5 research outputs found

    Briefing: “Gender Perspective in Conservation Projects”

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    The development perspective of local groups and organizations in different countries is strongly related to the use, management, and conservation of natural resources. The possibility of generating new strategies that permit the development of communities makes it necessary to recognize, from the gender perspective, local activities that enable the use, management, and conservation of these resource

    Can scenario-planning support community-based natural resource management? Experiences from three countries in latin america

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    Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) is a concept critical to managing socio-ecological systems, but whose implementation needs strengthening. Scenario-planning is one approach that may offer benefits relevant to CBNRM, but whose potential is not yet well understood. We therefore designed, trialled and evaluated a scenario-planning method intended to support CBNRM at three cases, located in Colombia, Mexico and Argentina. Implementing scenario-planning was judged as worthwhile in all three cases, although aspects of it could be challenging to facilitate. The benefits generated were relevant to strengthening CBNRM: encouraging the participation of local people and using their knowledge; enhanced consideration and adaption of future change; and supporting the development of systems thinking. Tracing exactly when and how these benefits arise is challenging, but two elements of the method seemed particularly useful. Firstly, using a systematic approach to discuss how drivers of change may affect local socio-ecological systems helped to foster systems thinking and identify connections between issues. Secondly, explicitly focusing on how to use and respond to scenarios helped identify specific practical activities ('response options') that would support CBNRM despite the pressures of future change. Discussions about response options also highlighted the need for support by other actors (e.g. policy groups): this raises the question of when and how other actors and other sources of knowledge should be involved in scenario-planning, so as to encourage their buy-in to actions identified by the process. We suggest other CBNRM initiatives may benefit from adapting and applying scenario-planning. However, these initiatives should be carefully monitored since further research is required to understand how and when scenario-planning methods may produce benefits, and their strengths and weaknesses versus other methods

    Bargaining over money and land : Changing intra-household gender relations in rural Colombia

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Cambios en las relaciones de género en los territorios rurales: aportes teóricos para su análisis y algunas hipótesis

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    Este artículo trata sobre la dimensión de género en el análisis de las transformaciones de losterritorios rurales latinoamericanos, contribuyendo al debate conceptual en este sentido. Seofrecen algunos aportes desde las teorías feministas para la comprensión de las relacionesde género en los espacios rurales y en especial de la manera cómo hombres y mujeres ruralestoman decisiones sobre sus recursos económicos (tierra e ingresos, entre otros) al interior desus familias. El artículo no se ilustra con evidencias empíricas, pero a manera de conclusiónse presentan algunas hipótesis que mantienen abierta la discusión para seguirla enriqueciendodesde lo conceptual y con ejemplos concretos que permitan verificar, refutar, reformular omatizar las hipótesis

    Cambios en las relaciones de género en los territorios rurales: aportes teóricos para su análisis y algunas hipótesis

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    Este artículo trata sobre la dimensión de género en el análisis de las transformaciones de losterritorios rurales latinoamericanos, contribuyendo al debate conceptual en este sentido. Seofrecen algunos aportes desde las teorías feministas para la comprensión de las relacionesde género en los espacios rurales y en especial de la manera cómo hombres y mujeres ruralestoman decisiones sobre sus recursos económicos (tierra e ingresos, entre otros) al interior desus familias. El artículo no se ilustra con evidencias empíricas, pero a manera de conclusiónse presentan algunas hipótesis que mantienen abierta la discusión para seguirla enriqueciendodesde lo conceptual y con ejemplos concretos que permitan verificar, refutar, reformular omatizar las hipótesis