4,193 research outputs found

    Physical parameters in the hot spots and jets of Compact Symmetric Objects

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    We present a model to determine the physical parameters of jets and hot spots of a sample of CSOs under very basic assumptions like synchrotron emission and minimum energy conditions. Based on this model we propose a simple evolutionary scenario for these sources assuming that they evolve in ram pressure equilibrium with the external medium and constant jet power. The parameters of our model are constrained from fits of observational data (radio luminosity, hot spot radius and hot spot advance speed) versus projected linear size. From these plots we conclude that CSOs evolve self-similarly and that their radio luminosity increases with linear size along the first kiloparsec. Assuming that the jets feeding CSOs are relativistic from both kinematical and thermodynamical points of view, we use the values of the pressure and particle number density within the hot spots to estimate the fluxes of momentum (thrust), energy, and particles of these relativistic jets. The mean jet power obtained in this way is within an order of magnitude that inferred for FRII sources, which is consistent with CSOs being the possible precursors of large doubles. The inferred flux of particles corresponds to, for a barionic jet, about a 10% of the mass accreted by a black hole of 108M⊙10^8 {\rm M_{\odot}} at the Eddington limit, pointing towards a very efficient conversion of accretion flow into ejection, or to a leptonic composition of jets.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    Constraining the evolution of young radio-loud AGN

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    GPS and CSS radio sources are the objects of choice to investigate the evolution of young radio-loud AGN. Previous investigations, mainly based on number counts and source size distributions, indicate that GPS/CSS sources decrease significantly in radio power when evolving into old, extended objects. We suggest this is preceded by a period of increase in radio luminosity, which lasts as long as the radio source is confined within the core-radius of its host galaxy. We have selected a sample of nearby compact radio sources, unbiased by radio spectrum, to determine their radio luminosity function, size distribution, dynamical ages, and emission line properties in a complete and homogeneous way. First results indicate that the large majority of objects (>80%) exhibit classical GPS/CSS radio spectra, and show structures consistent with the being compact double, or compact symmetric objects. This sample provides and ideal basis to further test and constrain possible evolution scenarios, and to investigate the relation between radio spectra and morphologies, orientation and Doppler boosting in samples of young radio-loud AGN, in an unbiased way.Comment: LaTeX, 8 pages, 3 figs: Accepted by Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, as part of the proceedings of the 3rd GPS/CSS workshop, eds. T. Tzioumis et a

    The Radio Luminosity Function of the NEP Distant Cluster Radio Galaxies

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    A complete sample of 18 X-ray selected clusters of galaxies belonging to the ROSAT North Ecliptic Pole (NEP) survey has been observed with the Very Large Array at 1.4 GHz. These are the most distant clusters in the X-ray survey with redshift in the range 0.3 < z < 0.8.Seventy-nine radio sources are detected within half an Abell radius with an observed peak brightness >=0.17 mJy/beam, except for three sources, belonging to the same cluster, which have a higher peak brightness limit of 0.26 mJy/beam. The NEP field source counts are in good agreement with the source counts of a comparison survey, the VLA-VIRMOS deep field survey, indicating that the NEP sample is statistically complete. Thirty-two out of the 79 sources are within 0.2 Abell radii, twenty-two of them are considered cluster members based on spectroscopic redshifts or their optical magnitude and morphological classification. The cluster radio galaxies are used to construct the Radio Luminosity Function (RLF) of distant X-ray selected clusters. A comparison with two nearby cluster RLFs shows that the NEP RLF lies above the local ones, has a steeper slope at low radio powers (<= 10^(24) W/Hz) and shows no evidence for a break at about 6 X 10^(24) W/Hz which is observed in the nearby cluster RLFs. We discuss briefly the origin and possible explanations of the differences observed in the radio properties of nearby and distant clusters of galaxies. The main result of this study is that the RLF of the distant X-ray clusters is very different from that of the local rich Abell clusters.Comment: 32 pages, 14 figures, Latex file with use of bib.tex. To appear in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Main Journal. To appear in Astronomy and Astrophysics Main Journal. To appear in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Main Journa

    Identifying Compact Symmetric Objects in the Southern Sky

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    We present results of multifrequency polarimetric VLBA observations of 20 compact radio sources. The observations represent the northern and southern extensions of a large survey undertaken to identify Compact Symmetric Objects (CSOs) Observed in the Northern Sky (COINS). CSOs are young radio galaxies whose jet axes lie close to the plane of the sky, and whose appearance is therefore not dominated by relativistic beaming effects. The small linear sizes of CSOs make them valuable for studies of both the evolution of radio galaxies and testing unified schemes for active galactic nuclei (AGN). In this paper we report on observations made of 20 new CSO candidates discovered in the northern and southern extremities of the VLBA Calibrator Survey. We identify 4 new CSOs, and discard 12 core-jet sources. The remaining 4 sources remain candidates pending further investigation. We present continuum images at 5 GHz and 15 GHz and, where relevant, images of the polarized flux density and spectral index distributions for the 8 new CSOs and CSO candidates.Comment: accepted to Ap

    ISO observations of a sample of Compact Steep Spectrum and GHz Peaked Spectrum Radio Galaxies

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    We present results from observations obtained with ISOPHOT, on board the ISO satellite, of a representative sample of seventeen CSS/GPS radio galaxies and of a control sample of sixteen extended radio galaxies spanning similar ranges in redshift (0.2 = 10^26 W/Hz). The observations have been performed at lambda = 60, 90, 174 and 200 microns. Seven of the CSS/GPS sources have detections >= 3 sigma at one or more wavelengths, one of which is detected at >= 5 sigma. By co-adding the data we have obtained average flux densities at the four wavelengths. We found no evidence that the FIR luminosities of the CSS/GPS sources are significantly different from those of the extended objects and therefore there is not any support for CSS/GPS sources being objects "frustrated" by an abnormally dense ambient medium. The two samples were then combined, providing FIR information on a new sample of radio galaxies at intermediate redshifts. We compare this information with what previously known from IRAS and discuss the average properties of radio galaxies in the redshift range 0.2 - 0.8. The FIR emission cannot be accounted for by extrapolation of the synchrotron radio spectrum and we attribute it to thermal dust emission. The average FIR luminosity is >= 6*10^11 L_sun. Over the observed frequency range the infrared spectrum can be described by a power law with spectral index alpha >~1.0 +/- 0.2. Assuming the emission to be due to dust, a range of temperatures is required, from >=80 K to \~25 K. The dust masses required to explain the FIR emission range from 5*10^5 M_sun for the hotter component up to 2*10^8 M_sun for the colder one. (abridged)Comment: Astronomy & Astrophysics, in press, 16 pages, 2 Figure

    A Search for Molecular Gas in GHz Peaked Spectrum Radio Sources

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    We present searches for molecular gas (CO, OH, CS, and Ammonia) in six GHz Peaked Spectrum (GPS) radio sources. We do not detect gas in any source and place upper limits on the mass of molecular gas which are generally in the range 1E9 to a few times 1E10 solar masses. These limits are consistent with the following interpretations: (1) GPS sources do not require very dense gas in their hosts, and (2) The GPS sources are unlikely to be confined by dense gas and will evolve to become larger radio sources

    High redshift X-ray galaxy clusters. I. The impact of point sources on the cluster properties

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    The current generation of X-ray observatories like Chandra allows studies with very fine spatial details. It is now possible to resolve X-ray point sources projected into the cluster diffuse emission and exclude them from the analysis to estimate the ``correct'' X-ray observables. In order to verify the incidence of point sources on the cluster thermal emission and to evaluate the impact of their non-thermal emission on the determination of cluster properties, we used a sample of 18 high-z (0.25 < z < 1.01) clusters from the Chandra archive. We performed a detailed analysis of the cluster properties and compared the changes observed in the X-ray observables, like temperature and luminosity or their inter-relation, when one keeps the point sources in the analysis. The point sources projected into the cluster extended emission affect the estimates of cluster temperature or luminosity considerably (up to 13% and 17% respectively). These percentages become even larger for clusters with z > 0.7 where temperature and luminosity increase up to 24% and 22%, respectively. Thus the point sources should be removed to correctly estimate the cluster properties. However the inclusion of the point sources does not impact significantly the slope and normalization of the L-T relationship since for each cluster the correction to be applied to T and L produces a moderate shift in the L-T plane almost parallel to the best-fit of the ``correct'' L-T relation.Comment: 16 pages, 18 postscript figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    High redshift X-ray galaxy clusters. II. The L_X-T relationship revisited

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    In this paper we re-visit the observational relation between X-ray luminosity and temperature for high-z galaxy clusters and compare it with the local L_X-T and with theoretical models. To these ends we use a sample of 17 clusters extracted from the Chandra archive supplemented with additional clusters from the literature, either observed by Chandra or XMM-Newton, to form a final sample of 39 high redshift (0.25 < z < 1.3) objects. Different statistical approaches are adopted to analyze the L_X-T relation. The slope of the L_X-T relation of high redshift clusters is steeper than expected from the self-similar model predictions and steeper, even though still compatible within the errors, than the local L_X-T slope. The distant cluster L_X-T relation shows a significant evolution with respect to the local Universe: high-z clusters are more luminous than the local ones by a factor ~2 at any given temperature. The evolution with redshift of the L_X-T relation cannot be described by a single power law nor by the evolution predicted by the self-similar model. We find a strong evolution, similar or stronger than the self-similar model, from z = 0 to z <0.3 followed by a much weaker, if any, evolution at higher redshift. The weaker evolution is compatible with non-gravitational models of structure formation. According to us a statistically significant sample of nearby clusters (z < 0.25) should be observed with the current available X-ray telescopes to completely exclude observational effects due to different generation detectors and to understand this novel result.Comment: 14 pages, 10 postscript figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. Corrected typo

    On the Evolution of and High-Energy Emission from GHz-Peaked-Spectrum Sources

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    Here we discuss evolution and broad-band emission of compact (< kpc) lobes in young radio sources. We propose a simple dynamical description for these objects, consisting of a relativistic jet propagating into a uniform gaseous medium in the central parts of an elliptical host. In the framework of the proposed model, we follow the evolution of ultrarelativistic electrons injected from a terminal hotspot of a jet to expanding lobes, taking into account their adiabatic energy losses as well as radiative cooling. This allows us to discuss the broad-band lobe emission of young radio sources. In particular, we argue that the observed spectral turnover in the radio synchrotron spectra of these objects cannot originate from the synchrotron self-absorption process but is most likely due to free-free absorption effects connected with neutral clouds of interstellar medium engulfed by the expanding lobes and photoionized by active centers. We also find a relatively strong and complex high-energy emission component produced by inverse-Compton up-scattering of various surrounding photon fields by the lobes' electrons. We argue that such high energy radiation is strong enough to account for several observed properties of GHz-peaked-spectrum (GPS) radio galaxies at UV and X-ray frequencies. In addition, this emission is expected to extend up to GeV (or possibly even TeV) photon energies and can thus be probed by several modern gamma-ray instruments. In particular, we suggest that GPS radio galaxies should constitute a relatively numerous class of extragalactic sources detected by GLAST.Comment: 32 pages, 3 figures included. Revised version, accepted for publication in Ap
