14 research outputs found

    Caring for cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy

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    Autor: Katarína Farkašovská Instituce: Ústav sociálního lékařství LF UK v Hradci Králové Oddělení ošetřovatelství Název práce: Ošetřovatelská péče o onkologického pacienta s chemoterapií Vedoucí práce: Mgr. Andrea Tůmová, Mgr. Michaela Schneiderová Počet stran: 85 Počet příloh: 6 Rok obhajoby: 2008 Klíčová slova: onkologická léčba, protinádorová chemoterapie, nežádoucí účinky chemoterapie, role sestry v péči o onkologického pacienta s chemoterapií Bakalářská práce je členěna do dvou částí. Teoretická část pojednává o protinádorové chemoterapii, jejích nežádoucích účincích a o roli sestry v péči o onkologického pacienta. Důraz je kladen na edukaci a informovanost pacientů při zvládání nežádoucích účinků chemoterapie. Výzkumná část práce zjišťuje míru informovanosti onkologických pacientů o chemoterapii, mapuje obtížnost zvládání nežádoucích účinků. Výsledky výzkumu uvádějí také spokojenost pacientů s přístupem ošetřujícího personálu a důvěru k němu. Zkoumaný vzorek tvoří 61 onkologicky nemocných pacientů léčených chemoterapií, různého věku, pohlaví a diagnózy.The bachelor's task is divided into two parts. The theoretical part deals with antineoplastic chemotherapy, its undesirable effects, and with the role of the nurse who takes care of a patient. Stress is put on education and acquaintance of oncological patients while facing the undesirable effects of chemotherapy. The research part of the task probes the degree of oncological patients' acquaintance of chemotherapy, and monitors the difficulty in dealing with undesirable effects. The results of the research also give the patients' satisfaction with the approach of nursing staff and their confidence in it. The researched sample was made up of 61 oncological patients of different ages gender and diagnoses being treated with chemotherapy.Department of Social MedicineÚstav sociálního lékařstvíFaculty of Medicine in Hradec KrálovéLékařská fakulta v Hradci Králov

    Zarządzanie i handel zagraniczny w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach w warunkach integracji europejskiej: materiały z konferencji

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    Z przedmowy: "Integracja europejska to proces łączenia, scalania się odrębnych ekonomicznie, społecznie, kulturowo gospodarek europejskich krajów. Proces integracji prowadzi do istotnych przekształceń w sferze gospodarki, strategiach organizacji i funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstw, handlu międzynarodowym, działalności marketingowej, strukturach organizacyjnych i mechanizmach ekonomicznych przedsiębiorstw i instytucji działających w krajach integrujących się. Proces integracji to w praktyce proces dostosowywania się struktur gospodarczych; tworzenia związków kooperacyjno-produkcyjnych; powstawania trwałych więzi ekonomicznych między przedsiębiorstwami integrujących się krajów a więc proces kształtowania jednolitego obszaru gospodarczego z odrębnych a często także wzajemnie konkurencyjnych krajów, gospodarek, regionów, gałęzi, branż. Proces międzynarodowej integracji gospodarczej to w dużej mierze proces tworzenia komplementamości przedsiębiorstw i instytucji, komplementamości międzygałęziowej i wewnątrz gałęziowej, w produkcji i wymianie jak też kształtowanie niezbędnej infrastruktury technicznej i ekonomicznej umożliwiającej tworzenie sytemu trwałych powiązań gospodarczych między poszczególnymi krajami."(...

    Vedeckotechnický rozvoj a životné prostredie

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    Forming the marketing communication plan for the national cultural monument

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    Import 25/10/2006Prezenční116 - Katedra marketingu a obchod

    Employee Recruitment and Selection in a Chosen Organization

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    Import 04/07/2011Diplomová práca sa zaoberá tematikou získavania a výberu zamestnancov. Teoretická časť obsahuje okrem iného poznatky o jednotlivých krokoch získavania a výberu zamestnancov, o úlohách líniových manažérov a personalistov a v neposlednom rade o hodnotení procesu získavania a výberu zamestnancov. Praktická časť práce charakterizuje organizáciu a analyzuje systém získavania a výberu zamestnancov v Slovenskej sporiteľni, a.s. Cieľom diplomovej práce bolo zistiť, aká je úroveň získavania a výberu zamestnancov pracujúcich na pobočkách banky po celom Slovensku. Výskum bol realizovaný formou dopytovania, na vzorke 85 respondentov. Bolo zistené, že získavanie a výber zamestnancov v Slovenskej sporiteľni, a.s. je na veľmi vysokej úrovni a samotní zamestnanci sú s jeho priebehom z veľkej väčšiny spokojní. Na základe realizovaného výskumu som banke navrhla niekoľko odporúčaní, ktoré by mohli ešte viac vylepšiť proces získavania a výberu zamestnancov.Thesis is concerned about theme of employees’ recruitment and selection. The theoretical part includes, among others, knowledge of individual steps of employees’ recruitment and selection, line and personal manager’s duties and, last but not least, knowledge of employees’ recruitment and selection evaluation. The practical part of thesis describes organization and analyses system of employees’ recruitment and selection in the bank of Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s. The aim of thesis was to determine a level of recruitment and selection of employees working in branch offices of the bank in Slovak Republic. Research was realized by the questioning method, in which 85 respondents were questioned. It was found out that employees’ recruitment and selection in Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s. is a very high standard and employees themselves are satisfied with its running. According to the results of research, I suggested some recommendations to the bank, which could further improve process of employees’ recruitment and selection.115 - Katedra managementuvýborn

    Problémy oživenia ekonomiky SR a EÚ

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    We need to adopt the way of thinking of main representatives creating the present world, including the White Book of the European Union. The intergration will form an internal market without borders, the market with free movement of capital, employees, goods and services. It is necessary to take care not to bread the principle of reciprocity of mutual advantages for all participants in individual steps of the integration. There are many legislative as well as economic and social problems in this process. Scripts of separate integration steps have to be prepared. At the same time, we enters the information society which is orientated on knowledge and is being socially and economically created in the market environment

    Vzdelávanie a rozvoj zamestnancov

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    Import 01/09/2009Obsahom bakalárskej práce sú poznatky zamerané na vzdelávanie a rozvoj zamestnancov. Teoretická časť sa zaoberá učením sa, jednotlivými typmi učenia, formálnym a neformálnym vzdelávaním a taktiež jednotlivými metódami, ktoré sa pri vzdelávaní používajú. Praktická časť práce charakterizuje organizáciu a analyzuje cyklus vzdelávania prebiehajúci v Slovenskej sporiteľni, a.s. Cieľom bakalárskej práce bolo zistiť, aká je úroveň vzdelávania a rozvoja zamestnancov pracujúcich v pobočkách Slovenskej sporiteľne, a.s. v Trenčianskom kraji. Výskum bol realizovaný metódou dopytovania, na vzorke 34 respondentov. Bolo zistené, že vzdelávanie a rozvoj zamestnancov v Slovenskej sporiteľni, a.s. je na vysokej úrovni, venuje sa mu veľká pozornosť a väčšina zamestnancov je so systémom vzdelávania spokojná. Na základe výsledkov realizovaného výskumu som navrhla banke odporúčania, ktoré by mali viesť k väčšej spokojnosti zamestnancov.The subject of bachelor thesis is concerned on employees’ education and development. The theoretical part deals with process of learning, particular types of learning, formal and informal education and also particular methods used by education. The practical part of thesis describes organization, and analyses cycle of education proceeding in Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s. The aim of bachelor thesis was to find out a level of education and development of employees working in branch offices of Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s. in Trenčín region. Research was realized by the questioning method, in which 34 respondents were questioned. It was find out that employees’ education and development in Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s. is on high level, substantial attention is applied to education and development of employees, and most of employees is satisfied with the educational system. According to the results of research, I suggested some recommendations for the bank, which should increase employees’ satisfaction.Prezenční115 - Katedra managementuvýborn

    Caring for cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy

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    The bachelor's task is divided into two parts. The theoretical part deals with antineoplastic chemotherapy, its undesirable effects, and with the role of the nurse who takes care of a patient. Stress is put on education and acquaintance of oncological patients while facing the undesirable effects of chemotherapy. The research part of the task probes the degree of oncological patients' acquaintance of chemotherapy, and monitors the difficulty in dealing with undesirable effects. The results of the research also give the patients' satisfaction with the approach of nursing staff and their confidence in it. The researched sample was made up of 61 oncological patients of different ages gender and diagnoses being treated with chemotherapy

    Zahraničný obchod ekonomiky SR v procese tranzície

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    According to conservative economists it is possible to consider the transformation process for finished, when the liberalization of prices are finished and the institutional frame of functioning market economy is formed. Macro economy analysis and economy politics in the field of structural adaptive processes are willing to admit them, only at the level of sector structural economy. Even this reality, that the transitive countries with their sector structural economy came near do developed market economies, is often used as argument, that the transformation is done in the field of reconstructuralization of economy. It is necessary to emphasize that this sector movement to sector of services has been do no with non standard methods e.g. without adequate raise of work productivity, especially in industry. This is reason, why the reached sector structure does not correspond with the one, in transitive countries as economy level of gross national on an inhabitant.These facts show, that the most important sector in the Slovat republic on the way to reach the level of EU countries, is industry. The sector movement in conditions of transformation is necessary,but not the only condition of permanent growth of economy to follow the level of EU coutries. Another condition is important, structural production changes in processing innovation, the change to production of more dynamic segment in international business. As mentioned above,a very imporant goal of economy transformation should be structural adaptation of industry and important change of small economically developed economies.This should be the country on its way prepared for entry in EU

    Non-native plant species in alder-dominated forests in Slovakia: what does the regional- and the local-scale approach bring?

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    European riparian forests are in general susceptible to plant invasions compared to other natural forest habitats. Their descriptive vegetation overviews with phytosociological affiliation contain detail insight into species composition patterns at various geographical scales, but quantitative assessment of the relationship between non-native plant richness and measured environmental variables is still scarce. We used two vegetation datasets of alder-dominated forests to analyse plant invasion patterns in the Pannonian and the Carpathian region of Slovakia. A large dataset of 918 vegetation plots was used at the regional scale, whereas 40 vegetation plots completed by ecological (mainly soil, climatic) predictors were used at the local scale in order to determine how they shape non-native species richness. We found significant differences (P < 0.05) between the Pannonian and the Carpathian region in the number of non-native vascular plants at both scales, with altitude being the most important predictor. Generalized Linear Models accounted for 56.6% and 59.6% of alien species richness data in the Pannonian and Carpathian region, respectively. Alien richness was affected by altitude and soil pH in the Pannonian region, but only by altitude in the Carpathian region