32 research outputs found

    Food security: one of a number of ‘securities’ we need for a full life: an Australian perspective

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    Although agriculture in Australia is very productive, the current food supply systems in Australia fail to deliver healthy diets to all Australians and fail to protect the natural resources on which they depend. The operation of the food systems creates ‘collateral damage’ to the natural environment including biodiversity loss. In coming decades, Australia’s food supply systems will be increasingly challenged by resource price inflation and climate change. Australia exports more than half of its current agricultural production. Government and business are aiming to substantially increase production to bolster exports. This will increase pressure on agricultural resources and exacerbate ‘collateral’ damage to the environment. The Australian public have a deep and ongoing interest in a very wide range of issues associated with the food systems including the environment, health and sustainability. Food is something we require in order to live and a good diet is something we have to have to be healthy. For health over a life-time we need food security. However, we also require a range of other material goods and social arrangements in order to develop and flourish as human beings. And we need these other things to be secure over a life-time. Food is therefore one security among a range of other securities we need in order to flourish. The paper outlines a number of approaches, as examples, that help to identify what these other goods and arrangements might be. The approaches mentioned in this paper include human rights, national securities, human needs, authentic happiness, capabilities, sustainability and environmental ethics. The different approaches provide a way of evaluating the current situation and indicating a direction for change within the food systems that will address the problems. However, changing large systems such as those involved in food supply is difficult because inertias and vested interests make the current food supply systems resilient to change. The paper suggests that one of the first and ongoing tasks is to develop an understanding of the situation from a comprehensive social–ecological systems perspective. The paper also suggests that a practical leverage point for system change is restructuring the flow of information on the health, natural resources and biodiversity loss issues related to the food supply systems

    Influences on farming family’s strategic decisions

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    This is a post-print of a paper from AGRI-FOOD XIV 2007 published by University of Queensland. http://www.socialscience.uq.edu.au/index.html?page=62936Farming families create opportunities for themselves to take action in a wide range of areas such as, recreation, socialisation, education, farm-enterprises, businesses, off-farm investments and hobbies. Some of these actions are strategic and lead to major changes in the family’s future. Over the last few years we have developed a ‘decision-systems theory’ (DST) about strategic decisions taken by farming families. The theory was developed from in-depth interviews with farming families. The theory provides an understanding of why farming families create these opportunities. This understanding is important for businesses and governments wanting to influence farmers’ actions. However, and perhaps rather surprisingly, it is also useful for farming families to know about the ‘decision-systems theory’ because it provides a framework to help them make better strategic decisions and also assists family members participate in these decisions. The decision-systems theory has six parts; five relate to the farming family and the sixth concerns how third parties (such as businesses and governments) can interpret the theory for policy development. The paper outlines the six parts of the theory and discusses its use as a tool to build strategic-decision capacity in farming families. The paper ends with an outline of proposed work program to refine and apply the theory in the coming two years.25 – 29 November 200

    Finding Ways to Improve Australia’s Food Security Situation

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    Although Australia exports more than half of its agricultural production, there are food security problems as the current food supply systems in Australia fail to deliver healthy diets to all Australians and fail to protect the natural resources on which they depend. In addition, the food systems create “collateral damage” to the natural environment including biodiversity loss. In coming decades, Australia’s food supply systems will be increasingly challenged by resource price inflation and falling yields due to climate change. Government and business are aiming to increase production and agricultural exports. This will increase pressure on agricultural resources and exacerbate “collateral” damage to the environment. The Australian public has an ongoing interest in issues associated with the food systems including the environment, education, health and sustainability. A health-giving diet is essential for a full life and over a life-time people need food security. Currently economy development and social planning is undertaken through the pragmatic application of a set of ideas, such as relying on markets and deregulation, collectively referred to as neoliberalism. This paper contends that the neoliberal approach is not solving the current and developing problems in food security and agriculture more generally and suggests that more emphasis should be given to alternatives approaches. Seven alternatives approaches are suggested that could be used to identify gaps and guide the creation of overarching goals in economic development and social planning to improve food security and secure the other material goods and social arrangements that all Australians require to live full lives. However, changing large systems such as those involved in food supply is difficult because vested interests in the existing arrangements make the current systems resilient to change. There are a range of leverage points that have differing abilities to change systems. The paper points out that goals and information flows are good leverage points and suggests establishing overarching goals for the systems relevant to food and restructuring the flow of information about these systems will help reform the food supply systems in Australia

    Making sustainable develoment ideas operational

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    Deposite dwith permission of the author. © 2004 Quentin George Farmer-BowersThe purpose of the thesis is to develop a General Technique (GT) for use by investigators as a template to help devise investigation programs applying sustainable development ideas (SDIs) to presenting-issues, in order to create ideas for sustainable development actions (SDAs). SDIs are the ‘ideals’, of behaviour for relations amongst people (people-matters) and between people and the environment of the planet (planet-matters) having ancient origins yet being constantly reinterpreted. SDAs are actions that synergistically deliver SDIs in both people-matters and planet-matters concomitantly. The GT was devised in a learning cycle involving theory development and practical experience. The theory of the GT uses a systems-thinking approach to set out the blocks of information necessary to apply SDIs to a presenting issue. The mental model used in the GT is based on the concepts that people are dependent on the planet and that every individual and their actions count. The GT has a Preliminary Step and four Tasks. The Preliminary Step establishes the relationships between the roles of stakeholders and the presenting-issue using a ‘4-group-stakeholder theory’;; group 1 are agents/individuals, groups 2 and 3 are organisations that operate in planet-matters and people-matters respectively, and group 4 are the general public/future generations. Everybody has group 1 and 4 roles and employed people play roles 2 and 3. Task 1 investigates the actions and agents that are fundamental in the presenting issue.Task 2 investigates the agents’; motivations to take up opportunities in both people and planet-matters. Motivations are based on the agents’; desire to satisfy the fundamental human needs (FHNs) of their family. Task 3 investigates: (a) the opportunities in people-matters and planet-matters, using a theory that posits that critical resources and critical arrangements are required for the delivery of FHNs in the very long-term. (b) The involvement stakeholders’; groups have in these opportunities.Task 4 reviews: (a) the success of groups 1 and 4 stakeholders in getting their FHNs met in the long-term and how successful stakeholder groups 3 and 4 are in helping them and why. (b) The maintenance of critical resources compared to the level needed to maintain all life forms and life system on the planet. (For complete abstract open document

    Understanding farmers' strategic decision-making processes and the implications for biodiversity conservation policy

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    The conservation of biodiversity is an important issue world wide and in Australia the maintenance of native biodiversity on farms makes an important contribution to overall conservation objectives. This paper seeks to explain Australian farmers' ration