377 research outputs found


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    Several oxides present a severe and reversible resistance changes with the application of an external stimulus such as an electrical field, temperature, optical or magnetic properties. Among them there are two groups, those who recover for the initial stage after the stimulus is finished and those who keeps the final stage, despite the stimulus is over. In the first group, vanadium dioxide (VO2), present a sharp and reversible metal-to-insulator transition, induced by temperature near 68 °C. Since is a low transition temperature and presents a high speed and volatile change. In this project we optimize the crystallization of VO2 thin film produced by e-beam evaporation and produced a versatile X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD) holder, capable to be adapted to several other characterization equipment. This holder has the capability to heat and control the temperature applied on the oxide and at the same time perform the electric characterization of the oxide in situ, during the XRD measurement. This holder will be very helpful in characterization of several material due to its ability to have a uniform heating behavior in many equipments, thus ensuring that the process is the same regardless of the equipment used

    Consecuencias legales derivadas de un accidente laboral

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    Traballo fin de grao (UDC.DER). Dereito. Curso 2014/201

    Government bond yield spreads in EMU countries: the story of an ephemeral convergence

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsThe inception of the European Monetary Union appeared to have accomplished the yields’ convergence goal of Maastricht. Suddenly however, spreads against Germany started escalating towards the values of the early nineties. Through the usage of a fixed-effects Arellano-Bond dynamic panel estimation, this thesis tries to discern the role of liquidity and fiscal fundamentals in determining yield differentials for ten EMU countries. While markets tend to monitor high debtors via more structural fiscal measures, a late and abrupt reaction, as risk perceptions increased, unveiled the unannounced fiscal unsoundness of the peripheral. The consequent defaults will put into question the credibility of the Stability and Growth Pact. In this context, unobserved individual effects seem to be the least of our concerns

    Tiro con arco tradicional: un estudio piloto de electromiografía de superficie

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    Archery has always been a minority sport, therefore is a little investigated sport. The aim was to determinate the importance of brachial biceps of the draw arm, lateral portion of the brachial triceps  of the drow arm, anterior abdominal and  lumbar portion of erector spinae during the technic action of archery in the divisions of longbow and instictive bow. Brachial biceps of the draw arm, lateral portion of the brachial triceps of the drow arm, anterior abdominal and lumbar portion of erector spinae of six archers were analised by surface electromyography. The results of the study reflects a similar pattern of maxim activation is appreciated as on the absolute activation in four of the six archers with higher level of experience and performance and better adaptability to the personal training bow. Both the archers with different pattern of maxim and absolute activation, have similar patterns between them. Being the results of the study non suitables to the generalization, a higher implication of lateral portion of the brachial triceps of the drow arm is more necessary than the brachial biceps of the draw arm. In spite of the fact that it is not possible to compare the implication of the anterior abdominal with the activation of the lumbar portion of erector spinae, the maxim and absolute implication of the erector spinae may have influence in a inestable body posture during the archery technic. More investigation is needed to go deeper in these contents.El tiro con arco siempre ha sido un deporte minoritario, por lo que es un deporte poco investigado. El objetivo de este estudio piloto ha sido determinar la importancia del bíceps braquial del brazo de cuerda, porción lateral del tríceps braquial del brazo de cuerda, recto abdominal y erector spinae en su porción lumbar durante la acción técnica de tiro con arco en las divisiones de arco longbow y arco instintivo. Se análizó mediante electromiografía de superficie la activación muscular del bíceps braquial del brazo de cuerda, porción lateral del tríceps braquial del brazo de cuerda, recto abdominal y erector spinae en su porción lumbar el disparo de dos flechas a seis participantes. Los resultados apuntan a un mismo patrón de activación máxima y activación absoluta en cuatro de los y las seis participantes con mayor nivel de experiencia y rendimiento técnico y mejor adaptabilidad al propio material de entrenamiento. Los dos participantes con diferente patrón de activación máxima y activación absoluta, presentan dichos patrones similares entre ellos. Siendo los resultados de este estudio no aptos para la generalización, parece ser necesaria una mayor implicación de la porción lateral del tríceps braquial del brazo de cuerda respecto al bíceps braquial del brazo de cuerda. Pese a no haber sido posible comparar la implicación del recto abdominal con la implicación del erector spinae, la implicación máxima y absoluta del erector spinae puede tener influencia en la adopción de una postura poco estable durante la acción técnica de disparo de una flecha.&nbsp

    Sustainable public procurement: a contribution to achieving low carbon footprint buildings

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    ABSTRACT: LIFE ReNatural NZEB project and is part of action B3 of the project "Demonstration experiences of NZEB with low carbon footprint". The article intends to present the results obtained in the development of the model, for which two surveys were sent to several construction companies and material supplying companies. These surveys aimed at knowing the market's ability to comply with the sustainability criteria for low carbon footprint residential buildings. The model was defined based on the analysis of national and international good practices that were collected, the EU GPP criteria and the manual "Green Public Procurement Criteria under ENCPE 2020 for Design, Construction and Management of Office Buildings". The model is divided into five parts: selection of the design team and contractors; detailed design and performance requirements; dismantling, demolition, and site preparation works; construction of the building or major renovation works; and finalization and handover. Overall, it was found that companies in the construction sector can meet most of the selection criteria for the design team and contractors and for some of the technical specifications. It was also found that material suppliers can meet the various sustainability criteria for materials.N/

    Training in Digital Skills—The Perspective of Workers in Public Sector

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    Funding: This research was funded by UIDB/04928/2020-FCT–Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology.Acknowledgments: The authors would like to extend their sincere appreciation to the National Funds of the FCT—Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology within the project “UIDB/04928/2020”.Digital transformation can become a complex process when workers have insufficient skills, which makes training in the digital field essential. Herein, we intend to relate the digital literacy perceived by workers with their training needs for the Portuguese public sector context. Additionally, based on the Human capital theory, we also investigate which professional/demographic characteristics increase training propensity in digital fields. Through an online questionnaire, a dataset with information on 573 workers was obtained. The data analysis was made by using a probabilistic regression model and additional statistical techniques. The results revealed that workers with higher levels of education and higher professional skills have higher probability of participating in training in the digital field. On average, workers reveal low levels of digital knowledge (2.7 in a 1–5 scale) and low participation in training in the digital fields (72% of the sample had no training over the last two years), but the majority present a willingness to participate in future training sessions, especially in the fields of Dataset management, Cybersecurity and Communication systems. This study provides information on training in the digital field of public workers, which is essential for public organizations to better prepare for digital transformation. Additionally, it contributes to a very recent literature on digital learning, and it can be extended to other contexts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estratégia de internacionalização de uma PME do setor metalúrgico e segurança contra incêndio: Visa Oeste

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    Este trabalho surge no âmbito do Mestrado Executivo de Gestão (para licenciados noutras áreas) e pretende ser um projeto empresarial focado na estratégia de internacionalização de uma PME do sector Metalúrgico e Segurança Contra Incêndio – Visa Oeste Lda. O objetivo principal desta tese visa definir quais as estratégias para o melhor posicionamento da Visa Oeste como referência internacional no sector metalúrgico e Segurança Contra Incêndio. Num mundo cada vez mais globalizado, as PMEs para sobreviverem precisam de apostar nos mercados externos para aumentar a sua performance económico-financeira e nível de competitividade. A União Europeia atravessa uma das maiores crises das últimas décadas e Portugal é um dos países afetados onde a taxa de sobrevivência das empresas nacionais é baixa e a saturação do mercado interno é elevada. Para sobreviverem as empresas nacionais devem apostar em novos mercados onde surge novas oportunidades de negócios permitindo investir no crescimento das empresas e criar condições de sustentabilidade a longo prazo. As empresas portuguesas devem defender uma posição no mercado internacional sobretudo no contexto Extra União Europeia de forma a contrabalançar a crise económica ressentida no país e na União Europeia. No caso da empresa Visa Oeste que já tinha iniciado alguma atividade de exportação, fundamentalmente no mercado francês sugeriu-se diversificar os mercados externos de forma a aumentar o peso das exportações no volume de negócios. Os mercados selecionados foram Angola, Brasil e Moçambique pela proximidade lusófona e onde já se encontram presentes empresas de construção civil nacionais que poderão facilitar a entrada a esses países ou trabalhar em conjunto com esta PME. Palavras-chave: , , .This work comes within the framework of the Executive Master of Management and intends to be a corporate project focused on the internationalization of a SME (small and medium enterprise) from the Metallurgical and Fire Safety sector – Visa Oeste Lda. The main objective of this thesis is to define the strategies for the best placement of the company as an international reference in its sector. In a world increasingly globalized, to survive the SMEs need to invest in foreign markets to increase their economical-financial performance regarding competitiveness. The European Union is going through one of the biggest economic crises of the last decades and Portugal is one of the affected countries where the survival rate of domestic enterprises is low and the internal market is saturated. To survive, domestic companies must invest in new markets with new business opportunities allowing them to invest in company growth to create long-term sustainability conditions. Portuguese companies should defend an international market position mainly in the Extra European Union context to counteract the effects of the economic crises felt in the country and in the EU. The company Visa Oeste, who had already started some exportation activities, mainly in the French market, decided to diversify their external markets to increase the weight of their exports in volume of business. The selected markets were Angola, Brazil and Mozambique for their communication similarities and the presence of other national construction companies who could facilitate the entry in those countries or work together with this SME

    Plan de cuidados de enfermería para un paciente trasplantado bipulmonar: a propósito de un caso

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    [Resumen] Introducción: El trasplante de pulmón es el tratamiento idóneo para aquellos pacientes con patología pulmonar avanzada y que es refractaria al tratamiento convencional. A lo largo de los años,ha ido aumentando la supervivenicia de esta cirugía así como el número de trasplantes pulmonares realizados cada año con un incremento significativo del trasplante bipulmonar. Objetivos: El objetivo de este trabajo es ampliar los conocimientos existentes sobre el trasplante pulmonar, a través de la realización de un plan individualizado para ofrecer cuidados de enfermería seguros y de calidad, basados en la más reciente evidencia científica publicada en la actualidad. Desarrollo: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica sobre el tópico de estudio en diferentes bases de datos. Para la valoración de enfermería se utilizó el modelo de las 14 necesidades de Virginia Henderson y para la formulación de los diagnósticos de enfermería,objetivos y intervenciones se emplearon las taxonomías NANDA I, NOC y NIC con posterior evaluación de los objetivos alcanzados. Discusión : Las actividades de enfermería realizadas en el paciente trasplantado de pulmón contribuyeron significativamente a la mejoría del estado de salud. Los planes de cuidados y el uso de taxonomías estandarizadas fueron un factor fundamental para valorar la eficacia de las intervenciones realizadas así como también para su difusión a nivel internacional. Se destaca la importancia del cuidado y educación de la “unidad familiar” en cuidados del paciente para la consecución de los objetivos planificados y para el mantenimiento de la mejoría del estado de salud. Así mismo,se propone como línea de investigación en el futuro, nuevos estudios que midan el impacto que tiene la educación y cuidado de las familias sobre la calidad, esperanza de vida y reinserción social y laboral de los pacientes.[Resumo] Introdución: O trasplante de pulmón é o tratamento idóneo para aqueles pacientes con patoloxía pulmonar avanzada e que é refractaria ao tratamento convencional. Ao longo dos anos aumentou a supervivencia desta cirurxía así como tamén o número de trasplantes pulmonares realizados cada ano cun incremento significativo do trasplante bipulmonar. Obxectivos: O obxectivo deste traballo é ampliar os coñecementos existentes sobre o trasplante pulmonar, a través da realización dun plan individualizado para ofrecer coidados de enfermaría seguros e de calidade baseados na máis recente evidencia científica publicada na actualidade. Desenvolvemento: Realizouse unha revisión bibliográfica sobre o tópico do estudo nas diferentes bases de datos. Para a valoración de enfermaría utilizouse o modelo das 14 necesidades de Virginia Henderson e para a formulación dos diagnósticos de enfermaría,obxectivos e intervencións empregáronse as taxonomías NANDA I, NIC e NOC coa posterior avaliación dos obxectivos alcanzados. Discusión: As actividades de enfermaría realizadas no paciente trasplantado de pulmón contribuíron significativamente á melloría do estado de saúde. Os plans de coidados e o uso de taxonomías estandarizadas son fundamentais para valorar a eficacia das intervencións realizadas así como tamén para a súa difusión a nivel internacional. Destácase a importancia do coidado e educación da “unidade familiar” en coidados do paciente para a consecución dos obxectivos planificados e para o mantemento da melloría do estado de saúde. Así mesmo, proponse como liña de investigación no futuro, novos estudos que midan o impacto que ten a educación e coidado das familias sobre a calidade, esperanza de vida, reinserción social e laboral dos pacientes.[Abstract] Introduction: Lung transplantation is the ideal treatment for those patients with final-staged pulmonar diseases which do not respond to the conventional treatments. Since many years,the survival rate of this surgery has increased as well the numbers of lung transplantations perfomed each year with a significant increase of double lung transplantation. Objectives: The aim of this study is to enhance knowledge of lung transplantation through the description of clinical case of a double lung transplanted patient in order to give safe and high-quality nurse care based on contemporary scientific evidence published. Development: A bibliographic review was perfomed on the topic of the study in diferent database. Nursing assesments were perfomed as per Virginia Henderson’s model. Nursing care plan was carried out using NANDA-NOC-NIC taxonomies and reached the following outcomes. Discussion : Nursing activities on lung-transplanted patients have improved the health status. Nursing care plan with the use of NANDANOC-NIC taxonomies and its following valuation is a fudamental factor for increasing the effectiveness of the nursing interventions perfomed and also to disseminate it around the world. It is highlighted the importance of the care and education of the “family unit” on patient care to reach the outcomes and for further improving the health status. Apart, it is proposed as a topic of future investigations, research which can asses the impact of the education and care of the family affect on the quality, life expectancy and social and laboral reunion of the patients.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.ENFC). Enfermaría. Curso 2019/202

    Aplicación de técnicas estadísticas para el análisis de las incidencias en las líneas de autobuses urbanos de la empresa AUVASA

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    La empresa AUVASA (Autobuses Urbanos de Valladolid, S. A.) es la sociedad municipal encargada del transporte público urbano en Valladolid. En consonancia con su proceso de crecimiento y modernización mantiene una base de datos donde registra todas las incidencias que ocurren en el servicio de autobuses que presta a la ciudad. La empresa puso a nuestra disposición, para la realización de este trabajo, dos ficheros Excel con las incidencias registradas desde febrero de 2022 hasta el 14 de junio de 2023. El objetivo es obtener la mayor información posible sobre el servicio e identificar patrones o casuísticas repetitivas que pudieran ser analizadas en detalle por la empresa. La parte más compleja de este estudio ha sido la depuración de la base de datos mediante RStudio y el lenguaje de programación R. Esta fase de depuración ha permitido resumir estadísticamente las incidencias registradas a lo largo de los meses de los que se dispone información, estudiar algunos periodos del año en los que la empresa modifica sus servicios y establecer una relación entre las líneas con mayor número de usuarios y las que registran mayor número de incidencias. Además se ha elaborado un tipo de calendario (HeatMap Calendar) que proporciona a la empresa información visual sencilla sobre los incidentes registrados anualmente.The company AUVASA (Autobuses Urbanos de Valladolid, S.A.) is the municipal com-pany responsible for of urban public transportation in Valladolid. As part of its ongoing growth and modernization efforts, it maintains a comprehensive database where to record all incidents that may arise in the bus services it offers to the city. The company has provided us, with two Excel files containing the recorded incidents from February 2022 to June 15, 2023 to conduct a statistical study. The primary objective is to gather comprehensive information about the service and identify recurring patterns or specific cases that warrant further analysis by the company. The most challenging aspect of this study involved debugging of the database using RS-tudio and the R programming language. This stage enabled us to conduct statistical summaries of the incidents registered during the available months, analyze specific periods of the year where the company modified its services and establish a relationship between the lines with the highest number of users and those that registered the highest number of incidents. In addition, we developed a HeatMap Calendar which provides the company with simple visually intuitive representation of the annual incident registrations. This calendar offers simplified visual information for easy understanding and analysis.Departamento de Estadística e Investigación OperativaGrado en Estadístic

    Desarrollo y planificación de una aplicación de gestión de turnos de trabajo

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    En este proyecto describimos todas las etapas que hemos llevado a cabo para desarrollar una aplicación que permita la elaboración de los turnos detrabajo en la empresa de autobuses urbanos de Valladolid (AUVASA). Dicha aplicación necesita partir de un algoritmo adecuado que se encargue de la elaboración de los calendarios laborales. Por ello, hemos dividido estetrabajo en dos partes: una primera, dedicada a la creación de dicho algoritmo y una segunda parte, correspondiente a la implementación de una interfazvisual web que la aloje y permita su utilización. Hemos programado la aplicación en lenguaje Python, que en la actualidad es uno de los lenguajes de programación más utilizados, debido a su facilidadde uso, potencia, robustez y al gran número de librerías útiles de las que dispone.In this project we will describe all the stages we have carried out to develop an application that allows the elaboration of work shifts in Valladolid’s company of city buses (AUVASA). Such application needs to start from an adequate algorithm that is in charge of the elaboration of work schedules. For this reason, we have divided this work into two parts: first, dedicated to the creation of such algorithm and a second part, corresponding to the implementation of a visual web interface that hosts it and allows its use. We have programmed the application in Python language, which is currently one of the most used programming languages, due to it is easy to use, powerful, robust and it has a large number of useful libraries.Departamento de Informática (Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores, Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial, Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos)Grado en Ingeniería Informátic