2,386 research outputs found


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    Based on the 2023 Religious Court data, Malang Regency recorded 1009 cases of marriage dispensation requests. Pre-marriage syndrome is a common experience for prospective spouses, but for young couples, there tend to be more challenges due to their lack of age and emotional maturity. This research aims to determine the anxiety experienced by applicants for Marriage Dispensation, as well as the influencing factors. The research method used was qualitative with a qualitative descriptive approach. Sample selection techniques are based on inclusion criteria: 1) couples of underage applicants for marriage dispensation in the Religious Court of Malang Regency; 2) having a middle to low economic status. Data collection is done through semi-structured interviews, open interviews, and observation. The analysis uses triangulation techniques and an audit trail. The research results show that the anxiety experienced by prospective spouses includes concerns about the future of marriage, doubts about their partner, self-doubt, doubts about married life, and fear of the unknown. The influencing factors are maturity of thought and emotions, readiness for marriage, and social support. The implications of this research can be beneficial for the development of psychological science as well as a reference for central and regional governments in optimizing intervention policies to reduce the number of underage marriages

    Stress Concentration Factor at Two Adjacent Nozzles in a Cylindrical Pressure Vessel

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    Basic stress analysis calculations assume that the components are smooth, have a uniform section and no irregularities. In practice virtually all engineering components have to have changes in section and/or shape. Any discontinuity changes the stress distribution in the vicinity of the discontinuity, so that the basic stress analysis equations no longer apply. Such ‘discontinuities’ or ‘stress raisers’ cause local increase of stress referred to as ‘stress concentration’. This project covers the stress concentration factors at two adjacent nozzles in a thin-walled cylindrical pressure vessel. Cylindrical pressure vessels are commonly used in industry to serve as tanks or boilers and it is important to know the stress concentration factor in order to design a cylindrical pressure vessel that can sustain the load. This project provides the data necessary for stress concentration factor at two adjacent nozzles in a cylindrical pressure vessel that is very useful to designers. The objective of this project is to investigate the stress concentration factor, K, at two adjacent nozzles in a cylindrical pressure vessel by using ANSYS which is a finite element analysis software. Stress concentration factor, K, is investigated by varying center to center distance of the nozzles, L, normalized with the diameter of nozzles, dn , for different nozzles thickness, tn , to nozzles radius ,rn ratios. Based on the simulation results the maximum stress occurs at the junction of pressure vessel-nozzles. This project has achieved the objective which is to investigate the stress distribution at two adjacent nozzles in a cylindrical pressure vessel

    Study and Design of Compressed Air System for Optimum Operation

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    This is a report on the study and design of compressed air system installed at a plant for manufacturing processes. The plant suffers high electrical energy consumption after modifications were done to increase the production capacity of the original system. This provides an opportunity to study the reasons for such situation. The project will study both the original and modified systems and compare the performances of the systems. Consequently a new optimized system will be designed. The project is divided into two phases namely phase 1 and phase 2. The first phase focuses on the study of the original and modified systems and the second phase will be on design of a new system. The second phase involves design of the compressed air system by matching supply to demand of compressed air. Phase one study is performed by evaluating parameter that affects the usage of the air compressor which is pressure drop. The findings indicated that pressure drops were mainly contributed by pipe friction and losses due to pipe fittings. However other reasons which contributed significantly to pressure drop was high velocity flow in small diameter pipe, mainly in 15mm diameter pipe. Analysis result showed that the flow velocity in 15mm diameter pipe increased by 13 times the flow velocity in the mainline. Thus higher flow velocity increased the pressure drops greatly when the changes in all other parameters were relatively small. Other sources of pressure drops was also identified as leakage at the connection of piping and flexible hoses. Phase 2 requires evaluation of design parameters required to ensure efficient operation. The design parameters are unique to each system therefore each compressed air system has to be evaluated exclusively. Demand of compressed air is calculated by summing of required volumetric flowrate during operation of the plant and this is matched by designing supply system which able to deliver the required flowrate. At the end of the report, recommendations are given to optimize the system

    Dialog dan toleransi beragama di Kota Ambon: perspektif bekas pejuang Muslim Ambon

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    Subsequent to piece declaration of Malino II in 2002, it was claimed that Maluku may sustain its peace in a much longer time. A numerous attempts on establishing harmonious dialogues between religions and the combatant leaders have also been initiated. Yet, the conflicts could never stop to occur. At the present time, supported with the mission of pluralism and multiculturalism, the efforts to generate interreligious dialogs continue to commence, despite the strong confrontation from the Muslim ex-combatants who believed that these efforts might originate new conflicts. This writing is made based on the result of a phenomenological study on the daily life of Muslim ex-combatants in Ambon city. The findings has shown that the ex-combatants had proposed a typical and unique design of dialog. In fact, the tolerance was a sort of "multiple tolerance", which has a closer connotation to the concept of tolerance (tasamuh) in Islam - to the extent of displaying the act of receiving and forgiving without losing the sense of being cautious and conscious toward non-Muslim individuals. This embed mental state is set due to the past conflict which leaves a traumatic wound and excessive prejudices toward the non-Muslim community. However, in daily life, the Muslim ex-combatants still demonstrate an open and sincere conducts toward the non-Muslims-socialize and mingle with all. The Muslim ex-combatants have proven themselves to be an important role in taking part of the peace process in Maluku. The proposed dialogue and tolerance are designated for mutual tranquility and prosperity, with the basis of Islamic fundamental values

    Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran Learning Starts With A Question (LSQ) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi Kelas X di SMA Negeri 3 Takalar

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran Learning Starts With A Question (LSQ) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi Kelas X di SMA Negeri 3 Takalar. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimen dengan rancangan penelitian pretest-posttest nonequivalent control group design. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMA Negeri 3 Takalar tanggal 14 Maret – 12 April 2016. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Purposive Sampling. Instrument penelitian ini berupa tes (tes tertulis) yang berjumlah 5 soal. Setelah dilakukan pengujian hipotesis dengan menggunakan teknik Paired Sample TTest diperoleh thitung sebesar 0,034 pada taraf signifikansi < 0,05, dengan demikian, H1 diterima dan H0 ditolak karena 0,034 < 0,05, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran Learning Starts With A Question (LSQ) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi. Kata Kunci : Learning Starts With A Quesio

    The Digital Public Sphere And The Face Of Indonesian Political Education

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    The reporting of digital mass media vulgarly always sides with the interests. Is it siding directly, or is it in framing? Television shows and newspaper reports have become the public's 'breakfast'. The media increasingly determines the cognitive menu of people's everyday thoughts which are convincingly lulled that that is the most authentic. This article discusses the role of social media as a digital public space for Indonesian people's cognition. Using library research and critical and comparative analysis, this study aims to capture the primary ideas about media and political education in Indonesia within the theoretical framework of Jurgen Habermas' Public Sphere. This paper concludes that digital media plays a significant role in shaping the way of thinking of the public which tends to be co-opted to political power and capital owners. This way of thinking then forms a mass culture that is prone to authoritarianism. The findings of this research also serve as a warning to stakeholders who must be more vigilant in anticipating the globalization of digital media which can change the face of political education and the future of our democracy.   Keywords: Social Media, Digital Public Space, Politics, Democrac

    Microseismic Wave Measurements to Detect Landslides in Bengkulu Shore with Attenuation Coefficient and Shear Strain Indicator

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    It has been detected that the condition of landslides that occurred in Bengkulu Shore can change the position of the shoreline. This research aimed to: (1) calculate of shear strain (γ) and attenuation coefficient (ά) value  based on microseismic data in coastal areas that experienced landslides; (2) determine the correlation between levels of landslides with  shear strain  and attenuation coefficient value (3) determine the correlation between the shear strain and attenuation coefficient value. Microseismic data were processed and analyzed quantitatively using the Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio method (HVSR) to obtain the ground vibrations resonance frequency (fo) and amplification factor (A). Shear strain value was calculated from the of fo, A and Peak Ground Acceleration (αmax) value. Peak Ground Acceleration value was calculated based on 100-year period of recorded earthquake data.  Attenuation coefficient was calculated based on the equation (2). The results of study showed that the value of shear strain in the coastal areas varied from 1.0 × 10-4 to 3.6 × 10-3,  in accordance with the conditions of landslides. The attenuation coefficient value varied from 0.005 to 0.020.  Level of landslides that occurred varied from moderate, to very severe. There was a tendency that the more severe the landslide level,  the greater the shear strain and attenuation coefficient value were

    Malaysian muslim consumer credit card usage behavior

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    The objective of this study aims to identify Malaysian Muslim consumer credit card usage behaviour. This study also identifies financial knowledge, attitude toward credit card, bank policies and lifestyle toward Malaysian Muslim consumer credit card usage behaviour. There were 86 people being chosen to be the respondent of this study by the simple random sampling method. The results which were being tested by multiple regression showed that there were significant relationship between financial knowledge and bank policies which Malaysian Muslim consumer credit card usage behaviour, financial knowledge (β=0.171, p0.05) (β= 0.066, p>0.05). In addition, the findings which were being tested using Pearson correlation showed that there was a significant relationship between financial knowledge and bank policies with Malaysian Muslim consumer credit card usage behaviour (r 0.047, p0.05) (r 0.424, p>0.05). Therefore, this study concludes that financial knowledge and bank policies influencing the Malaysian consumer credit card usage behaviour. Meanwhile, attitude toward credit card and lifestyle not influencing Malaysian Muslim consumer credit card usage behaviour. To get better and accurate results, future research should increase sample size to a bigger geographic areas and larger sample and it is recommended to determine other factors which might affect Malaysian Muslim consumer credit card usage behaviour. Future research should focus on developing a consistent measure of attitude toward credit or Muslim lifestyle and also examine the relationship between Islamic financial knowledge and a variety of personal attitudes other than credit card usage behaviou


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    Investasi merupakan salah satu bentuk pemanfaatan dana yang dapat menghasilkan keuntungan bagi pemilik dana. Investasi memiliki berbagai macam bentuk, misalnya deposito, saham, obligasi, maupun reksa dana. Salah satu bentuk investasi syari’ah adalah reksa dana syari’ah. Saat ini, reksa dana syari’ah merupakan investasi yang menarik bagi masyarakat yang ingin berinvestasi sesuai dengan syari’ah. Reksa dana syari’ah merupakan alternatif investasi yang hanya menempatkan dana pada debitor yang tidak melanggar batasan syari’ah, dalam fundamental maupun operasional perusahaan, sesuai fatwa Majelis Ulama Indonesia. Reksa dana syariah merupakan sarana investasi yang menggabungkan saham dan obligasi syari’ah dalam satu produk yang dikelola oleh manajer investasi. Manajer investasi menawarkan reksa dana syari’ah kepada para investor yang berminat, sementara dana yang diperoleh dari investor tersebut dikelola oleh manajer investasi untuk ditanamkan dalam saham atau obligasi syari’ah yang dinilai menguntungkan. Kegiatan investasi yang bernafaskan islam khususnya reksadana syari’ah akan menarik, terutama karena memberi keyakinan bahwa kegiatan investasi juga merupakan sebentuk kegiatan muamalah (keperdataan) dalam Islam. Reksa Dana Syari’ah ini dapat dijadikan salah satu alternatif masyarakat Indonesia yang mayoritas muslim untuk ikut serta dalam kegiatan pasar modal dengan cara yang halal, sesuai syari’at agama. Mengingat hal tersebut, Indonesia jelas merupakan pasar potensial untuk tumbuhnya investasi yang bersifat syariah. Adapun rumusan masalah yang penulis angkat meliputi : Pengertian, sejarah, prinsip transaksi, jenis, produk dan bagaimana mekanisme operasional legalitas hukum dan perkembangan reksadana syariah. Adapun tujuannya yaitu: Untuk mengetahui pengertian, sejarah, prinsip - prinsip transaksi, jenis – jenis, produk serta untuk mengetahui mekanisme operasional legalitas hukum dan perkembangan reksadana syariah
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