307 research outputs found

    From asteroid clusters to families: A proposal for a new nomenclature

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    Some confusion on the number, reliability, and characteristics of asteroid families is the result of using the single word 'family' for naming asteroid groupings identified in very different ways. Here we propose a new terminology which in our opinion would alleviate this problem

    LAGEOS-type Satellites in Critical Supplementary Orbit Configuration and the Lense-Thirring Effect Detection

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    In this paper we analyze quantitatively the concept of LAGEOS--type satellites in critical supplementary orbit configuration (CSOC) which has proven capable of yielding various observables for many tests of General Relativity in the terrestrial gravitational field, with particular emphasis on the measurement of the Lense--Thirring effect.Comment: LaTex2e, 20 pages, 7 Tables, 6 Figures. Changes in Introduction, Conclusions, reference added, accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Impactor flux and cratering on Ceres and Vesta: Implications for the early Solar System

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    We study the impactor flux and cratering on Ceres and Vesta caused by the collisional and dynamical evolution of the asteroid Main Belt. We develop a statistical code based on a well-tested model for the simultaneous evolution of the Main Belt and NEA size distributions. This code includes catastrophic collisions and noncollisional removal processes such as the Yarkovsky effect and the orbital resonances. The model assumes that the dynamical depletion of the early Main Belt was very strong, and owing to that, most Main Belt comminution occurred when its dynamical structure was similar to the present one. Our results indicate that the number of D > 1 km Main Belt asteroids striking Ceres and Vesta over the Solar System history are approximately 4 600 and 1 100 respectively. The largest Main Belt asteroids expected to have impacted Ceres and Vesta had diameters of 71.7 km and 21.1 km. The number of D > 0.1 km craters on Ceres is \sim 3.4 \times 10^8 and 6.2 \times 10^7 on Vesta. The number of craters with D > 100 km are 47 on Ceres and 8 on Vesta. Our study indicates that the D = 460 km crater observed on Vesta had to be formed by the impact of a D \sim 66.2 km projectile, which has a probability of occurr \sim 30% over the Solar System history. If significant discrepancies between our results about the cratering on Ceres and Vesta and data obtained from the Dawn Mission were found, they should be linked to a higher degree of collisional evolution during the early Main Belt and/or the existence of the late heavy bombardment. An increase in the collisional activity in the early phase may be provided for an initial configuration of the giant planets consistent with, for example, the Nice model. From this, the Dawn Mission would be able to give us clues about the initial configuration of the early Solar System and its subsequent dynamical evolution.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Colovesical fistulae in the sigmoid diverticulitis

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    Nella maggior parte dei casi le fistole colovescicali rappresentano una complicanza della malattia diverticolare e sono la tipologia più comune di fistola colodigestiva; meno comuni sono le fistole colovaginali, colocutanee, coloenteriche e colouterine. Nel presente lavoro abbiamo effettuato una review della letteratura riguardante le fistole colovescicali in chirurgia colorettale per diverticolite del sigma. Decriviamo anche due casi che hanno richiesto un trattamento chirurgico, in uno in elezione e nell’altro in urgenza. In entrambi i casi abbiamo eseguito una resezione colica con anastomosi primaria e minimaresezione vesvicale con posizionamento di catetere di Foley in media per 10 giorni

    Objective estimation of body condition score by modeling cow body shape from digital images.

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    Body condition score (BCS) is considered an important tool for management of dairy cattle. The feasibility of estimating the BCS from digital images has been demonstrated in recent work. Regression machines have been successfully employed for automatic BCS estimation, taking into account information of the overall shape or information extracted on anatomical points of the shape. Despite the progress in this research area, such studies have not addressed the problem of modeling the shape of cows to build a robust descriptor for automatic BCS estimation. Moreover, a benchmark data set of images meant as a point of reference for quantitative evaluation and comparison of different automatic estimation methods for BCS is lacking. The main objective of this study was to develop a technique that was able to describe the body shape of cows in a reconstructive way. Images, used to build a benchmark data set for developing an automatic system for BCS, were taken using a camera placed above an exit gate from the milking robot. The camera was positioned at 3 m from the ground and in such a position to capture images of the rear, dorsal pelvic, and loin area of cows. The BCS of each cow was estimated on site by 2 technicians and associated to the cow images. The benchmark data set contained 286 images with associated BCS, anatomical points, and shapes. It was used for quantitative evaluation. A set of example cow body shapes was created. Linear and polynomial kernel principal component analysis was used to reconstruct shapes of cows using a linear combination of basic shapes constructed from the example database. In this manner, a cow's body shape was described by considering her variability from the average shape. The method produced a compact description of the shape to be used for automatic estimation of BCS. Model validation showed that the polynomial model proposed in this study performs better (error=0.31) than other state-of-the-art methods in estimating BCS even at the extreme values of BCS scale

    Role of OPRM1, clinical and anthropometric variants in neonatal pain reduction

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    An increased awareness on neonatal pain-associated complications has led to the development of pain scales adequate to assess the level of pain experienced by newborns such as the ABC score. A commonly used analgesic procedure is to administer a 33% oral dextrose solution to newborns prior to the painful intervention. Although this procedure is very successful, not in all subjects it reaches complete efficacy. A possible explanation for the different response to the treatment could be genetic variability. We have investigated the genetic variability of the OPRM1 gene in 1077 newborns in relation to non-pharmacologic pain relief treatment. We observed that the procedure was successful in 966 individuals and there was no association between the genotypes and the analgesic efficacy when comparing individuals that had an ABC score = 0 and ABC score >0. However, considering only the individuals with ABC score>0, we found that the homozygous carriers of the G allele of the missense variant SNP rs1799971 (A118G) showed an interesting association with higher ABC score. We also observed that individuals fed with formula milk were more likely to not respond to the analgesic treatment compared to those that had been breastfed

    Rescaling Egocentric Vision:Collection Pipeline and Challenges for EPIC-KITCHENS-100

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    This paper introduces the pipeline to extend the largest dataset in egocentric vision, EPIC-KITCHENS. The effort culminates in EPIC-KITCHENS-100, a collection of 100 hours, 20M frames, 90K actions in 700 variable-length videos, capturing long-term unscripted activities in 45 environments, using head-mounted cameras. Compared to its previous version (Damen in Scaling egocentric vision: ECCV, 2018), EPIC-KITCHENS-100 has been annotated using a novel pipeline that allows denser (54% more actions per minute) and more complete annotations of fine-grained actions (+128% more action segments). This collection enables new challenges such as action detection and evaluating the “test of time”—i.e. whether models trained on data collected in 2018 can generalise to new footage collected two years later. The dataset is aligned with 6 challenges: action recognition (full and weak supervision), action detection, action anticipation, cross-modal retrieval (from captions), as well as unsupervised domain adaptation for action recognition. For each challenge, we define the task, provide baselines and evaluation metrics.Published versionResearch at Bristol is supported by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Doctoral Training Program (DTP), EPSRC Fellowship UMPIRE (EP/T004991/1). Research at Catania is sponsored by Piano della Ricerca 2016-2018 linea di Intervento 2 of DMI, by MISE - PON I&C 2014-2020, ENIGMA project (CUP: B61B19000520008) and by MIUR AIM - Attrazione e Mobilita Internazionale Linea 1 - AIM1893589 - CUP E64118002540007