494 research outputs found

    Activity-based exposure assessments to Libby amphibole associated with public and occupational tasks in the Kootenai National Forest and weatherization of homes containing vermiculite attic insulation

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    Up to 80% of the world\u27s supply of vermiculite was produced from a mine near Libby, MT. A common use for expanded vermiculite was loose fill insulation in attics and walls. Unfortunately, vermiculite from the Libby mine was contaminated with amphibole asbestos minerals referred to as Libby amphibole, LA. Fifteen years after the closure of the vermiculite mine, substantial (14 - 110 million structures/cm2) LA contamination was discovered on the surface of tree bark in the forested areas surrounding the former mine. Research was conducted to evaluate the potential for LA exposure associated with tree bark and vermiculite attic insulation (VAI) sources. The potential for airborne LA exposure and clothing contamination to Libby residents who harvest firewood for home heating and to United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service (USDA FS) employees who work in the in the Kootenai National Forest was evaluated through activity-based exposure assessments. In addition, research was conducted to evaluate the impact of weatherization activities in homes with VAI and/or other asbestos containing materials (ACM). Personal breathing zone (PBZ), high volume air and surface sampling were conducted throughout the weatherization of 37 homes. Firewood harvest exposure assessments revealed a strong potential for exposure with LA detected in 100 % of the PBZ samples. The mean transmission electron microscopy (TEM) LA concentration for fibers \u3e 5 μm was 0.07 structures per mL (s/mL). Outside of the restricted zone, the PBZ samples from the FS occupational study revealed detectable LA in 25 % of the PBZ TEM samples. In addition to airborne exposure, LA was detected on wipe samples from all activities related to the firewood harvest and occupational assessment. During the weatherization of homes containing VAI or other ACM, the majority (79% and 80% respectively) of high volume air and PBZ air samples did not reveal detectable concentrations of asbestos. However, airborne asbestos was detected in 76% of the homes. Airborne asbestos was detected during numerous weatherization measures, suggesting that weatherization practices as a whole, not single weatherization activities, may contribute to the disturbance and dispersal of asbestos fibers into the air. While substantial cleanup of homes, yards, etc., has been conducted in Libby, MT, through Superfund activities, additional potential sources of LA exposure in this area, such as tree bark, are important to consider when assessing public and occupational health risks. Outside of Lincoln County, MT the number of homes and other structures containing VAI is unknown. The exposure potential associated with VAI, especially associated activities that may disturb this insulation, warrant attention from a U.S. public health standpoint as well

    Learning Action Duration and Synergy in Task Planning for Human-Robot Collaboration

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    A good estimation of the actions' cost is key in task planning for human-robot collaboration. The duration of an action depends on agents' capabilities and the correlation between actions performed simultaneously by the human and the robot. This paper proposes an approach to learning actions' costs and coupling between actions executed concurrently by humans and robots. We leverage the information from past executions to learn the average duration of each action and a synergy coefficient representing the effect of an action performed by the human on the duration of the action performed by the robot (and vice versa). We implement the proposed method in a simulated scenario where both agents can access the same area simultaneously. Safety measures require the robot to slow down when the human is close, denoting a bad synergy of tasks operating in the same area. We show that our approach can learn such bad couplings so that a task planner can leverage this information to find better plans.Comment: Accepted at IEEE Int. Conf. on Emerging Technology and Factory Automation, 202

    Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas de las adolescentes embarazadas acerca de los métodos anticonceptivos atendidas, en el centro de salud francisco Morazán de Enero-Junio del Año 2013

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    Se realizó un estudio de tipo descriptivo, transversal en el centro de salud “Francisco Morazán” en Managua, en el periodo comprendido en Enero- Febrero 2013, con el objetivo de valorar conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre métodos anticonceptivos, en embarazadas adolescentes atendidas en el centro de salud señalada. El universo lo constituye 363 adolescentes embarazadas que acudieron en el centro de salud “Francisco Morazán” durante el periodo de estudio. La muestra la conforman 70 adolescentes embarazadas, seleccionadas de forma probabilísticas utilizando formula estadística. Entre los resultados más importantes podemos destacar: En las características demográficas de los adolescentes embarazadas, la edad registrada fue de 15-19 años (100%), siendo el estado civil acompañada (38-54, 28%), casada (25-35, 71%) y solteras (7, 10%). En escolaridad, 55 adolescentes (78, 57%), registran secundaria y 15 (21, 42 %) educación primaria. Según resultados se concluye que el conocimiento sobre los métodos anticonceptivos por los adolescentes, es malo (47.14%), actitud no adecuada (74.28%) y prácticas no correctas (71.42%). En otros datos sobre métodos anticonceptivos, extraídos de las prácticas sobre métodos anticonceptivos, 50 adolescente refieren no hacer uso de métodos anticonceptivos, teniendo como razón el no saber usarlos de forma correcta. Con todo lo antes expuesto se recomienda desarrollar campañas educativas a nivel de la población en general y las adolescentes en particular sobre el uso de métodos anticonceptivos, salud sexual reproductiva y planificación familiar. Además de concientizar a los adolescentes sobre la necesidad de hacer uso correctamente de los métodos anticonceptivos. Así como dar atención a las pautas débiles encontradas en los conocimientos de métodos anticonceptivos, actitud y prácticas del uso, así como aumentar la información, el tipo, la disponibilidad sobre el método anticonceptivo como parte de la salud sexual y reproductiva

    Spatio-Temporal Avoidance of Predicted Occupancy in Human-Robot Collaboration

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    This paper addresses human-robot collaboration (HRC) challenges of integrating predictions of human activity to provide a proactive-n-reactive response capability for the robot. Prior works that consider current or predicted human poses as static obstacles are too nearsighted or too conservative in planning, potentially causing delayed robot paths. Alternatively, time-varying prediction of human poses would enable robot paths that avoid anticipated human poses, synchronized dynamically in time and space. Herein, a proactive path planning method, denoted STAP, is presented that uses spatiotemporal human occupancy maps to find robot trajectories that anticipate human movements, allowing robot passage without stopping. In addition, STAP anticipates delays from robot speed restrictions required by ISO/TS 15066 speed and separation monitoring (SSM). STAP also proposes a sampling-based planning algorithm based on RRT* to solve the spatio-temporal motion planning problem and find paths of minimum expected duration. Experimental results show STAP generates paths of shorter duration and greater average robot-human separation distance throughout tasks. Additionally, STAP more accurately estimates robot trajectory durations in HRC, which are useful in arriving at proactive-n-reactive robot sequencing.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures. Accepted at IEEE ROMAN 202

    Anytime informed path re-planning and optimization for robots in changing environments

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    In this paper, we propose a path re-planning algorithm that makes robots able to work in scenarios with moving obstacles. The algorithm switches between a set of pre-computed paths to avoid collisions with moving obstacles. It also improves the current path in an anytime fashion. The use of informed sampling enhances the search speed. Numerical results show the effectiveness of the strategy in different simulation scenarios.Comment: Submitted to IROS 2021. "This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible


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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan ( PPL ) UNY merupakan sebuah program wajib yang diselenggarakan oleh LPPM UNY bagi mahasiswa jenjang S1 Kependidikan di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta yang bersifat praktik, aplikatif dan terpadu untuk mengimplementasikan ilmu yang telah didapatkan mahasiswa selama perkuliahan kepada siswa di sekolah sebagai seorang pendidik. Program ini juga bertujuan untuk memberikan pengalaman bagi mahasiswa tentang dunia pendidikan secara nyata agar nantinya mahasiswa tersebut dapat menjadi tenaga pendidik yang profesional dibidangnya, Salah satu caranya adalah dengan pelaksanaan serangkaian program PPL UNY di SMK Negeri 2 Sewon Tahun 2015 ini. SMK Negeri 2 Sewon terletak di Jalan Parangtritis Km 7 Sewon, Bantul Lokasi SMK Negeri 2 Sewon berdekatan dengan SMP Negeri 1 Sewon. Sebelum kegiatan PPL berlangsung mahasiswa melaksanakan kegiatan pra PPL yaitu pembekalan yang dilakukan oleh jurusan masing-masing, pembelajaran micro teaching guna mempersiapkan praktik mengajar, dan melakukan observasi kelas sehingga dapat memperoleh gambaran tentang kegiatan pembelajaran di SMK Negeri 2 Sewon. Setelah melalui kegiatan observasi, mahasiswa dapat merumuskan berbagai program kerja yang akan dilaksanakan. Program PPL yang direncanakan oleh mahasiswa antara lain; ( 1) Pembuatan Perangkat Pembelajaran ( Silabus, RPP ) ; ( 2) Praktik Mengajar; dan ( 3) Evalusi Pembelajaran ( Ulangan Harian dan Remidi ) . Serangkaian program kerja PPL SMK Negeri 2 Sewon telah terlaksana dengan baik, walaupun terdapat beberapa hambatan dalam pelaksanaannya, seperti kurangnya pengetahuan dalam pembuatan Perangkat Pembelajaran yang dapat diatasi dengan berkonsultasi dengan Guru Pembimbing. Program mengajar di kelas juga memiliki tantangan yaitu dengan penyesuaian karakter peserta didik yang berbeda-beda, bagaimana cara menghidupkan suasana kelas agar peserta didik termotivasi untuk belajar. Selain hambatan dan tantangan, program PPL ini juga memberikan manfaat yang dapat diperoleh yaitu mendapatkan pengalaman mengajar ( dari sisi mahasiswa ) dan dapat terbiasa berbagi ilmu dalam belajar dan berlatih mengerjakan tugas mandiri ( dari sisi siswa )


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    Perkembangan teknologi komunikasi dan informasi dirasakan sangat cepat dan pesat. Salah satunya pada pengelolaan anggaran organisasi mahasiswa di Unisnu Jepara yang masih dilakukan secara manual cenderung menyulitkan dalam pengecekan penggunaan dan pelaporan anggaran yang diajukan oleh seluruh organisasi mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menghasilkan Sistem Informasi Manajemen yang dibutuhkan dalam menjalankan tugas organisasi, terutama dalam memudahkan pengelolaan anggaran organisasi mahasiswa. Sistem dirancang menggunakan metode pengembangan sistem model prototipe dan Unified Modelling Language (UML) sebagai permodelan sistem. Sistem menciptakan standarisasi kebutuhan Organisasi Mahasiswa, Bagian Kemahasiswaan dan Bagian Keuangan dengan menyediakan informasi alokasi anggaran, pengelolaan program kerja organisasi, penggunaan anggaran, status anggaran, pelaporan hasil kegiatan dan perekapan penggunaan anggaran organisasi mahasiswa. Sistem telah diuji menggunakan metode black box testing sebagai pengujian validasi fungsional sistem dan white box testing sebagai pengujian unit dengan hasil pengujian diperoleh 100% valid untuk seluruh kasus uji. Sedangkan pada penggunaan angket oleh responden diperoleh hasil 79,2 % menunjukkan sistem sangat layak digunakan dalam memudahkan pengelolaan anggaran organisasi mahasiswa di Unisnu Jepara. Pada penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa penggunaan metode pengembangan sistem dengan model prototipe kurang cocok digunakan untuk pengguna yang lebih banyak karena tidak mampu memenuhi seluruh kebutuhan pengguna sistem sehingga produk yang dihasilkan kurang akurat

    Functional Characterization of Muscarinic Receptors in Human Schwann Cells

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    Functional characterization of muscarinic cholinergic receptors in myelinating glial cells has been well described both in central and peripheral nervous system. Rat Schwann cells (SCs) express different muscarinic receptor subtypes with the prevalence of the M2 subtype. The selective stimulation of this receptor subtype inhibits SC proliferation, improving their differentiation towards myelinating phenotype. In this work, we describe for the first time that human SCs are cholinoceptive as they express several muscarinic receptor subtypes and, as for rat SCs, M2 receptor is one of the most abundant. Human SCs, isolated from adult nerves, were cultured in vitro and stimulated with M2 muscarinic agonist arecaidine propargyl ester (APE). Similarly to that observed in rat, M2 receptor activation causes a decreased cell proliferation and promotes SC differentiation as suggested by increased Egr2 expression with an improved spindle-like shape cell morphology. Conversely, the non-selective stimulation of muscarinic receptors appears to promote cell proliferation with a reduction of SC average cell diameter. The data obtained demonstrate that human SCs are cholinoceptive and that human cultured SCs may represent an interesting tool to understand their physiology and increase the knowledge on how the cholinergic stimulation may contribute to address human SC development in normal and pathological conditions

    Caracterización de la raza <i>Sweet potato feathery mottle virus</i> que afecta a <i>Ipomoea batatas</i> (L.) Lam. en Argentina y establecimiento de un método rápido de diagnóstico en plantas <i>in vitro</i>

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    El cultivo de batata en Argentina ha experimentado una disminución en la superficie plantada y, por ende, en su producción. Actualmente, todas las regiones productoras de batata se encuentran afectadas por una la patología viral denominada “encrespamiento amarillo” (EA), la más grave que se haya presentado hasta la actualidad en el país. El EA es causado por cinco virus, dentro de los cuales se encuentran los potyvirus, Virus C de la batata (SPVC) y Virus del moteado plumoso de la batata (SPFMV) razas RC y O. Estos en infecciones simples no ocasionan problemas en el cultivo, pero en las mixtas llegan a causar mermas en rendimientos superiores al 80%.En el presente trabajo se caracterizó biológica, serológicamente y molecularmente a SPVC que pudo ser aislado de plantas infectadas con SPFMV, otro potyvirus estrechamente relacionado con él. SPVC fue transmitido mediante injerto y mediante inoculación mecánica, en bajo porcentaje en Ipomoea nil e I. setosa. En infecciones simples, se produjo síntomas típicos de infección con SPFMV, en hojas de I. setosa (hospedante alternativo). Complementariamente, se logró purificar el virus y posteriormente se obtuvo el antisuero para el diagnóstico de SPVC, mediante DAS-ELISA, NCM-ELISA e ISEM +D. Los ensayos biológicos y/o serológicos no logran diferenciar SPFMV y SPVC cuando las plantas están infectadas, no resultando fiables para su diagnóstico. Ensayos basados en ácidos nucleícos proporcionan la ventaja de una detección confiable de virus, siendo la sonda de hibridación un instrumento específico para diagnóstico. El presente estudio permitió obtener una sonda de hibridación para detectar específicamente al Sweetpotato virus C, aunque son necesarias pruebas ulteriores que permitan concluir al respecto.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale