1,130 research outputs found

    Production of trans-Neptunian binaries through chaos-assisted capture

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    The recent discovery of binary objects in the Kuiper-belt opens an invaluable window into past and present conditions in the trans-Neptunian part of the Solar System. For example, knowledge of how these objects formed can be used to impose constraints on planetary formation theories. We have recently proposed a binary-object formation model based on the notion of chaos-assisted capture. Here we present a more detailed analysis with calculations performed in the spatial (three-dimensional) three- and four-body Hill approximations. It is assumed that the potential binary partners are initially following heliocentric Keplerian orbits and that their relative motion becomes perturbed as these objects undergo close encounters. First, the mass, velocity, and orbital element distribu- tions which favour binary formation are identified in the circular and elliptical Hill limits. We then consider intruder scattering in the circular Hill four-body problem and find that the chaos-assisted capture mechanism is consistent with observed, apparently randomly distributed, binary mutual orbit inclinations. It also predicts asymmetric distributions of retrograde versus prograde orbits. The time-delay induced by chaos on particle transport through the Hill sphere is analogous to the formation of a resonance in a chemical reaction. Implications for binary formation rates are considered and the 'fine-tuning' problem recently identified by Noll et al. (2007) is also addressed.Comment: submitted to MNRA

    Capture and escape in the elliptic restricted three-body problem

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    Several families of irregular moons orbit the giant planets. These moons are thought to have been captured into planetocentric orbits after straying into a region in which the planet's gravitation dominates solar perturbations (the Hill sphere). This mechanism requires a source of dissipation, such as gas-drag, in order to make capture permanent. However, capture by gas-drag requires that particles remain inside the Hill sphere long enough for dissipation to be effective. Recently we have proposed that in the circular restricted three-body problem particles may become caught up in `sticky' chaotic layers which tends to prolong their sojourn within the planet's Hill sphere thereby assisting capture. Here we show that this mechanism survives perturbations due to the ellipticity of the planet's orbit. However, Monte Carlo simulations indicate that the planet's ability to capture moons decreases with increasing orbital eccentricity. At the actual Jupiter's orbital eccentricity, this effects in approximately an order of magnitude lower capture probability than estimated in the circular model. Eccentricities of planetary orbits in the Solar System are moderate but this is not necessarily the case for extrasolar planets which typically have rather eccentric orbits. Therefore, our findings suggest that these extrasolar planets are unlikely to have substantial populations of irregular moons.Comment: This is a preprint of an Article accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, (C) 2004 The Royal Astronomical Societ

    Polystyrene as Hazardous Household Waste

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    Polystyrene (PS) is a petroleum‐based plastic made from styrene (vinyl benzene) monomer. Since it was first commercially produced in 1930, it has been used for a wide range of commercial, packaging and building purposes. In 2012, approximately 32.7 million tonnes of styrene were produced globally, and polystyrene is now a ubiquitous household item worldwide. In 1986, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that the polystyrene manufacturing process was the fifth largest source of hazardous waste. Styrene has been linked to adverse health effects in humans, and in 2014, it was listed as a possible carcinogen. Yet, despite mounting evidence and public concern regarding the toxicity of styrene, the product of the polymerisation of styrene, PS, is not considered hazardous. This chapter draws on a series of movements called the ‘new materialisms’ to attend to the relational, unstable and contingent nature of PS, monomers and other additives in diverse environments, and thus, we highlight the complexities involved in the categorisation of PS as ‘hazardous’ and the futility of demarcating PS as ‘household waste\u27. While local examples are drawn from the New Zealand context, the key messages are transferrable to most policy contexts and diverse geographical locations

    Quantum equilibration in finite time

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    It has recently been shown that small quantum subsystems generically equilibrate, in the sense that they spend most of the time close to a fixed equilibrium state. This relies on just two assumptions: that the state is spread over many different energies, and that the Hamiltonian has non-degenerate energy gaps. Given the same assumptions, it has also been shown that closed systems equilibrate with respect to realistic measurements. We extend these results in two important ways. First, we prove equilibration over a finite (rather than infinite) time-interval, allowing us to bound the equilibration time. Second, we weaken the non degenerate energy gaps condition, showing that equilibration occurs provided that no energy gap is hugely degenerate.Comment: 7 page

    Establishing Social Work Practices in England: The Early Evidence

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    Social Work Practices (SWPs) were established in England in 2009 to deliver social work services to looked after children and care leavers. The introduction of independent social work-led organisations generated controversy focused on issues such as the privatisation of children's services and social workers' conditions of employment. This paper reports early findings from the evaluation of four of these pilots, drawing on interviews with children and young people, staff, and local authority and national stakeholders. The SWPs assumed a variety of organisational forms. The procurement process was demanding, with protracted negotiations over matters such as budgetary control and providing a round-the-clock service. Start-up was facilitated by an established relationship between the SWP provider and the local authority. Once operational, SWPs continued to rely on local authorities for various functions; in most cases, local authorities retained control of placement budgets. Levels of consultation and choice offered to children and young people regarding the move to an SWP varied considerably. Children's understanding about SWPs was generally low except in the pilot where most children retained their original social worker. These early findings show some dilution of the original SWP model, while the pilots' diversity allows the benefits of particular models to emerge

    The Effects of Prices and Policies on the Demand for Marijuana: Evidence from the National Household Surveys on Drug Abuse

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    Recent studies have shown that efforts to curb alcohol use by increasing the price of alcohol and limiting youth's access have succeeded, but they may have had the unintended consequencce of increasing marijuana use. This possibility is troubling in light of a recent government report that shows that marijuana use among teens more than doubled between 1990 and 1997. What impact will the proposed large increase in cigarette prices have on the demand for other substances such as marijuana? To better understand how the demand for marijuana responds to changes in the policies and prices that affect its use, we explore the National Household Survy on Drug Abuse (NHSDA). Overall, we find that marijuana, alcohol, and tobacco are complements, sot that increasing the price of any one will decrease the demand for marijuana. The results of this paper will help guide the creation of comprehensive policies that curb the use of marijuana in two ways: first, they quantify the effects of policies aimed at curbing the use of each substance, allowing policymakers to evaluate alternative policy options; and second, they clarify the dynamics and interactions between alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use in response to government policies.

    Fractal Weyl law behavior in an open, chaotic Hamiltonian system

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    We numerically show fractal Weyl law behavior in an open Hamiltonian system that is described by a smooth potential and which supports numerous above-barrier resonances. This behavior holds even relatively far away from the classical limit. The complex resonance wave functions are found to be localized on the fractal classical repeller.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. to appear in Phys Rev