13 research outputs found

    Déterminants des trajectoires professionnelles des diplômés des universités au Maroc : Étude longitudinale

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    This study focuses on the professional paths during the thirty-six months following graduation from the university in 2009. This promotion is the only one for which monthly longitudinal data are available and which allow dynamic monitoring of graduates since leaving university. It is therefore appropriate to analyze the professional path or a process of integration in the market labor. The study is intended to be a monograph of the different paths and successions of employment status, studies, unemployment, and inactivity, leading or not to job stabilization, using a recent classification method (optimal matching). This research also relied on a multinomial logit model to analyze the different factors contributing to belonging to a given professional trajectory. In this analysis, we construct six typical professional paths, namely, trajectories marked by immediate access to employment and professional stabilization, access to employment after periods of unemployment, obtaining a job after studies or inactivity, persistence of unemployment, persistence of inactivity and dominance of periods of further study. In addition, the analysis of the individual determinants of the belonging of university graduates’ to the different typical paths leads to the importance of the role of the socio-demographic and academic characteristics of the graduate. The first result is the persistence of inequalities between men and women. Family characteristics also determine the paths of graduates, for example, the high level of education of parents promotes rapid access to employment. Finally, the diploma is a crucial factor of access to employment. Holders of BAC + 3 diplomas are the most exposed to the risk of unemployment.   JEL Classification : C23, C25, J22  Paper type: Empirical researchCet article examine les trajectoires professionnelles des diplĂ´mĂ©s des universitĂ©s de la promotion 2009. Cette promotion est la seule, jusqu’à prĂ©sent, dont on dispose de donnĂ©es longitudinales mensuelles et qui permettent un suivi dynamique des diplĂ´mĂ©s sur une pĂ©riode de 36 mois après la sortie de l’universitĂ©. Il y a lieu ainsi de parler de trajectoire professionnelle ou de processus d’insertion. L’étude se veut une monographie des diffĂ©rents parcours qui revĂŞtent une succession d’états d’emploi, de chĂ´mage, d’études et d’inactivitĂ©, menant ou non Ă  la stabilisation en emploi, basĂ©e sur une mĂ©thode rĂ©cente de classification (appariement optimal). Cette recherche s'est appuyĂ©e Ă©galement sur un modèle logit multinomial pour analyser les diffĂ©rents facteurs concourant Ă  l’appartenance Ă  une trajectoire professionnelle donnĂ©e. L’analyse dĂ©bouche sur la construction de six trajectoires professionnelles types, Ă  savoir, les trajectoires marquĂ©es par un accès immĂ©diat Ă  l’emploi et une stabilisation professionnelle, accès diffĂ©rĂ© Ă  l’emploi après des pĂ©riodes de chĂ´mage, dĂ©crocher un emploi après des Ă©pisodes d’études ou d’inactivitĂ©, persistance du chĂ´mage, persistance d’inactivitĂ© et dominance des pĂ©riodes de poursuite d’études. De plus, l'analyse des dĂ©terminants individuels de l'appartenance des diplĂ´mĂ©s des universitĂ©s aux diffĂ©rentes trajectoires types dĂ©bouche sur l’importance du rĂ´le des caractĂ©ristiques socio-dĂ©mographiques et acadĂ©miques du diplĂ´mĂ©. L’un des principaux rĂ©sultats est la persistance d'inĂ©galitĂ©s entre hommes et femmes. Les caractĂ©ristiques familiales dĂ©terminent Ă©galement les parcours des diplĂ´mĂ©s, entre autres, le niveau d'instruction Ă©levĂ© des parents qui favorise l'accès rapide et durable Ă  l'emploi. Finalement, le diplĂ´me constitue un facteur crucial d'accès Ă  l'emploi et les titulaires des diplĂ´mes de niveau BAC+3 sont les plus exposĂ©s au risque de chĂ´mage.   Classification JEL:  C23, C25, J22 Type de l’article : Recherche appliquĂ©

    Potential reuse of sludge from a potable water treatment plant in Al Hoceima city in northern Morocco

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    Producing potable water generates a large amount of sludge, which consumes energy and must be managed and controlled. A case study of a potable water production plant in Al Hoceima City in northern Morocco is described here. The plant produces 15000 ​m3 of potable water each day to meet the water demand of Al Hoceima City, and this causes 3 ​t of sludge to be produced each day. Sludge extracted while producing potable water was characterized, and the possibility of reusing the sludge rather than disposing of it directly to the environment was assessed. The pH, turbidity, aluminum content, and other characteristics of the sludge were determined. Jar tests were performed to determine the optimum coagulant (aluminum sulfate) dose to ensure that the minimum required amount of aluminum sulfate was used. The characterization results indicated that the sludge was stable and reusable. The jar-test results allowed the amount of coagulant used to be optimized and will lead to markedly less sludge being disposed of than is currently the case

    Transcriptome Assembly, Gene Annotation and Tissue Gene Expression Atlas of the Rainbow Trout

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    <div><p>Efforts to obtain a comprehensive genome sequence for rainbow trout are ongoing and will be complemented by transcriptome information that will enhance genome assembly and annotation. Previously, transcriptome reference sequences were reported using data from different sources. Although the previous work added a great wealth of sequences, a complete and well-annotated transcriptome is still needed. In addition, gene expression in different tissues was not completely addressed in the previous studies. In this study, non-normalized cDNA libraries were sequenced from 13 different tissues of a single doubled haploid rainbow trout from the same source used for the rainbow trout genome sequence. A total of ~1.167 billion paired-end reads were <i>de novo</i> assembled using the Trinity RNA-Seq assembler yielding 474,524 contigs > 500 base-pairs. Of them, 287,593 had homologies to the NCBI non-redundant protein database. The longest contig of each cluster was selected as a reference, yielding 44,990 representative contigs. A total of 4,146 contigs (9.2%), including 710 full-length sequences, did not match any mRNA sequences in the current rainbow trout genome reference. Mapping reads to the reference genome identified an additional 11,843 transcripts not annotated in the genome. A digital gene expression atlas revealed 7,678 housekeeping and 4,021 tissue-specific genes. Expression of about 16,000–32,000 genes (35–71% of the identified genes) accounted for basic and specialized functions of each tissue. White muscle and stomach had the least complex transcriptomes, with high percentages of their total mRNA contributed by a small number of genes. Brain, testis and intestine, in contrast, had complex transcriptomes, with a large numbers of genes involved in their expression patterns. This study provides comprehensive <i>de novo</i> transcriptome information that is suitable for functional and comparative genomics studies in rainbow trout, including annotation of the genome.</p></div

    Transcript abundance of tissue-specific genes in various tissues.

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    <p>White muscle, stomach, and fat showed high abundances of tissue specific transcripts, while, skin and liver exhibited low abundance of tissue-specific transcripts.</p

    Comparison of total number of sequenced bases (A), total number of contigs (B), number of long contigs (≥ 500 bp) (C), and average length of contigs (D) obtained from Illumina, Sanger-based, and 454-pyrosequencing techniques.

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    <p>Data on Sanger-based and 454-pyrosequencing techniques were obtained from Salem et. al [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0121778#pone.0121778.ref029" target="_blank">29</a>].</p

    Distribution of gene abundance in various tissues.

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    <p>Proportion of the transcriptome contributed by the most abundant genes is plotted in various tissues. In testis, intestine, gill and brain, there was little contribution of the most highly expressed genes to the mRNA pool. Conversely, in white muscle, spleen, and stomach, a large fraction of the transcriptome was contributed primarily by the most highly expressed genes.</p

    Gene Ontology (GO) assignment (2<sup>nd</sup> level GO terms) of the rainbow trout of 13 lanes of Illumina Trinity assembly.

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    <p>Biological processes constitute the majority of GO assignment of transcripts (22,416 counts, 49%), followed by cellular components (12,793 counts, 28.1%) and molecular function (10,325 counts, 22.67%).</p

    Number of tissue-specific genes predicted in different tissues.

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    <p>A transcript was classified as tissue-specific if it had an expression level in one tissue that is ≥ 8 fold higher in all other tissues.</p