245 research outputs found

    Understanding SE Growth: The Case of Bangladesh

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    This thesis seeks to explore the hybrid nature of Social Enterprises (SEs) by investigating how they incorporate co-existence of social and economic goals and embed in multiple institutional domains. By synthesising insights from three literature domains - hybrid organisations, institutional views and strategic management - this thesis advances the understanding about the hybrid nature of SEs mainly in two ways. First, it examines the extent to which managerial tensions may result in hybrid SEs due to co-existence of values and influences from pluralistic institutional domains. Second, it explores how such organisations mobilise resources and capabilities in order to respond to internal tensions. The three research questions addressed in the thesis are: i) What is the nature of SE growth in Bangladesh?; ii) How does the institutional context influence SE growth in Bangladesh? and iii) What role do SEs’ resources and capabilities play in responding to the institutional influences? The study adopts a multiple case study approach, collecting data from eleven Bangladeshi SEs. With rapid rise of hybrid forms of SEs in Bangladesh, the findings of the study have both practical and policy implications. The insights on SEs’ internal tensions can enable Bangladeshi policy makers to realise the needs and challenges of hybrid SEs in the country. This may aid the development of customised policies, incentives and support systems that are required to facilitate the growth of such organisations. The insights on the management of tensions can aid the leaders and managers in hybrid SEs to respond to their internal tensions more appropriately.The study identifies six operational models through analysis of the social goal, economic mission, income source, governance structure and institutional setting of the studied cases. These models are: SEs that are fully reliant on grant, NGOs with trading elements, NGOs with full reliance on trading, social business es, public and private limited corporations, and NGOs with conventional subsidiary enterprise. The findings further showed that the studied SEs have pursued social and economic goals simultaneously through adoption of four growth strategies: expansion, diversification, autonomous growth and partnership. The study identifies a number of competing pressures originating from multiple institutional domains which have affected the way they accomplished their social and economic goals. This interplay between SEs’ dual goals and institutional influences led to ten different tensions inside the studied cases. The management of these tensions, at the functional level, involved orchestration of SEs’ resources and capabilities in a particular way. The specific ways of mobilisation of resources and capabilities ultimately led the SEs towards five different growth paths: i) forced adoption/coercive adoption, ii) proactive response, iii) adapt, iv) influence, and v) side-stepping

    Computing Concrete Pullout Strength

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    Is Previous Exporting Experience Relevant for New Exports?

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    Recent models of international trade show that trade costs are important determinants of exporting decisions and productivity dynamics. By assuming that these costs are exogenous and constant across firms, these theories do not take into account that experienced firms may have lower trading costs or that new exporters may reduce these costs by observing the decisions of other exporters. This study argues that firms with previous experience exporting a product to a particular market are more likely to start exporting the same product to another market, or a different product to the same market. The paper also contends that the previous experience of other exporters can significantly influence a firm’s decision to introduce a new product to a new market. Using a firm-level dataset from Chile with information on exports by product and destination market, the paper finds that an increase in the cumulative value exported by a firm increases the probability that the firm will export a previously exported product to a different market or a different product to a market to which the firm already exported a product. The results also show that an increase in the cumulative value exported of a product, or to a foreign market, by other exporters raises the probability that firms will export new products and/or to new markets. Our findings are consistent with the idea that previous exporting experience may help reduce the firm’s entry costs to international markets. The rich dataset used in this study allows the identification of these effects controlling for various time-varying observed and unobserved characteristics which may create a spurious correlation between firms’ export decisions, their previous exporting experience, and the export activity of other exporters

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Rekam Medis Poliklinik Universitas Trilogi

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    Poliklinik Universitas Trilogi merupakan penyedia layanan jasa kesehatan bagi seluruh civitas akademika universitas trilogi, dimana sistem pengelolaan informasi yang diterapkan masih dilakukan secara manual.Untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan kemudahan dalam pengelolaan layanan rekam medis maka diusulkan sebuah aplikasi yang dapat meningkatkan dan memudahkan dalam pelayanan. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan untuk membangun Aplikasi Rekam Medis ini adalah metode waterfall dan tools pemodelan dengan UML (Unified Modelling Language) serta perangkat lunak pendukung untuk menunjang pembangunan Sistem ini dengan bahasa Pemrograman Dephi 7 dan tools Database MySql. Aplikasi rekam medis di poliklinik dibangun agar dapat mempermudah pengolahan data administrasi pasien, mengelola data rekam medis, mengelola data obat, mengelola jadwal praktek dokter, pencarian data pasien, dan pembuatan laporan-laporran

    The Determinants of Technical Efficiency of Manufacturing Firms in Ghana

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    Abstract Local wisdom values mean society awareness about their ability in recognizing the surrounding condition.  In this context, the values refer to the Lampungnese custom in planting crop. Unfortunately, many EFL learners were not familiar with their surroundings.  Furthermore, this research describes the used of environmental issue topic in learning Essay writing. The teaching and learning process was done by EFL students by using online platform. It was suggested during the pandemic situation. However, the aim of this research is describing EFL students’ activities in emerging environmental topic toward their essay. This research was done on second semester of essay writing students. It was about 27 students. In conducting the teaching and learning process the lecturers choose any pictures that deal with the local culture of Lampungnese in planting crop as a topic. Then, the students would be more familiar with the values of the culture and elaborate the values in term of essay writing

    PLC Human Machine-Interfaces Based System for Vietnam Drip Coffee Maker Application

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    The most recent development of digital technology is rapidly growing having a strong impact in daily activities. Automation is a trend in society to make those activities become easier. Moreover, efficiency has played the main role in the automation concept. For example, when making a drink which requires to accurately mix all required ingredients, like sugar, tea, and also coffee, the process may take time. Meanwhile, other more important processes have waited to be carried out. The idea of fasten up these activities may be preferable, exemplified by making an automatic drink maker machine. Moreover, coffee has been popular drink fancied by most people on the society. Hence, due to the high load of the people’s activity, everything is required to be instant and efficient. According to this trend, to provide an efficient, easy, and good management, we need to create an automatic, fast, and accurate system control which can be implemented by using Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and Human-Machine Interface (HMI). Meanwhile, in this research, Omron PLC and HMI are utilized to build an automatic drink maker device of Vietnamese Drip Coffee designed to resolve the society’s needs of coffee with higher efficiency of serving process. The automatic coffee maker device of Vietnamese Drip Coffee based on PLC and HMI is a device designed to simplify the making process of Vietnamese Drip Coffee in hot condition. This device can be operated by only touching/tapping on its coffee menu choices. The design of this device has the main purpose to operate and test the control system based on PLC and HMI to control and monitoring the automatic process of producing Vietnamese Drip Coffee started from choosing the coffee types until mixing process
