379 research outputs found


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    Almost 150 of the approximately 200 universities in Turkey have a faculty of management, which is also commonly named as faculty of administrative sciences and economics. Approximately 500 thousand students graduate from these departments each year and they step into the business life. The purpose of this study is to determine the career plans of sophomores studying in business or other relevant departments. In this perspective, the method of case study, which is accepted among qualitative research designs, was used. A document analysis was implemented for the case study. Moreover, the words and the themes which the students use to find out their career plans were classified. The results obtained from this study clearly indicate that students pay more importance to public sector exams or other standardized tests with the hope of finding a good job in the public sector, and therefore it is revealed that the university education focuses on institutional objectives which remain quite below the expectations of the sector. Furthermore, there is common belief that individual and patronage relationships play an important role in finding satisfactory jobs. In addition to the economic and political conjuncture, it may be stated that curriculum of education does not encourage students for entrepreneurship


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    Giving information is one of the main function of mass communication tools. Newspaper readers are using newspaper for different motivations. Gaining information, entertainment, leisure time activities, social integration is some motivations of media. Uses and gratifications theory asserts that reader is active part of communication process and reading habits figure on social and psychological needs. Items from readers’gratifications are categorized by using factor analysis from questionnaire participants. In this study, researcher used random sampling from Eskisehir population. There are four basic motivations and gratifications from surveys: gaining information, entertainment, leisure time activities and self-actualization. “I read newspaper, because it provides me news†item is the most remarked option for participants. Also it has high-level mean with 4,70.Uses and Gratifications Theory, Newspaper Readership, Journalism

    A General Analytical Approximation to Impulse Response of 3-D Microfluidic Channels in Molecular Communication

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    In this paper, the impulse response for a 3-D microfluidic channel in the presence of Poiseuille flow is obtained by solving the diffusion equation in radial coordinates. Using the radial distribution, the axial distribution is then approximated accordingly. Since Poiseuille flow velocity changes with radial position, molecules have different axial properties for different radial distributions. We, therefore, present a piecewise function for the axial distribution of the molecules in the channel considering this radial distribution. Finally, we lay evidence for our theoretical derivations for impulse response of the microfluidic channel and radial distribution of molecules through comparing them using various Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: The manuscript is submitted to IEEE: Transactions on Nanobioscienc

    Zâviye-Khankâhs and religious orders in the province of Karaman : the Seljukid, Karamaoğlu and the Ottoman periods, 1200-1512

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    Ankara : The Department of History, Bilkent University, 2008.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- Bilkent University, 2008.Includes bibliographical references leaves 230-254.This dissertation analyzes the dervish lodges and Sufi orders in the Province of Karaman of the Ottoman Empire. The main source for this dissertation is the Register of the Pious Foundations of the Province of Karaman dated 888/1483. This register details accounts of the pious foundations of dervish lodges from the time of Seljukids and of the Karamanoğlus. There are other types of pious foundations such as mosques and madrasas also mentioned in the register. Yet, the main focus of this study will be the dervish lodges and Sufi orders. The register of 888/1483 will be analyzed in light of other sources such as chronicles, Sufi hagiographies, and literary works written during the Seljukid, Karamanoğlu, and classical Ottoman periods. The study demonstrates that the dervish lodges remained at the center of life during the period in question and that nearly every segment of society from the ruling class to the masses visited and shared their experiences in dervish lodges. In this dissertation, Sufi orders, particularly the Mevleviyye and the Halvetiyye, will also be analyzed in relation to their attitudes towards political authority.Bayram, FatihPh.D

    Ebubekir Ratib Efendi as an Ottoman envoy of knowledge between the east and the west

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    Ankara : The Institute of Economics and Social Sciences, Bilkent University, 2000.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2000.Includes bibliographical references.The reports of the Ottoman ambassadors about the European states would give us crucial clues for understanding the difference between the world views of the Ottoman Empire and of the European states. Ottoman ambassadors' view of European culture, in general, shaped the picture of Europe in the eyes of the Ottomans. In this respect, Ratib Efendi's ambassadorial report, Viyana Sefaretnamesi (1792), will be analyzed in terms of understanding how an Ottoman ambassador perceived the Habsburg Empire and Europe in the aftermath of the French Revolution. Ratib Efendi's lengthy work, approximately 500 pages, implies the Ottomans' willingness to understand the state of affairs in Europe. In this study, firstly we will explain Ratib Efendi (1749-1799)'s life and his works. His life story would shed light on the intra-elite conflict in the Ottoman bureaucracy. It seems that Ratib Efendi's observations on the military academies of the Habsburg Empire affected the educational policy of the New Order in the reign of Selim III (1789-1907). Hence, we will elaborate on the military academies in the Habsburg Empire as expressed by Ratib Efendi. We will also analyze his views on the decline of the Ottoman Empire. It will be point out that his views had crucial similarities with the ideas explained in the decline treatises. Also, his views on the European politics will be examined in order to understand the limits of an Ottoman ambassador's knowledge about the politics of Europe.Bayram, FatihM.S

    Acquisition of Turkish by heritage speakers : a processability approach

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    PhD ThesisThis study presents the findings of cross-sectional psycholinguistic research investigating the first-language acquisition of Turkish among heritage speakers in Germany. Studies in heritage language acquisition in the last decades have provided increasing evidence that heritage speakers do not always converge on the grammars of native speakers, which is predominantly explained in relation to estimates of reduced input and output conditions. Nonetheless, Montrul (2010) underlines the fact that estimates of input cannot be used as measurements and addresses the need for a well-established theoretical framework that will account for the development of heritage speakers’ linguistic system to explain why heritage speakers succeed - or fail - in language acquisition in the ways that they do. This study aims to fill this gap by looking at the phenomena from a developmental perspective within the formalisms of Processability Theory (Pienemann, 1998, 2005), a well-established crosslinguistic approach to acquisition based on the architecture of the human language processor, but which has not previously been applied to Turkish. This study investigated the grammatical competence of twenty-four young heritage speakers of Turkish in Germany by testing their online processing of various Turkish grammatical structures, focusing on passives and subject relative clauses. The results demonstrate that the language acquisition of Turkish heritage speakers is developmentally constrained by availability of processing mechanisms. The participants displayed a clear hierarchy in their development, with competence in the processing of basic grammatical structures that are canonically mapped, but with gaps in the processing of complex structures such as passives and subject relative clauses that are non-canonically mapped and involve long-distance dependencies. This study thus contributes important insights both to theoretical accounts of acquisition of Turkish, and to the wider study of heritage language acquisition

    Estimation of unit energy from cutting and environment parameters in circular cutting of natural stones

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    Doğal taş işletmeciliği ve işlemeciliği, ülkemiz maden ihracatı için önemli sektörlerden biridir. Bu sektörde uluslararası rekabetin sürdürülebilir olması kaynakların verimli kullanımına bağlıdır. Doğal taş ocaklarından elde edilen blokların da bu kapsamda değerlendirilmesi gerekmektedir. Doğal taş işleme tesislerinde blokların işlenmesi sırasında uygulanan kesim yöntemlerinin performanslarının belirlenmesi önemlidir. Kesim sırasında harcanan birim enerji dairesel testereli kesimde performans ölçütlerinden biridir. Bu çalışmada, birim enerjinin bazı kesim ve ortam parametrelerinden belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Birim enerjinin belirlenmesi için kesim parametreleri olarak testere çevresel hızı ve ilerleme hızı seçilmiştir. Benzer şekilde, ortam parametreleri olarak da testere titreşimi ve gürültü değerleri, kesim sonrası yüzeylerdeki pürüzlülük, kesim sırasında oluşan talaş yığınından belirlenen pasa irilik katsayısı seçilmiştir. Bu parametrelerin birim enerji ile ilişkileri istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Yapılan istatistiksel çalışmalarla dairesel testereli kesimde kullanılan birim enerjinin çevresel hız, ilerleme hızı, yüzey pürüzlülüğü ve pasa irilik katsayısı parametrelerinden kestirimine yönelik bir model kurulmuştur. Bu istatistiksel modelin yüksek güvenilirlikte (R2=0.948) birim enerji değerlerini kestirebileceği tespit edilmiştir. Bu modelde kullanılan parametreler, kesimde harcanan birim enerjinin tatmin edici biçimde tahmin edilmesinde ve dairesel testereli kesimin performansının belirlenmesinde kullanılabilir.Natural stone mining and processing is one of the important sectors for Turkey's mining exports. Sustainable international competition in this sector depends on the efficient use of resources. The natural stone blocks obtained from quarries should be evaluated within this scope. It is important to determine the performance of the cutting methods used in the processing of blocks in natural stone processing plants. The unit energy consumed during cutting is one of the performance criteria for circular cutting. In this study, it is aimed to determine the unit energy from some cutting and environment parameters. In order to determine the unit energy, the peripheral speed and advance rate were selected as cutting parameters. Similarly, sawblade vibration and sound levels, roughness of the surfaces after cutting, and the coarseness index determined from the pile of chips formed during cutting were selected as environment parameters. The relationships of these parameters with unit energy were evaluated statistically. A model was derived with the statistical studies for estimating the unit energy consumed in circular cutting from the parameters of peripheral speed, advance rate, surface roughness and coarseness index. It has been determined that this statistical model can estimate unit energy with high reliability (R2=0.948). The parameters used in this model can be satisfactorily used to estimate consumed unit energy during cutting and to determine the performance of the circular cutting

    Berats of the Serdarlik in the Düstûru’l-İnşâ of Sarı Abdullah

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    Bu makalede, üç serdarlık beratı incelenmektedir. Serdarlık beratı, padişah tarafından sadrazama ya da bir vezire Osmanlı ordusuna ya da donanmasına kumanda etme yetkisi tevcih eden bir belgedir. Bu belgelerin birkaç örneği, Osmanlı sultanlarının yaptığı atamaları ve yazışmaları bir araya getiren reisülküttap Sarı Abdullah (ö. 1660)’ın münşeâtında yer almaktadır. İlk belge, Hâfız Ahmed Paşa’nın kapudan-ı deryâ olarak atanmasıyla ilgilidir. İkinci belge ise Sadrazam Kuyucu Murad Paşa’nın Şark Cephesi’ne serdar olarak atanmasıyla ilgilidir. Bu belge, Sultan I. Ahmed’in yaşlı sadrazamına karşı olan büyük saygısının bir delili olarak görülebilir. Üçüncü belge ise Vezir İbşir Mustafa Paşa’nın Macaristan cephesine komutan olarak atanmasıyla ilgilidir. Bu belgeler, Osmanlılar’ın XVII. asrın ilk yarısında Safevîler’i ve Macarlar’ı nasıl algıladıklarını görmek açısından vazgeçilmezdir. Bu makale, ihmal edilen bir kaynak olan serdarlık beratlarını XVII. yüzyıl Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’na ilgi duyan tarihçilerin dikkatine sunmayı amaç edinmektedir. Bu vesikalarda Osmanlı sultanının çağdaş devletleri ve olayları tarihî bir kavrayışla nasıl algıladığını gördüğümüzü kolaylıkla iddia edebiliriz.In this article, three appointmental documents called serdarlık beratı have been examined. Serdarlık beratı is a kind of document which was bestowed by the Ottoman sultan to the grand vizier or to one of the viziers in order to appoint him as the commander-in-chief of the Ottoman army or admiral-in-chief of the Ottoman navy. A few examples of these documents are kept in the reisülküttâb Sarı Abdullah (ö. 1660)’s münşeât, collection of imperial edicts and correspondences of the Ottoman sultans. The first document is related to the appointment of Hâfız Ahmed Paşa as Admiral-in-Chief of the Ottoman Navy. The second document is related to Vizier Kuyucu Murad Paşa’s appointment as the Commander- in-Chief of the Ottoman Army in the Eastern Front. This document can be seen as an evidence of Sultan Ahmed I’s reverence for his old Grand Vizier. The third document is related to the vizier İbşir Mustafa Paşa’s appointment as the commander-in-chief of the Ottoman army in Hungary. These documents are an indispensable source in terms of how the Ottomans viewed the Safavids and Hungarians in the first half of the seventeenth century. The article aims at introducing a neglected source, i.e. serdarlık berats, to the historians who are interested in the seventeenth-century Ottoman empire. It can safely be argued that the Ottoman sultans addressed their perception of the contemporary states and events with a historical insight in these imperial edicts