736 research outputs found


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    This article discusses about the Living Quran study of recitation of wirid al-Ma’tsūrāt at Abu Bakar Senior Boarding School Kulon Progo. It focuses on the practice of wirid al-Ma’tsūrāt which is read routine by students at the school. This phenomenon, which has been going on since the school was founded, has positive values for students. They feel the positive impact of the tradition of reciting it in accordance with the function of the Koran as al-dzikr (to remembrance of Allah) and al-syifā’ (to treat for illness). With the Living Quran method, which is presented by descriptive-analitically method the result is indicate that interaction with the Koran in the form of recitation can provide peace of mind for the reader, whether recited individually or in congregation

    Pengelolaan Shodaqoh Sampah di Kabupaten Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    ABSTRAK Shodaqoh sampah adalah modifikasi ulang dari pengelolaan sampah berbasis 3R (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle) dengan memberikan sentuhan teologi didalamnya. Shodaqoh sampah adalah konsep dan gagasan yang dikembangkan oleh Majelis Lingkungan Hidup Muhammadiyah (MLH). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui fenomena dan mengidentifikasi permasalahan yang muncul dalam pengelolaan shodaqoh sampah di Dusun Salakan, Desa Potorono, Kab. Sleman Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif yaitu penelitian yang menekankan pada penafsiran pada fenomena yang muncul di masyarakat yang menjadi objek kemudian di analisa dan diinterpretasikan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah munculnya fenomena di lapangan berupa berubahnya paradigma masyarakat tentang sampah, yang awalnya sampah dianggap sebagai barang yang remeh dan tak berguna kemudian dengan adanya gerakan shodaqoh sampah paradigma masyarakat mulai berubah dan sudah melihat sampah sebagai komoditas yang mempunyai nilai ekonomi. Terbentuknya kepengurusan shodaqoh sampah di tingkat RT yang disebut sebagai BMS (Bersih Menuju Sehat), diikuti dengan adanya sarana prasaran termasuk sak untuk pewadahan dan LuASS (lumbung amal shodaqoh sampah). Manajemen pemilahan, penjualan, dan pelaporan shodaqoh sampah berjalan cukup baik meskipun ada kendala teknis dilapangan seperti tidak maksimalnya masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan wadah sak yang telah disediakan pangurus dan masih agak enggannya masyarakat untuk memilah sampah dari sumbernya, sehingga petugas pengambil sampah harus memilah ulang karena sampah yang tercampur. Angka partisipasi masyarakat yang cukup tinggi, berdasarkan data dari BMS mencapai angka 93 KK dari RT 05 dan beberapa dari tetangga RT dan desa lain. Saran dan rekomendasi dari pengelolaan shodaqoh sampah di Dusun Salakan adalah sebagai berikut : Perlu adanya komunikasi yang lebih intensif antara pengurus BMS dan masyarakat untuk memberikan pemahaman akan pentingnya manajemen pemilahan sampah serta pemaksimalan wadah sak yang telah disediakan oleh pengurus, Pemerintah Pusat maupun Daerah hendaknya memberikan perhatian pada pola pendekatan baru dalam pengelolaan sampah, salah satunya adalah teologi (agama) dengan mendorong adanya kader dai-dai lingkungan yang dapat bekerjasama dengan ormas-ormas agama. Pemerintah Pusat maupun Daerah membantu untuk mensosialisasikan gerakan shodaqoh sampah kepada masyarakat umum. Kata Kunci : shodaqoh sampah, Majelis Lingkungan Hidup Muhammadiyah, teolog

    Regional Legal Assistance

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    Legal aid policy in the area carried out on several considerations including: Implementation of the authority given to the legal aid act, granting the guarantee and protection of access to justice and equality before the law in the area, equitable distribution of justice and increase public awareness and understanding of the law, and legal implications that accompanied the emergence of the right to legal counsel without pay and the right to choose the legal settlement. How To Cite Fatah, A. (2015). Regional Legal Assistance. Rechtsidee, 2(1), 1-10. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.21070/jihr.v2i1.

    Citizen Lawsuit in Environmental Cases

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    The citizen law suit is one of the effective alternatives for the environmental law enforcement. The citizen lawsuit in environmental disputes has been regulated in the PPLH Law specifically Article 91 paragraph (1) and the Chief Justice of the Indonesian Supreme Court Number 36/KMA/SK/II/2013 concerning the Implementation of Guidelines for Handling Environmental Cases. However, there are no specific rules governing citizen lawsuits in Indonesia because it’s not widely known in the Indonesian legal system. This paper argues that there are three main constraints to the practice of citizen lawsuits in environmental cases, namely: (1) the absence of legal rules that specifically regulate citizen lawsuits, especially the reading mechanism; (2) lack of understanding of law enforcement officials (especially judges) regarding citizen lawsuits; and (3) lack of environmental-certified judges in Indonesia, especially in regions. Keywords: Citizen Lawsuit, Environment, Government


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    This article figure out the concept of jihād and its correlation with the concept of patience through Muhammad Husein al-ṬabaṬaba’ī perspective. This research set out from a study that often separates the concept of Jihād from the concept of patience, which makes the understanding of jihād used as the basis for violence action in the Qur'an. Meanwhile, some jihād verses are often juxtaposed with patience.  By using the thematic interpretation research method (al-tafsīr al-maudū’ī) and Lucien Goldman's theory of genetic structuralism on the jihād and patient verses in Muhammad Husein al-Tabataba’ī’s Tafsīr, al-Mizān, this study found two conclusions: First, according to ṬabaṬabā’ī, jihād and patience have a strong correlation. Although jihād is a description of one’s faith, the greatest jihad is to be patient with the anger, lust and temptations of satan. A mujāhid is someone who has a patient nature in himself, so even jihād in the form of war must be done with patience. Second, from the analysis of genetic structuralism, the view of ṬabaṬaba’ī was come from an academic situation that emphasizes moderation and logical thinking. Thus, the jihād interpretation in the Tafsīr al-Mizān is peacefull Jihād

    Muslim Religious Behavior in Facing Pandemic

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    This paper analyzes comprehensively how the pattern of Muslim religious behavior in dealing with pandemics such as smallpox, cholera, SARS, Ebola, Covid-19, monkeypox and so on. The method used is thematic maudhu'i by collecting the words bala' and tha'un in the hadith. The results of this study produce the concept of religious behavior for Muslims based on the hadith of the prophet Muhammad SAW to deal with the pandemic. The results of the study are as follows: In facing trials in the form of pandemic such as Covid-19 that still persists in the soceity is by patient, namely patient in action in the form of vaccines and application of health protocols then patient in attitude that is surrender and sincerity towards trials and leave everything to Allah SWT. (al-Baqarah/2:155) The Prophet gave good news to those who are patient in facing the pandemic, if they die, they will be rewarded with martyrdom (Sahih Bukhri: 2.618). Muslims must maintain a clean and healthy environment to increase immunity so that they are not easily attacked or contracted by disease. (Sahih Bukhari:1.747) Regional quarantine or lockdown has been taught by the Prophet as an effort to stop the spread of the pandemic (Sahih Bukhari:3.214) after trying hard physically, then praying for protection from Allah SWT from all kinds of bad trials (Sahih Bukhari 5871), Sunan Abu Dawud: 1329)

    Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja Dan Pengembangan Karir Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Pada Kantor Bagian Umum Dan Kepegawaian Sekretariat DPRD Provinsi Banten

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    This research aims to determine the influence of Work Motivation and Career Development on Employee Performance in the general office and staffing secretariat of the DPRD Banten Province. This research was conducted by survey method with a quantitative approach. The population of this study amounted to 200 employees and sampled 133 employees calculated using slovin’s formula. The research was conducted in the general and staffing office of the Secretariat of the DPRD of Banten Province from January 1 to 2019. The data was collected using questionnaires and analyzed with SPSS version 23. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that there is no influence of work motivation on employee performance,  there can be an influence of career development on employee performance, and there can be a significant influence between Work Motivation and Career Development on Employee Performance

    Removal of Iron from Groundwater by Filtration through Carbonaceous Shale

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    The project covers a study on the topic entitled "Removal of Iron from Groundwater by Filtration through Carbonaceous Shale". Generally speaking, Iron is commonly present in groundwater worldwide. The presence of iron in groundwater is not harmful to human health, however it is undesirable because of the associated aesthetic and operational problem, namely: bad taste, discoloration, stains on laundry and plumbing system and after-growth in the distribution system. Iron present in soluble ferrous form in groundwater oxidizes into insoluble ferric iron when exposed to the atmosphere. Iron removal from groundwater is, therefore, a major concern for water supply companies using groundwater. The objective of this study is to determine the effectiveness of carbonaceous shale in removing iron from groundwater by adsorption-oxidation mechanism and also the backwashing system for the filter. The scope of work consists of literature review, experimental design, laboratory set up, experiments and results analysis. The methods and procedures to achieve the objectives involve analyses of chemical parameters of groundwater used in the experiments including the properties of carbonaceous shale and also filtration performance of carbonaceous shale. Laboratoryscale colnnm experiments were conducted using 31 mm diameter acrylic column pipes with 1.0 m depth of 1.0 mm mean size and having 70 em depth of filter media. The filtration performance of the carbonaceous shale was compare with the sand that works like a 'benchmark' since it is been widely used in the conventional method for iron removal. Both filtration media that been used act as adsorbent of ferrous iron in filtration column. Results from the experiment shows that the concentration of total iron in the groundwater used in the experiment is 2.36 mg/L Fe and that the performance of carbonaceous shale filter is better than sand filter in the iron removal. Iron concentration in the effluent of carbonaceous shale filter is below standard for drinking water which is 0.3 mg/L

    Synthesis, Characterisation and Biological Activity Screening Of Schiff Base Ligands Containing Isatin and Their Metal Complexes

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    Six new Schiff bases formed from the condensation reaction of S-benzyldithiocarbazate (SBDTC) and S-methyldithiocarbazate (SMDTC) with selected diketones containing isatin derivatives namely isatin, 5-fluroisatin, 5-chloroisatin, 5-bromoisatin and methylisatin have been synthesised. Complexes of cobalt(II), nickel(II), copper(II), zinc(II) and cadmium(II) with these Schiff bases were prepared. These compounds were characterised by elemental analyses and various physico-chemical techniques. Single crystal X-ray analyses were carried out on five different compounds. X-ray crystallographic study of SB5ClISA and SB5BrISA Schiff bases proved that the condensation reaction between S-benzyldithiocarbazate with the isatin derivatives occur at the carbonyl position number 3 in the isatin ring. Crystal structure analyses of Co(II) and Ni(II) complexes showed that [Ni(SMISA)2]·MeCN and [Co(SMISA)2]·MeCN are six-coordinate and have a distorted octahedral structure with the ligands coordinated to the metal ions as uninegatively charged tridentate chelating agents via the azomethine nitrogen, thiolate sulphur atom and carbonylic oxygen atoms of the isatin moiety. Crystal structure of the Cu(SMISA)2 complex exhibited distorted square planar geometry with the ligands coordinated to the metal ion as uninegatively charged bidentate ions through the azomethine nitrogen and thiolate sulphur atoms. Unfortunately, none of the Zn(II) and Cd(II) complexes produced single crystals but, it is proposed, that they are also four-coordinated with a tetrahedral geometry. The Schiff bases and their metal complexes were evaluated for cytotoxic and antimicrobial activity. Cytotoxic screening was carried out against human breast cancer cells with positive estrogen receptor (MCF-7) and human breast cancer cells with negative estrogen receptor (MDA-MB-231). Some of the Schiff bases and metal complexes were found to be very active against these breast cancer cell lines with a CD50 values lower than Tamoxifen. Antimicrobial screening was carried out against four bacteria and three fungi. All compounds were found to have low or no activity against the selected bacteria and fungal strains