528 research outputs found

    Diskursus dan Kritik terhadap Teologi Pluralisme Agama di Indonesia

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    Klaim kebenaran mutlak dalam agama sering dianggap sebagai sebab konflik dan kekerasan bernuansa agama. Anggapan ini kemudian melahirkan perlunya penyebaran gagasan pluralisme agama di tengah umat beragama, khususnya umat Islam. Sebagai puncak dari tiga sikap beragama, pluralisme diyakini mampu mem-bawa umat beragama ke kehidupan yang damai dan harmonik karena meyakini adanya kebenaran dalam setiap agama dan keyakinan yang ada. Namun persebaran gagasan ini mengalami kontroversi dan penolakan dari kalangan agamawan sendiri sehingga menjadi tidak efektif dan mengalami titik Balik. Tulisan ini mencoba melihat secara kritis gagasan pluralisme agama dan membangun perspektif baru bahwa untuk menjalin harmoni hidup beragama tidak harus meyakini keberadaan kebenaran pada agama dan keyakinan lain. Sikap beragama yang eksklusif juga potensial menjadi dasar hidup harmoni karena sesungguhnya agama (Islam) telah menyiapkan seperangkat doktrinal agar umatnya tetap ramah dan hidup damai bersama umat lain dengan tetap meyakini eksklusivitas kebenaran Islam

    Pembaharuan Hukum Islam dan Problem Otentisitas Agama

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    Islam is a universal religion. Its validity beyond the boundaries of pace and time, have challenges while confronted to modernity. New issues emerged make legal problems that must be faced by Islam, in this case fiqh, are becoming increasingly complex and require answers that are not easy. Many attempts were made contemporary muslim intellectual response to the challenge. In general, the effort was focused on two of epistemology: contextual interpretation and emphasis on the principle of maslahah. Practically, both the offer did generate a lot of laws in accordance with the present conditions. But apparently, both contain serious problems if not addressed promptly can undermine the foundations of religion that threatens the authenticity of Islam as a religion of revelatio

    Setting Sight on Role Playing: to Accommodate or to Repudiate?

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    To set sight on role play by means to look at EFL teacher's experience and students' perspectives of role play (RP) technique enactment in teaching speaking by using qualitative design. This research was a qualitative study. It was discharged at a Senior high school in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. It provided work for the instrument of observation sheet, field notes and interview guide, and also questionnaire. The methodology designated the combination of four mountainsides to expose in-depth the urgency of role play in which applied since 1936. The result of interview was exposed that the English teacher claimed that role play was a technique applied to promote speaking and it was corroborated by the result of field note. Likewise, regarding students' perspective depicted that the students indeed agreed on themselves of the usefulness of role play to enhance their speaking skill and motivation. Thus, Students asserted that the learning was more fun and enjoyable through role play itself. It is merely found in this research study that role playing can accommodate students' need and teacher's side in English language teaching. Nevertheless, this article applies a small subject as the participant. Therefore, the researchers recommended to have a deep look at reasoning students' point of view in terms of role play technique implementation in non-English class. And see ascertains how beneficial it is in terms of role play (RP) in a large classroom


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    The early Muslim society took much of the scientific treasures from other civilizations, especially from ancient Greek. One of the scientific traditions taken from Greek is Hellenism. Using a historical approach, this article tries to assess the contiguity of Islam with the Hellenism. There are three points will be discussed: When has Islam met to the Hellenism in first time? What are the factors that support the scientific contact between both of the civilizations? To what extent Hellenism influenced the development of scientific tradition in early Muslim community? Our study shows that the Muslims have known the Hellenistic tradition since the 7th century in Ummayyad era, not the 8th century as some scholars claim. Second, there are three factors underlying early Muslim studied Hellenism (1) Support from Qur’anic teachings, (2) The need to argue with both of other Muslim groups and Non-Muslims community, (3) The need of the Caliphs to legitimize their power. Third, when Muslims have known the Hellenism, they did not only adopt the Hellenism ideas, but also provide reviews, critical notes, and further more developed its own scientific tradition combined with the qur’anic teachings

    Kontekstualisasi Pemikiran Kh. Hasyim Asy'ari Tentang Persatuan Umat Islam

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    : The Contextualization of KH. Hasyim Asyari's View on the Muslim Unity. The Muslim unity is a logical consequence of religious teachings concerning the Muslim brotherhood (ukhuwah Islamiyâh). The diversity of the Muslim community has become a challenge for its application. In Indonesian, the diversity of mainstream school of thoughts, organizations, and parties have given rise to disintegration of the Muslim society. The internal conflicts that come out from various reasons is an evident of that disintegration. This paper analyzes KH. Hasyim Asyari's view concerning the Muslim unity. The authors find that the idea of the Muslim unity should be based upon faith and anti-fanatism. It reflects the concordance of faith and could be realized in anti-fanatism attitude in the Muslim society. The idea of KH Hasyim Asy`ari is perceived of utmost important, for it may become an alternative solution for the social problems

    Menyoal Kontekstualisasi Hukum Islam Tentang Poligami

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    This paper proposes an idea of revitalization. This idea is based on by looking at the lawsuits occurred within the Islamic laws related to family, especially poligamy. This is proposed because polygamy is believed no longer relevant with the changing times which now requires equality of between man and woman. To address this problem, some ideas put forward to reform and re-interpretate some Islamic laws which lays into two major epistemologies: first, contextual interpretation over the texts which are the basis of the implementation of poligamy which in turn was not the core mission of Islam. Meanwhile, it is believed that the fundamental goal of marriage in Islam monogamous. The justification of poligamy by putting forward the texts do not eliminate but gradually endorse the practices of polygamy itself. Therefore, there is still a room to critique the context of polygamy by contextualizing the polygamy laws in which most previous studies were not objective and tend to justify the dominant discoureses on gender relation

    “Watching English Movie Helps Me!”: Language Exposure and Metacognitive Awareness on TOEFL

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    This research was conducted to investigate the correlation between metacognitive and language exposure to TOEFL of reading section. The framework of metacognitive was promoted by Veenman et al. and the model of language exposure was promoted by Magno et al. (2009). This research implemented a descriptive qualitative study. The questionnaire and rubricof metacognitive were applied as research instruments respectively. Furthermore, ten freshmen at Syiah Kuala University from various majors considered as strategic readers whose TOEFL score ranges of 400 above. It is prominently revealed that language exposures have a contribution for strategic readers in answering TOEFL in the reading section, in particular,media exposure. The respondents have a tendency to seek out the media availability as the major side on mastering reading TOEFL meanwhile language exposure at home is the lowest impact on students. In addition, metacognitive awareness has an impact on students' performance in answering reading test of TOEFL the metacognition implementation, the students are eventually categorized on knowledge regulation in which the students relate the knowledge of TOEFL into planning, implementing strategies or information management, monitoring, correcting/debugging, and evaluating comprehension. It is assumed that this study has weakness on informants taken therefore as further studies, the researcher trigger to probe students of 500 TOEFL score above to investigate their learning strategy and language exposures accordingly

    Penerapan strategi belajar aktif (Active Learning Strategy) dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di SMA Negeri 1 Malang

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    ABSTRAK Dalam kenyataan sehari-hari permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah bagaimana pendidik (guru agama) tersebut dapat melaksanakan tugasnya dengan baik, sebab akhir-akhir ini banyak peserta didik yang masih kurang dalam memahami ajaran agama Islam. Apakah hal ini disebabkan siswa yang masih kurang aktif dalam mengikuti proses belajar mengajar atau cara guru dalam mengajar monoton, sehingga menyebabkan siswa menjadi apatis. Oleh karena itu, guru harus memilih metode yang tepat yakni dengan menggunakan strategi belajar aktif (Active Learning Strategy) yang mana belajar aktif mempunyai banyak sekali sekali metode-metode pembelajaran untuk mengaktifkan siswa dikelas. Adapun permasalahan yang akan dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah: Bagaimana penerapan pendekatan belajar aktif (active learning sytrategy) dalam pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam di SMA Negeri 1 Malang dan apa faktor-faktor penghambat dan pendukung penerapan pendekatan belajar aktif (active learning strategy) dalam pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam di SMA Negeri 1 Malang. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan tehnik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara/interview, dan dokumentasi. Adapun untuk menganalisis data digunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, yakni uraiannya didasarkan pada gejala-gejala yang tampak. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa penerapan pendekatan belajar aktif (Active Learning Strategy) dalam proses pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam di SMA Negeri 1 Malang sudah berjalan dengan baik, walaupun ada kekurangan- kekurangan. Diantara metode-metode yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam di SMA Negeri 1 Malang yang mengarah kepada pendekatan belajar aktif (active learning strategy) adalah metode resitasi, diskusi, problem solving, jigsaw,index card match, studi kasus bikinan siswa, drill/latihan, tanya jawab, bermain peran dan demonstrasi. Adapun yang menjadi faktor pendukung dalam pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam adalah adanya minat belajar siswa yang tinggi, adanya fasilitas dan sumber belajar yang memadai untuk proses belajar. Sedangkan yang menjadi faktor penghambat dalam penerapan tersebut adalah adanya sebagian siswa yang enggan untuk menyampaikan pendapatnya, dan latar belakang siswa yang berbeda. ABSTRACT In fact the daily problems faced are how the teacher can carry out their duties properly, because there are many students not understand religious teaching of islam. is caused by the student who are less active teaching and learning or the way teacher teaching is still monotonic, so that causing student to be apathetic. So, the teacher can choose the right method that is by active learning strategy. Which is active learning has variety of learning methods to activate student in the class. As the problems in this research is : how the application of active learning approaches implemented in the teaching of religious education in high school islamic 1 malang city and what are the factors enabling and inhibiting the application of learning islamic religious education in learning public high school 1 malang city. In this research, author used a qualitative approach to data collection techniques through observation, interview and documentation. As for methods to analyzing data using descriptive qualitative, the explanation is based on the symptoms that appear. Based on research result that the application of active learning in the teaching process of islamic religious education in high school malang has been running well, although there are still shortcomings. Among the methods used in islamic religious education learning that leads to active learning strategy approach is the methods of resitation, discussion, problem solving, jigsaw, index card match, case study preparation student, drill, frequently asked question, role playing, and demonstration. As for the supporting factors in learning islamic religious education is a high interest in student learning, the facilities and learning resources are adequate for teaching and learning. While the limiting factor in the application of active learning is the presence of some student are reluctant to express his opinion, and student of different backgrounds

    Numerical solution of the two-dimensional Helmholtz equation with variable coefficients by the radial integration boundary integral and integro-differential equation methods

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is available from the link below. Copyright @ 2012 Taylor & Francis.This paper presents new formulations of the boundary–domain integral equation (BDIE) and the boundary–domain integro-differential equation (BDIDE) methods for the numerical solution of the two-dimensional Helmholtz equation with variable coefficients. When the material parameters are variable (with constant or variable wave number), a parametrix is adopted to reduce the Helmholtz equation to a BDIE or BDIDE. However, when material parameters are constant (with variable wave number), the standard fundamental solution for the Laplace equation is used in the formulation. The radial integration method is then employed to convert the domain integrals arising in both BDIE and BDIDE methods into equivalent boundary integrals. The resulting formulations lead to pure boundary integral and integro-differential equations with no domain integrals. Numerical examples are presented for several simple problems, for which exact solutions are available, to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed methods

    Electromagnetic Transients on Power Plant Connection Caused by Lightning Event

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    Lightning events can seriously damage the power systems and they represent one of the most dangerous causes of faults in the transmission lines. Usually, when one want to analyze such effects it is necessary to rely on approximate models or to simplify in some ways the power system. As a consequence, an overall analysis taking into account the complexity of the power system is difficult to find. This paper presents the study of the electromagnetic transients caused by lightning events in a point of connection between a real power plant and a large power grid. The analysis is achieved with a high level of details of the power system and the simulations are obtained through an EMT-type software (PSCAD-EMTDC). Different simulations are analyzed, showing how the cables and the transformers are affected by the electromagnetic transients