1,874 research outputs found

    Chiral Magnetic Effect in the Anisotropic Quark-Gluon Plasma

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    An anisotropic thermal plasma phase of a strongly coupled gauge theory can be holographically modelled by an anisotropic AdS black hole. The temperature and anisotropy parameter of the AdS black hole background of interest [1] is specified by the location of the horizon and the value of the Dilaton field at the horizon. Interestingly, for the first time, we obtain two functions for the values of the horizon and Dilaton field in terms of the temperature and anisotropy parameter. Then by introducing a number of spinning probe D7-branes in the anisotropic background, we compute the value of the chiral magnetic effect (CME). We observe that in the isotropic and anisotropic plasma the value of the CME is equal for the massless quarks. However, at fixed temperature, raising the anisotropy in the system will increase the value of the CME for the massive quarks.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figure

    Decision Analytics Using Permissioned Blockchain “Commledger”

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    The advent of Blockchain has introduced a paradigm shift in the area of Scientific Computing. The decision analytics embodiment in current technology fabric has introduced a need of incorporating Blockchain with industrial technology ecosystem. The utilization of Blockchain has introduced gaps in terms of standard business processes, while the data is being processed using the concept of traditional RDBMS and NoSQL data formats. The lag of permissioned and permissionless Blockchain is the problem area which is dealt with in this doctoral dissertation to provide a Proof of Permission (PoP) protocol for any organization or entity to tailor according to their environmental constraints. There has been a need of an opensource protocol that organizations can customize according to their needs, which is not bound of using only REST interactions. The research presented in this thesis provides such a solution for the industry. The provided propositions are the use of Tiered Asynchronous Locking Algorithm (TALA) to generate a key for securing an Authenticated Data Acceptance Marker (ADAM) block for a permissioned Blockchain Community Ledger (CommLedger)

    Human 5’-tailed Mirtrons are Processed by RNaseP

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    Approximately a thousand microRNAs (miRNAs) are documented from human cells. A third appear to transit non-canonical pathways that typically bypass processing by Drosha, the dedicated nuclear miRNA producing enzyme. The largest class of non-canonical miRNAs are mirtrons which eschew Drosha to mature through spliceosome activity. While mirtrons are found in several configurations, the vast majority of human mirtron species are 5’-tailed. For these mirtrons, a 3’ splice site defines the 3’ end of their hairpin precursor while a “tail” of variable length separates the 5’ base of the hairpin from the nearest splice site. How this tail is removed is not understood. Here we examine sequence motifs in 5’-tailed mirtrons and interactions with RNA turnover processes to characterize biogenesis processes. Through studying the high confidence 5’-tailed mirtron, hsa-miR-5010, we identify RNaseP as necessary and sufficient for “severing” the 5’ tail of this mirtron. Further, depletion of RNaseP activity globally decreased 5’-tailed mirtron expression implicating this endoribonuclease in biogenesis of the entire class. Moreover, as 5’-tailed mirtron biogenesis appears to be connected to tRNA processing we found a strong correlation between accumulation of tRNA fragments (tRFs) and 5’-tailed mirtron abundance. This suggests that dysregulation of tRNA processing seem in cancers also impact expression of the ~400 5’-tailed mirtrons encoded in the human genome

    Analisis Model Diversi Melalui Restorative Justice Pada Anak Pelaku Tindak Pidana Terorisme Dalam Perspektif Maqashid Syari’ah

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    The act of terrorism involving children certainly raises its own concerns. How not, if the child is faced with a formal justice process then besides he will lose his independence, he will also lose his future because of stigmatization as a terrorist who is attached for life. However, if the model of diversion through restorative justice is adopted, the legal process will be blocked by the provisions of Article 7 paragraph (2) of Law No. 11 of 2012 concerning the Child Criminal Justice System. Then what is the meeting point between the two? How is this diversion approach in the perspective of Maqashid al-Shari'ah? This article tries to describe the diversion model through a restorative justice approach in the perspective of maqashid al-shari'ah. The type of method used in this study is a qualitative method. The data collection technique used is library research sourced from various literatures such as books, books and journal articles. After the data is collected, an analysis will be carried out using descriptive-analytical methods. This study concludes that restorative justice through a diversion model is in line with the principles of maqashid al-syari'ah, this legal approach aims to help children of terrorists realize, feel and restore humanitarian relations that were damaged between the perpetrators and victims. This is due to the fact that the child of the terrorist is not an actor in the real sense, but he is the real victim of the results of his parents' indoctrination or other parties.Aksi terorisme yang melibatkan anak-anak tentu mengundang keprihatinan tersendiri. Bagaimana tidak, bila anak tersebut dihadapkan pada proses peradilan formil maka selain ia akan kehilangan kemerdekaannya, juga kehilangan masa depannya karena stigmatisasi sebagai pelaku teror yang dilekatkan seumur hidup. Namun bila ditempuh model diversi melalui keadilan restoratif maka dalam proses hukumnya akan terhadang oleh ketentuan Pasal 7 ayat (2) UU No. 11 Tahun 2012 tentang Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak. Lalu bagaimanakah titik temu antara keduanya? Bagaimanakah pendekatan diversi ini dalam perspektif Maqâshid al-Syarî?ah? Artikel ini mencoba untuk mendeskripsikan model diversi melalui pendekatan restorative justice dalam perspektif maq?shid al-syarî?ah. Jenis metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah telaah pustaka (library research) yang bersumber dari berbagai literatur seperti buku-buku, kitab dan artikel jurnal. Setelah data terkumpul, akan dilakukan analisis dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif-analitis. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa keadilan restoratif melalui model diversi selaras dengan prinsip-prinsip maq?shid al-syarî?ah, pendekatan hukum ini bertujuan untuk membantu anak pelaku teror menyadari, merasakan sekaligus memulihkan kembali hubungan kemanusiaan yang sempat rusak antara pelaku dan korban. Hal ini disebabkan pada dasarnya anak pelaku teror bukanlah pelaku dalam arti sebenarnya, namun ia adalah korban sesungguhnya dari hasil indoktrinasi orangtuanya ataupun pihak lain

    Artificial Recharge of Groundwater as a Management Tool for the Kabul Basin, Afghanistan

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    Decades of war and political instability, consecutive droughts, population increase and displacement, caused serious infrastructural damages to water resources of Afghanistan. The main source of water supply for people in Afghanistan is groundwater. However, over-exploitation of groundwater has led to groundwater level declines in most parts of the country. Kabul, the largest city of Afghanistan, is the capital city with a population of 4.5 million and the fifth fastest-growing city in the world. The city has observed groundwater level declines of 5-10 meters (m) since 1980. Decline of about 30 m has also been observed in one of the monitoring wells in the Kabul City. The groundwater level decline will considerably affect life, agriculture and industry in Kabul, Afghanistan. This study proposes an artificial recharge of groundwater by surplus flow of the Kabul River in rainy season, as a management tool for the Kabul Basin, Afghanistan. A direct surface recharge method by means of a recharge basin is suggested to help natural recharge. Computer programs MODFLOW-2005, MODPATH 6 and Groundwater Modeling System (GMS) have been employed in this study. The objective of the study is to increase groundwater storage in the basin so as to reach the sustainable yield. Results indicate that a daily diversion of 75000 cubic meters per day (m3/d) from the Kabul River to the recharge basin during rainy season, increases the groundwater storage by an annual amount of 9 million cubic meters (Mm3) and fulfills the objective of the study. Results also show that recharged water remains in the groundwater storage sufficient time to ensure water quality improvements. This study is the first ever work on evaluating the applicability and effectiveness of artificial recharge in Afghanistan. The approach followed in this thesis is backed by careful review of studies on water resources in Afghanistan, exploring literatures in the topic of artificial recharge, and utilization of newest applications of related groundwater computer programs. Therefore, this study suits as an insight for future researches on artificial recharge of groundwater in Afghanistan


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    AbstractSo far, NFTs have been defined as digital tokens that are shaped like ownership certificates for virtual and physical assets. These NFTs are usually traded online and are often paid for using cryptocurrencies, especially Ethereum. However, the problem is that in 2021 the MUI issued a fatwa that cryptocurrency is illegal. This is because it there are elements of qimar, dharar, and gharar. For this reason, it is necessary to study the methodology of Islamic law regarding Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) through istihsan (juristic preference). This study uses a qualitative approach. The data were collected from library study, documentation and observation. In analyzing  the data used descriptive-analytic analysis with the approach used is ushuliyah. This study revealed that from istihsan point of view, transactions using Non-Fungible Tokens are permitted. This is because, from Qiyas Khafi perspective, NFT is known as the underlying assets of the transaction. Up to the operational level, if qiyas khafi is of greater benefit, then qiyas jali may be abandoned. What is used is qiyas khafi to maintain the principles of maqasid shari'a. Therefore, within the istihsan framework, Non-Fungible Token transactions are allowed through qiyas khafi due to an element of greater benefit.Keywords: Non-Fungible Token Transaction; Istihsan; Maqasid Shari’a, AbstrakSelama ini NFT didefinisikan sebagai token digital yang berbentuk seperti sertifikat kepemilikan untuk aset virtual dan fisik. NFT ini adalah biasanya diperdagangkan secara online dan sering dibayar untuk menggunakan cryptocurrency, khususnya Ethereum. Namun yang menjadi persoalan ialah pada tahun 2021 MUI pernah memfatwakan haram penggunaan cryptocurrency karena mengandung unsur gharar, dharar, dan qimar. Untuk itu, diperlukan kajian metodologi hukum Islam tentang Non-Fungible Token (NFT) melalui istihsan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Sementara metode pengumpulan data yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah metode literatur, dokumentasi dan observasi. Dalam menganalisis data yang telah dikumpulkan, peneliti menggunakan analisis deskriptif-analitis dengan pendekatan ushuliyah. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa dalam tinjauan istihsan, transaksi dengan menggunakan Non-Fungible Token diperbolehkan. Hal ini dikarenakan dalam tinjauan qiyas khafi, NFT dikenal asset yang mendasari transaksi tersebut (underlying assets). Hingga dalam tataran operasionalnya, bila qiyas khafy lebih besar manfaatnya, maka qiyas jaly itu boleh ditinggalkan dan yang dipakai adalah qiyas khafy demi terpeliharanya prinsip-prinsip maqasid syari’ah. Oleh karena itu, dalam kerangka istihsan, transaksi Non-Fungible Token diperbolehkan melalui qiyas khafi dikarenakan adanya unsur maslahat yang lebih besar.Keywords: Non-Fungible Token; Istihsan; Maqashid Syari’ah

    On the Stability Analysis of Perturbed Continuous T-S Fuzzy Models

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    This paper deals with the stability problem of continuous-time Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy models. Based on the Tanaka and Sugeno theorem, a new systematic method is introduced to investigate the asymptotic stability of T-S models in case of having second-order and symmetric state matrices. This stability criterion has the merit that selection of the common positive-definite matrix P is independent of the sub-diagonal entries of the state matrices. It means for a set of fuzzy models having the same main diagonal state matrices, it suffices to apply the method once. Furthermore, the method can be applied to T-S models having certain uncertainties. We obtain bounds for the uncertainties under which the asymptotic stability of the system is guaranteed. The obtained bounds are shown to be tight. Finally, the maximum permissible uncertainty bounds are investigated. Several examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Phosphate removal from aqueous solutions using polyaniline/ Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 magnetic nanocomposite

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    Background: Phosphorus is an indispensable element for the growth of animals and plants. There are several environmental problems related to phosphate; therefore, the technical and economic methods of removing phosphate are of great importance. This study evaluated the efficiency of polyaniline/ Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 magnetic nanocomposite in removing phosphate from aqueous environments. Methods: The adsorbent was characterized by several methods, including X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. Then, the potential of the adsorbentto adsorb phosphate was investigated. The effects of the parameters of contact time (5-60 minutes), pH (3-9), adsorbent dosage (0.05-0.6 g), and initial phosphate concentration (2-100 mg/L) on the phosphate removal yield were studied. All phosphate ion concentrations were measured using the ammonium molybdate spectrophotometric method. Results: The results showed that a time of 30 minutes, pH of 5, and adsorbent dose of 0.4 g were the optimum conditions for phosphate removal through adsorption. Increasing the initial concentration of phosphate from 2 to 100 mg/L decreased the removal efficiency from 90.3% to 32%. The experimental data was fitted well with the Freundlich isotherm model (R2 = 0.997). Conclusion: Polyaniline/Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 magnetic nanocomposite removes phosphate from aqueous solutions with a simple and environmentally benign procedure. The maximum adsorption capacity based on Langmuir isotherm (R2 = 0.931) is 85.4 mg/g. This magnetic nanocomposite is applicable in managing water resource pollution caused by phosphate ions

    Air-Assisted Descemet Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty with Posterior Chamber Fixation of an Aphakic Iris-Claw Lens

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    Endothelial keratoplasty (EK) is the most exciting recent development in corneal transplantation. It has experienced surprisingly rapid growth in a very short period of time. One of the indications for EK is pseudophakic bullous keratopathy. However, concomitant intraocular lens (IOL) exchange, if indicated, may prove challenging. Some surgeons routinely perform IOL exchange with a scleral-fixated posterior chamber IOL, together with Descemet’s stripping endothelial keratoplasty (DSEK); however, this combined procedure is time-consuming, difficult and fraught with complications. Another option is aphakic Artisan IOL fixation, but this is usually not acceptable because of the increased risk of endothelial cell loss and difficulty in filling the anterior chamber with the air bubble. Herein, we introduce a new technique for IOL exchange with an aphakic Artisan IOL fixated posterior to the iris, combined with DSEK. This surgical technique was designed to preserve anterior segment anatomic features as much as possible