565 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1)Mengetahui bagaimana mengembangkan multimedia pembelajaran yang digunakan pada proses pembelajaran Unit teaching;2) Mengidentifikasi apakah terdapat perbedaan rerata nilai antara siswa yang mendapatkan penerapan metode Unit Teaching berbantumultimedia dibandingkan dengan siswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan pembelajaran konvensional.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Kuasi Eksperimen dengan desain penelitian Nonequivalent Control Group Design, sampel yang digunakan adalah kelas VIII A dan kelas VIII B SMP Darul Hikmah Bandung. Mata pelajaran yang dipilih adalah TIK dengan materi Microsoft Excel. Dari hasil pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa siswa yang pembelajarannya menggunakan model Model Unit Teaching memiliki peningkatan kemampuan Hasil belajar lebih baik daripada siswa yang mendapat pembelajaran secara konvensional serta respon siswa terhadap penerapan model pembelajaran Model Unit Teaching menunjukkan respon yang positif. Pada pengujian gain didapat rerata normalized gain pada kelas eksperimen sebesar 0,58 dengan kategori sedang dan kelas kontrol 0,39 dengan kategori sedang. Dari hasil rerata gain diperoleh bahwa kelas eksperimen memiliki rerata nilai lebih tinggi dibanding kelas kontrol. Kata Kunci :Model Pembelajaran Unit Teaching, Multimedia, Hasil belajar, Mata Pelajaran TIK This study aims to: 1) Knowing how to develop multimedia learning that will be used in the process of cooperative learning Unit Teaching; 1) Identify whether there are differences between the mean scores between children who received application of multimedia - assisted methods Teaching Unit compared whit students who had learning by using conventional leraning; 2) Knowing the students' responses to the learning activities using Unit Teaching. The method which used in this research is Quasi Experimental with Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The sample of this research is students from VIII class A and class VIII B SMP Darul Hikmah Bandung. The choosen subjects is TIK with microsoft excel material. From the results of hypothesis testing showed that students who recieved the application of Unit Teachinghave improved their students’ result of study better than students who received conventional learning and the students' responses to the application of cooperative learning model Unit Teachingshowed a positive responses . The average normalized gain in experiment class is 0,58 and in control class is 0,39 are obtained from gain examination. From the results obtained that the average gain of the experimental class had a mean score higher than the control class.The average gain result shows that experiment class has higher average score than average score in control class. Keywords: Unit Teaching, Multimedia, result of study, TIK Subject

    The Perceived Impact Of Tourism Infrastructure On The Development Of A Heritage Site: The Case Of Petra, Jordan

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    Tujuan kajian ini dijalankan ádalah untuk meneliti kesan infrastruktur pelancongan terhadap pembangunan tapak warisan bersejarah Petra di Jordan. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of tourism infrastructure on the development of the heritage site of Petra in Jordan

    Gender differences in a Drosophila transcriptomic model of chronic pentylenetetrazole induced behavioral deficit

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    A male Drosophila model of locomotor deficit induced by chronic pentylenetetrazole (PTZ), a proconvulsant used to model epileptogenesis in rodents, has recently been described. Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) ameliorate development of this behavioral abnormality. Time-series of microarray profiling of heads of male flies treated with PTZ has shown epileptogenesis-like transcriptomic perturbation in the fly model. Gender differences are known to exist in neurological and psychiatric conditions including epileptogenesis. We describe here the effects of chronic PTZ in Drosophila females, and compare the results with the male model. As in males, chronic PTZ was found found to cause a decreased climbing speed in females. In males, overrepresentation of Wnt, MAPK, TGF-beta, JAK-STAT, Cell communication, and Dorso-Ventral axis formation pathways in downregulated genes was previously described. Of these, female genes showed enrichment only for Dorso-Ventral axis formation. Most significant, ribosomal pathway was uniquely overrepresented in genes downregulated in females. Gender differences thus exist in the Drosophila model. Gender neutral, Dorso-Ventral axis formation may be considered as the candidate causal pathway in chronic pentylenetetrazole induced behavioral deficit. Prior evidence of developmental mechanisms in epileptogenesis underscores the usefulness of fly model. Gender specific pathways may provide a lead for understanding brain dimorphism in neuropsychiatric disorders

    Direct solution of higher order ordinary differential equations using one-step hybrid block methods with generalised off-step points In the presence of higher derivative

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    A great number of physical phenomena can be expressed as initial or boundary value problems of higher order ordinary differential equations (ODEs) which may not have analytical solutions. Thus, there is a need to develop numerical methods for approximating the solution of higher order ODEs. One of the well-known direct methods which frequently employed is block method. Even though this method is capable of finding the approximate solutions at several points simultaneously, it fails to overcome the zero-stability barrier. Thus, a hybrid block method was introduced to tackle this drawback. The main benefit of this method is its ability of using data at off-step points which contribute to better accuracy. Most of the existing hybrid block methods, however, only focus on specific off-step point(s) in deriving the methods with the exception of the method proposed by Abdelrahim in 2016. Although he has successfully developed one-step hybrid block methods with generalised off-step point(s) for solving high order ODEs directly, nevertheless, the methods are only confined to initial value problems. Moreover, he did not consider higher derivative in developing those methods. Thus, this study introduced new one-step hybrid block methods with generalised off-step point(s) in the presence of higher derivative for directly solving higher order ODEs. In developing these methods, a power series was used as an approximate solution to the problems of ODEs of order m. The power series was interpolated at m points, while its mth and (m+1)th derivatives were collocated at all points in the given interval. Investigations on the properties of the new methods such as order, error constant, zero-stability, consistency, convergence and region of absolute stability were also carried out. Several initial and boundary value problems of higher order ODEs considered in literature were then solved by using the newly developed methods in order to investigate the accuracy of the solution in terms of error. The numerical results revealed that, in general, the new methods were able to produce smaller errors compared to the existing methods in solving the same problems. In conclusion, this study has successfully developed viable methods for directly solving both initial and boundary value problems of higher order ODEs

    Experimental Characterization of the Absorptivity of Various Ground Materials for Solar Chimney Application

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    The solar chimney experiment focusing on the type of ground materials which affecting its performance is done because of the influence of the material capability in efficiently absorbs the solar radiation reaching the earth and converting it into thermal energy that is used to heat up the working fluid which is the air

    Measuring Islamic Stock Performance in Indonesia with A Modified Sharpe Ratio

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    Since the late 1960s, one of the stock performance analysis tools commonly used is Sharpe Ratio. The Sharpe Ratio consists of three components, namely stock return, risk-free returns, and stock risk. Many studies approach risk-free returns with interest rates, including when measuring the performance of Islamic stocks, while interest rates are prohibited in the concept of Islamic finance. Moreover, the stock risk is measured by a standard deviation which assumes returns are normally distributed, while many stock returns are non-normally distributed. This paper intends to measure the performance of Islamic stocks listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) for the period of January 2011 to July 2018 using a modified Sharpe Ratio. The ratio is modified by replacing the interest rate with four approaches: eliminating the interest rate, changing with zakah rates, changing with inflation, changing with the nominal gross domestic product, and replacing the risk measurement from Standard Deviation to Value at Risk (VaR). The findings provide almost the same results as the original measurement and thus, show very high suitability for using these models in other circumstances. Therefore, on the concept of Islamic finance, risk-free returns can be measured using these four approaches, especially inflation and GDP. This study also recommends inflation and GDP to measure risk-free returns in the Sharia's Compliant Asset Pricing Model (SCAPM) or Islamic Capital Asset Pricing Model (ICAPM).====================================================================================================ABSTRAK – Pengukuran Kinerja Saham Syariah di Indonesia menggunakan Sharpe Ratio Modifikasi. Sejak akhir 1960-an, salah satu alat mengukur kinerja saham yang biasa digunakan adalah Sharpe Ratio. Model Sharpe Ratio terdiri atas tiga komponen, yaitu return saham, return bebas risiko, dan risiko saham. Return bebas risiko diukur mengunakan variabel suku bunga yang digolongkan riba dan dilarang dalam konsep keuangan islam. Sedangkan risiko saham diukur dengan standar deviasi yang mengasumsikan data berdistribusi normal. Paper ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kinerja saham syariah yang terdaftar pada Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) untuk periode Januari 2011 sampai Juli 2018 dengan menggunakan Sharpe Ratio modifikasi. Kajian akan memodifikasi model Sharpe Ratio dengan mencari variabel alternatif penganti suku bunga dengan empat pendekatan, yaitu: menghilangkan variabel suku bunga tersebut, mengganti dengan zakat rate, mengganti dengan inflasi, dan mengganti dengan produk domestik bruto, serta mengganti standar deviasi dengan Value at Risk (VaR) sebagai pengukur risiko saham yang selanjutnya diimplementasikan pada pasar modal syariah di Indonesia periode Januari 2011 - Juli 2018. Hasil kajian menunjukkan kesesuaian yang sangat tinggi untuk hasil pengukuran kelima model tersebut. Dilihat dari kedekatan hasil pengukuran kinerja, kelima model tersebut dapat dikelompokkan menjadi dua, yaitu model dengan tingkat suku bunga, inflasi, dan PDB sebagai kelompok pertama, sedangkan model tanpa suku bunga dan tingkat zakat sebagai kelompok kedua

    Penyisihan Konsentrasi Logam Zn Menggunakan Mangrove Avicennia marina

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    Hutan mangrove di Indonesia terutama Pulau Jawa terus mengalami degradasi akibat konversi peruntukan yaitu tambak, penebangan kayu mangrove untuk berbagai keperluan,disamping rendahnya kesadaran masyarakat tentang fungsi ekologis hutan mangrove dan ketidakpastian status kawasan. Keseimbangan ekologi lingkungan perairan pantai akan tetap terjaga apabila keberadaan mangrove dipertahankan karena mangrove dapat berfungsi sebagai biofilter, agen pengikat dan perangkap polusi, penangkap sumber pencemar yang sangat banyak dan memiliki toleransi yang tinggi terhadap logam berat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghitung seberapa besar efisiensi mangrove Avicennia  marina dalam meremoval larutan artifisial logam ZnSO4. Pada penelitian ini digunakan variabel konsentrasi polutan larutan artifisial ZnSO4 setelah dilakukan uji pendahuluan Range Finding Test. Variabel konsentrasi setelah uji Range Finding Test yaitu 100 mg/L,200 mg/L dan 300 mg/L dengan pengulangan tiga kali/triplo. Pada penelitian ini digunakan reaktor skala laboratorium dengan sistem batch. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, efisiensi removal  mangrove Avicennia marina pada konsentrasi 100 mg/L yaitu 79,83%, pada konsentrasi 200 mg/L yaitu 70,75% dan konsentrasi 300 mg/L yaitu 67,17%

    Design and Analysis of a Hyperbaric Chamber

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    Hyperbaric is defined as an act of operating at pressure higher than atmospheric pressure. The hyperbaric chamber is an improvised version of pressure vessel where a pressure vessel is designed in a way that the vessel can be excess via door, in order for a components to be inserted and tested at high pressure. The high pressure acted in the vessel can be maneuvered or controlled by a fluid that is pumped to the vessel. The main purpose of designing this hyperbaric chamber is to support the UTP Deep-water Research for testing a deep-water Oil and Gas instrument at high pressure. Hence, the aim of this project is to design and analyze the Hyperbaric Chamber according to the pressure vessel design guideline drawn by ASME VIII standards with the defined parameter taken by previous researcher in deep-water oil and gas field. There are four major parts designed in this hyperbaric chamber which are the vessel main body, vessel heads, nozzle instrumentation attached to the vessel and the vessel supports. The designed simulation is carried out by two mechanical engineering software which is CATIA V5R and ANSYS 14. CATIA V5R is used to drawn the virtual designed of hyperbaric chamber and then it is transferred to ANSYS for further analysis. Based on ANSYS simulation results, there are 7 critical stress points defined in the designed hyperbaric chamber. Compared with the theoretical stress calculated to the results analyzed by ANSYS, proved that the stress acted in the hyperbaric chamber wall does not failed due to over pressure at operating condition. Hence, the design is acceptable as per required design specification

    Design of Active Suspension using Robust PID Controller

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    This report discusses the final analysis and basic understanding of the chosen topic, which is Design of Active Suspension Using Robust PID Controller. The objective of this research is to propose another method in designing an active suspensien by using robust PID centreller and to analyze the effectiveness ef this method compared to other. This report is divided into a few main seetiens for clarity and easier reference. There are Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology and Result and Discussion. The Introduction part will helps the reader to have a general view on what is Robust PID Controller and how to implement it into an active suspension, in this part; it i~ !!!~ i!lc!~c;ll:l thl:l b!ICkgrol!!\d $ldy, prg\>!em lltlltl:lml:l!!t, gbj~tivl:l gf st\ldy !l!!d also scope of study that being done by the writer. The body of this report will further explain all the literature review and research that being done before regarding the same field of interest, this will include the research done by the writer on the vibration control of vehicle suspension system that have the same interest with the topic discussed in this report. The methodology part will explain on how the sequence will take place in order to complete this project within one year duration. Result and discussion shall discuss on the mathematical modeling based on two type of vehicle model that being proposed for this project. It is also included in this part the programming and simulation done in the MATLAB on how the system goes in passive suspension and also the active suspension based on two aspects which are suspension travel vs time and body mass displacement vs time. Then the validation is dane by comparing the result gain from the analysis with the literature


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    Abstrak Teknologi berkembang pesat dan telah menjadi hal umum di kalangan semua kelompok usia anak-anak, remaja, dan orang dewasa. Kemajuan ini telah melahirkan berbagai alat dan media, dengan internet menjadi contoh yang menonjol. Di tengah pandemi, pendidikan dan kegiatan lain beralih ke dunia online, menggunakan platform seperti Zoom dan Google Meet. Game online kini menjadi gaya hidup baru bagi semua kalangan, terutama anak-anak zaman sekarang. Game online mobile adalah salah satu game online yang berbasis mobile hanya menggunakan ponsel dan jaringan internet sudah dapat diakses atau dimainkan dengan mudah. Jika bermian game online mobile dengan waktu yang lama akan berdampak kepada penggunanya yaitu menurunkan kesehatan dan membuat kecanduan pada game online mobile tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kebiasaan bermain game online mobile pada peserta didik kelas XI di SMA Dharma Wanita Surabaya dan mengetahui dampak buruk bermain game online mobile yang berpengaruh kepada kebugaran jasmani peserta didik dan diberikannya kuesioner untuk diisi oleh peserta didik untuk mengetahui kebiasaan dan dampak buruk bermain game online mobile pada peserta didik. Kemudian untuk mengetahui tingkat kebugaran jasmani peserta didik akan diukur dengan instrumen tes yaitu tes MFT (Multistage Fitness Test). Ho pada penelitian ini yaitu tidak ada pengaruh game online mobile terhadap kebugaran jasmani peserta didik dan Ha yaitu adanya pengaruh game online mobile terhadap kebugaran jasmani peserta didik. Dan hasil pengujian nilai Sig. uji kruskal wallis test pada hasil ini adalah (0.002) jadi Ha dapat diterima dan Ho ditolak karena (0.02 < 0.05). Kata Kunci: kebugaran jasmani; game online mobile; multistage fitness test Abstract Technology is rapidly evolving and has become commonplace among all age groups of children, teenagers and adults. These advancements have spawned a variety of tools and media, with the internet being a prominent example. Amidst the pandemic, education and other activities have moved online, using platforms such as Zoom and Google Meet. Online gaming is now a new lifestyle for all, especially kids in this era. Mobile online games are one of the mobile-based online games that only use cell phones and internet networks that can be accessed or played easily. If playing mobile online games for a long time will have an impact on its users, which is to reduce health and make addiction to these mobile online games. This study was conducted to determine the habits of playing mobile online games in class XI students at SMA Dharma Wanita Surabaya and to find out the adverse effects of playing mobile online games that affect the physical fitness of students and a questionnaire was given to be filled in by students to find out the habits and adverse effects of playing mobile online games on students. Then to find out the level of physical fitness of students will be measured by test instruments, namely the MFT (Multistage Fitness Test) test. Ho in this study is that there is no effect of mobile online games on the physical fitness of students and Ha is the effect of mobile online games on physical fitness. Keywords: physical fitness; mobile online game; multistage fitness test &nbsp