4 research outputs found

    Correction of some parmeters of homeostasis of patients with chronic non-specific cenricites, treated by magneto-therapy

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    120 patients with chronic non-specific cervicites general magneto-therapy were examined, 60 of them underwent general magneto-therapy. Magneto-therapy was found to induce significant reduction of pathogenic microorganism content in vaginal discharge and cervical canal, restoring normocenosis in 82,5% of patients. Magneto-therapy had clear positive influences on the local immunity parameters: the increase of lisocimic activity and Ig A level in secretion in the same time with IL-1, IL-6 and neutrophilic myeloperoxidase reduction in cervical mucosa was noted. Magneto-therapy was found to produce a systemic effect (normalization of lipid peroxidation and of antioxidant defense system). Obtained results allow to recommend magneto-therapy in complex treatment of chronic non-specific cervicitis.Обследовано 120 пациенток с хроническими неспецифическими цервицитами. 60 больным в комплексное противовоспалительное лечение была включена общая магнитотерапия (ОМТ). Данные бактериоскопического исследования продемонстрировали купирование проявлений неспецифического вагинита, восстановление нормоценозау 82,5% пациенток. ОМТ способствовала достоверному снижению содержания условно-патогенных микроорганизмов в отделяемом влагалища и цервикального канала, оказала выраженное позитивное влияние на параметры локального иммунитета - было отмечено увеличение лизоцимной активности, уровня IgA в секрете; содержание ИЛ-1, ИЛ-6 и миелопероксидазы нейтрофилов цервикальной слизи, напротив, снизилось. Общая магнитотерапии достигает и системного эффекта (нормализация показателей ПОЛ, антиоксидантной системы защиты)

    Physiological, biochemical, and ultrastructural characterization of selenium toxicity in cowpea plants

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    Selenium (Se) is considered a beneficial element for plants; however, in high concentrations, it causes negative effects on plant physiology and development. This study reports the first physiological, nutritional, and ultrastructural description of Se toxicity in cowpea growing under field conditions. Selenium was supplied as a foliar application of sodium selenite at varying concentrations (0, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1200, and 1600 g ha−1). An increased yield was observed with the application of 50 g ha−1 Se. Application of concentrations higher than 50 g ha−1 caused leaf toxicity. Increased lipid peroxidation and hydrogen peroxide concentration and reduced total sugars, sucrose, and carotenoid concentration were observed at highest doses tested (1200 and 1600 g ha−1). Applications of more than 50 g ha−1 Se reduced the phloem diameter, caused chlorosis of the leaf blade with a coalescence of lesions, and caused pink salt deposits to appear. Lesions were observed mainly near the trichomes on the adaxial surface of the leaf blade. An analysis of the element distribution with microprobe X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (μ-XRF) revealed accumulation of Se, calcium (Ca), potassium (K), copper (Cu), and manganese (Mn) near the primary vein and in the necrotic brown areas of the leaf lesions. In contrast, Na was homogeneously distributed in the leaf tissue


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    The developed technology provides obtaining finely-dispersed ferrite powders ZnxFe3-x04 (x=0-0.5), which meet the requirements to magnetic na noagents used in the biomedical field such as biochemical purity, n a n ometric particle size, rather high magnetization and superparamagnetic state in the therapeutic range of temperatures. T h e average particle sizes have been determined by the methods of X-ray d iffraction analysis and e l e ctron microscopy. T he dependence of the crystalline lattice constants on the zinc ions concentration has been determined. Magnetic measurements at 300 K have demonstrated the increase of magnetization as a result of replacement of iron ions with zinc ions and the size effect - the superparamagnetic state of the powder particles has been found. The work has been performed within the project No. DR 0112U005918