valuable insights into stressors, stress responses, and coping strategies used by surgeons and allowed us to categorize sources of stress. Although surgeons characteristically enjoy the stimulating features of their work, high levels of stress can affect performance adversely

    Implementasi Kebijakan Pembelajaran Tatap Muka di Pesantren Taruna Al Qur’an Putri Yogyakarta Masa Darurat Covid-19

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    Satu tahun lebih pandemi covid-19 melanda dunia dan berimbas pada dunia pendidikan termasuk pondok pesantren. Kebijakan terkait pembelajaran di masa pandemi covid-19 yang dibuat oleh pemerintah melatarbelakangi Pondok Pesantren Taruna Al-Qur’an putri dalam pengambilan kebijakan pendidikan di pondok pesantren.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kebijakan-kebijakan pendidikan pada pembelajaran tatap muka di Pondok Pesantren Taruna Al-Qur’an Putri selama pandemic covid-19. Metode penelitian yang penulis gunakan penelitian kualitatif bersifat deskriptif. Peneliti mendeskripsikan suatu obyek, fenomena, atau setting sosial yang akan dilaporkan dalam tulisan yang bersifat naratif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan dengan menggunakan triangulasi teknik yaitu pengungkapan data dilakukan kepada sumber data.Teknik ini dilakukan dengan menggabungkan teknik wawancara, dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pondok Pesantren Taruna Al-Qur’an Putri telah menerapkan protokol kesehatan yang mengacu pada kebijakan pemerintahan tentang ketentuan dan panduan penyelenggaran pembelajaran tatap muka di pondok pesantre

    Correlation of FT-IR fingerprint and α-glucosidase inhibitory activity of Salak (Salacca zalacca) fruit extracts utilizing orthogonal partial least square

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    Salak fruit (Salacca zalacca), commonly known as snake fruit, is used indigenously as food and for medicinal applications in Southeast Asia. This study was conducted to evaluate the α-glucosidase inhibitory activity of salak fruit extracts in correlation to its Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) fingerprint, utilizing orthogonal partial least square. This calibration model was applied to develop a rapid analytical method tool for quality control of this fruit. A total of 36 extracts prepared with different solvent ratios of ethanol–water (100, 80, 60, 40.20, 0% v/v) and their α-glucosidase inhibitory activities determined. The FT-IR spectra of ethanol–water extracts measured in the region of 400 and 4000 cm−1 at a resolution of 4 cm−1. Multivariate analysis with a combination of orthogonal partial least-squares (OPLS) algorithm was used to correlate the bioactivity of the samples with the FT-IR spectral data. The OPLS biplot model identified several functional groups (C–H, C=O, C–N, N–H, C–O, and C=C) which actively induced α-glucosidase inhibitory activity

    Cara mudah membuat proposal penelitian

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    Kebanyakan mahasiswa pada tingkat akhir, mengalami masalah ketika mengerjakan Tugas Akhir (TA) atau yang disebut skripsi bagi mahasiswa S-1, tesis bagi mahasiswa S-2, disertasi bagi mahasiswa S-3. Tugas akhir ini disusun sebagai syarat kelulusan bagi mahasiswa dan untuk mendapatkan gelar sarjana bagi mahasiswa S-1, master bagi mahasiswa S-2 dan doktor bagi mahasiswa S-3 sesuai dengan bidang ilmu atau program studi yang ditekuni. Keberhasilan suatu penelitian atau tugas akhir dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yaitu faktor umum. Faktor umum yang dimaksud adalah Faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. Untuk lebih jelasnya terdapat di dalam buku ini

    The impact of service quality on business commitment in B2B segment of agribusiness: An exploratory study of HORECA sector in Malaysia

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    Abstract In competitive markets, agribusiness firms have embarked on improving their service quality for building and maintaining a profitable relationship with their customers. However, such impact of service quality on business commitment has not been empirically investigated. To fill this gap, this study explores the relationship between service quality and commitment, using a case of supplier selection of fresh produce by hotel, restaurant, and catering (HORECA) sector in Malaysia. Using SERVQUAL as the main component of the conceptual framework, the relevant information was collected from 195 random HORECA operators and analyzed using partial least squares. The results indicate that service quality explains little of HORECA's decision to stay with their current suppliers. While most service quality factors were insignificant, "responsiveness" in term of providing delivery service had a statistically significant positive impact on HORECA's contractual arrangement with their current suppliers. These findings imply that quality service is being seen as a supplement; economic factors (e.g., prices and their stability, credit term) are likely to be the key drivers affecting buyer-seller relationships. If suppliers want to stay on course, they have to improve their service quality and focus more on delivery service. In addition, more research is needed in this relatively new area