57 research outputs found

    Behavioral Genetics of the Interactions between Apis mellifera and Varroa destructor

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    The western honeybee Apis mellifera exhibits a diverse set of adaptations in response to infestations by its most virulent disease-causing agent, the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor. In this study, we investigated the effect of honeybee pupae genotype on the expression of four host and parasite traits that are associated with the reproductive phase of the mite in the brood of its host. We first phenotyped cells containing bee pupae to assess their infestation status, their infestation level, the reproductive status of the mites, and the recapping of cells by adult workers. We then genotyped individual pupae with five microsatellites markers to compare these phenotypes across full sister groups. We found that the four phenotypes varied significantly in time but did not across the subfamilies within the colonies. These findings show that V. destructor mites do not differentially infest or reproduce on some particular honeybee patrilines, and that workers do not target preferentially specific pupae genotypes when performing recapping. These findings bring new insights that can help designing sustainable mite control strategies through breeding and provide new insights into the interactions between A. mellifera and V. destructor

    Reproductive success of the parasitic mite (Varroa destructor) is lower in honeybee colonies that target infested cells with recapping

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    Cell recapping is a behavioural trait of honeybees (Apis mellifera) where cells with developing pupae are uncapped, inspected, and then recapped, without removing the pupae. The ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor, unarguably the most destructive pest in apiculture world-wide, invades the cells of developing pupae to feed and reproduce. Honeybees that target mite infested cells with this behaviour may disrupt the reproductive cycle of the mite. Hence, cell recapping has been associated with colony-level declines in mite reproduction. In this study we compared the colony-level efficacy of cell recapping (how often infested cells are recapped) to the average mite fecundity in A. mellifera. Our study populations, known to be adapted to V. destructor, were from Avignon, France, Gotland, Sweden, and Oslo, Norway, and were compared to geographically similar, treated control colonies. The results show that colonies with a higher recapping efficacy also have a lower average mite reproductive success. This pattern was likely driven by the adapted populations as they had the largest proportion of highly-targeted cell recapping. The consistent presence of this trait in mite-resistant and mite-susceptible colonies with varying degrees of expression may make it a good proxy trait for selective breeding on a large scale

    Varroakvalstrets effekt pÄ virus i angripna honungsbisamhÀllen

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    Vilken effekt har varroakvalster pÄ de virus som infekterar bisamhÀllen? Forskare vid INRA (Frankrikes nationella institution för jordbruksforskning) i Avignon, Frankrike, University of Otago i Nya Zeeland och Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (SLU), nyttjade en unik situation i Nya Zeeland dÀr landet, liksom Sverige, har varroaangripna respektive icke angripna regioner. Varroa Àr relativt nyetablerad i Nya Zeeland. Den pÄvisades först pÄ Nordön Är 2000, och har stadigt spridits söderut under de 14 Ären som gÄtt sedan introduktionen. Forskarna har undersökt virusprofilen hos bisamhÀllena sedan etablering av kvalstret i de olika regionerna. Studien, som publicerades 2014, visar en drastisk Àndring av det virala landskapet i bisamhÀllena som sammanfaller med etablering av varroa, vilket ökar risken för synergier mellan olika virus som Àr skadliga för bina

    Honey bee survival mechanisms against the parasite Varroa destructor: a systematic review of phenotypic and genomic research efforts

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    The ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor is the most significant pathological threat to the western honey bee, Apis mellifera, leading to the death of most colonies if left untreated. An alternative approach to chemical treatments is to selectively enhance heritable honey bee traits of resistance or tolerance to the mite through breeding programs, or select for naturally surviving untreated colonies. We conducted a literature review of all studies documenting traits of A. mellifera populations either selectively bred or naturally selected for resistance and tolerance to mite parasitism. This allowed us to conduct an analysis of the diversity, distribution and importance of the traits in different honey bee populations that can survive V. destructor globally. In a second analysis, we investigated the genetic bases of these different phenotypes by comparing 'omics studies (genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics) of A. mellifera resistance and tolerance to the parasite. Altogether, this review provides a detailed overview of the current state of the research projects and breeding efforts against the most devastating parasite of A. mellifera. By highlighting the most promising traits of Varroa-surviving bees and our current knowledge on their genetic bases, this work will help direct future research efforts and selection programs to control this pest. Additionally, by comparing the diverse populations of honey bees that exhibit those traits, this review highlights the consequences of anthropogenic and natural selection in the interactions between hosts and parasites. (C) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Australian Society for Parasitology

    Host brood traits, independent of adult behaviours, reduce Varroa destructor mite reproduction in resistant honeybee populations.

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    The ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor is an invasive species of Western honey bees (Apis mellifera) and the largest pathogenic threat to their health world-wide. Its successful invasion and expansion is related to its ability to exploit the worker brood for reproduction, which results in an exponential population growth rate in the new host. With invasion of the mite, wild honeybee populations have been nearly eradicated from Europe and North America, and the survival of managed honeybee populations relies on mite population control treatments. However, there are a few documented honeybee populations surviving extended periods without control treatments due to adapted host traits that directly impact Varroa mite fitness. The aim of this study was to investigate if Varroa mite reproductive success was affected by traits of adult bee behaviours or by traits of the worker brood, in three mite-resistant honey bee populations from Sweden, France and Norway. The mite's reproductive success was measured and compared in broods that were either exposed to, or excluded from, adult bee access. Mite-resistant bee populations were also compared with a local mite-susceptible population, as a control group. Our results show that mite reproductive success rates and mite fecundity in the three mite-resistant populations were significantly different from the control population, with the French and Swedish populations having significantly lower reproductive rates than the Norwegian population. When comparing mite reproduction in exposed or excluded brood treatments, no differences were observed, regardless of population. This result clearly demonstrates that Varroa mite reproductive success can be suppressed by traits of the brood, independent of adult worker bees

    Genetic diversification of an invasive honey bee ectoparasite across sympatric and allopatric host populations

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    Invasive parasites are major threats to biodiversity. The honey bee ectoparasite, Varroa destructor, has shifted host and spread almost globally several decades ago. This pest is generally considered to be the main global threat to Western honey bees, Apis mellifera, although the damages it causes are not equivalent in all its new host’s populations. Due to the high virulence of this parasite and the viruses it vectors, beekeepers generally rely on acaricide treatments to keep their colonies alive. However, some populations of A. mellifera can survive without anthropogenic mite control, through the expression of diverse resistance and tolerance traits. Such surviving colonies are currently found throughout the globe, with the biggest populations being found in Sub- Saharan Africa and Latin America. Recently, genetic differences between mite populations infesting surviving and treated A. mellifera colonies in Europe were found, suggesting that adaptations of honey bees drive mite evolution. Yet, the prevalence of such co-evolutionary adaptations in other invasive populations of V. destructor remain unknown. Using the previous data from Europe and novel genetic data from V. destructor populations in South America and Africa, we here investigated whether mites display signs of adaptations to different host populations of diverse origins and undergoing differing management. Our results show that, contrary to the differences previously documented in Europe, mites infesting treated and untreated honey bee populations in Africa and South America are genetically similar. However, strong levels of genetic differentiation were found when comparing mites across continents, suggesting ongoing allopatric speciation despite a recent spread from genetically homogenous lineages. This study provides novel insights into the co-evolution of V. destructor and A. mellifera, and confirms that these species are ideal to investigate coevolution in newly established host- parasite systems.Agencia Nacional de Investigación e InnovaciónPrograma ECOS-Su

    Genetic diversification of an invasive honey bee ectoparasite across sympatric and allopatric host populations.

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    Invasive parasites are major threats to biodiversity. The honey bee ectoparasite, Varroa destructor, has shifted host and spread almost globally several decades ago. This pest is generally considered to be the main global threat to Western honey bees, Apis mellifera, although the damages it causes are not equivalent in all its new host's populations. Due to the high virulence of this parasite and the viruses it vectors, beekeepers generally rely on acaricide treatments to keep their colonies alive. However, some populations of A. mellifera can survive without anthropogenic mite control, through the expression of diverse resistance and tolerance traits. Such surviving colonies are currently found throughout the globe, with the biggest populations being found in Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. Recently, genetic differences between mite populations infesting surviving and treated A. mellifera colonies in Europe were found, suggesting that adaptations of honey bees drive mite evolution. Yet, the prevalence of such co-evolutionary adaptations in other invasive populations of V. destructor remain unknown. Using the previous data from Europe and novel genetic data from V. destructor populations in South America and Africa, we here investigated whether mites display signs of adaptations to different host populations of diverse origins and undergoing differing management. Our results show that, contrary to the differences previously documented in Europe, mites infesting treated and untreated honey bee populations in Africa and South America are genetically similar. However, strong levels of genetic differentiation were found when comparing mites across continents, suggesting ongoing allopatric speciation despite a recent spread from genetically homogenous lineages. This study provides novel insights into the co-evolution of V. destructor and A. mellifera, and confirms that these species are ideal to investigate coevolution in newly established host-parasite systems

    Varroa destructor: A Complex Parasite, Crippling Honey Bees Worldwide

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    The parasitic mite, Varroa destructor, has shaken the beekeeping and pollination industries since its spread from its native host, the Asian honey bee (Apis cerana), to the naive European honey bee (Apis mellifera) used commercially for pollination and honey production around the globe. Varroa is the greatest threat to honey bee health. Worrying observations include increasing acaricide resistance in the varroa population and sinking economic treatment thresholds, suggesting that the mites or their vectored viruses are becoming more virulent. Highly infested weak colonies facilitate mite dispersal and disease transmission to stronger and healthier colonies. Here, we review recent developments in the biology, pathology, and management of varroa, and integrate older knowledge that is less well known

    Evaluation of Suppressed Mite Reproduction (SMR) Reveals Potential for Varroa Resistance in European Honey Bees (Apis melliferaL.)

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    Simple Summary The miteVarroa destructorrepresents a great threat to honey bees and the beekeeping industry. The opportunity to select and breed honey bees that are naturally able to fight the mite stands a sustainable solution. This can be achieved by evaluation of the failure of mite reproduction (SMR, suppressed mite reproduction). We conducted a large European experiment to assess the SMR trait in different populations of honey bees spread over 13 different countries, and representing different honey bee populations. The first goal was to standardize and validate the SMR evaluation method, and then to compare the SMR trait between the different populations. Our results indicate that it is necessary to examine at least 35 brood cells infested by a single mite to reliably estimate the SMR score of any given colony. Several colonies from our dataset display high SMR scores, indicating that this trait is present within the European honey bee populations. No major differences could be identified between countries for a given population, or between populations in different countries. This study shows the potential to increase selection efforts to breedV. destructorhoney bee resistant populations. In the fight against theVarroa destructormite, selective breeding of honey bee (Apis melliferaL.) populations that are resistant to the parasitic mite stands as a sustainable solution. Selection initiatives indicate that using the suppressed mite reproduction (SMR) trait as a selection criterion is a suitable tool to breed such resistant bee populations. We conducted a large European experiment to evaluate the SMR trait in different populations of honey bees spread over 13 different countries, and representing different honey bee genotypes with their local mite parasites. The first goal was to standardize and validate the SMR evaluation method, and then to compare the SMR trait between the different populations. Simulation results indicate that it is necessary to examine at least 35 single-infested cells to reliably estimate the SMR score of any given colony. Several colonies from our dataset display high SMR scores indicating that this trait is present within the European honey bee populations. The trait is highly variable between colonies and some countries, but no major differences could be identified between countries for a given genotype, or between genotypes in different countries. This study shows the potential to increase selective breeding efforts ofV. destructorresistant populations
